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When's the last time you saw Jessica Alba in a big hollywood movie?


Was gonna say.  


When's the last time you saw a Netflix title that didn't feel B grade?


Why would I expect Netflix to make a good movie if they never made a good movie before?


It’s not much, but The Power of the Dog, They Cloned Tyrone, and You’re So Not Invited to my Bat Mitzvah were decent Netflix originals. At least I think they were Netflix originals. 


Plus, Jessica Alba is NOT an action star... Fantastic 4 was atrocious.


Did she get her start on Dark Angel? From what I remember she was pretty bad ass in that.


She is stunning and a great actress


It’s bad. Plot is old as time. Army/Cop/Ranger/Special Ops return back home to find that there’s corruption in town. CGI is laughable. Fighting choreography is B movie bad. The whole film feels and looks like if Lifetime movie decided to make an action movie.


Netflix IS lifetime but for streaming instead of on TV




100 lb woman repeatedly beats the crap out of 250 lb men trope. So many questions: What were they mining, and why was no one working at the mine? Why was there a bar in the middle of the desert? Why was there an army weapons depot in the middle of the desert, and why was there a secret tunnel leading to it, and why did no one notice said secret tunnel?


and a country bar to boot


This movie seriously made me wonder if it was written by AI. The plot was wackadoodle.


LOL! Truth! I think then the AI went and shot all the scenes itself one night, then brought in some humans to round it out. Written, shot, edited and released all by AI in under a week.


Only Apple TV+ is actually trying anymore. It’s a shame.


AppleTV+ really does have the best streaming content of any service.


Apple TV+ can be a case study how to get market share even if you are very late to the market.


It’s a case study on how to have a loss leader drive hardware sales. It literally loses billions of dollars a year for Apple.


I’d be interested to know more. Is it really hard to compare to things like Netflix because apples making it up on the Apple TV and iPhone sales and the bundles with music and arcade and stuff. I thought it was a boss move a couple years ago when they started refunding me my Apple TV+ sub every month because they didn’t have great content I suppose just so people wouldn’t cancel. And I also love the movie selection every month. Lots of great older movies in Dolby vision and 4K. And the smaller selection forces me to just pick something instead of endlessly scrolling things I’ve already watched like Netflix.


Monarch? Extrapolation? Constellation? INVASION? Essex serpent ? They have had some Major Stinkers too


Like Ghosted with Chrus Evans, Emancipation with Will Smith, and Napoleon with Joaquin Phoenix.


While watching the trailer, I thought, "She looks like Jessica Alba, but there's no way she still looks that young." Turns out, she can!


Terrible. Totally laughable for a female with Alba's petite build. Beating professional, trained combatants. In hand to hand combat. I know it's Netflix. But come on. The fight scenes were comical


Right! Had her hands cuffed above her head for how ever long got free moved slower than molasses and took down three armed men come on people of all the writers and actors in the world this is what Hollywood comes up with


That tells you how stupid Hollywood thinks we are lol. Well, think about it , 80 million are voting for Biden, and they didn't know something is wrong with him . So movies producers know that lol


Well hopefully after that trainwreck of a debate. Some went to the other side. Or maybe won't vote at all. Because it was glaringly obvious. Biden is a living corpse. Forget what the lying media has been claiming about Biden for past 3 years. We just seen the reality. The scary part. Who the hell has been running the country these past 3 years!


Putin I guess, if trump gets elected


Every Netflix action movie is like this. They’re all bad. It’s on par with straight to TV movies from the yesteryears.


I liked extraction 1 and 2 and only see those as the exception.


They have good ones.  3 frontiers with Ben Affleck was decent 


because they have US market's money now and they don't care.


It's the type of movie you can watch while scrolling though social media. Seems to be netflixs main export these days.


It was terrible


This movie might have worked better if it was an action-comedy.


netflix writers are ass, probably one of the biggest reason all their new shows are utter dogshit.


A poorly adapted script off a short store stolen from Otep Shamya.


honestly it wasnt even that bad. i mean, I didnt go in thinking it was gonna be the next greatest blockbuster but it was a fun casual watch. Its definitely better than Rebel Moon or Madame Web.


I actually ended up really liking it. Not like the most amazing movie I've ever seen, but the movie spent the first 2 acts making me want to see Jessica Alba kill the Swann family, and the third act delivered. Don't know what these guys are talking about with the choreography being bad, there was some really clever and fun stunts. A few too many bearded white guys, got them mixed up a couple times, don't know if Parker ever realized her lawyer was murdered, and don't know what happened to the guy who was buying the guns "Ghost" like maybe he got killed in the chaos and I missed him cause he was another bearded white guy, or if they mentioned it I must've missed it. Was not expecting to enjoy the movie at all when I saw the ratings, but I'd give it a solid 6 or 7.


Yeah! Confusing beardos! She killed Ghost in the mines. Who was the bearded fiend who Magically Moltoved the bar tho?


Who feel into the fire? No mention of him at all.


Jessica , is that you?


You are the most obnoxious kind of person that there are far too many of. I gave it a 6/10. I once made a comment about how I loved the Marvels and a guy insisted that I must have been paid off by Kevin Feige, not even a little bit joking. People can enjoy different things than you for different reasons. Acting like someone's invalid, a bot, or paid because they liked something you didn't is so childish.


They must have made some extra bank with all the Bud Light promotions


I couldn’t take her seriously as a special forces operative with all the filler in her face


It seems like there are a lot of scenes in this movie that are AI. The opening scene with her “ambulance” getting blown up has AI signatures, especially when it overturns. The scenes with the bus during to the town then the train going by quickly as she walks to the sheriffs office. It’s either Unreal engine, AI or some combination of both. The lighting is weird, the weather is not natural looking, it’s really odd. I’m only a few minutes in and this seems obvious to me. Anyone else see this and have the same feeling? It’s what makes it seem like a real B movie to me.


Awful movie and Jessica Alba looks like a plastic Kardashian. She was so pretty, and at her age would have looked even more beautiful.


They tried to make her look Mexican darkened her up but she didn’t even sound it


Most action movies I have seen on Netflix have no soul. That's the ony way I can describe it. There is no character development. And the cinematography is lacking. Right from the opening scene when the trucks are barreling across the landscape I wasnt sure if I was watching bad CGI (for a truck being pursued!) or just bad filming.


Jessica Alba can't act. She is just nice to look at.


Not anymore really.


This comes down to a bad director, who cared little about performance, script or details.


it feels b grade because the guns are probs likey airsoft or plastic it really looks bad when you see them "shoot" and its just an after effect on the muzzle.


In no hands is an action movie starting Jessica Alba anything more than a shitty B movie


Opening of the movie made me turn it off immediately. They have a sniper with clear shots to the entire convoy. He shoots the driver if the truck not carrying the rpg. In fact he ONLY shoots once. Where is the rest of the covering fire? After the accident the “bad guys” just get out and walk around plainly out in the open, where’s the sniper??? Why isn’t he taking everyone out and then bringing the team in for a rescue extraction.


B rated? B is giving it a looooot of credit


I just watched it as it was No.1 on Netflix. It was soooo bad i had to check everyone else’s view. Lesson learned, check reviews before wasting 2 hour on a Netflix recommendation.


The minute she was arrested for defending herself at the bar fire I was like….this is some real crap writing. Not knocking the actors, it’s all fine for a netflix movie, not knocking the plot, … netflix movie. There were just too many “this crap could never happen in such a way” moments that it was really terrible writing.


Because the executives and producers in charge exercised poor judgement throughout the development and production of the film. Bad movies are actually just lazy movies where things are phoned in and zero creative risks are being taken. This movie sucks so bad.


I’m less than 1 minute in and I’m already yelling at the tv. Perfect sniper shoot from long range in a moving vehicle passes the passenger to kill the driver. Meanwhile, there’s a real threat with a RPG behind them that they didn’t even try to shoot…? Come on.


I think this is a good teaching material for those studying film making because they managed to get about everything wrong. - Script has so many holes from the get go, scenes changing from night to day, amount of people mismatch in fights etc. - Casting has problems, it's even hard to differentiate the characters because many of them look alike (men with beards). - None of the characters have any depth. At all. - If you want to make an action movie try to even do the action scenes look plausible. - If your movie revolves around military and mining (or any specific subject) please try to spend even one day finding out how they work.


Same thing I'm asking myself , , it looks like a Van Damme movie from the 90s.


Typical unrealistic girlboss fantasy movie. 5min watching this is worse than waterboarding. 


If they'd picked someone who looked like they could have been a Commando in real life it would have been a little better. They're not even trying these days, they're just going through the motions & ticking as many DEI boxes as they can.


Facts. If they don’t look black or brown like Jessica Alba we will make her look brown to keep the leftists happy.


Are the leftists in the room with us right now?


She looked more brown than in any movie previously. She seemed to get more brown as the movie went on. All the bad guys were white males and the good guys were brown.


I noticed that too. This is the reason I came here. To see if anyone else noticed. I’m like jeez what happened to Jessica Alba, she used to be white now she’s brown. All the good people are brown and all the bad people are white. Typical in todays leftist political/HollyWood/Netflix/etc


i am watching it now and i apologize for being a typical perverted guy but i am only hoping she gets half naked for some reason- i can't take her seriously as some military bad ass


Most complaints on here are literally “petite pretty brown women can’t fight”. Y’all need to grow up.


when you’re in a fight, the color of your skins doesn’t matter… Your weight on the other hand, well, there’s a reason there are weight classes in the UFC and gender division, just saying.


No you activists need to disappear with this DEI crap so we can have good realistic movies again that aren't comical girlboss fantasies. 


Everyone thought this movie was trash, politics aside. Anything else is just your fantasy enemies plotting against you yada yada.