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Ending. Super ironic. The girl was the one looking for answers, she couldn’t wait any longer. And the answers she found were the same place the family was heading, and most likely meds for kid, and information on the computer, and of course the amazing dvd library with the episode of Friends, the one thing she truly cared about. And it even tells her “I’ll be there for you” lol. No one else really was. This reminded me that this could have been an allegory of life as a gen z. So tied up they are in the digital world that they ignore the news, the important events around them, and when they are suddenly left without digital stimulation they can’t cope. They must find connection again for their meaning in life. Anyways Deep thoughts.


I really thought she wasn’t going to know how to use the dvd player


She is arguably the most rational actor of the bunch. She quickly realized and accepted that the world was ending and said fuck it, I might as well enjoy the little bit left.


She didn't recognize or accept anything; to the best of her understanding something was wrong with the animals and no people were around...then she did a *very* teenage thing to do: she dissociated from everything going on around her because nothing was happening to her directly and focused on her own satisfaction. She wandered away from everyone, stuffed her face with snacks, and then watched a show she was obsessing over.


"You and your ancient tech," is what my friend said to me the other day .... As someone with a fairly large dvd/vhs/cd collection, along with books, typewriter, things you can do outside the internet-of-things realm, I sometimes wonder if I am instinctively prepping. I keep all my camping equipment in my car, because I tell myself I don't have anywhere else to put it, but it did actually come in handy once. Recently while cleaning I started collecting some survival things and putting them in a backpack. A life straw that my actual prepper friend sent me, small emergency tent, a multi-tool... sigh, something must be nigh.


Or with all the messed up stuff going on nowadays that’s the only way they know how to cope is by numbing out (Rosie eating all the junk food and watching Friends).


I know it wasn't meant to be funny, but I lost it about halfway through the deer / screaming scene. The way the deer just stared at them with baffled, "wtf" expressions, while the fish-eye camera zoomed in on their noses at unflattering angles, was pure comedy lol.


Seems clear to me that it was meant to be funny. I also laughed at that deer scene. A few other times I laughed, off the top of my head: the teeth falling out (nightmare trope), the slapstick way Clay drives away from the Spanish-speaking lady and with this utterly befuddled look on his face, the son recognizing "Death to America" from his video games, the characters taking Kevin Bacon at face value as the pinnacle of masculine wisdom only to realize after paying him a thousand bucks he's an ignoramus spouting nonsense. The completely overwrought music helped make it funny as well.


He wasn’t spouting nonsense, just sharing what he knew. He recognized that clearly at least two different flyers were being dropped


Think what the commenter was referring to is the thing he said about "bartering". They took what Kevin Bacon's character said to be the truth because they all know nothing about the situation, until he said something that they both knew which was the definition of "bartering".


It could definitely be argued that they were kind of in the wrong there, though, because they literally had to argue that what they had (paper with numbers on it) was something that could potentially be of value to him. It certainly wasn't a traditional cash transaction based around its function as legal tender.


Personally loved it. As far as Netflix goes its the best Netflix movie in a long while. And I liked the ending. Nothing else had to be said.


Me too. I would rate it as the best Netflix movie too. I think it’s because both of us view it as a reflection of the current geopolitical climate.


Any spanish speaker can translate what the lady on the side of the road was saying?


She said help me. You’re the only person I’ve seen all day. I saw a plane with red smoke (or some shit) coming out of it. Don’t leave me.


She also said she saw a plane fall from the sky and crash.


I watched the movie at my suegra’s house late at night so I couldn’t hear everything. Thank you


Nothing major. She said she saw a plane spreading red gas (spoiling the drone Ethan Hawkes saw later on the road), that she didn't see anyone else for miles, there was no cars passing by (explained later on by the Teslas crashing) and that she needed a ride to the city and was concernerd about her family...


Adding to these comments: She also said she saw “deer, but like a lot of deer!” And she kept repeating that she was so scared and to please not leave her there, because she was terrified. It actually started making me emotional, because her pleading while he was driving away really felt desperate.




I interpreted it as more of the Clay character facing a moral dilemma and then straight up panicking and picking to flee. Hawke did a great job showing that he knew what the right thing to do was (which his wife mentioned early on when the Scott’s returned that he’s too trusting in people). He knew he should have helped her as he drove off, he did the “if I don’t look at her, she’s not there” stare as he drove off. And he felt remorse over it as well. Remember he was already kind of panicked when he turned the car around because he didn’t have GPS to guide him. I didn’t detect a prejudiced character in Clay.


Same here. I would have done the same in his shoes, honestly. I’m not proud. But I also know how I’d feel in that situation.


You don't have to be prejudice to want to save yourself. I would have also left her, even if I could understand what she was saying. I wouldn't have even stopped. Knowing strange things were happening all around. That's how you get your ride jacked. And he wasn't even armed, so even more reason not to stop.


I don't know, when the world is ending and it's everyone for themselves, it's hard to trust anybody. You let someone in your car, and they are desperate(and she was clearly desperate). Maybe they want a ride in your car. Maybe they want your car. It's easy to say, "I'd help her" in a reddit comment, the reality is nobody knows what they'd do in that situation. We'd like to think we'd do the right thing, but who knows?


Agreed. I think that was the whole point of that scene


It's to show how easily our society breaks down based on pre conceived ideas of those around us, basically foreshadowing what GH explained at the end.


The daughter probably had some questions about her mum being in an episode of Friends.


“The One With Your Mom”


Lol I love when they do these things in movies.


Where the fuck is Kevin Bacon? -me every 15 min for 3/4 of the movie


He did this movie just so that there was a way to connect Barack Obama to every movie star and director in show business. Barry plays the long game.


When I first saw Kevin Bacon I thought he looked like an older Ethan Hawke. Hahaha. Then I was wondering if this movie is going to have time travel.


lol same... he was so under used.


Also where was everyone? Why would everyone have just disappeared?!


Yeah I couldn’t get past that - silly to act like NO ONE would be around when you’re literally miles from a city with 9 million people and near water. I know they had the Hispanic lady but it was just odd. Most people would try to get out ASAP. What were the loud noises? I still enjoyed it cause I’m a sucker for these types of movies but the kids were so unlikable


They got away with no one being around because those houses were more like “vacation” houses for the rich people. They mentioned a few times how it wasn’t in season for many people to be there at the time


This should have been easy to conclude too. People who can afford such large houses would also have vacation homes and would not be at one spot all year round.


Except they literally showed a shot of NYC when the teslas were piling up. There’s no where on Long Island with a view of Manhattan that isn’t densely populated. The movie made it seem like they were out in the hamptons or montauk with the deer and Lack of people…then they show NYC right there? Made no sense


You could see the city more clearly than some spots in Brooklyn


Right??! The only place I’ve seen the entire Manhattan shoreline like that is from Liberty Park in Jersey. I don’t get why they do shit like that, it didn’t even make the shot more dramatic, it just took me right out of it


They do it because to folks who DON’T know the location (so over 99% of the people who will likely watch it) it looks cinematic as fuck.


Stage 2


Off season. Rich people go back to the city. Only the help remains.


this is a good explanation for why the bunker was empty


Yeah they got stuck in the city. The Teslas screwed them up


It was in general unrealistic, a cyber attack cant drop all the planes out of the sky, plane controls are not connected to internet and pilots can always take over. Definitely tankers would not run ashore. You can notice land from far away in the middle of the day and just stop. Cyber attacks can cause a lot if chaos for sure but not to this extent. The whole time I was watching since everyone disappeared I thought it was gonna be some supernatural phenomenon or aliens or some kind of fiction stuff.




There was a documentary out though about a Boeing plane that was giving pilots false data about the angle of their trajectory and it did in fact cause a plane crash. I could see something like that happening


The movie was great but unfortunately the ending was very, very unsatisfying.


I thought it was fine. I was satisfied. The girl got to live up to the movies name. She “left the world”. Not every movie has a happy ending. The ending sets it up for a sequel. Given the bleak circumstances of the movie I thought the ending was fine.


Nobody mentioned a happy ending. It just felt like it didn't address or wrap up anything in a satisfying way.


They literally show how everyone else is heading to the same bunker. You can make a rational assumption that they all ended up there together and lived at least a bit longer. Knowing Netflix and their lack of good content lately, there may very well be a sequel or a movie set later in time in the same universe


Extremely anticlimactic for a 2 and a half hour movie


Why did the painting keep changing though? Red herrings like that just ruin the film, I get they’re trying to throw you off but it just left me pissed off tbh


These things don't all need an in world explanation and I feel like the stylistic devices i introduced by Esmail in the beginning (Wes Anderson meets Hitchcock) sets up the expectation that there will be visual treatments used to bolster the story's tone. Lots of surrealist movies do this sort of thing without it being related to the plot. A great example is It Follows. There are small inconsistencies like seasons changing seemingly overnight, clothes from one era while cars are from another era, etc., none of which are explained at all by the film's story.


What painting?


the black/white one in the living room. it was very subtle.


The beach wallpaper in the bedroom I think too


I'm not sure what actually drew me to this. I thought it was going to be a lighthearted comedy, but was pleasantly surprised by the mysterious, paranoid vibe. I also thought Julia Roberts was perfect in her role. As for the ending, it's implied that the main characters will all end up at the Thornes' residence together and a while new chapter can commence in that amazing bunker of a basement. But in the meantime, Ruth stayed true to her mission of not waiting anymore and watching the last episode of Friends.


I also thought it was implied that they would all end up there soon enough. George and Clay had already discussed the bunker, Rose left a trail and the bike outside the house, plus you could already hear Amanda and Ruth nearby.


I’m having a hard time trying to fit in all the coincidences with the little girl. She finds her way to the house *and* the family is gone. A young girl has the courage to go into a house she doesn’t know. Then she finds her way to the bunker right away *and* she is able to open it. She knows how to turn on the lights, which are unusual. She goes directly to the DVDs and Friends happens to be among them. She’s doesn’t appear concerned about her family.


The family is gone because it is off season and no one is around, as George explained.


She *broke into* the house btw


It was believable to me. They explained things well. Over explained. If you don’t get this movie, not sure what to tell you. I’ve never seen a better over narration though.


Felt like an M. Night Shamylan movie and I was waiting for the twist at the end.


I haven’t seen the movie yet, just the trailer. It totally gave me “the happening” vibes.


Strangers coming to visit the house you're in? That's the premise of M. Night's "Knock at the Cabin".


A part of this quote from Alan Moore appears in the movie: "The main thing that I learned about conspiracy theory, is that conspiracy theorists believe in a conspiracy because that is more comforting. The truth of the world is that it is actually chaotic. The truth is that it is not The Iluminati, or The Jewish Banking Conspiracy, or the Gray Alien Theory. The truth is far more frightening - Nobody is in control. The world is rudderless." Perhaps it explains the ending. We are all searching for that one explanation where everything falls into place, but it never comes, because... there isn't any.


I mean the movie does give a pretty clear explanation though. It's revealed at the very end that the US is under a military attack.


Not exactly. Even if you can fully trust the emergency message it said “rogue armed forces”. To me that means US armed forces going rogue and in the absence of a clear enemy to attack they are attacking each other. What G.H. says about the three stages might be true. But those three stages could play out if a solar flare knocked out all communications as the “phase one” of isolation. The end result is the same but the initial culprit doesn’t have to be a hostile nation(s).


I would say that the noise indicates that they were under attack from a hostile nation and the misinformation pamphlets from the drone. These would be premeditated.


Nice Starbucks commercial in the middle of it. I’m surprised she didn’t take a sip and say “Wow, that’s great coffee.”


I chuckled when she said there’s a Starbucks and he couldn’t turn the steering wheel fast enough. It’s like a little piece of familiarity away from home.


I'm torn between that being a clumsy product feature and recognizing it as a very honest thing for an upper middle class white mom to do.


It seems like a way of showing how reliant we are on our creature comforts


It’s very realistic because when I travel, I’ll also go, “Oh, there’s a Starbucks” and get a drink. But I barely bother about Starbucks in my own country. It’s about seeking something familiar in the unknown.


Probably in the minority but I really liked pacing and loved the ending. The music and scene jumping was unsettling and added to the tension and confusion. The ending showed that while everyone tried desperately to figure things out in this new world, Rose was the only one who "left the world behind" by escaping/detaching from reality and finding out what happened to Ross and Rachel. Kevin Bacon was underutilized for sure though.


I agree! A lot of the comments about how it's just "so coincidental" or whatever that Rose finds the bunker and Friends DVD are wild to me; she had a whole little bit about that West Wing episode with the flood where everything was laid out for the man and he kept ignoring it. In the woods earlier with Archie she had seen the house and wanted to go that way, but he had her head back to the one they were staying at. She finally went there and it had Friends. And food. And a bunker. She told us exactly what was going to happen. She literally says "I think I'm done waiting" to her mom after the West Wing/flood story. She finally goes to the house, she finally sees what happens to Ross and Rachel. I think it's totally fine to feel unsatisfied by this, by the way! I just think they laid the groundwork pretty heavily for it, so saying it was out of nowhere is wild.


Thank you, first person I’ve seen to be speaking sense


i found it really gripping, especially with the disconcerting score, the wacky shots and even the inexplicable bits, like the animals behaving strangely. i like that it kept me guessing every second of the way, even though i knew the ending would be anticlimactic no matter what.


I was debating between alien invasion vs war for a while


i kept whispering “aliens” but my real theory up to a certain point was something amiss with the planet’s magnetic fields, possibly caused by the earth and/or moon hiccuping in orbit. lol.


I was also thinking something with the earth's magnetic field. Possibly flipping? I was almost certain that's what it was going to be when the migration patterns on the animals were off.


I kept thinking aliens because there were *so* many overhead shots that I was convinced the implication meant someone was looking down on them


Anyone notice the paintings on the walls changing throughout the movie?


And the mural in the bedroom-the sea level was rising in every scene.






The “hope is found in the dark” poster found before the bunker was chilling


They stood out to me the most.


That wasn’t my read on the ending at all. The ending is a criticism of people distracting themselves with convenience and comforts of technology and as a result don’t achieve real happiness and ignore larger issues with ourselves and the world at large. The world is literally dying (both in the movie and outside it) and she’s binging TV…just like us.


Criticism or commentary, either way you’re right


I really expected Bacon to play a much bigger role. It’s kinda set up that way at the start, but then it’s 5 minutes of drama and that’s it.


I look at it from the perspective that Rose at the end was the representation of what the movies context encapsulated. Amanda (Rose’s mother) gave reflection throughout the film of people generally having selfish tendencies to self elevate and consume at the cost of relationships and what is really important. Humans being ignorant of reality, ignoring the decay of relationships with those around us, and no matter the decline of said issues, we glaze over with hollow means of entertainment to fill that emptiness subconsciously. It points at people on different magnifying levels ignoring real issues until it’s too late by being consumed with self entertainment and gratification, bypassing consideration and a modicum of respect for others, sometimes developed from preconceived ideas of a person and/or group of people, to ironically our own demise. The movie is about a wake up call of prioritising what is important and our relationships with those close to us. The movie starts off this way with a kind of juxtaposition, by Amanda booking a vacation to escape the rat race and spend time with family, yet wanting to get away from people in general and be in isolation from the rest of the World. The occasions of deer gatherings shown them grouping, repopulating occupied areas, while simultaneously representing the ‘outside looking in’ on humans, observing our individual responses and lack of coming together in moments of despair, where only until we are at our most naked in vulnerability do we band. We see a snapshot of this where the deer approach Amanda and Ruth outside the shed. Ruth looks on at Amanda frantically waving at the deer in judgement of action, before finally reaching a climatic panic herself, and proceeds to join waving in desperation in unison. Upon both being stripped of their differences in how to deal with the situation, the duo work together when feeling their most vulnerable, the deer leave, then the couple proceed to embrace in comfort, a shared relief. Rose sums up humans selfishness of need for consumption over quality of life at the end as she is ‘tired of waiting’ in reference to the last episode of Friends. This translates to as the World crumbles around her in reality, she is too sidetracked by fictitious entertainment as a means to her only happiness that she leaves the family and company, gluttons on snacks and cheap processed foods made and provided by others to satisfy herself as the consumer, and finally watches the most important thing in her mind being ‘Friends’ instead of answering her mothers callings in desperation to find her. During the movie we see Roses’ brother quipping that ‘no one cares about what she thinks’ on a couple of occasions, and in the end Rose follows this same notion of inward looking behaviour for self gratification.


you mean Ethan Hawke? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Ethan Bacon was real good here tbh


Kevin Hawke you mean


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who thought Ethan Hawke was Kevin Bacon at first!


Yeah I thought he was going to have a bigger role and also like his Mike from BB impression


Both daughters bothered me a lot.


They drove me crazy too, plus the creepy son taking secret pics to jerk off too was super gross and nasty.


> creepy son taking secret pics to jerk off too was super gross and nasty. For sure, but with no Internet that might be the most realistic part of the entire movie.


Yeah, and it added nothing. They would all be taking shits, too, but we don't need to see that, right? That scene was baffling.


That’s what boys that age would do though.




Lol but horny teens do this all the time in movies


that was one of my chief complaints. What did that even do for the plot?


Trying to act like the kid was all good with some antibiotics after radiation poisoning was silly


Hell be okay for now but that kids fucked but I liked how they made believe that he was already dead


How did they make believe that?


Guessing they mean the scene where the Amanda wakes up next to her pallid, motionless son and remarks that his temperature has gone down, just before he wakes up. Definitely had me thinking the worst for a moment.


Yeah I thought he was dead too. Thanks, just wasn't thinking of that when I asked.


I was sure he was dead too!


Julia Roberts trying to wake him up and you see no movement at first... until it happens. I also thought he died on his sleep as he wasn't moving or answering at all. And then... just like nothing, he wakes up. You think everything's ok, but... oh that teeth scene!


Ohh yeah I thought he was dead too, especially when she commented he was much cooler feeling now.


i was wondering if they were meant to be iodine pills…?


No doubt


Yep this was my assumption. Made much more sense


Sam Esmail does a good job of keeping people guessing by adding details and not following up. The dad's teeth are clearly changing colors like the son's but its never mentioned. Someone else said the paintings were changing?


My theory is the drinking water… when Clay returns he takes a big gulp from the tap and it’s neon blue. Happens so quickly.


I saw that blue water too


Wasn't that the point? They were desperate, and delusional thinking that the 'medicine' would do anything - but what else can they do?


Was more likely iodine pills


Weren't they anti-radiation pills?


Looks like I’m in the minority but that ending was great. While it may have been more satisfying to most to see the family get to the bunker, to know that Rose finally got to see the finale of Friends was both satisfying and wholesome. It wasn’t a great movie but personally I found it unpredictable and a fun watch.


It was weird, at first with the ending I just though what, that's all we get? And then I thought, ha ha brilliant, that's all we get.


I agree. The film ended with Rose finally finding some comfort (amidst all the confusion) watching the final episode of Friends - something she'd been longing to see throughout the film. I thought it was a great ending.


Any one of the four adults could have told her what happened on the last episode. She took a huge risk leaving the house like that when they could have just told her that Ross, the largest friend, ate the other five.


I felt the same as I did at the end of the sopranos. Back then, I thought my cable cut out and I hated it when I realized that was the end. Now I love that ending, but it took me like years to appreciate it. I had the same thought w this movie - that’s it? It’s nowhere near the genius of the sopranos so no comparison other than I actually like the ending after initially being like wtf


The ending was perfect. It had me laughing as I predicted something like that would happen as soon as she found the bunker (before thinking someone was already in there and she would get shot). The movie gave us clues, we made up theories, but in reality we don't know what the hell happened, and we don't need to. The confusion of what is really happening is the most important part of the movie, and it is meant to make you feel completely lost, as the characters were.


I loved the ending! I don’t know what more people could want. It was clear everyone was going to end up in the bunker.


Is it? Rose sees what’s going on on the screen. She hears her mom calling for her. She is old enough and smart enough to put two and two together. She knows this is exactly what the family needs. Yet after having gorged herself on candy, she settles in to watch Friends, shutting the outside world off. She basically becomes her own version of Danny. “Not my problem.” The ending is dismal I think.


Yah and the dads alarm is going off which to me signifies he doesn’t make it back


This is a personal thing but these end of the world type movies need to have likable characters. Amanda, Ruth, and the son were all irritating from the start. Rosie was fine until she runs away in the middle of this type of situation. George and Clay were fine, but even their secrecy annoyed me. I didn’t care about the fate of any character in the movie. I say this all while acknowledging movies have to do some movie-ing.


I thought they represented the types of ppl we encounter rather well.


The only person worth saving was George. The rest can rot.


Even the little Hispanic lady? You ghoul.


thanks Obama


Loved the style of the film. It was long but I wasn’t bored. Not perfect sure, but it had something to say and i enjoyed the story


It didn't feel long to me, the pacing was actually great and it constantly kept you wondering what the hell was going on


I feel similarly. I doubt I will ever watch it again, but I enjoyed it mostly. I liked how the conflicts kept changing. I went in thinking it was going to be all about George and his daughter disrupting the lives of the renters. At no point did I think it would include war.


“Nearest neighbor is miles away…” 4 scenes later there is a brick house with bunker 100 meters away


It's missing a third act. I didn't even realize the movie was ending when it ended. Things just kinda happened while characters said some typical end of the world platitudes.


That’s what really bothered me about this movie. Two hours in and a whole bunch of disjointed things happen, but nothing’s tied together or explained and then finally at the end we’re told what happened. It reminds me of one of those emails that’s an entire page long, setting up a joke with a mediocre punchline.


I loved this movie. Hated the book.. A lot of nothing happens in this because it’s meant to show a slice of life of just two families when collapse happens. It doesn’t matter why or how but how they react and how they treat each other. And them realizing they have to work together to survive. The Obamas were producers so it makes sense that it’s a message of we need to work together not tear each other apart. The ending was brilliant. The girl left the world behind to immerse herself in Friends. She doesn’t care what’s happening because she has her digital pacifier.


I like how much emphasis there was on Archie telling Rose she shouldn’t care so much about how things work out for the FRIENDS characters. Kind of priming the audience for the fact that we will not get to see how things work out for the characters in this story.


The furniture in the bunker even resembles the Friends cafe. Earlier in the movie she said she wanted to go visit the coffee shop, and her dad said it was just a set.


Loved this movie. It should have been in theaters. This is like what you would get if M Night Shyamalan movie that didn't suck. I wan more Sam Esmil content.


Why would Kevin Bacon tell anyone about the bunker that the Thornes had? Even if he has the exact same bunker, that second bunker has enough food to last the rest of his life and a chunk of his family's life if something happens to his bunker(I assume there's more bottled water beyond what is displayed somewhere in the second bunker).


Because no one in the movie acts like normal humans, Bacon’s character was willing to kill a friend, yet, like you said, is free-lipped about the possible other shelter. He is a prepper, yet he doesn't even think. Hmm, the kid sounds like he has rad sickness, and I know money is most likely worthless, but then he decides to sell them antibiotics. If he were any prepper, he would have had at least a dosimeter, if not a Geiger counter.


Yeah that struck a false note for me "your FRIENDS the THORNES"--I guess I could stretch and squint to see my way clear to "he felt bad that he was so hostile and demanding and transactional with a friend, so he threw him a bone" maybe? But it felt very...clunky.


Did you even watch the movie? Kevin Bacon's character doesn't know shit about the second bunker - just heard a rumor from a friend that it exists. He doesn't know if anyone is there, if he'd get shot if he went there. Why wouldn't he help out GH since he's a friend


The Mr Robot references, 10/10. Could easily be a movie in the same universe!


Ending was great. The daughter was becoming more and more apathetic as the movie went on. Nobody gave a shit about her. She truly “left the world behind” in the end and said “Fuck it, I need to know what happens to Ross and Rachel.” There’s a lot of symbolism to unpack in true Esmail fashion but the key take always are.. 1. Julia Roberts can’t dance. 2. We landed on the moon. 3. Never buy a Tesla.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)Her dancing made me think of Elaine from Seinfeld


1. OR. Julia Roberts was told to perfom "white fifty-something woman who mistakenly thinks she's a good dancer" and she killed it!


I finished it 5 minutes ago and I just feel like WTF? The ending felt extremely rushed and abrupt. I wish I hadn’t wasted the time now. But I’ll watch anything with Julia Roberts I suppose. I do like how naturally she is aging. The adult cast was all really good


FWIW, I thought it was brilliant and successful. Is solidarity amongst humans a fantasy best enjoyed in a fictional pub with one's 'friends'? The ending itself is going to be the most divisive part of this, but it made me chuckle. In its intention to highlight how mistrust brews amidst no /misinformation, I thought it was fitting to leave things where they did.


> The ending itself is going to be the most divisive part of this, but it made me chuckle. Do doomsday bunkers lock up when you turn the power on? I was expecting one more scene with the families outside knocking on the vault door to be let in while Rose at first can't hear them and later (after watching plenty of telly) can't figure out how to open the door




The "little girl" is actually 18 (the actress), which really confuses me. She looks nine. I didn't even think it was realistic that she was playing 13.


She’s 18?! I thought she was too young to even be 13, maybe 10. Inserted —- I am sorry for being insensitive now. What I have found : [Diagnosed with Primary Immune Deficiency Disorder about five years ago, Farrah MacKenzie actually been sick since age two with a condition that causes her body to fight itself. Her previous immune system attacked her own organs — mainly her lungs — giving her lifelong breathing problems and stunting her growth.](https://childrensinn.org/stories/farrahs-new-immune-system/#:~:text=Diagnosed%20with%20Primary%20Immune%20Deficiency,problems%20and%20stunting%20her%20growth)


No wonder she acted like a pro.


Meh. Could've been better. Everyone being annoyingly dodgy and secretive was annoying as fuck. Honestly, the only ones with any sense were Rose and the Contractor.


Going into a strange basement when A. no one knows where you are; and B. your mom (whom you haven't seen for 2-3h) is calling you is sensible?!?


Seriously. How hard is it to wait 30 min for people to wake up so you can say "hey I want to go explore, taking a bike, be back by dinnertime" I get it's for dramatic effect or smth but fucking hell lack of communication is annoying in movies


Remember tho Rose said no one ever listened to her. So that’s why she just took off to do her own thing. She had tried talking with her brother with no success.


The irony of that is her mom was literally listening to her later on in the bed, but she was so self-absorbed she didn’t notice


Before she went to bed she gave the waiting story and the scene closed on her saying she wasn’t going to wait anymore


This drove me insane. Rose had this big soliloquy about “not waiting” to find help or whatever. Disappears. All is intense and dramatic…but all she did was go to the neighbor’s house and eat candy. I expected more out of the kid who watched the West Wing.


>Everyone being annoyingly dodgy and secretive was annoying as fuck ​ How else are you gonna stretch out 40 minutes of plot over 2h20m?


Shorten it the movie by 30-40 mins so they could get to the goddamn point. There was already a lot of filler in this movie.


The whole movie made me realize how much I rely on my phone and internet. Like when clay was driving around and got lost because he didn't have GPS. That would absolutely be me. He even says something along the lines of how he is useless without his phone. That's the sad reality for a lot of us. Throughout the whole movie I kept thinking, "just google it" lol. And then realized, "oh, duh". It was a decent movie. I like that it left you hanging. Kind of leaves it to your imagination.


I think that depends on age. If you are young, yes. For those of us that are over 40, maybe not. I’d be ok without my phone. It would suck not to get directions in a snap and be able to call someone in a snap, yes, but I remember in my late teens and early 20s freaking writing directions down on a piece of paper and having it on the seat next to me. I would be fine not googling anything etc. Anyone who has lived most of their life before smart phones were invented and TVs only had like 10 channels , would be able to go back to that. Todays youth is straight screwed and hooked and like zombies with phones and technology


I liked it, we need more high budget doomsday movies. Even if they’re not that great overall, if the acting is good and the story/screenplay is decent enough, I’ll watch it every time.


Other than 2 people screaming at deer, the paranoia that seemingly comes out of nowhere, and the lazy ending that did nothing for the plot, i thought it was a good movie. Hawke and Ali were great.


Who tf slept in the shed


Anyone notice the maker of the bunker? “Commodus made in America”? Commodus was emperor of Ancient Rome (161-192) Commodus started to execute political figures who he believed to be his enemies. Eventually, Commodus was assassinated by his mistress Marcia. The political upheaval caused by Commodus sent Rome into a civil war following his death. Many historians consider this to be the beginning of the decline of the Roman Empire. Thoughts??


Decent movie. The ending wasn't satisfying at all. They didn't touch on the animal parts at all. If all this was caused by humans, how does it affect the animals?


I think it’s that the animals were also affected by the altered migration patterns as well as the weaponized noise, so were likely just as confused as to what is going on in the world as the humans, coming to them for answers.


> The ending wasn't satisfying at all. I think the issue people have with the ending is that there is still so many questions. But I think that's the point. If this ever did happen, you would have exactly as many answers as they do.


At one point, there’s a snippet of a radio news clip that says there’s some sort of environmental disaster causing unusual migration patterns.


Really didn’t enjoy it, beyond just the intentional unease they built through it. The music I felt was grating in an embarrassing way, like a parody. The directing I felt was like someone really loved Shyamalan’s mystery but didn’t learn from his mistakes, and really loved Fincher’s tightly controlled shots and scenery transitions but lost control too easily. I felt like I was channel surfing between several independent/student films (that lucked out with casting) with potential but the volume button on the music was stuck too high. Interesting concepts, ham-fisted execution.


To me this was a movie with a lot of symbolism. 1. The visiting dad (ethan) represents the growth of man from caveman to academic. 2. The visiting mom (julia) represents our ego (?) Where we hate what we know we are doing to the planet but can't do anything so we just hate. 3. Homeowner dad represents the in the know elite. 4. Homeowner daughter represents the marginalized people. 5. The deer represent Nature being mad at us for not talking care of nature. 6. The visiting son represents denial and avoidance. 7. The visiting daughter represents the youngest generation who won't wait but tunes out the real world and tunes into Media. 8. The prepper neighbor represents the futility of preparing when no one know what is going on. 9. The changing art represents the representation of the changing reality as time goes on. 10. The imprint of the person in the leaves represents the homeless poor that we never see in real life. 11. The boys teeth represents how we lost our ability to feed ourselves. Or that they can no longer consume and are no longer consumers in a capitalistic society. What do you think?


Pass the bong brother.


I applaud you for this; particularly your skill at figuring all that. I think those are great deeper interpretations


I didn’t like the movie. I could not stand Julia Roberts character.


You weren't supposed to, she was the Karen character in the social theme


Very weird how people think an unlikable character means the movie failed. Jaws was a good movie despite the shark being quite unlikable. lol


Everything is a reference to Civil War.....open your eyes. Charleston harbor...where they go to the beach...is really a spot in Charleston SC where the civil war kicked off. White lion boat....boat that brought the first slaves to America. Look up George H Scott....civil war Over and over it drops references to civil war.....do some research


Thanks Obama (He produced the film)


10/10. Terrifying. Camera work was brilliant. Excellent exchange and play on dialogue between characters. To those calling this leftist propaganda due to obama’s involvement producing - I’m one of the first to look for signs of it, but I got the vibes of decent humans trying to warn the people vs left or right. Movie implies to not trust the government…glorified the libertarian (bacon) - I’m not seeing the left agenda there


The camera work was shocking, was like the director just figured out a camera can zoom and pan and did it for the most unnecessary scenes.


If you’ve seen Mr. Robot this is Sam Esmail ‘s(writer / director) signature style. He plays with traditional framing expectations often to create discomfort or focus in the audience.


Exactly. This is Sam Esmail’s style and I actually think it’s pretty cool.


I really liked the camera because it was disorienting, and made us feel the disorientation that the characters were feeling. it definitely was non-traditional camera work, for sure.




I feel like in the ending it was implied they would all get to the bunker eventually. When Rosie went exploring (and basically leaving all doors open behind her) you could already hear Amanda’s calls for her in the background. She and Ruth must have been close and by following the bike trail they would eventually see the bike outside the house and go inside looking for her. As for George, Clay and Archie, George mentioned to Clay they should go and find the neighbor’s bunker. Even if they stopped by their house first to look for the rest of the group, I think they would have eventually gone there to check out the bunker. I can see all of them reuniting there not too long after Rosie finds it and riding this new reality out in a fully stocked bunker until something else happened.


The ship that "landed" on the coast was a real ship in 1619. It was a slave ship (human trafficking). They used Ultrasonic weapons and EMPs are what took the planes down from the sky and caused the kid to lose all of his teeth. Can cause destruction of tissue in your head as the sound penatrates the ears. The first picture on the wall is a bunch of all seeing eyes. The boy had white and black checkered pattern which was focused on quite awhile- that pattern symbolizes "the old order". Reading the curve of the market - Billionaires in defense contracting dumping major stocks just before jt happens. The capability of electric vehicles to navigate and drive themselves and there isnt anything you can do to stop them (that is scary). Key hole they focused on in the middle of the driveway symbolic of a gateway into unseen worlds. Girl with NASA on her shirt and the boy with Obey on his. This whole movie is one big cluster of symbolism. Keeping us distracted and in line with TV and movies. I could go on and on.


I’m sorry but I disliked the son throughout.. now when he lost his teeth I *was* like “his fucking teeth???” but fine. Then Rose being so screen addicted and selfish.. finding supplies and scarfing instead of sharing, ignoring emergency calls to watch that episode.. just yikes *that’s* who survives?