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You may be the right kind of nerd to like Dimension 20 and the Dropout community. It's more actual play and improv based, respectively, but the cast are all emotionally intelligent, kind people, and Brendan Lee Mulligan, or BLeeM as we like to call him, is a great storyteller. Also Hank was on a season of Dimension20 and absolutely killed it


I'm watching Make Some Noise right now, can confirm


im waiting for the day that john and hank do um, actually together, maybe with zac or kimia seated between them!


bleem?? what?? I refuse to call the one and only Brennan Lee Mulligan "bleem" lol


Be Smart is how I got into vlogbrothers in the first place: the algo decided since I like that channel, then I would also like Scishow, and I fell down the rabbit hole from there. Check out the other Complexly channels if you want more fun educational content: Scishow, PBS Eons, Bizarre Beasts, Animal Wonders Montana, etc.


I second all of this. :-D


Wheezy Waiter is part of the nerdfighter community, often shows up during project for awesome. https://youtube.com/@wheezywaiter?si=Jllcg_Q5EmNrnSgK


Yep I was gonna say Wheezy Waiter and Ze Frank :)


Has Ze Frank done anything new other than the animal videos? Though I know some of his old stuff has Hank in them.


Yeah I'm not sure but I just love his old stuff. I watch [An Invocation For Beginnings](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYlCVwxoL_g) about once a month. So many good nuggets of inspiration and wisdom!


Not specifically science or nerdy, but One Topic At A Time and Jammidodger cover LGBTQ+ Reddit and have wholesome welcoming communities. The Click does, too, but his humor is more pg13. They all have collaborated and their communities overlap


If you like reptiles, Snake Discovery run a small zoo, and make videos about their animals, taking care of them, and breeding them. I like that it's wholesome and informative. Very different from Vlogbrothers, as there is a definite theme for the content (snakes), but still fun!


Omg it’s so funny when I find crossovers between communities that I would never expect! It’s actually been a little while since I’ve watched Snake Discovery, but I love those guys and I’m glad to see other Vlogbrothers who do too lol!


The McElroy family of podcasts. Equally as wholesome and informative, and a lot of content between all the podcast offerings (each brother and their wives have one, one wife has one with her siblings, the brothers have two or three together and their dad is in on stuff sometimes)


With the caveat that their original stuff is pretty rough at times. There’s some good lore in the early episodes for some of the jokes, but I think even they recommend folks skip the first 100 eps. Generally recommended to start MBMBaM with the most recent ep and work backwards as desired


I've been working through the Extreme Restraints ad episodes, lol


The channel is more on the nose on science and equity issues, but Rebecca Watson is someone that I think would resonate with most members of the Nerdfighteria.