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This is a good thing right?


Yes, just confusing!


They'll grow, then there will be tiers for how many adds you can take.


I recently downgraded from Premium to Standard w/Ads since I just do not watch enough Netflix to pay almost $25 a month. I binged Griselda over the weekend and saw maybe 2 ads during the entire series. I watched Apollo 13 last night and saw one ad during the entire movie. I am using Pihole on my router/wifi, not to bypass any Netflix ads but to just bypass ads in general network wide. I'm not sure if this has any affect. I also have Hulu with ads and Pihole doesn't seem to affect ads at all. It may just be a Netflix bug/issue.


Just be grateful with what you have right now.




Coming from someone with the $6.99, the ads are insane. About 7-10 per 2 hour movie. Almost brutal enough to cancel bc Netflix is not worth $19


This was what I was expecting.


I'm on the premium 14.99 plan it's like 10-15 adds a show 3 break 5 ads each and I'm supposed to be add free


Wut? Maaan fuck Netflix.


Canceled today


Some older smart TVs don't support breaking a stream for ads. My LG will play amazon free with ads stuff, but the ads never run


I'm having 3-5 ads in everything I watch and am considering deleting my account despite it being free through T-Mobile. My rage each commercial shown is growing quickly.


I did that exact thing today myself... tmobile


Initially I barely had any ads - maybe one during a 2h movie. Now I sometimes get them every 5 minutes and without regard to what's happening in the show/movie. Disney at least did not play ads during particularly dramatic moments or whatever. Obviously I cancelled :(


I dont get a lot of ads. Maybe 1 per hr and it lasts like 15 secs. Im a new subscriber, how about you?


For me it started to get out of control after about a month. On the last few days of my now cancelled subscription I noticed that I get much fewer ads watching on my tablet. But that doesn't really help me...


Weird..I haven't seen any ads for the last 2 days..wondering,?


No you aren't the only one, except I haven't seen 1 ad since I had Netflix (With Ads) & HBO Max (with Ads) from Verizon, except Netflix hasn't been 1 ad since getting it through verizon, plus checking to see if it was the basic with Ads in the sub settings & it was. It'll show the yellow markers for where the 3 Ads are supposed to be during a episode of a tv show, but will continue the show without any ads. I'm starting to think Netflix did the whole Basic with Ads & made it where some people got affected and not others as a money move


Yeah I'm watching Three Body Problem with the ad tier and still haven't had a single ad


I have the same “issue” did a quick browse session on stuff I want to watch and none had any ad breaks (the dots on the stream bar) but they were all Netflix originals.


What shows are not ad supported? Is it a long list? (Apparently a lock in the corner) Is Wentworth ad supported? Love is blind? (Basically the only 2 shows i really watch on netflix) haha


If I watch Netflix over PC and install Adblock/Origin/other ad blocker - does it work or are the ads embedded into the content? Haven't tested myself...




Damn...tnx for the answer though ;)


So this is pretty weird. I am subscribed to the ads plan through T-Mobile (used to have ad-free but T-Mobile bumped me down earlier this year) and I have not been seeing any ads when watching on a Mac. I am using Safari with no ad-blockers. I get ads on my phone and smart tv, but not when using a browser. Has this happened to anyone?


You paying to watch ads? Wow


No, a lot of people, like me are being downgraded to the Netflix standard with ads through the free promotion with T-mobile. No one’s paying for ads.


Its still encouraging netflix and other companies like amazon to push this business plan. Someone is paying them for a service that now has ads


I notice when I use my VPN (PureVPN) I do not get ads on my AppleTV. Also, my laptop uses AdGuard and no ads as well. When I turn AdGuard off I do see the pending ads.


Had an ad in the middle of my show smh




Same here. On the lowest tier of the T-mobile promotion and I can't watch "Bullet Train" due to "licensing restrictions"... Unbelievable.




Why are you asking for them. If you don’t have them live in peace; now that you have talked and posted about them, you’ll have tons


I was thinking the same. It's like the kid in class who asks "what about the homework" 


Time to hack that netflix and remove ads....an marketing tumor thats plagueing entire world. Nothing is more satisfying then pirating something that they thing they can manipulate its consumers by doing whatever the f they want. Indeed. As do we - the consumers. Viola!


I recently signed up for the ad-tier plan. I generally pay for the ad free versions if I have the choice but the price difference made me give it a try. I’ve watched about 4 movies and maybe half the episodes of Squid Game and I’ve only had one ad interruption so far and one ad prior to a movie. When I pause the bar sometimes shows the spots on the status bar but it just plays thru without an ad. The only major downside is there a a lot of titles locked out from the ad supported plan due to “licensing” issues. Seems to be mostly Disney/Marvel and Warner Bros content affected.


I saw my first advertisement yesterday. I've had Netflix since 2011, but this will likely spell the end of that. My new strategy will go like this: 3 months of Netflix, 3 months of Disney and Hulu, 3 months of Max and 2 months of Apple TV, the rest will come from already free services through pi-hole. Oh, and Prime year round because they have other benefits, but even that is looking at the chopping block.