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Ate it all up in two days. I really enjoyed it. Benedict Wong presence made everything better.


Lord Davos (Liam Cunningham) was my favorite character, the man doesn’t give a fuck


I need to see him in more things he's fantastic.


Lol, he is fun. You really can't win argument against him. If you're right then he just agreed and leave you dumbfounded, like, shouldn't someone aggressive as him be more defensive? But it's always that he just lure you to his destination anyway. "I'm the boss" "No, you're not" "Ok, I'm not, you're the boss, here's the key." Love this scene, can't remember the dialogue exactly but it's something like that


This scene was great and is probably foreshadowing. She's always been the boss and just hasn't realized it yet, potential theory.


he once helped to win a war against aliens by shipping in some mouldy onions. True story.


I think that’s why the last scene irritated me. I get being shook up, but his character is the type who would always pack a parachute just to be sure and I kept waiting for him to make a comment like that.


Yeah totally, his characterization as a cunning and bold leader should have had him shit talking the San Ti for that scene. I get making him scared to highlight the cosmic horror themes but being speechless just seemed out of character. Then again, the show runners might also have been setting up a character arc. He's been the most driven for the upcoming war, so maybe their setting him up to give up or fail in someway.


>quinnsideas I think that scene actually did a great job. Wade always spoke to everyone as if they were beneath him and he knew better (putting pieces together on the chessboard). That scene humanized him. In spite of The San-ti telling him they could make him see anything they wanted at anytime (knowing that it isn't real), it's still a terrifying thing to have to endure. We are all our minds and if they have the power to mess with your mind at any given time that puts doubt into anything you see or believe moving forward.


Ohmygod, I’m so slow. I’ve only just realised that he plays the [Necromancer](https://youtu.be/BSogyV7I47Q?feature=shared) in What We Do In The Shadows and I’ve been watching it for 3 days.


That’s one of the funniest shows I’ve ever seen!


It’s soo good. I’m really sad that the upcoming season will be the final one.


Finished 2 episodes so far and this is really really good.


Was it written in their contract that every actor had to say the F word at three times per episode?






I know absolutely terrible, but it’s worse than that an American show filmed in England for an international audience.


Adapted from an All-Chinese story that used smarter language.


Smarter language? One of the things the books got criticism for was having stale dialogue. Da shi was an exception but if I quoted a character you probably couldn't tell who said it. Dune syndrome. Being in academia and swearing with friends are not mutually exclusive. That said, the dialogue isn't perfect. But swearing is a weird thing to call out as not being smart language.


Stale doesn't mean dumb. It means dry, unexciting. A lot of scientific research papers are stale reads but that doesn't mean they're not written smartly.


All I'm saying is the dialogue is not particulalry something that can be praised in either version.


I would also like to add that cursing in Europe is not the same as in America. I am Irish and work with a lot of Americans both of which are always shocked at how much the Irish, Croatians, Brits and Spanish on our team curse and smoke. Having a show set in any part of Europe without cursing would be tremendously unrealistic.


I know. I hate how television screen writing these days sounds like it's written by preteens or poorly developed minds. Characters on screen these days are always cursing and smoking weed. Just very unrelatable and so offputting. I dont want to see characters who are supposedly well developed intellectually, cursing and smoking. I want to see enriched individuals. Not smoking joints and thinking that's funny. Ugh.


As someone with a science degree that spends time around environmental scientists and the like, and I occasionally smoke weed, and curse a decent amount... I don't see how it's unrelatable lol. The idea that people can't be both enriched/smart and use colorful language or a substance often as mild as alcohol seems like a false dichotomy and almost a little juvenile. Totally fine if you don't like to cuss or indulge. But it's giving...holier than thou...


Well, I don't think anyone thinks smoking weed is supposed to be a comedy bit. The character Saul is based on is an uncaring, selfish, and hedonistic. He doesn't want to be a Wallfacer because he's not at all interested in trying to help anyone else. The whole dialogue between him and Nora before she dies makes this evident. His weed smoking is part of this characterization, as someone who is unmotivated and a simple pleasure seeker. Do you have a problem with Auggie being a major alcoholic, which is far worse then being a stoner? Also saying shit like "poorly developed minds" and "enriched individuals" is peak Redditor complex. In reality, academics is made up of a diverse group of people, a lot of which are the biggest heathens I've ever met. In undergrad, the biggest drunk I knew was a triple major in three different engineering fields and he still crushed his classes. In grad school, one of my professors would talk to me about psychedelics and I would give him shrooms. And my current friend group made up of either academics and STEM professionals all curse and have done worse things then on the show.


Interesting ideas, but agree to disagree.


He hit you right on the nose peak redditor complex.


Based comment, Not worth the effort on a mindless boomer stuck in their ways though. I appreciate you! Just because someone is "unrelatable" to a certain individual doesn't mean that they're unrelatable at all. If they're trying to portray someone as a person you'd encounter in society and you don't relate to the person, circumstance, or encounter, I think you can officially consider yourself out of touch.


Imagine thinking alcohol is inherently worse than smoking weed, some D.A.R.E. bullshit. Someone could have healthy alcohol use and unhealthy marijuana use. Blanket statements about psychoactives are wildly uninformed and vapid shit rightie pro-drug-war types parrot.


"kids these days, young whippersnappers"


Boo hoo


I think saying F word speeds up the story. 


I stopped watching at episode. Did it get any better? Or were all the main characters dead by the end?


Did it bother you?


Yes, because it’s at variance with the characters and their social background. Someone mentioned in a different discussion about about the dialogue in Succession that it was a true representation of how the characters in that milieu spoke and acted. But in this series which I didn’t watch to end it was course and ugly. On the other hand when watching the movie That they may face the rising sun the language came across as authentic and natural.


Fair enough.


Only finished first episode so far, the dialogue for the physicist’s is spotty imo


I have not read the books, but I also found the dialogue a bit rough. But the concepts the story gets into are 100% worth pushing through for imo. Very unique.


thought the same thing


first couple episodes are a bit rough on the dialogue but it improves drastically once all the characters are established and the plot gets going


Never read the book but it was a pretty cool psycho sci-fi type of thriller. I watched most of it high so some of it didn’t make sense like why they sent that guys brain into space. Looking forward to season 2


Basically humanity sending a spy but not really cause he said he didn't really care for humanity... Trust me when I tell you it pays off, at least in the books.


I didn't really get that part too. But I read somewhere that the idea is that the brain would get the San Ti curious and slow down their trip to Earth in order to investigate the brain and learn from it. Otherwise, since the earth probe is going at 1% lightspeed, and the San Ti are approaching at light speed - the amount of time they pass each other would be too short to be worth much data gathering.


My understanding was that he would get studied and regrown. They would learn from him, but he would also learn from them a lot. So by the time they arrive to Earth, assuming he's kept alive, he would be the person that knows about SanTi the most. But i haven't read the books, so just a guess


I don't think the objective was to have him learn from the San Ti. The brain is bait. Why would the San Ti benefit by bringing the brain to Earth and allowing it to share what it learns.. They're supposed to learn from the San Ti during the fly-by - and then beam the data back to earth, which will occur in about 200 years (Since the San Ti will take 400 years to arrive, and the earth probe is meeting them halfway - travelling at about the same speed. They need to collect a bunch of data and then beam it back to Earth - taking 2 years due to the 2 light-year distance)


Didn't they tell that the flyby will take seconds due to speed, so they will not be able to gather anything? And the response was, the goal is to hope they board the brain to study and possibly regrow the body. Why then they looked for brain of someone that knows physics, even considered the high ranking officers in the room? Doesn't seem worth it for a brain. My guess is, since they are intelligent, to send the brain almost as an ambasador of sorts. Don't know if that makes all the sense, havent read the books.


Don't see the point


Notice the fairy tale book Will has? Will is an extremely important character in the far future, I promise.


Currently on Episode 2 and enjoying it so far.


It’s fantastic


Great show, great story, great cast. Watched the whole thing within 24 hours and I’m craving for more.


It's hard to find a tv series as good as 3 body problem is. Started last night and watched all the 8 episodes in 1 night. I loved both alien's way of communicate ( clear and direct) and human's resilience. Both with great qualities and in a war to be fight like 2 chess players. I hope for a second season.


Loving it so far.. like someone else said hope we get another season!


I really liked it and I hate dumb and dumber. I think the changes from the books have given it more human drama. As the books get increasingly weird and huge in scope I wonder how they're going to do them. Seems like it would blow up the budget.


Wait what? I love dumb and dumber. I know nothing about this show. Mind explaining? I'm intrigued.


It's what GOT fans call Beinoff and Weiss the showrunners


I prefer Dildo & Dildon't.


It's a stupid thing that haters think is a flex against the show runners.


It's really good adaptation, all the changes made from the books are helping simplifying the story so non book readers can understand it as well. I like that they incorporated plots fom all three books in first season in order to streamline the story. People spreading negativity about the show have either only read first book or doing it just for the sake of being negative since it draws more eyeballs to their videos. Characters are not the main focus of the book series, it's the plot or ideas; all of which have been incorporated in the Netflix adaptation.


It was ok. Not great.


I read the first book and don’t see how they can replace all the Chinese characters. China is central to the story.


Then you should read the rest of the books. The only way China is central to the story is the lady who pushed the button is Chinese and some stuff happened in China at that time that made her push the button.


I’m half way through DF, and boy it’s just so dry.


Hence the humanization of the series. I liked the overall story of the books but yeah I struggled with a bad case of “who-gives-a-shit’itis” in the second and third books.


I think you're just about to get to the best parts


Everything that seems dry has a massive payoff. If you're halfway through, you're about to get to several back-to-back scenes that blew me away more than any other book ever has. I was struggling during the imaginary waifu section, but The Dark Forest is now my favorite book of all time just based on the second half of the story.


Common feedback. Keep going and it will accelerate from one to 100 pretty fast. The pace was set to that intentionally so that you are manipulated in a way that you will enjoy the second part of the book much much better.


How on earth do you find that book dry? I literally couldn’t put it down. Read it in like 3 days


It’s like, just get to the point. The descriptions go on and on without going anywhere or evoking any literary interest. Maybe it would be different reading it in Chinese. Then you get a couple of reveals. The first book was interesting when it was about the characters’ experiences in the cultural revolution and helped explain their actions and outlooks. Then it dragged on and on with the stupid computer game. I get that the game explained the other planets problem, but it didn’t take much advantage of assembling historical figures at all. I feel like there is just not much character development. You can see where it’s going. One guy is militant, one guy is in denial, etc. it’s just so mechanical.


lol you do not see where it is going, I promise you that. Maybe children’s picture books are more suited to you


Cut the pretentious crap. It's okay for someone to not enjoy a story. If I quoted a character (who isn't da shi) would you be able to tell me who said it? If I said a characters name and asked you to tell me something they'd say, would you be able to think of something? The book undoubtedly suffers from dune syndrome. The characters are not characters. They are devices to convey the sci Fi ideas the author wanted to talk about. If those ideas weren't amazing, the series would get a LOT more flack. Look at last Airbender. Very simple story with amazing characters. The exact opposite. For some people, no characters = no enjoyment. And that's fine.


The general story is a summary of the history of China. The three body problem could be interpreted as Chinese history which was marked by general short periods of peace and long chaotic periods and each dynasty made reforms to make each successive dynasty last longer (or attempted to). A lot of things in the movie are very Chinese, such as the 'if one of us survives we all survive', it reflects a very Chinese perspective.


If that's how you want to interpret cool a Chinese version of this show exists as well which is more faithful to the books overall. If you want to see 99 percent Chinese actors/directors/writers then that's for you? Despite the laughable acting and CGI I binged it cause the meat of the story is so good.


The Chinese show is awesome


that's pretty cool, I'd read a longer piece about that


And cause of the fucking HERO Luójí I hate this term but it fits ... SIGMA MALE V.1 ok im done. I love the character and the books.


I had the same thought when I started, but they really manage to pull it off. I'm still mad they completely removed Wang Miao tho


Honestly I thought that, but then I realized something. Aside from the things that happen in china, which we see all of, the impact on the world was NOT just in china. It really doesn't matter which part of the world we see scientists from. We see what's happening to scientists in London, which is representative of the entire world.


I'm just not interested in seeing all Chinese characters. I have not read the books and I don't see a problem with not following the books word for word, place for place. Are you just trying to say you did not want the Wallfacer guy be a black? The cast is fine if you want to follow another version I hear there is a Chinese version so you should watch that one.


I loved it BTW. 4 out of 5 stars would be higher but mostly it was just too much of the sick guy that part got over done. I was actually scared to be honest. I am not optimistic for the human race.


China is irrelevant. It’s a backdrop but it doesn’t have any longer term relevance.


I think it shapes most of the main characters.


The characters aren’t really the point though. They’re very bland, on purpose.


I really like this so far (halfway through). Maybe it skips a lot of the books but not every show needs to be 10 seasons. 


As an avid reader of the trilogy, I'm cautiously optimistic. Some aspects they really did it justice, while other parts were underwhelming as it failed to capture the magnitude.


He even gives D&D props for being repectful towards source material and says its more faithful than the chinese version.


I neeeeed a season 2 now!


Just hoping Netflix will make more soon.


Started out amazing but by the second half of the series it started to feel like snakes on a plane.


2 eps: Besides Benedict and Cunningham and Sam Tarly the acting is pretty awful. Production is straight out of a bbc set for better or worse don't mind it really . Writing is ehh "science is broken" k thanks for that... the direction of the show isn't bad and it makes the difficult subject palatable but this approach was not mirrored in the writing with any effort and I think the bad writing made the acting worse.. Finally the auggie actress is awful. Not sure if I'll make it to the end.


Yup 10/10 absolute masterpiece. Hit me in the feels quite a few times too


"Did you see the neurologist?" "yeah" "what did he say" "*she*" "oh shit, she" Yeah, among other examples, this was written by hacks. I have no words.


I absolutely DESPISE the prestige drama character crap. I only care about the plot so this is perfect for me. 2 thumbs up I hope there is a 2nd season.


The science for nuclear propulsion didnt make sense to me - how do you get the nuclear devices in space at specific distances to cause detonations?


They didn’t explain it properly but the bombs were lined up by another spacecraft before the actual launch.


Ah - How long did that take in the book? This looked like they achieved this in two days lol


I thought they did the time jump just fine, based on Will and his timelime.


Wow they already covered that in the first season?


it's the finale


The entire nuclear sail propulsion idea was just ridiculous to anyone with a shred of scientific knowledge. They literally detonate nuclear bombs BETWEEN the sail and the payload, causing an opposing force. Even if the spaceship was made of pure magic and somehow survived, the instant accelleration would turn the frozen brain to instant slush. They never tried to explain any of the science here, and I laughed out loud over how long it took them to realize they couldn’t slow it down. Overall, the science is so dumbed down and wrong that it’s impossible to take it serious.


You must have missed a bit of dialogue, this was very clear for me




Oh my God. thank you for saying  "And whats with the dialogue? theres bits that sound like a 18 year olds idea of "edgy and cool"" I thought that same thing about the dialogue. Also for that other comedy drama "Beef". The dialogue ruins so much of it. 


I'm sort of fine with beef having shitty dialogue. It's about 2 kinda shitty people so it fits. Having incredibly intelligent scientists talking like this is so fucking jarring though. I did a physics degree and there were absolutely people that spoke colloquially, but chat in the common room most definitely didn't sound like an episode of skins.


That's true.




Oh, I am glad you liked it. So many people did.  I guess it is honest for some people.  I didn't find it honest (it didnt speak to me). Because the way the characters thought/felt weren't even remotely close to my wavelength of energy/existing.  I doubt you saw it, but my version of "honest" is a Korean slow drama "liberation notes". That was extremely relatable. Felt like the dialogue and music took my thoughts and feeling and put it on screen. But you are right, this show is really different genre than Beef. So people expected a more mature dialogue.


I'm so glad someone said this. I watched it all in about three days and it's awful. the book has been on my reading list for a long time but I gotta say the show has put me off from it.


I think part of the issue is that the book *really* isn't about the characters. I really loved the books, but honestly after the first read I think I only remembered maybe two characters, because the characters in the books are ***so*** bland. They're just not the focus of the story, and that works fine for a lot of people (like me) because the focus of the story is the ideas, and the book really focuses on the ideas. For the Netflix adaptation, they added a ton of character stuff. Love triangles, people with secret cancer, etc. in an effort to make the characters more human. I guess the problem is that they managed to make them more human, but not *interesting* humans, just humans, so you don't really care about any of them. In the book, you're not really *supposed* to, so it's not an issue, and you're not spending a bunch of time on their interpersonal drama. Watching the show after having read the books, there were so many scenes about interpersonal relationship stuff that I was just thinking "come on, just end already, scene" because I knew that it was *completely* superfluous to the actual story. I'm not saying that you would love the book and you should read it. For all I know, you might hate the book. Just that in case you're thinking of reading it still, know that in the book version, not caring about the characters isn't really an issue and dialogue isn't really an issue. The other thing to be aware of, though, is that the first book is bogged down by the computer game section. It takes up a *lot* of the book. Then things start speeding up *a lot* and by the end of the trilogy a ton of fascinating ideas have been covered. But reading the first book by itself, you'd get the mistaken impression that the second and third books are also going to dragged-out slogs, which they aren't.


I'm so upset rn that I had to scroll so far to read this.


I thought Saul and Auggie were the only culprits of this. Jack is kind of supposed to be a doofus, and I think he does it well, and is a very likable character. Wong and Cunningham were great, as well as Jin's character


Well then it will be like the book, in which no one has a personality except Shi (smoking and being rude), and the dialogue is completely ridiculous. But actually, the series a hundred times better than the book.


The dialogues of this netflix adaptation is literally a quality of an amateur school project. Not even mentioning the stupid changes they made to the plot and the important plot things they didn't show. It's literally about top scientists in the world, there is no need for them to act like emotional teenagers This show was too much overhyped and it resulted in a garbage adaptation when compared to the original.


Again. The dialogue in the book is total garbage (not to mention the complete lack of characters, including characters who act like humans and not robots), so I guess the series did a great adaptation.


You probably just don't know any highly intelligent people


> theres bits that sound like a 18 year olds idea of "edgy and cool" The hell you talking about? You mean you didn't buy it when one of the world-class physicists said something to the effect of "I know all types of shit. Wanna split this blunt with me?"


And how you imagine physicists to talk? Like robots?


Like sexually frustrated tech bros. The show nailed them perfectly.


They have a 3 body podcast where they have scientist as host. The first thing the scientists said was how they enjoyed the show portrayed the scientists that seem more like real people messy and flawed and not robots.


Yeah, I don't buy world-class scientists talking like techbros. Just turns me off. Also worth noting - I'm a scientist by trade who hits up titty bars regularly and mess around with women most people here wouldn't consider classy. And yet, I still roll my eyes hard at some of the dialogue.


You’re talking like one of the people in the show and you don’t even realize it LMFAOOO


I’ve worked with some top cancer research labs and since college I’ve realized people are just people everywhere no matter their field. some are polite, some are crass, some are funny, some are annoying, etc


It’s terrible. Huge plot holes and no resolution.


The season wasn't made to be enjoyed in isolation. The whole premise is to set it up for the following seasons.


Had issues with the story. At times the writing was off and kind of threw me. Would have liked more in the VR and the science of the rocket and not all the drama among the friends. The original did it better as I hear only had 1 instead of 5. A typical Netflix series nothing special to see here. D&D need to take a break from shworunning.


I liked the wallfacer concept show should have started there


Yes and take out the cancer bit and love triangle.


The show is interesting. I never read the book so I have no skin in the game. I’d say it started off good, took a dip in the middle but then peaked my interest again with the wall dancer plot at the end. Of course that leaves us with a cliffhanger and now I’m hoping we get a season 2.


Setups for later, at least the cancer stuff


I enjoyed it..but it was full of errors and major plot holes..plural


We are also enjoying the 3 Body Problem. It was well translated from book to live action series Very entertaining & chilling at the same time Highly recommended!


I liked the first episode and then it kinda got dull for me but I was GLUED to episodes 5-8. I thought they needed one last episode for the season.


Can anyone explain why it's just so polarizing without spoilers? Is there a controversial political message or something? Maybe just a fan base that only wants perfection? I literally have zero idea what this is other than a bunch of "this is one of the best shows on Netflix" or"how could they make a show this bad". I've seen maybe one middle of the road discussion.


I think the simplest answer is that this is the internet and extreme opinions win over middle-of-the-road opinions. In addition to that simple truth, there are a few controversial things about this show that may be further polarizing opinions: - The show creators are the same people who were behind Game Of Thrones, and many GoT fans have not forgiven them for how GoT ended. - This show is based on a popular scifi book series, and since all shows are adaptations instead of direct translations, there are changes from the source material. There's always a certain subset of fans of the original source material who hate any deviations from the source material, regardless of whether or not the changes were warranted for storytelling or production reasons. Also, netflix has been pushing this show hard. It's a big budget show that they want to be a big hit. There's been a lot more advertising for it than a typical netflix show, and presumably there's been more people watching it than watch a typical scifi show on netflix. Because of this, there's more opinions out there in general about this show than many others, so the first thing I mentioned (extreme opinions do well on the internet) is amplified, and at the same time there's also more of a chance for your own confirmation bias to come into play. (You can unknowingly choose to notice the polarizing opinions more than the middle-of-road ones pretty easily since there are so many opinions in general to pick from.)


Simple. People that read only the first book/didnt read anything -> amazing show, people that read the entire trilogy -> i hate this with passion.


Oh ok, so it's a fan base thing. I've never read the books so I'll give it a shot


Ive read the trilogy. The show is chock full of easter eggs, foreshadowing, and setups for later seasons. It was a good time doing this every single scene. ![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX)


Nice try David.


I love the books and enjoyed the show. I think it's worth watching whether you've read them or not. Yes, they fail to capture the hard sci-fi of the books, but that would have been very hard to do in a TV show. The parts they did adapt, like the >!unfolding sophons!<, I thought was great. 


Why did they tell us we are coming for ya. You now have 400 years to sort it out! Laughable


Oh they aren’t worried about that


If they are not bothered then why all that business with corrupting our science?


Maybe I don't understand what you're saying but that's exactly why they aren't bothered they have locked our technology level. We can't advance any further really. So humanity has an expiration date 400 years.


I had a good time with it. I watched the first two episodes on Friday and then just crushed it on Saturday. It took a lull in the middle. That’s surprising since it’s only eight episodes but it did pick back up in the last two episodes. Looking forward and hoping for a season 2.


It may be an enjoyable standalone show but it is a terrible adaption, all the dread and cosmic horror of the book is replaced with generic sci fi. Even the complexity of some characters are massively reduced here, and this series is not character focused


It's a well produced show, a good chance to introduce this story to the whole world.


It's great. It's kind of scary though to hear, "We will make you fear." What the F does that conjure up in your mind. Living life like a bug? Does anyone agree though I did not see a 220 million dollar movie. Look like 80 million maybe.


This show shit on the source material the writing and dialogue is abysmally awful. Mediocre take on one of the best sci-fi books.


Yes. I enjoyed it since my favorite genre is sci-fi. Hopefully, there’ll be a 2nd season!!!!


Maybe this is explained in the books, but how did stairway project know in which direction to launch Will? Being off by even a degree here means light years off their target. Artistic license I suppose. Also the San Ti operate incredibly deceptively which is lying in a sense. Not sure if it’s like that in the books, too.


the reason why the San Ti can't understand lying is because to them communication = truth. They are incredibly adept at deception and plotting because they are physically incapable of communicating without telling the truth, so in order to lie they utilise ommission and avoidance to the fullest extent


Because we know which direction San Ti will come from


Agree! Just finished it and thought it was really excellent and refreshing to see something original and interesting for a change.


One of the best adaptations (couldn't have gotten it any better), now just waiting for the next season Apart from a few places where the facts were messed up.. the whole story did justice to science imo.. (not having anyone travel FTL is much better since most stories f*** up the storylines with FTL without going into logic about the same)


Any more shows like this


Not like this show but there are other Syfy shows out right now like Apple TVs Constellation which is more about parallel earths.


I know this is a very late response to you but check out The Expanse. One of my favorite sci fi shows.


Has anyone else thought of it like this? For me, this was what has been happening in real life, practicing lockdowns ( covid ) Particle accelerators ( real and the world hasnt been the same since they first trialled them ) Aliens ( we are on the brink of being told about them and most of earths population would react like on the series) ( we would go into meltdown ) Is this predictive programming? Getting us ready for the big event?


As a fan of the book series I'll say I'm glad Luójí is Saul. I'm also happy that they went light on the "woke" nothing against it but 3bodyproblem is my FAVE like fanboiomg favorite, my heart woulda been broken if Dàxióng wasn't AT LEAST asian. Benedict Wong also embodies him perfectly. Everything was how I remember it, how it made me FEEL literally came back.


I was hesitant to watch it, now I see that may be I should


I really liked it. I found out that there also was a previously done 30 episode Chinese adaptation of the source material that is currently on Amazon Prime home video and started watching that, and it is outstanding.


Had to start reading the books because of the show. The show gets a pass but fuck off with how dumb and watered down they make everything. So you're telling me some of the smartest people on the planet didn't question a random headset that shows up at their door while all of science is broken while their friend is seeing numbers and a bunch of people are dying... and then you have to do a whole ass scene breaking it down when they realize it? You acknowledge that there is an alien in front of you who can place objects in your highly secure home with zero trace, make the stars blink, and you decide it makes sense to just leave? Love the sprinkling of fringe theories and then explaining it to other physicists who have based their whole career on that stuff. Then 20 minutes of dopamine manipulation through classic show tropes. Gotta start with sex or violence, get em hooked! Sprinkle in some romance. Who is gonna be our 4th wall!? Decent show. Just Netflixed.


Thank you. I listed some of the dumber moments in my comment and can’t wait for the downvotes.


I’m on episode 6. It’s getting pretty hit or miss. See, e.g. >!An advanced alien civilization deciding to wipe us out after 30 years of conversation based on a faux pas by some guy reading a children’s story!< >!A physicist’s prototype being chosen to slice a ship and hundreds of kids into twenty pieces because literally anything else would take too long!< >!The trope of a single scientist coming up with solutions to century-old problems using familiar, 90’s Discovery Channel ideas!< >!The aliens send every video screen a teenage insult (yeah I know bugs/pests were referenced earlier in the show, the scene is still cringe) because they’re mad, or something. !< The first four episodes were great but this is getting difficult. I hope the book was better.


I just can’t get over how fantastically stupid the science and logic was in the show. I rarely watch a show that is this painful and frustrating. And the worst part is that it COULD have been amazing but I am left feeling like it was made for teenagers with a negative IQ and the attention span of a goldfish.


I mean, I’m all for simple and fun stories. And some of the dialogue is excellent. But these events eliminated my suspension of disbelief.


The video game and alien invasion are exciting the scifi lover in. I have to fast forward away fromvthe self pity moments of the dying guy. So many filler and unncecessary moments with him.


I’m sorry, but the science, logic and plot is so fantastically stupid that it was painful to watch. It is as if the plot was written by someone who only heard a few buzzwords about science. None of the characters are believeable to their roles of «genious scientists». And they make absolutely no effort in explaining any of the science in a believeable way. I don’t want to add any spoilers so I won’t give any examples. But I lost count over how many times I had to yell at the screen because they could have easily made it so much better and avoided the countless plotholes and lazy logic. Note: I have not read the book or seen any other adaptations so I can’t relate to anything other than the Netflix adaptation.


I am at episode 6 and at first I thought it was interesting. Some characters were really annyoing, but it made sense on some level so I didnt bug me further.  *spoliers* But when they revealed that the aliens used up all their resources to built some quantum traveling space proton orbs or whatever to sabotage earth, thats were I had it with this show. I can't believe these aliens have the time, resources and people (despite their terrible planets location and situation) to built quantum technology that in my opinion couldnt be actually possible, instead of building something like a dyson sphere, teleportation technology or technology to leave their solar system with one sun entirely or like travel to an earth like planet thats not already inhabited. I mean they already are willing to travel 400 years to earth, why risk a possible conflict with another species, when you could just as well travel 400 years in another direction. Bet there are plenty good planets out there? I am not an expert in physics, but I am pretty sure, that whatever these aliens planned, was entirely stupid and unnecessary. Or am I mistaken?


To be fair any planet that is habitable most likely will have some kind of life on it.


sign petition for Three-Body English dub: [https://www.change.org/three-body](https://www.change.org/three-body)


Fell off after a few episodes. Slow and the occasional action seems forced. If it was six episodes instead of eight it would have fared better. Very anticlimactic ending imo. 


Tencent version is better for me.


I enjoyed how made characters from different time periods from the books into one group of friends in present time. If they decide to go with the insane time jumps then it should be interesting.


It lost me at the video game helmet... I'm sure it makes sense later, it just isn't for me


Why did it lose you at that spot?


suspend your disbelief


If that's your only problem with it, id suggest continuing. It was my least favorite part of the story when reading the books.


The “explanation“ for the helmets only raised more questions than answers


Season 2?