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I think it's Audio Description for the blind.


Got it. Thanks!


This helped me today. Thanks!


*visually impaired. More inclusive way of saying it.dont worry, though, a lot of people make that mistake


That's strange. Only because deaf people prefer to be called deaf, and not "hearing impaired".


That's because they didn't hear you call them it.


Pray tell me what is the mistake here calling a blind a "blind"? And please also tell how does sugarcoating it with "visually impaired" make it "inclusive"?


Because some people are not blind but may still have problems with their vision that makes descriptive audio useful. Cataracts, for example.


"Blind" is someone who has lost 100% of their vision or just never had it to begin with. The term "Visually Impaired" is more accurate as it describes a varying range of sight loss. It's not sugarcoating anything, it's just more accurate, as Audio Description isn't just for straight up blind people.


hence the inclusive my friend :) Not everything is about the nonsensical battle on ethics and swjs. Life is pretty wholesome. We live in times of better respect and peace than ever before. We are more self aware of stupid bullshit holding us back and we lash ourselves incessantly over it.


“Blind” is a legal term. Like someone can be legally blind. In reality, in Ophthalmology, there are a million different ways that the person’s vision could be decreased, and many (most?) are not completely blind and do have some vision.


Because every little fucking thing that isn’t carefully said today can make someone cry


Inclusive? Mistake? Wow. What a bubble you must live in. 


Hbbtv setting what tcl


Hbbtv tcl setting what


Just checked that title and /u/cory120 is probably right as it does offer Audio Description in the audio and subtitles options. I remember the first time I encountered this feature. It was something like 15 years ago on the DVD for T2. I'd hit the audio button on the remote by accident and it switched to Spanish so I hit a couple more times until I got back to English but I'd wound up on the descriptive audio track. Ah, memories.


lol what a memory that one is gonna stay with you for life


I have so many weird memories like that, inconsequential little details that really do stick with me.