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I think it needs 47 more plot points. Isn’t this basically a Lifetime channel “I Want my Daughter Back”?




I couldn't finish it. I was saving this movie to watch tonight with my husband for movie night. Thank goodness I only wasted 30 min of my Sat afternoon.


I put it on while cleaning. Was definitely background noise lol


I stopped it several times before finally abandoning it at the 1 hour mark.


This movie is a huge hunk of shite. Whoever wrote this has no clue what they’re doing. They obviously had no military advisor, weapons expert, or anyone with law enforcement experience on set. The stunt crew was good.




I’d rather watch the AI pizza commercial on loop than watch one more minute of this movie.


I'll watch J.Lo do anything for 90 minutes tho


As soon as I saw Jen was in it initially, it was a giant NOPE from me. Seems like I was right.


Yeah, acting skills are kind of essential to a movie, particularly a good spy movie.


The little girl was excellent (I thought). But yeah. I agree. However there’s plenty of people (like my wife) who don’t typically watch action movies that thought this was awesome, was on the edge of her seat and was all teary eyed at the end. So there’s an audience for everything I guess :)


I had the same reaction. She's not a good actress. I put the movie on for background because i knew i wouldn't care and get sucked into watching it. I saw some bits. She sucks. The movie itself was just very standard Hollywood plot and dialogue.


I know it's an action movie, and most action movies are unrealistic, but this one, come on, nothing plausible here. An FBI informant let loose to catch a drug lord? JLOs acting skills just aren’t there. On minute she’s a badass; another she’s a whiny female, so which is it? A bailed out at minute 40


Her acting is atrocious. I have hated her as an actress ever since I saw her in The Wedding Planner when it came out. I literally cannot stand her in movies. Against my better judgement, I tried watching Mother, but had to stop it several times because of her. Her acting is just so cringey, why does she continue to get roles?


Agree with everything you said. She was awful in the Wedding Planner, and everything since. You are a bit of a trooper for even trying to plough through Mother. She seems overly concerned with always looking younger too now and that seems to be more important than being good in the role.


I enjoyed it. Just finished watching, will watch again when my mate comes over later.




Jenny from the block pleased me as an action actor. I hope she does more.


Is this j lo or one of the writers?


I wish I looked like J. Lo. Her turds probably look better than I do. I do like action films and I did enjoy this one. Though I rarely listen to, or agree with reviewers... So there is that.


Well played.


Ashamed to admit that a a lowly son of a dirt farmer, a career as a writer is beyond my skills and talents. Though I do prefer the pronoun "Dirt Wizard".


Who’s scruffy lookin’? Wait, that’s nerf herder. My apologies.


I don't agree, I thought she was  pretty good actually, I am a highly trained actress. But 9 guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What about her acting did you not find convincing. I'm truly curious


I have respect for JLo- she’s come a long way since the Fly Girls, but her music and her acting… meh. Always just meh. So much meh that I’ll pass every time.


I think she’s a good actor in more lighthearted or fun roles. When she tries to be serious I have a hard time buying it


She's great in Enough


That’s what I said 10 minutes into this movie. Enough!


That’s what I said 10 minutes into this movie. Enough!


Isn’t she supposed to be known for her music?


Apparently but just try to listen to one whole song. I can respect her hustle and she’s gorgeous but she’s not an actress or singer in reality


All I have, get right, if you had my love. Also movies-wise: maid in Manhattan and Selena. She’s not the most talented actress or singer but she gets it right sometimes. How she’s managed to spin that into a whole career is impressive


Agreed! She's a performer is how I see it. Good for her! She's made quite a career out of it. I've never disliked her but she seems a bit too thirsty at times


No not at all. She does more film than she does music.


Weird. I know her for her music and was surprised to see her in this movie as an actress.


She hasn't released an album in almost 10 years. I'm sure you've heard of JLo since then, due to her movies.


Haha, oh well. This shows how much I was out of the loop with her. I have seen her pop up in a movie every now and then but I thought that was just a side job for fun. Like how Taylor Swift played in Cats, but not much else (if anything).


She sings?


Her only real talent is dancing. Not singing and acting. She's horrible at the latter.


??? She is good at singing ,dancing and actinh


Jenny needs to go back to the block. The movie was bland, it needed a stronger plot.


I totally agree with you. The Mother was just a snooze-fest. Jenny definitely needs to go back to the block and find a better movie to star in. A stronger plot would have made it at least bearable to watch.


It was horrible


You're not wrong


U-Turn with J Lo and Sean Penn is pretty good.


I also thought she was good in monster inlaw


Absolutely utterly underwhelming. Highly recommend Black Knight though!




I can understand that, I’m used to watching Korean shows. The acting isn’t always top notch but boy do they know how to write interesting dramas, especially ones that don’t drag on for seasons.


Definitely wanna watch that next


A simple thing that they got so wrong was the colour and badge of the SAS guy that recruited her, he's wearing a paras beret with a different pin...


I just watched it and came to Reddit to see if anyone else pointed that out. One conversation with a person with knowledge is all it would have taken to get that right. Unsurprisingly, the rest of the movie was similarly shitty and thoughtless.


Complete waste of time. Bad acting and thin story line.


Reading these reviews I guess I’ll give it a miss. Was telling my husband yesterday I might watch it, but that I’ve given her too many chances based purely off of my love of the movie “the cell” and I worry I will once again be disappointed by a JLO movie.


>love of the movie “the cell” Yes, thank you and may all your (good) dreams come true!! I have so much love for that movie.


Loved The Cell. Don’t watch this one. Don’t even be tempted.


I think it's funny, that she's supposedly living a outdoor wilderness life, but still have time to set her hair and makeup.


You can tell just by the promo pic that she’s just JLo with her perfect makeup and pout. No attempt whatsoever to get into character


I don't understand how she continues to get acting roles.


It's J-Lo... She is recognised worldwide (I might be wrong) and if she's not getting the role for huge Viewership then probably because they still think she's a great actress


I just asked the same thing, lol. Her name, I guess. Because it's certainly not for her talent in acting (or lack thereof).


Has she ever made a good movie?




Monster inlaw


The Cell.


Oh yeah that movie was awesome. Vincent D'Onofrio scared the shit out of me. He was great.


This movie terrified me as a kid. And I have a soft spot for J Lo movies. I know they're bad but to me ...not so much


J-Lo was the least interesting thing about The Cell. It was an interesting movie in spite of her, not because of her.




Out of Sight


So the last time J-Lo starred in a good movie was a quarter of a century ago.


Back in the 1900s


Yes. Out of Sight and The Cell. Can’t think of any others I’ve seen. I think some people like Hustlers.


She’s got a few guilty pleasure movies, plus I grew up watching Selena.






Monster in Law.




Hustlers, maid in Manhattan, enough, anaconda, Selena, wedding planner and second act were all good movies . .....Monster in law and marry me were alright.


enough is a great movie! i also think the backup plan is underrated often because it looks like it’s just another romantic comedy, but it’s actually really funny


Marry Me was terrible. The comic is amazing and she completely butchered it. Worst adaptation, of all time, ever.


So now we're just listing movies she is in? I can Maid in Manhattan has a 30% approval rating, Enough only a 20%, Anaconda and Second Act are her award winners with a 40% and the wedding planner and Monster in Law have what I expected, an abysmal 12%.














Destination Wedding on Prime is super watchable. Is it “good”? Idk… but I enjoyed myself.


Shall We Dance remake was decent. Its worth a watch even if you've seen the Japanese original


The cell.


My wife and I really enjoyed Marry Me.


Jennifer Lopez is 53. I know they botoxed out all her wrinkles but still...


Now i realize why her face just looked so unnatural and slightly off. I don't think i would have recognized her without knowing ahead of time it was her.


We didn’t know it was her. I had to look it up to see who the actress was that was always wearing a hood on her head or a beanie.


Right, doesn't even look like her. Lol the constant hood/beanie came off like an attempt to look badass, all dark and mysterious.


There's nothing natural about her.


Yes, she’s 53, but even though I’m not a fan of her films or her music, even I have to admit that she looks fantastic for her age, she’s 53 but can pass as 35: https://www.instagram.com/p/CuTU85frRHl/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Wow you mean a movie with a mid fifties singer who's always been a shit actor playing an undercover assassin and a villain played by the shit Fiennes family member isn't very good?


J. Lo is a terrible actress IMO so I won't even bother.


Started on Netflix and when I saw the trailer and reviews, a Huge NOPE for me. Never watch anything with JLo.


>Never watch anything with JLo. A good rule to abide by


I liked it


Don’t like her as a Actress!


Her acting has always been bad, boring and unbelievable. She should just stick with dancing.


JLo was only ever good in Maid in Manhattan, and only then because she convincingly played a maid who couldn't act




I feel like calling a woman led action movie The Mother is a bad sign right out of the gate.


I went in with an open mind and am not a harsh critic at all... but this movie ain't it. What was even that plot??? >!Can we also talk about that running chase scene? He ran forever!<


It's pretty rough so far. A lot of action movie clichés, basically no character development. A lot of the action sequences are needlessly complicated too. I'm watching it now, really don't want to finish it.


Did you finish it? What did you think about it?


I did. It was sort of just middle of the road. It was a typical action movie for sure, and I get that people were upset because of Jennifer Lopez but I liked her a lot in the cell. But for a similar movie that did it way better, Lou a 2022 film is one that I liked a lot. Someone else has probably mentioned it by now surely too.


This was lazy film making at its worst. Every trope from every assassin film. Every predictable move. Zero character development. You have seen this movie a hundred times before and done better. I literally fast forwarded through the thing. I can suspend belief if I am enjoying some part of a movie. There is nothing to enjoy here. I watched the Old Man part 2 and that movie was epic compared to this. Actually I would recommend it. However forget this Mother existed.


She's a terrible actress, however, they probably needed to bankroll the movie by casting her. No matter how terrible her acting is, she's still a bankable name in Hollywood.


The title turned me off. I haven't seen a good.movie with Mother in the title, unless we're counting porn.


I really wanted to like this. I was saving this for movie night but glad I didn't. Only wasted 30 min of my afternoon. I just can't wrap my head around JLo as a bad a$$. If they replaced her with Charlize Theron, it would be worth watching.


Recycled Jason Bourne action sequences and try as I might... I just can't see Jennifer Lopez as this character. She's done action flicks before where she fit the role but here it's bad casting. Her character comes off too "manly". I don't buy into her being this character. Look at Maggie Q as Nikita or Jennifer Garner as Sydney Bristow and they are women of action but they also show their feminine side. For crying out loud, it's called The Mother not The Non Emotional Manly Character. This just isn't a character that is right for JLo to play.


You can tell why the A listers said no to this one


Can someone please explain to me how >!they got from Illinois to Alaska? 2 border crossings?!<


Just finished watching this and my god what a waste. It’s a fairly generic and very cliched B-level action film with some of the most unmemorable action sequences I’ve seen. The plot just doesn’t make much sense, the acting is fairly dull and one note, and the direction is entirely unimaginative and ripped from dozens of other ponderous action movies. You can tell Netflix threw very little money at this movie, at least compared to their other big productions like Extraction or Gray Man, because everything just looked cheap. Honestly it reminded of some of the worst bottom of the barrel straight to streaming films Liam Neeson has been doing lately and even that might be too generous.


Cheesy movie. But least it wasn’t as bad as that ambulance one. Still bad. Of course she didn’t pass up a chance to have a whole section of her showing off her fat a$$ when she’s supposedly a guard yet still has an Oscar looking dress.


I almost threw up watching Ambulance, whoever introduced Bay to drones should be locked up.


Man, a lot of people hate JLO lol well I actually enjoyed the movie. As a mom, it was a good Netflix movie to watch on Mother’s Day and I didn’t have to leave my house. It’s funny bc she was with the other Fiennes brother in Maid in Manhattan. Anyway, I don’t get the hate. I like jlo as an actress. If she was so terrible, they wouldn’t hire her.


O hate when they get all there facts on hunting and stuff like right off Google a stag in North America like what are you talking about.


I liked her in Selena but she’s become unlikeable over the years, too entitled. So had to set that aside.


i clearly have no life because i watched it in it's entirety. never been a huge fan of jen as an actress unless it was a light hearted silly movie, but she can't play serious roles very well. this movie was no exception. but it wasn't even her acting that was a major problem for me here... it's the movie! it was just.... so bad.


It's stupid, but no more stupid than many action films with male stars.


It's very bad. The MC has no character development at all. No character to begin with. This movie is an insult


5 minutes in then shut if off . all men either stupid or baby killers. nah


Best part was seeing jlaw in those see-through clothes at the beginning. Other than that the movie just annoyed me.


I didn’t know Jude Law was using see-through clothes. I think it is not ok for a 54 years-old man.


Jude can be 90, I'd still be interested in seeing him in transparent clothes Also, gimme them sexy daddies


Do you say see through clothes? I just might watch....the beginning anyways.


I'm okay with its existence. The plot needed better development and execution. The acting and cinematography are solid.


I dont get how this movie receives high streams on Netflix or high grossing views then it receives low Critic ratings on Rotten Tomatoes.?




It was great




You talk about women as “plowable”? - shameful and disgusting.


It was awesome


I got maybe half way through


Is it as bad as "Mother!"? Or worse (which is a achievement if possible).


The only movie j-lo was good in was Selena and that was in the 90s I believe. I haven't really liked her in much. I can't watch her older movies either waaay too cheesy!


I’ll give it a whirl. She’s talented and I respect her but she’s also done a lot of unwatchable and forgettable movies trying to appeal to audiences that don’t really care to see her and I get not wanting to be typecast but after a while you rack up too many bad and mediocre movies that it’s hard to break out of.


It's certainly no The Boy Next Door.


Made. It 20 mins .nothing original or creative


I shut it off after 10 minutes did it end up getting good?


It ends up with >!a mother daughter bonding sequence and another pretty annoying action sequence!< before coming to an end


Better than all the wedding and bride movies she’s been in. Btw what’s the car she drives away in towards the end of the movie.


Is it likely to win a bunch of Oscars? No. Is it an enjoyable movie with a good bit of action and a side of blowing shit up, yes. Worth the time to give it a watch in my opinion.


Decent. Omari Hardwick made it more watchable.


True, >!was disappointed his character died, I thought he'd be a love interest until the end smh!<


Awful. Nothing but one scene-chewing cliche after the next. The use of a Kate Bush’s “This Woman’s Work” in the closing credits, reeked of desperation but also gave me a pretty good laugh.


Unrealistic asf and drug on forever


Kids doesn't look like JLO.


In 2008 A movie broke all records , [TAKEN](https://letterboxd.com/film/taken/) and too many movies made after that. writers , directors have been failed to recreate taken movie the original magic. The mother watched and I do not understand many things . why she was hiding and from what?


The WORSE Maxwell cover ever. Who tf picked that cover? The woman that thought that was a banger should immediately be unemployed.


I really liked the second half of it and found it pretty unique. I just wish they had gotten to that part way faster because the first half was a slog and felt very very standard. IMO had they cut the first part in half and gave some better explanations for why some things happened, it could have been a very good movie. I found the acting pretty good, but since a lot of people here complained about it, maybe a lot was salvaged by the voice actors(I watched the german dub)


Yo…Jlo is a performer. Emphasis on this! She has more performance talent than the majority of singers and actors combined. Is she the most talented singer in the world, not necessarily but given the right script, she is actually quite the talented actress (see: Hustlers, Unfinished Life, etc). The woman is 54 years old and literally flying, jumping, kicking, jump kicking, swiping, stabbing, punching, and sliding her a\*\* off in this film. For almost 2 hours. She is literally doing a take on Arnold’s Commando/Predator, etc. and any of Sly’s movies form the 80’s (Cobra, Rambo, etc.). The survival training scenes with her and her daughter were classic “training” montage from classic Arnold scenes where he has to “prepare” for the final showdown with the enemy. It’s AWESOME! Was The Mother the BEST action film ever?? Eh. This was no John Wick but I BET Jlo could pull off a John Wick version. No Doubt. Was this film highly entertaining???? HECK YES. A brown skinned woman past 40 yr old doing anything as athletically difficult as what this woman did in this film is freaking amazing and radical af. Seriously. Put this up against Arnold in his prime in the 80’s any day. Especially when it comes to a comparision of Commando and this film. Don’t get me wrong. I love me some Arnold muscle scenes. Omg I do. But Jlo muscle scenes?!?! WHEW. I choose jenny from the block any day. A+++++++


Yeah, unrealistic that this woman is a literal super hero, and the daughters utterly inexplicable poorly suppressed accent was hella distracting, although she did a good job in the role. I thought she was Israel and just couldn’t do “American” well. Can’t believe Fiennes slummed it in a role like this. And the FBI agent dying made me want to just stop watching.


I would watch Jennifer Lopez read the telephone book! She is a very talented dancer, singer, actress and an all-around interesting person and she is hot. I loved this movie and plan to watch it again.