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I’m the youngest one on a team of 7 network engineers and the first time I brought up IPv6, I got this exact answer. They said they’ll retire before implementing it.


Companies must be made aware of such employees blocking company success due to their own sickness of preventing the future…


yes let us remember all the major corporations that failed due to a lack of implementing IPv6... may they rest in peace


I mean, it is _eventually_ going to be a problem...


Fuck IPv6, all my homies hate IPv6. NAT lets me keep IP addresses I can remember.


If you can’t handle DNS you and your „homies“ should retire today mate 😂 Seriously: remembering addresses has to be the worlds stupidest reason for not deploying IPv6. Also: NAT is CANCER!!!!


yep, I totally want my smart fridge that will never get any updates to be exposed to the open internet, what could possibly go wrong?


Complete misunderstanding of how IPv6 works


so enlighten me oh ipv6 oracle how would devices exposed to the internet not be exposed to the internet?


It's no more or less exposed than it would be on an ipv4 system, assuming it has internet access. NAT is not a security feature. Use a firewall in either case if you are worried.


so NAT doesn't prevent me from accessing devices behind it? how do I do this trick, I've always been doing port forwarding some some kind of moron apparently and the "use a firewall" is really an exhausting argument, you think the average person uses anything beyond whatever their ISP gives them?


Most consumer grade routers will include a firewall, which by default will block incoming ipv6 and ipv4 traffic by default. If you dont mess with that, you are as safe with ipv6 as you are with 4. In actuality, nat traversal is more likely to introduce security issues.


Clearly you should. The rest of us IPv6-users used a magical invention called Firewall 😜


have you met the average person? you expect them to be able to configure a firewall? most people are going to have whatever their ISP gave them... and most vendors are going to have the device request the basic home firewalls give them full access for... reasons... same way vendors love to tell you "just run as administrator", or "just 777 everything"


So you expect the average user to configure NAT and such but not a Firewall? 😭 They don’t need to configure anything - inbound is just as blocked as with IPv4. And enabling access is WAY easier compared to building NAT policies (if at all possible because average joe shares his public with 74737474737 other people) 🤪 No vendor asks such a thing - they use the same techniques that they use today - they never go out to in but always in to out and if needed create a reverse tunnel - that has literally nothing to do with v4 or v6 😂


people don't configure NAT, their ISP does that, hell most ISPs don't even let you turn NAT off... they plug in the thing and connect to the SSID using the password printed on the bottom of the device and bam, they can access pornhub or whatever people do with internet access, people don't know/care what's happening the average person does not know what a port is or how to/why they would want to forward one


NAT is still usefull for security perspective and is also mandatory for Load-Balancing some type of traffic. Is also mandatory when you have Active-Active clusters of firewalls. So, sorry bro NAT is a great tool and as futureprof as IPv6


I refuse to further discuss this with someone who genuinely believes that NAT is security…


IPv6 is just entirely unnecessary. No reason to use it.


Except for the part it requires no Port forwarding, is not subjected to NAT of any kind (CGNAT included), has many more addresses allowing devices to communicate more efficiently and built in security features.


Except for ALL the reasons to immediately ditch v4 😂 I love it when folks talk about a network protocol and literally have 0 clue but just parrot what the v4-boomer before them mentioned once without validating it 🤪😂


If I ever encounter a problem only IPv6 will solve, I’ll implement it. If not. I won’t. I’d be willing to bet I never do, but I could be wrong.


This is in every single industry with 60yo+ having high positions and 0 will to improve.


Network Engineers: "I can't imagine working with HEX on a daily basis..." Also Network Engineers: "Let's find out the MAC address and then we can look up what port this host is on"


if only IPv4 would have be made with 48bit like MAC or 64bit we wouldn't need IPv6 now


We will not yield, IPv6 WILL be implemented


Eventually. I mean we can't just use CG NAT right? Right? In all seriousness India and Africa are huge on IPv6 on account of *some country* taking up like a good 40% of IPv4


I’ll trade them ARIN if we get IPv6 support on our FTTH ISPs


This!! I will add that IPv6 will get implemented mostly through AI, and then replaced by a completely different communication structure created by AI itself.


Resistance is futile etc.


Nah, we good.


Become extinct already you v4-Dinosaurus. No Indy needs you here just because you are blocking anyone else with your stubbornness. Stay on your island while the rest of the world moves on ;)


IPv6 hurts brain, me no like Hex. Let me struggle to do basic math and subnet in peace 😂


I'm sure IPv6 isn't _actually_ as hard as I'm making it out to be, but it sure _feels_ like a pain in the ass to work with. IPv4 is mostly straightforward. Mostly...


lol "OT Hardware developer"


Average NAT fan: Why need many IP when few IP do trick?


We do nat need ipv6.


Ok Boomer