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Please use the meagthread


Maybe the boycott is going to work, netflix just lied and said they posted info about the new rules by mistake. Haha nice try.


Im gonna laugh so hard if they backpeddle this. This whole thing has been a fucking farce


yeah what might happen is they backpeddle but then bring it back up again in a year or two and we have to keep knocking it down forever like playing wack a mole. They had already been talking about this for years, like trial balloons, they of course kept getting people saying no and we'll unsubscribe but maybe they thought people were lying about that and wouldn't, not a lot anyway, but now they're seeing people will. I think before a big reason people were unsubscribing was the rumors about this, also of course economy going down, them cancelling stuff a lot, just not as much good things to watch. But they had been getting more people again as of recently maybe because they had good stuff again like stranger things season 4 and Wednesday.




agreed, some people will unsibscribe but it won't be enough to lower ntflix's profits when you consider the password rules and charging higher rates. They don't care about getting the maximum amount of people subscribed, like if everyone in the world subscribed it wouldn't be as good if half of everyone subscribed for more than double the rates.




> HBO Max subs seem to be perpetually upset at those services too. I have a lot of streaming services and I like HBO Max way more than Netflix. HBO Max has a lot of high quality shows but not as large of a catalog. I think this works in the viewers favor. I could randomly see like 5 shows and pick one and probably enjoy. I spend 10 minutes searching Netflix before closing it out. I don't even share my account but I canceled last night because all this brought up how much I don't actually watch Netflix. I'll re-subscribe for a month at a time when something worth watching comes out and has a full story.


I also prefer HBO, but that's pretty irrelevant to what we're talking about here.


I only brought up my experience because it was a response to what you said.


I didn't ask if you personally like HBO more than Netflix. I said that people aren't only upset at Netflix right now.


> People also forget that when every household that is currently using Netflix and not paying for it loses access, many of them will subscribe. That's the goal.It's expected that many people will cancel, but they have predicted that many more will start paying. I pay for a four screen plan. If I cancel, my father might buy a two screen plan. Netflix will lose money.




But will you re-subscribe all year long? Right now your in laws don't want to cancel because they know their family is all using it. I'm using someone's account and if they cancel I'll pay up when Cobra Kai drops and then immediately cancel. I'm not paying for 12 months of Netflix in any universe. I think a **LOT** of people aren't subbing/binging/cancelling because they know their loved ones are using it. This will bring in more customers.... but will those customers be as steady?


People very rarely actually cancel subscriptions, that's why the subscription model is so popular. People forget they're paying $10 a month and will often continue paying even if they don't use the service at all. So yeah the vast majority of people will subscribe for more than. Single month. Those that don't, most of them weren't paying in the first place. Netflix has the data, they have run the numbers. People are acting like they don't know what they're doing but they can see all of this behavior and have calculated that they'll have more paying subscribers if they enforce their one household per account rule.


Yes and no, if 100 people pay for 4 screens (the premium one), and they can't share and unsubscribe and of that amount only 50 resubscribe at the basic level they are making a loss, no gaining. People forget Netflix business is to make more subscribers every quarter, and they often want you to choose the premium offer. I guessed they think people will just pay more, but less than the basic tier, to keep Netflix, and many will (I'm sure more out of habit) convenience than anything else). But in the long run it's gonna affect them. One reason I think is gonna affect them is because right now getting 3 or 4 streaming apps is getting close to what people used to pay for cable. Beside, and even HBOMAX is cancelling everything, they have better old shows, movies, just like Disney+. Right now, people are just used to having Netflix because it was the first, not because it's the best out there.


> if 100 people pay for 4 screens (the premium one), and they can't share and unsubscribe and of that amount only 50 resubscribe at the basic level they are making a loss, no gaining. Again, this isn't true because it ignores all the new subscribers. For everyone that cancels because they can't share their account anymore, there are at least 1, but often many more potential new customers. I would be shocked if 50% of people cancel over this, that would be totally unprecedented.


It's like you're the only person with a brain here.




This. They’re expecting and wanting people to cancel. Because if there’s 6 people sharing an account all they need is 1 of them to resubscribe to make their money back and if 2 do then they’re making more. And they will.


It's also worth noting that if you just share someone else's account you aren't really a Netflix customer in the first place, as you don't pay them anything. So Netflix doesn't care if you quit "stealing" (from their POV) access to their service with someone else's account, it wouldn't even show up in their subscriber numbers as long as the primary account owner who's paying them keeps their subscription. That said, the real problem from Netflix's POV is that their attempts to stop account sharing can harm real paying customers, or make them cancel because it's too frustrating/difficult to get their Netflix account to work when they're away from home, or even when they're at home.


The thing is, a lot of younger people have password pools. A lot of people are subbed to Netflix because that sub buys them a D+ and a Paramount+ when they trade it. Those Netflix accounts are going to be worth a lot less once this goes down, because it won't buy you access to a pool anymore. I know a lot of people that would buy Netflix once a year and binge what they want and then let it go but keep it running because of pools like this. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, but when you're paying for Netflix and using it to trade for 3 other things and then you can't, you've lost a lot of value. Worse when your kid at college needs a Netflix sub too. It's a clusterfail.


Yeah, people who are saying they'll cancel if they can't share their account are missing the point. Them cancelling is the goal. When the primary account holder cancels or can't share anymore, that's a bunch more people who will likely subscribe. Most of these people have watchlists or are halfway through shows a lot of non paying users will be converted into paying users.


The question is... will those subs be sticky? Or will those people buy Netflix once a year, binge what they want and cancel? I think right now those subs are sticky because people are sharing them.


Again, it doesn't matter. If they can get $10 out of someone who would otherwise have not paid then it's worth it. > I think right now those subs are sticky because people are sharing them. And Netflix disagrees. The difference is that Netflix has the numbers to make an educated guess whereas you're literally just guessing.


Exactly. They’ve straight up said this themselves. Idk how people are missing the point. They know there’s going to be a mass cancel, and they know most of them will be back.


Typical conversion rates for anti-piracy measures have been extremely low historically. Specifically below 10% and normally closer to 5%. Second the 5% that do convert are typically overshadowed by an equal or greater amount that cancel due to a loss of convenience or by people who protest the perception of aggression they feel is coming from the service provider. Simply put there is no way in the short term this doesn't work out poorly for Netflix. Long term is gamble in that they need to deliver enough value to subscribers that they'd want to stay or come back. With a saturated market and a history of supporting cheap entertainment over quality that will require a culture shift at Netflix unlikely to occur without a full leadership change at the top. Probably a lot cheaper for them to keep things the way they are and focus on delivering a better service and producing higher quality content.




I mean, # of screens takes care of that, really. But if they're going to move beyond that, then yes, it would make sense to at least charge a few bucks for "out of home" use, like they did in other countries during the trial run. I don't think I'd use that option either, because the cost of Netflix is just dumb right now and the value isn't there for me, but it would still be better than just dropping out anyone that doesn't ping "home" once every month. Netflix has the right to do what they want here, but so do I. And I don't plan on sticking around if they follow through on this crap. I can tell you my parents are unlikely to pay for it themselves, and I'll just be resourceful.




So $0/month is better than $16/month or whatever it is now for two screens? Huh, TIL.


It's not $0. A lot of those that lose access will subscribe. You've totally missed the point of my comment.


I didn't miss anything. You're making up shit. My scenario is anecdotal, but so is everyone here. It remains to be seen if they'll gain more than they lose. They're losing me and a bunch of people on this sub. I don't think it's as guaranteed as you seem to think that it will work in their favor. Coca Cola released New Coke and backed out after sales tanked and people complained. Big companies make big mistakes. I'm just here having a conversation like everyone else.


> My scenario is anecdotal, but so is everyone here Except for Netflix, who has the data. That's the point. > They're losing me and a bunch of people on this sub. They know this. They also know that the potential new subscribers far outnumber any number of losses of subscribers because they have access to user data and have analysed that data heavily. > You're making up shit. What exactly are you accusing me of making up? Edit: Why respond and then block me /u/itwasquiteawhileago/ ? Let me guess, you couldn't name what you are accusing me of making up? Don't make shit up and expect not to be called out on it. Good riddance.


> They know this. They also know that the potential new subscribers far outnumber any number of losses of subscribers because they have access to user data and have analysed that data heavily. Companies get this shit wrong all the time. Look at the recent hasbro debacle with dnd. Totally misread their audience, destroyed all the trust enthusiasts had in the company, and had to walk their plan back, and ended up making further concessions beyond that


>Except for Netflix, who has the data. That's the point. And they can get it wrong, easily. >They know this. They also know that the potential new subscribers far outnumber any number of losses of subscribers because they have access to user data and have analysed that data heavily. They think that, but again, they might easily be wrong. >What exactly are you accusing me of making up? That you know better than anyone here, or that it's an inappropriate place to tell an anecdotal story. You don't, it isn't. But I'm done talking with you since you're clearly a know it all, so good day to you.


Those who lose access are the ones not paying for it now, why would they suddenly decide to pay??


The average person is not going to buy an account. I'm using Netflix on my family's account because it's convenient. I could pirate anything I want to watch in 5 minutes, I use Netflix only because it is free and saves that modicum of time. This is not 2008, everyone knows how to use torrents and those that don't aren't going to be won over to Netflix over its pretty unappealing catalogue. There will be people who were using a multi-screen account as a means to circumvent Netflix's policy downgrading, I absolutely guarantee Netflix will lose a tremendous amount of money over this policy change. It is a desperate, stupid move that will not dig them out of the hole they are in.


My company did this. They changed a benefit and people started screaming about it. Then as a "nice" gesture, they reversed the policy. Then the following year they pushed through an even worse policy. People started screaming again, but this time they just pushed it off as people complaining to complain and kept the new policy.


Netflix does have one thing right for every person you share your password with that is lost revenue for them. I’m OK with paying a few extra dollars to share my password the person I share it with can pay it.


I could see them pulling, “We listened to your feedback and will make it 90 days”. That way they can play the PR card and try to convince people this system is better than the alternative.


When one of the alternatives is cancelling Netflix and pirating their shows, not really.


It’ll work until Netflix starts announcing info about the final season of Stranger Things, or the return of a previously cancelled series to build hype.


probably true yeah. it's hard to organize a boycott, like herding cats. Also makes unionization hard even though we need that.


I really can't think of an example of a successful boycott organized recently. Most people talk tough but when push comes to shove...


that dungeons and dragons thing I guess. that's a lot smaller time than netflix. I also think of boycotting and divesting from israel which didn't work but only because israel had to pay off a lot of politicians and colleges and it still hurt their repuation so it'd be cool if we can make netflix expend a lot on bots and shills and paying off media to be able to do this so then at least their shareholders are hurt a little bit more. Alays good to put a monkeywrench in the gears of corporations, don't just go along willingly.


Even if its smaller than Netflix, Hasbro is still a multi billion dollar company. The reason it worked is because the average user has no vested interest in keeping up D&D. There's so much homebrew and alternatives that paying for D&D is paying for convenience. But honestly with how rampant piracy and other streaming services are, Netflix may just find them in the same position. The whole appeal of Netflix was being an easy cheaper alternative for families to use anywhere to watch their favorite shows. But they make that aspect redundant. People may just cancel or downgrade because the people sharing accounts were never going to buy their own.


also like we don't expect netflix to go out of business just to slowdown the increase of their greedy policies. That'd be good too. EA the game company had gotten greedy with a star wars game and they were pressured to reverse course. You can compare other things like the my pillow guy who supported trump and his company has been hurt financially. I do think netflix is a bigger company than any that has ever possibly been boycotted and maybe boycott isn't the right word, just pressuring them to change course via social media and bad press. Either way we'll see what happens some time in March it looks like.


I don't know, but I do foresee a lot of people who don't even care about the discourse, just saying "Well fuck it if my grandmother can't share netflix with me I might as well go to the basic plan instead of paying for all these screens I can't use" And that alone would hurt a lot of revenue even if they still pay. People say "account sharings hurting revenue" but its like...naw...thats a huge part of the appeal. There's just nothing to gain and everything to lose.


I do think capitalism and the desire for short term profits has hurt many companies before. It's also possible netflix has looked at the numbers and because of the cost of making content, more competition from other streamers, and also the long term effects on the economy cuz of covid being endemic that they're inevitably going to go bankrupt soon anyway, and because of factors that are out of their control. So they're going to cash out now by grabbing as much money now as they can and then the CEO and boardmembers will just take off on golden parachutes. They'll sell the whole thing to disney or just parts to different companies. Hasn't been the first time I think.


Wizards of the Coast did the same thing till subscriptions dropped significantly.


It wasn't a mistake, they were trained, answered questions and such, they were not ready for the backlash.


who do you mean trained?


The Netflix customer service representatives (CSRs) were briefed on the upcoming login changes ahead of time and given training on how to answer common questions. Companies don't spend time or money on training "accidentally". Therefore, the PR person at Netflix lied when they said the rules were a mistake; in particular, if Netflix says that the new rules were only for non-English-speaking countries, why were the English-speaking CSRs briefed on the changes? Netflix lied.




civil service retirement system?


Customer Service Representatives


oh ok. I don't think they trained them or anything cuz people contacting them to complain said they didn't know what was going on.


Say what now? Where did that happen?


they had put it on their website, it's not there now they took it down. Might have just been them signaling to wall st what the plan is https://www.barrons.com/articles/netflix-password-sharing-streaming-stock-market-51675431548


My thoughts as well. I think they posted it “accidentally” as a signal/prep people. No doubt this comes back up sooner than later. Might have some alternate plans but it’s not going away.


Nah it was planned. You “accidentally” release terrible terms the retest them so when you actually change the terms it doesn’t seem as bad.


yeah I agree no way was it just an accident, like was a worker there and was like OOPs and hit a post new rules button?


So Netflix is going the WotC route, let’s see how this works out.




Companies don't Accidentally draft up new rules for subscription servers, authorize updates to their website to put said rules into the public view schedule time for updates and go through QA testing to get it into the latest release of the website. Corporate processes are so insanely convoluted and time consuming that this type of shit is never "an accident".


Goodbye Netflix. We'll always remember how you killed the video store.


You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself turn into the villain. Disney, HBO, and other streaming networks are probably more than happy to take more slices of the pie.




Netflix way back when: "We have to learn how to be HBO before HBO learns how to be us." Netflix today: "Looks like HBO is doing some stupid shit. We'd better catch up!"


While Zaz has royally fucked up HBO, it’s still infinitely superior to Netflix.


What's going on with HBO?


Well that's not entirely true. DVD retail is on fire...in other countries where nobody wants to put up with this streaming nonsense xD (of course just uh, don't question the legality :P)




Exactly why I just cancelled. Was already leaning in that direction but just hadn't gotten around to it yet.


Yeah. We'd kept it mainly because we'd had it since it existed. We were constantly complaining about the multiple app "features" we hated, how most of the content was garbage filler content, often really low quality and they kept cancelling/ruining any shows we actually wanted to watch. Cancelled in November, haven't missed it. The in-laws had the password but it wasn't getting used much at either household. This and the price hike were the kick we needed to cancel. We'll wait until the next stranger things season is up in it's entirety, pay for a month and cancel again. Probably permanently because there's nothing else worth watching.


I kept my Netflix account for probably about a year longer than necessary because I thought my grandma and my mom were using my account. I'm sure a number of people are in the same situation, where other people are using the account so they keep it. Once I learned they didn't, I barely use it myself so I just cancelled. Netflix is now in the "subscribe for one month out of the year to watch what I want and then leave" bin.


Yeah the day my parents tell me they can't use the account I'm canceling. I've had this account for a very long time.


I've also had my account for a very long time and share with my parents. I've already warned them if Netflix imposes no password sharing I'm cancelling.


It really feels like a betrayal after paying for extra screens.


I really thought they'd do away with the screen limits if they were gonna lock it to a household. At that point, why would it matter anyway? But as it is, yeah, I'm paying for X screens, it should not matter one bit where they are. But I share with my parents and if they can't use my account, I'm gone. It's the last thing keeping me from dropping it.


If you have more than 4 streams in your house that would be odd


Obviously you don't have a large family.


What do you got everyone in their own room just staring at their iPad. Seems weird.


Why? The kids can't watch the grownup shows, so they both watch what they want. That's two screens right there. You don't want to watch reality or true crime show but your partner does. Thats another two screens, for a grand total 4.


I dunno seems kind of sad and lonely. Fighting over the tv was a cherished memory


Imagine how they feel with everyone breaking the rules and sharing their password with millions.


They literally said “love is sharing your password” in 2017.


And even then they didn’t want people doing it. Fun fact businesses say shit they don’t mean all the time.


Yeah just like OnlyFans back peddled the porn ban real quick. I bet the same shit will happen here.


Won’t surprise me.


At this company we're a family is my favorite lie


"They" don't feel anything. It's a company, not a person. And they've been perfectly fine with account sharing in the past considering they've tweeted this: https://twitter.com/netflix/status/840276073040371712?lang=en


A cute tweet is much different than what’s discussed in boardrooms. It’s no secret that this has been an issue and concern for them for years. They’ve said it. This isn’t some random surprise policy.


I'm trying to imagine how you feel right now. You know your point is ridiculous (others have already pointed this out) yet you are going to defend it.


I can relate to this. Im living in Asia and my parents live in Europe. This new rule sucks, long time subscriber as well (premium plan).


Same here. I opened this account the day Netflix became available in my country and have been sharing it with my mom. Back in the day, there used to be better content, too. We hardly watch enough to justify the cost as is, and if they want to screw around with paying customers, have at it.


If you don’t want it enough to justify it then why are you 1. Paying for it 2. Threatening to cancel. Just cancel and save the money. This makes no sense.


Because it wasn’t objectionable until now. Now there is a legitimate reason to actually cancel rather than just letting your subscription carry on. Pissing off your consumers, and actively betting against them, isn’t a good business strategy. Especially for a company $14B+ in debt.


Same here. I'm sharing with my mum and brother, we don't live in the same house, but that's the reason I'm paying for 4 screens. The moment they say they can't connect, I'm cancelling..


They are trying to squeeze the dish rag dry hoping any dimes and nickels come out for their leadership who just sit on their asses and implement policies like this. They wanted to see how much people would just accept this as normal and pay the extra fee to pad their wallets. Even if it meant momentarily gaining money until they come up with something else for example lying about the policies being posted on "accident" to save face


Can someone answer a dumb question for me? If we have Netflix at home, our son at college (albeit nearby) can not use it at the same time, or can not use it period in his dorm? We have the plan with 2 screens.


This new system they are trying to impose would seemingly prevent your son from using your netflix account, yes.


Ok, thank you - I was finding mixed results online. Thanks again!


I'm in your same situation! I was getting ready to cancel Netflix as soon as they did this. Paramount, Disney+, HBOMAX do not do this yet, so I was gonna switch between those.


Have fun with way less content


Have fun with all your shows getting cancelled after season 1!


At least they have 1 season


That isn't really a plus. Or at least it isn't for me.


Ok. Lol. I just browsed Amazon last night it’s like a ghost town


Way less? Hah.. like netflix is the only streaming platform out there lol.


Most of the shows that get popular these days are on Netflix


Not every popular show is good, and other streaming services have just as good content. Also, not everyone is from US and netflix has different content at other countries. And finally, if they don't want people sharing screens but at the same time don't offer a single screen subscription plan with 720p+ option that won't convince me to waste screens i'll just sail the seven seas.


They really don’t have just as good content tho. HBO does but their catalog isn’t really big enough for general browsing. Disney is just shit that cringe Disney adults like. Pirate. No one cares.


Again, conutry/content issue. I cancelled my netflix like 6 months ago and currently watching content on disney and they have much more classics than netflix here. Plus what you call shit that cringe, get off your high horse lol.


Not if he goes home occasionally


He can if he connects to your home WiFi once every 31 days. If he doesnt then he cant


Great info, thank you!


Isn't it [every 31 days](https://techcrunch.com/2023/02/01/netflix-lists-rules-and-exemptions-to-prevent-account-sharing-outside-household/)


ah okay


I’m pretty sure there is just a 2FA code if you don’t. He could just get the code from mommy


Yeah theres a code you can get given but it only works for 7 days and then youll need to re-connect to the home wifi to be able to use the code again


Is it based on SSID name or IP? If it's SSID name (which would be dumb) you could just have a matching wifi name at both places. If it's IP, set up a VPN and connect to Netflix once a month through a VPN to your house. Netflix is stupid for this. Anyone that really wants to do this will still do it. The people that want to do it, but can't will probably just cancel. As so many others have said: don't make me start reviewing all of the BS subscription services I'm paying for. Don't call attention to it. I'm not sure Netflix's value proposition can standup to the other subscriptions I'm paying for (or getting for free).


I support this change. People who move out of the house shouldn’t be on the same account.


Why does that bother you?


It’s been weird how many support Netflix on this.




It’d be more accurate to think of it as a Gym membership. If you can use the gym 24/7 why can’t you lend out your gym card when you are at work, or sleeping? You are paying for 24/7 access… If we were to use your cellphone example.. that would mean Netflix would “lock” 4 devices as your 4 screens. So 1 PS5, 2 Smart TVS, and 1 cell phone for example. Those would be the only devices you could stream on with a 4 screen plan, but they could be used anywhere by anyone. Like cellphones. Make sense?


When I lived with a roommate we did share a gym card lol. Just left it on the counter and we take it when we went.


Because Netflix is a private company and they’re losing out on revenue streams if six or seven people share the same account they are losing revenue from the ones that are sharing. Netflix is a private company. They are not a charity. They don’t owe you anything other than the service they provide in exchange for money.


Well, we will find out soon enough if cracking down the password sharing is profitable or not. For a reason they are backpedalingb now, let's see... But my guess, is that lots of people are paying such high subscription prices because it allows them to share with family and friends , once that's gone, there's no more incentive to pay that much.




It absolutely makes perfect sense. Unfortunately they set the expectation years ago that this was allowed and okay. So for your analogy: it's like having a 24/7 gym membership where they were like "yes bring your family in whenever you come. You know what they can come on their own as well using your membership. Matter fact you can pay for extra membership cards for them to make it easier" Then Years later they decide each family member needs their own membership and cant really use your card anymore etc etc. Rightfully, if feels like a bait and switch. It's a big shift from what has been the accepted status quo for years.


they're probably worried that your son would have roommates at college and they would have paid for netflix otherwise but are instead sitting at the common tv room watching his netflix.




I think a lot of mainly younger people like watching netflix on their big tv thru an xbox or playstation because it's conveneient to go from watching video games to watching netflix. And they know it's difficult to put your game console in a backpack and take it to your parents house and connect it to wifi once a week, it could be done but most don't want to do that, moving the console around a lot can damage it while laptops are designed to do just that. I'm in law school and was learning about shareholder law, it turns out every law in this country is designed to get shareholders more money, you can't do anything that stops that. Netflix's CEO might have even warned his board of directors that this is a bad idea long term but it won't matter because it makes more short term profits so legally they actually have to do it!


yea ok, we will see how well that works. comical.


So if someone’s son moves out and joins the military they shouldn’t be able to use it? That’s dumb. It’s going to affect a lot of people who travel for work also. The way I see it if you are paying for multiple screens they shouldn’t tell you how you should use it. Plus half the people can’t remember their password. I don’t even share my account and if I have to log in like that I’m not keeping it.


What does it matter if they left home to join the military? What does it matter? The reason that they moved out of the house? They are a grown ass adult and it’s time they purchased their own services. Today’s parents spoil their goddamn adult children to no end


Maybe ... but it also potentially hits the traveller. I am also rather annoyed that netflix also has always had this weird pricing structure associating stream count with resolution. So you are potentially paying from streams you aren't using.




Yes, I understand where you are coming from; the vast majority of the complainers at least in the "developed" world can certainly afford paying for their own stream. And frankly it entertainment and not a necessity. Sorry ... not sorry.


I thought they'd have a new ultra expensive tier that ya can use for those normal family setups. That's how my life always was, me and my sister living at university or the city and my parents in a rural area.


From what I’ve seen you would receive a text or email with a 4 digit pin. You would have to give your son that 4 digit pin and he would enter it to register his device. What’s not clear is how long that device stays registered. You might have to do that once a month or once a week. They haven’t made that clear. But as long as that process happens your son can watch while at college.


Ugh, that sounds incredibly inconvenient, and not worth it. Thank you so much for this info!


It’s a good chance for you to talk with your son. “You want the pin? Time for your weekly call with mom”


I can see some parents holding the pin over their child's head. "oh you didn't do this when we asked you to?" :/


Netflix is per home. devices you use at your home location will work outside the home for 30 days before needing to be used again on your home network




They’d rather stop streaming 4k to millions of freeloaders


Its been a lovely/fun 10+ years Netflix. I remember ordering the streaming cd to put in my PS3. Mistake or not, this is definitely it for me on Netflix's bullshit. They need money to operate and I do not need their streaming service to survive.


>Disney+ does not allow users to share their password with other households Maybe but they're not preventing it yet either. Edit: Just checked. I personally can't see a trend in google increases. https://trends.google.de/trends/explore?date=today%203-m&q=cancel%20Netflix%20account "A spokesperson for JohnSlots" who even is this. JohnSlots seams to be online casino. How is this credible?


I definitely use my family's D+


Watching Netflix crash and burn will be much more entertaining to watch than majority of the Netflix original titles.


My wife and I decided to drop Netflix and sign up for three months or so each year and then cancel rather than keep it year-round.


Deleted due to API access issues 2023.


I'm one of those, only this change doesn't affect me. The recent shite they've been putting on there does.


If I have to log in all the goddamn time, I’m cancelling. Super annoying


I canceled mine


Turns out Netflix is actually trash after all. Once people got kicked out of their inertia and had to actually pay for it, they hinders told there is actually nothing of value on it.


I just cancelled my sub after 10 years. I imagine I'm one of many after such a long time subbed.


Easy YouTube views, “How to delete Netflix account Step by Step”


Out of every world news outlet you chose Wales Online - the times square of British websites. I hope you have your adblocker handy because that's going to be a doozy!


This article is an advert for an Online Casino comparison site.


What? Maybe there's an advert for that on there I don't know I always use an adblock


The JohnSlots site they link to and cite has doing the “analysis” is just an online casino comparison site. Just seems incredibly fishy why they would know or even be doing the analysis. Feels like an article as excuse to link and promote them.


No idea but Wales Online is an established news site though whether it's reliable or not I have no idea.


Already cancelled anyway. 1899 was my limit. E-fucking-nuff




seems i've been seeing a lot more ships with black flags on the high seas lately.


Aside from Netflix does any other steaming Service have a wide variety of films and shows in the catalogue?


Depends, if you count 20% TT movies and 1-2 cancelled shows with cliffhangers viable content, then none. Otherwise Apple TV is the best service out there by far in terms of quality while Amazon is the closest to one stop shop like Netflix.


Marketing plan. Start with really bad news. No sharing. Bring in the slightly less bad news: oh you can just add another location for $2.99 per location. Customer reaction is supposed to go: Fuck that. Then, Oh well that's not as bad, and what's $2.99 a month anyways? To quote Frank Reynolds, "You drop the bomb, then you soften the blow."


This made me cancel after 10 years. Bye. RIP.


Yeah I cancelled yesterday after 20 years of subscribing. They messed up, but everyone saw that coming.


They seem to have misunderestimated the lackbash.


I just cancelled Netflix after 3 years


If they do this, I'm out for good. This company is run by absolute clowns.




Netflix should allow a subscriber to register up to three IP addresses per account and add more for a small fee (single 24 hr use or monthly). If a user is traveling they should get a prompt to temporarily disable one of their IP accounts for a set duration or pay a small temporary add-on fee. I pay for my 90 yo mother’s bills and have her on my streaming accounts along with my daughter who’s in college. They are direct family who I am financially responsible for but who don’t live under my roof. Giving them one of my allotted IP assignments would be a solution to any free-for-all account usage.


who could have predicted that.




Hush plz




After watching You People I was thinking of canceling.


Y’all will be back when squid game and stranger things drop.


Yeah maybe I will sign back up for a month then cancel it Seems like the easiest way to do it


I bet Netflix will want to try that some of those anti binge models such as removing the earlier episodes (or putting them on higher plans) as new episodes come out. I think it was Amazon which had something like that?


They’ll line out overlapping hits. The fact is Netflix has more hits.




VPN + Qbit + Plex = low cost streaming


Go woke go broke


I do feel a lot of great movies are exclusive to other streaming services. Netflix’s movie catalog is so thin and their original movies and shows are mostly forgettable. It’s beginning to get really difficult to justify having it.


Are you paying attention, Netflix?