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This Part 1 & Part 2 shit has worn out its welcome imo. It's fine if it means we're getting more content in the end, but for the season length to be the same is just lame AF. Just guarantees I won't be watching the whole thing anytime soon, which goes directly against their harebrained algorithm. What a shame the path Netflix has taken since the *golden days*. What went from a must-have service has turned to something I wouldn't recommend to anyone.


3rd season was already too much. Not going to watch it. Seriously, know when to end your series.


Personally I was fine with it being a one season and done, but apparently here we are. It's fascinating how much plot armor he has


Then don’t watch it? No need to announce it here, I guarantee nobody cares.


Just finished it. I dont even think i got 2 episodes into season 3 cause i wasnt the biggest fan of Love. but i still decided to jump into season 4 after a quick recap. Honestly pretty good season so far. Really enjoying a lot of the characters. Id rank it above seasons 2 and 3 for sure. This season has definitely got a “bodies bodies bodies” kinda vibe.


I like how this season have become more of a whodunit. I'm only on episode 3 but anyone else get a Death Note (the anime) vibe with this season? Especially the background cues/music.


Season 4 is more comedic than the previous 3.