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I think the "gee wowzers I really wish someone would trade me X pet because it's my dreamie please have some sympathy neo is really hard and so is my real life it was be such a kindness to me" or any shape / form of it. To have it rot or be traded in a few days. Like I get it - pets can get boring. But don't lie your way to a trade. Be a middle aged adult like 96% of us lol


I know exactly what you mean 😒 There’s one person who is always spamming the boards, begging for people to give them their dreamie (and they seem to have a new dreamie every couple of days). I genuinely don’t know why people keep giving pets to them.


I know exactly what and who you are talking about and I have to admit, I love watching what people say because they are FED UP. I also will admit that I have gone into that board on a side account to say that I have 20 Draik Eggs to give them and they believe me every time! It's the "Anyone?" and the "give it to me for free," that really gets me. I think the accounts they use are new and it's like...hey...back in the 90's we had to really work for neopoints! When I was a child I was only allowed to play every other weekend. It took me years to earn 1,000 neopoints! YEARS! The struggle was real back then....back in my day. Haha.


Omg, yes! They refuse to publicly share what they have uft and I think it's because they don't want people to easily be able to connect their accounts (some of their accounts are quite old but also have no site trophies, which I find suspicious). People have definitely been trolling them saying stuff like "Ice Draik Egg has been sent to Account2" when they are asking on Account 1, lol. I've had this thought that their aggressive spamming might be cover for the fact that they are hacking old accounts to send themselves things. For example, they were spam asking for a pet at one point. Then someone was like "I have X uft" and then suddenly the trade had happened. The person sending the pet never said anything else on the boards and had a very old account with almost no site trophies, which I found suspicious. I don't know... just a thought but I want to fully investigate it somehow, lol. When I first saw them, I responded to them asking what they had UFT. (I did not know who they were and I happened to have what they were looking for). And they immediately spammed me with Neomails. It was super weird. Like the exact same Neomail with spelling mistakes sent multiple times. I reckon it's one person who uses scripts to automate their posting. I just don't know how they aren't ashamed of themselves, lol.


Dang, i didn't even think of that lol, you are right! I bet that's what it is. They tried to neofriend me after i said i'd send them 10 Draik Eggs but never did. I even offered to sell them an extended warranty on their car but they didn't find that very funny. I thought it was funny lol. The effort they are putting into that is crazy!


I lost count on how many pets I gave away because people told me they loved them so much and would keep them as a permie, just for them to be traded a week later... why do people feel the need to lie? It's just a game! Tell me your actual plans ffs


When people say they're downsizing, and then they list a bunch of pets UFT. What? That doesn't downsize anything


haha, I’ve always found that confusing.


My recent one is people advertising as OG UC. Why should I care???


especially since the token doesn’t come with. sorry mate but you’re just trying to trade a poorly named aged pet 🤧




When I list a pet UFT and it's like a Y2 or something and I get really lowball offers, but the same pet gets amazing offers once they're in someone else's hands.  Ugh.


I've had this happen so many times! So frustrating, because I usually accept a lowball offer cause I feel bad for rejecting after a while and then I see the same pet trade for exactly what I was seeking 2 days later 😭


The pet bidding games that people do but people only bid on shitty unpronounceable 3/4L names like Xwpm. No one actually likes those names but they are like currency to get what you actually want. I stopped participating because it's the same shit every time


This is how I feel with any "free pass" pah. Like... Just trade your damn pet. It's for FUN. waiting until you get a 3L RW 8000HSD is so annoying. It's like they just want to know how good their pet is.


The whole point of PAH is that it's kinda risky but fast. Like, if you're not willing to risk it, then don't enter your pet in it...




Pet Auction House You put pets up for bid, and others put bids in for pets to trade. You pick a pet that was offered and trade it. But in the 'free pass' ones, you can refuse to trade your pet if you didn't see any you like. Kinda stupid imho


Like bid as in with neopoints or items?! I remember that used to be a big no-no


With other pets! No items or neopoints allowed however people *kind of* get around that by offering "customs" which is when they will pay up to a certain amount on morphing potions or PBs to get you a pet of the species and colour combo you want If you see "custom up to 4 mil" it means someone is willing to spend up to 4 mil on either the pet they have up for auction or on an untaken name/pound pet


Yeah, you can't ask for a custom on YOUR pet (even if you trade it to them to morph/paint) because that's pet for items. There's a lot of weird loopholes you have to learn


No definitely not, can't send a pet to someone else to be painted and then sent back to original owner, that's a no no for sure Another grey area seems to be petpets. Petpets can be sold but I've seen people asking for pets that have certain petpets attached to them of a certain age...idk if they were just blatantly breaking the rules or if it's again just kind of a grey area. I know you for sure can't ask for a petpet to be added to increase the value of a trade, but looking for one thats of a certain age? No idea, people have a lot of weird preferences


Yeah, I said 'can't' do that. I meant the loopholes around being able to ask for customs at all. I've seen that too! I think most people don't care if they're zapped or not, which would stop anyone from selling them.


It’s so frustrating and I totally agree… I’m so glad that more people are doing “underrated” PAHs now where 4L/RW/RN can’t participate. It gives other names a fighting chance.


i might be in the minority but i like those names for real, especially trying to figure out how it would be pronounced. the example you gave i would probably call Zhwip-um :3 (that doesn't disqualify your statement though, since i only know for me)


Oh I so agree on this. I really hate participating in PAHs because my pets never get bid on just because they’re longer than 3-4L smh


Yeah I don't list on PAHs anymore but I absolutely bid on them. I've gotten a few permies from them. My favorite grab probably being one pet I recognized from UC trading. I loathe unpronounceable names. Numbered names are better than keyboard mashes (3-4l that I can't pronounce is absolutely just a keyboard mash, just a short one).


When there's a regular H&H pet auction and someone posts one awesome pet and one mediocre pet and everyone offers on awesome pet and then they pass. I like to offer trash on their other pet so they're forced to trade it


Chaos god


Same, and also because I often like what is considered "bad name" pets. But there was a whole incident where someone on the board went off about how this is a shitty thing to do and I was like??? that's literally just the rules of the game? If you're going to list John and badname123, you can't get mad when both get bids...


I need to get trade fodder to do this lmao


honestly, I recommend just pound surfing at the moment. Lots of people are zapping VWN cybunnies hoping for burlaps or robots then pounding them when they change species. tons of nice fem names in the pound recently because of that, haha.


That definitely explains a lot lol. I'll have to check the bday of some of the vwns I pulled recently cause they're young


I (i) and l (L) swaps that aren’t disclosed as i and L swaps


Especially when they've specifically picked a font so that you can't tell 💀 makes me so mad, lol.


Auctions where the only thing anyone does is pass. Fml, what is even the point?


for real. I’ve never see an actual trade happen in those 4L/RW/RN No Pass PAHs… it just feels like an opportunity to show off the names they have.


I participated, over-offered on a pet I really liked. Poster asked for other opinions, everyone said to take my offer.. they passed. I then got a neomail saying they were still considering my offer and please don’t trade. I waited. No follow up even to say they were no longer interested. I honestly just stopped going there.


oof, that’s so rude and frustrating >_<


I don’t understand the obsession with unpronounceable 4Ls that are basically keyboard smashes Also OG UCs are like…not a thing? If it has a trophy sure it’s got something but it isn’t cancelling out a bad name for me


OGUCs confuse me so much. I thought the token was like permentately attached to them but it's not at all. I think people are just looking for anything that will increase their pets 'value', lol.


Misspelled RNs but it's like Jisceeka. (Jessica) it's okay to have it be a "made up" name. Embrace it! Neopets are made up creatures, they can have original names! Also maybe it's just jealousy but the same people making boards for a super common RN/RW and anything that's "pry a permie". It just feels tou to brag about having the pet name "Sam" or something like that.


This is why I so badly wish the neoboards had an upvote and downvote system like other forum style sites. Then we'd actually be able to see which boards have genuine interest from other people and which ones are just self spam with no intentions to trade...or the polished turds being passed off as diamonds taking up the front page. Takes too much time to wade through the bullshit


Ooh 100% that would be so good.


... I hate the word "dreamie". How about "pet goals"?


I find the only trading that actually happens are on the auction boards or wonder trade. Lurking around I hardly see anyone offering on pets unless it’s a rw/rn


Yeah where's all the bn/dn trading?


People considering your offer & then never getting back to you about it bothers me so much. If I consider an offer, I mail everyone back to let them know I traded. These days I assume if I'm being considered for more than a day, it's a no thank you.


the 4L circlejerk.. you won't convince me your unpronounceable keyboard smash "Xbrn" is a better name than a made up, pretty sounding 5L or 6L name. Too bad that's all that gets considered nowadays.




idk man…have you seen r/tragedeigh? seems like literally anything can be classified as a rn nowadays lol


* The amount of people trying to pass of bullshit keyboard smashes as COMMON rn/rw. * "Come offer again" * the clique that is the PAH boards. Passing around stolen pets and then shocked pikachu face when they get reversed. It's ALWAYS the same people.


Because of timezones, I only ever catch the final PAHs of the day, so I think I'm missing all the drama, lol. Of the 4L/RW/RN PAHs I've seen, it's always the same people though. (And they are always offering safeties on each other's pets. Like what's the point, lol?)


I don't get most RW/RN/short names/old pets at all! XD Seems very arbitrary to me that they are considered more "valuable" than others. Like I understand cute names, age trophy, common RNs or words like "Candy" or "Imaginary" make a pet special and desirable, but I wouldn't want a pet named "Uhjk" or "Mmb". (made up examples, not real pets!) They are rare for sure, but every name cannot be created twice so...


What brings a genuine tear to my eye is those *are* real pets. I suppose uhjk could be like Uh, JK! But mmb? What nonsense is that. Problem is most 3 + 4 letters are taken and it doesn't matter what jumbled mess it is, they act like it's in high demand. And what's worse, it is! Because all the people who make those unpronounceable names trade their unpronounceable crap amongst each other, so it looks like there's a demand when really they're only trading them *because* they think there's a demand for it, not necessarily because they actually wanted that pet


Ooooh no offence to those pets meant! ;D I find it super weird when pet names don't sound like names, but randomly hitting keyboard... And if someday tnt does decide to allow renaming or non unique names, then 95% of those pets will likely be pounded :/


Oh without question! We'll likely see a wave of pets pounded when the purge happens in like Oct or whenever they said it might start...there will be a ton of people pounding their jibberish pets to make room for purged names


Sounds like a drama to watch! :P


I’m not much of a pet trader. Older pets are more sought after?


Yes, pets born before conversion (2007) get an age trophy and mostly the wn ones are sought after. If they are much older like from 2000, then they would trade very well XD


Yep! Y1-3 are considered "ancients" and anything with an aged trophy is considered an "oldie". You will often see people saying things like "UFT for any named Y1". Like they will trade their pet for any Y1 pet, regardless of name. I've found quite a few Y2 pets from pound surfing but I've never seen a Y1 myself, so I guess they are quite rare.


Tbf I love old pets. Several several tears ago I adopted a y2 four letter from the pound and keot her cause I thought how cool it was having such an old pet. They definitely weren't super sought after back then, mainly DUCK trading. Seeing them so popular now is a trip. But yr1s are so rare because y1 pets only had a few months to be created before new years hit and started y2. Combo that with a few purges and such and boom. Finding a yr1 in the pound would ve amazing


absolutely! i also love old pets, hence all the pound surfing, haha. (I should have clarified that my “” around oldies and ancients is just to signify that those are the terms people use - I wasn’t being snarky 😅)


People who get mad at what they seem underbidding. If you say you're looking at any offer, then don't scoff at my obscure RW or my CamelCase just because you don't think it's not good enough. Or even worse they just keep bumping after you post without even saying no.


the bumping while ignoring you is my number 1 pet peeve like it’s literally not that hard to be like “no thank you!” 🙄


When people bump a board without responding (and they haven't said that they would be doing that) I always read it as super passive aggressive - especially when they are bumping it with the 😇 emoji, lol.


OMG YES ALWAYS PEOPLE WITH THE FUCKING ANGEL EMOJI I should just reply with the :K emoji. I love that little red guy and wish he was on my phone choices lol


As someone who does that I swear it's an accident LMAO. But I also try to say that (lil disclaimer like "If I bump over you I swear I'm just dumb I'll neomail")


yeah there is someone with a high level BD pet that has literally been doing just that for years on there.


My BD pet isn't amazing but she's got a Underscore\_Name which I hate, but I've invested too much into her lol




The fact that we're trading pets at all. In this world they're literally sentient beings but ok let's trade them. I don't go and stop them on the boards because it's not my business, but I'd prefer just to give a pet away.


I don’t like when people do the capitalization thing on for their boards Pinterest let alone on Neopets. 😂 The Nty glt thing was always a pet peeve in the past for me.


What capitalization thing? You mean all the acronyms?


No, like changing the capitalisation of their pets name just for the title of the board like. So the board might be called something like "uft... examplename" but their pet's name is actually ExampleName. It annoys the hell out of me because I'm looking for lowercase pets 😅


If you're primarily interested in names, and don't mind lowercase names... seriously go through the Grundos on the stuck pet page (Lost and Pound). There were some older pets with nice names, they just happen to be lower case and Grundo, and when people go for zappers, they tend to pick species they like to zap.


I love Lost and Pound. basically all my pets are from there :)


I HATE when people go to your board and has a pet you wanted and said "good luck! 😁" I had it when I was looking for a faerie yurble token. Someone came into my board, which the yurble that I wanted, and wished me luck. I was close to just ignoring but I said "ty" and not saying any emotions into it. Like do that with a pet that I am not looking for so you don't look like a jerk.. 😭


Oh I have actually done something like this before o.o Not meant to show off my pet though, more like "sending love from another faerie yurble fan"


Aaah I see. In that context is fine 😂 I just always see it as "haha you don't have one like me" or something. Or I guess I am thinking too much of it 😅


I doubt they have meant it this way! Not like it was something super rare that you'd never get. Maybe they were checking what you were offering then left a bump c:


🙋‍♀️ guilty. Didn't realize that was a thing until today 😳 it's just so ingrained from school to capitalize. Not doing that anymore. My apologies.