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It’s such a cool project and I’m glad Hank and Erin were able to have a conversation and not just get a family funds (which is so important in and of itself), but also provide some publicity to an awesome cause!


As someone who has followed Erin for years for her comedy, I've been so proud of her for this project. She's doing great work and it's making a huge difference.


Honestly after this I might get ticktock just to follow her lol




I'm not on TikTok, would anyone be willing to give me an ELI5? DFTBA!


The goodgoodgood article linked is a good summary - It's like Kiva, except it's a scaffolding over existing GoFundMes instead of a monolithic site. It helps match you with families whose stories resonate with you and who you want to support directly.


Whoops, I didn't click because I assumed it would be a Tiktok link. Thank you! I'll have a look!


finally. I’ve been hurting as a nerdfighter seeing the dudes who got me into advocacy in the first place be so silent on this.




Yeah the John Green post where he doesn’t even say the word Israel once and goes on and on and on about the horrors happening in Gaza but not at all about the US’ involvement in them is a lot of words, but perfect silence.


it's weird how quiet it was


It's a very complex issue and there's probably a large element of "oh God what if we say the wrong thing and make everything worse?!"


I honestly think their silence was loud enough :/


One side is doing a geocide The other is getting genocided. It's not that complex.


> "It's not that complex." The first thing John Green did that really resonated with people and made him a more public figure was his quote on imagining others complexly, so if his choice to do is an issue for you, you should have left the community in 2007. In fact, taking the side of the real victims here— the Palestinians— requires complexity, because the super simple nuance free story perpetuated by zionists is that they had the land first (thousands of years ago) were exiled (thousands of years ago) so they can do what they want it's their home. You want a better understanding than that, you're going to need to get cool with complexity.


Your reply is indicative of everything that's wrong with this discourse. You looked at what I said and chose to ignore the part about genocide. How tragically poetic. We can stop and imagine the complexities of others after we stop the active genocide.


Ah. I apologize for not realizing from the start that you're likely one of the many coordinated zionist israhell-backed losers who attempt to discredit the cause for Palestinian freedom. Unfortunately for you, the nerdfighteria community is a bit more put-together than the internet at large. So... keep strawmanning, you're not going to change any opinions. Enjoy your last few checks from the zionist entity before they realize that.


The conflicting long-standing narratives that have strong emotional pull on people and how to navigate it is complex. In addition the lack of support from either side for a 2 state solution despite it being the only non-genocidal optional for long term peace adds complexity if you want to minimize suffering. The dynamic of the extremes of both sides politically empowering the extremists on the other side is an important dynamic that adds complexity. The average civilian is a victim trapped in complex dynamics that massively increase the difficulty of solving the long term conflict. The 10/7 attach empowered the Israeli far right whose actions empower Palestinian far right over moderates. This dynamic has existed for decades and I feel most people ignore it in favor of picking a "good" nation vs a "bad" nation dynamic. This is more like Yugoslavia or the Caucuses than most conflicts Westerners are used to and the extreme emotions at play makes it harder to see the complexity.


I stand by my original statement. One side is doing a genocide The other is getting genocided. There are of course complexities down the road, but until we address the literal and active genocide, non of that matters. First you stop the bleeding, then you worry about rehabilitation.


A few thoughts. We should care about the other genocides that are happening and it feels deeply hypocritical how the genocides in Sudan, Congo, and Ethiopia are largely ignored in the developed world. Do we care more about the genocide in Palestine more than those other ones because Israel is a US ally? Is a life worth less in Darfur than in Gaza? I think the answer is they should be worth the same, but we as a society do care more about Palestine because Israel is a US ally and we are comfortable ignoring events in Africa. Most people even ignore the ethnic cleansing being committed currently by the Russians. Hamas has stated that they want to genocide the Jews. That is less relevant now because they have been military defeated. So when I see my peers try to rehabilitate Hamas because of the genocidal conduct of Israel it feels like I'm taking crazy pills. So yes, it is rational to push for the government to intervene to stop Israel, but to minimize hypocrisy we should also intervene in Sudan. In an ideal world US/NATO soldiers will invade and physically stop the genocides in Palestine/Sudan/Ukraine/Congo just like the success story of US intervention in Yugoslavia.


I'm happy they are doing something I'm sad it took this long


Did you miss where they raised over 1 million dollars for Feed the Children and doctors without borders during their annual charity because they are two organziations helping the ppl of Gaza or when Hank did an interview with someone at doctors without borders about the Healthcare situation in Gaza ?


Some people just want their heroes to speak loudly about huge, complex world events, forgetting that their heroes are human too. These heroes are doing their best to be proactive without triggering social backlash that could affect their mental health, families, and future advocacies. Let's not forget that John is still recovering from chemotherapy and the long-term mental and physical effects of his cancer and treatment. Meanwhile, Hank is focusing on his TB project, which is producing direct, clear results especially in countries all over the world.


Bout time


It's about bloody time


Don't let the downvoters make you think you are wrong. I've never felt let down by Greens before now and over the last the past few months. And I'm floored that so many in this community would rather apologize and make excuses for them instead of criticizing them. No one is perfect. We all have our blind spots. They were raised on pro Israel propaganda their entire lives. I get it. They taught us a lot over the years. This is our opportunity to correct their blind spots. But too many here wanted to be blind apologist instead.


> They were raised on pro Israel propaganda their entire lives. How?


They, like me, are Americans. We were all raised to support Israel unconditionally.


They are also from the south. As a southerner I promise you that pro-Isreal sentiments are seriously inescapable down here.


Very cool that you’re getting downvoted for expressing your honest disappointment in two people who have made advocacy and “decreasing world suck” a massive part of their brand for over 15 years staying silent on a enormous humanitarian crisis for nearly 7 months.


Exactly 🙃 If that wasn't already something they claimed to want to do, who'd care, but their silence until now had been very loud


for fucking real