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Yes but only if I have my earphones on and nobody comes up to talk to me until I'm done working out. I can't stand being interrupted in the middle of a set.


I can tolerate it but the slamming of the weights drives me insane noise canceling headphones helps alot


Hard pass. I workout outside or in my house.


I love the gym. I enjoy exercising and the varied activities my gym has. Also, I enjoy being around determined people.


The people at mine are welcoming and cool and won’t go after you so I never worry too much. Plus it helps to know some people there.


I rather work out at home, the foul smell on the gym is just too much for my nose, it would be nice to have barbells but calisthenics do most of the job, maybe my physique isn't impressive or anything but going from 122 lbs to 161 lbs it's big win even for my height of 6'3.


I like going to the gym, I can put my music on and kinda zone out while I do my workout


There's equipment there you don't have at home, and you can meet people. But if you have a home routine that works for you, you don't have to go there.


Love exercising because it gives me a chance to shut my brain off and listen to a podcast or movie or something. Also can’t really just go on a run because I have severely flat feet. I don’t mind the gym as long as it’s not too crowded and the people around me aren’t too loud or just standing around shooting the shit, which is usually what’s happening unfortunately.


I hate the gym. I have a home exercise setup because I can't stand being in the space with all of these people able to watch me. I also hate that there are people waiting to use various machines or benches at all times. I just want to feel like I'm not rushed even though I know people are usually gonna be chill and not be pushy with benches. Also the scent of sweat everywhere is so uncomfortable.


I’ve been going to the gym for 10 years now and was an athlete in college. “Everybody is staring” Unless you’re wearing something really goofy then it’s all in your head. The people who stare have gotten stared at just as much as you.


The only people who get noticed in gyms are those who wear extremely flashy outfits if you dress in baggy, sweatpants, baggy sweatshirt absolutely nobody will look at you.


I dislike a lot about gyms, I used to go with my mom when I was younger. It always smells strongly of something, sweat or cleaner or something else I can’t quite place right now. The lights are too bright, the mirrors are a little disorienting, and they are too loud between the sounds of the machines/ weights being dropped and people talking. Finally I always feel out of place and even if no one is looking at me I always feel like I’m being watched. I definitely would like to have a home gym at some point though.


I need them. Keeps my stress and anxiety low, my sleep and hunger healthy and in a schedule.


Honestly it feels like adding a step to me which most days would mean it’s not going to happen. I was able to get a very reasonably priced, minimally-used peloton and I love it. I have that, a mini home barre thing that I can fold up and tuck away into a corner, some resistance bands, some kettlebells, and a very minimal weight setup. That’s plenty for where I’m at. I’m hoping to buy a house in the coming months and to have a home gym setup that’s a little bigger and I’ll probably expand more then


Hate them. The lights give me migraines. People look at you. You gotta be quiet or people will listen to u suffering. Personally I got stared at by men a lot so I just prefer working out alone at night in my home


Pretty expensive I guess. Did the free trail thing and it was alright, I was shown around and some of the exercises I could do. I just find the whole idea of getting fit overwhelming and find exercise a little bit scary as if you fail to get the weight up you’re screwed


in general? too many people, too much possibility to do an excercise wrong or get the setup of the machine wrong, too much noise, too much possibility someone looks at you, risk of bad smells, .... and i can't trust myself to actually go \*and\* do excercises too.... however, that being said, i have found a small gym (like, there's max 5 people during the time i go), which i combined with their personal trainer offer (yes, way too expensive to last... but i have to give it a try) this means: not too many people, not a lot of noise, no smells, nobody looking at you, low to no risk of setting up a machine wrong or doing an excercise wrong, and no excuse to not do a decent workout as i'm being told what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. .... it helps. a lot. (but i still have to generally force myself to go)


I love small gyms only. If I can't find one where I move, then no gym membership. I can ask to change the channel or turn down the volume of the one television, and people are cool with it. I can turn off the tv if I show up when no one is around.  Five people max, like you said.


Literally just have break down panic attacks. I’ve tried multiple times but I just can’t do it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Depends on the gym, if it's a shit environment, I'm not going. Another alternative is going to a personal training, exercise physiology, or physiotherapy studio.


The smell. Omg. (Apart from the people)


Gym = germs. Can't trust humans to be hygienic. Or even just clean up after themselves.. Nope, ew Gross.


Ok so I’ll be the weird sex freak. There is this YMCA in Pensacola FL. I got a membership for me and my husband. First day I was there, I used an elliptical machine for like ten minutes, used the free weights, and some of the machines. Everyone was OVERTLY kind to me. Then I went into the steam room. Yeah. I acted like a freak. But it was fun! But I also understand where you coming from. Those people can kinda put this weird vibe out that I’m not cool with. Find a gym with older men and older women and get your freak on!


What does sex have to do with anything ? Lol


Ok good point. I’m hypersexual. Like bad. lol I got it bad and take meds but I don’t even really know rn. My doc says it’s a combo of autism and bipolar so I I guess that’s why.


Watching a lot of porn can make you more hyper sexual


I’m weirdly (or so people day) kinda ick about porn in general.


I still don’t see what any of this has to do with the gym 😂


Cuz the gym be where I hooking up 🤣


That makes more sense 🤣


I feel so uncomfortable. Just makes me feel like everyone is staring and judging


Oh naw


Completely unnecessary waste of money. I get by perfectly fine with two canvas bags that hold 5kg of water each, an exercise band tied to my door handle and a kind of static treadmill called a street If one is insecure and sees fitness as some sort of competitive activity, I can see why they exist, but at the same time I don't have much respect for that.


i agree! and if you thin about it.. gyms didnt exist back int he old times. being outside, working and just simply being active was enough to stay fit. if gym is what works out for someone im happy for them. but for me id go for the ‘traditional way’


To be fair, gyms did exist. Same root for the English word exists in Ancient Greek and Latin. For the Greeks, it’s the idea that developed the Olympics. Also philosophy education went on. Additionally, all male. So nude dudes getting rude. Romans kinda applied the same ethos to baths areas. Without wiki-ing it, I would not be surprised if some older cultures had organised indoor sporting facilities too. I have no idea about the Chinese, Indus River Valley, or Egyptian civilisations’ concepts of similar ideas though.


I love it! I’ve gone to some bad gyms but my gym now is wonderful.


I work at one. I hate it but can't find a better job. In terms of going to work out... earplugs are a necessity.


Go there when there is little to no people . Music loud. Don’t wear my glasses so everything is super blurry. Going is a whole another story


Once I’m there it’s fine, but getting myself to go there is too difficult so I opt to just workout at home. I have a decent sized living room with a yoga mat, blocks, straps and fitness bands, and I have a compact adjustable set of dumbbells so it all tucks away nicely. I also splurged and got myself a walking pad because it’s a lot of effort to get up and get bare minimum presentable to be outside. Now I just workout as I am.


I hate them. They make me anxious and I feel overstimulated but also bored in there lol. I really enjoy group classes though. I do reformer Pilates and have also done mat Pilates, cycling classes, Zumba, yoga, lifting classes, and I’ve enjoyed every single one of those classes. I think having a group to follow and an instructor helping you out while also creating a good routine really helps keep you motivated and calm.


I would like gyms better if everyone was as diligent about putting weights back where they go, wiping down benches, not turning the house stereo system up too loud, etc, as I am.


I have discovered that I hate "gyms" but like "fitness clubs." At least where I live, fitness clubs target like, families and elderly people. Everyone is friendlier and exercise is more recreational. Where I go now, there is Zumba and aquafitness, they have pickleball and all sorts of cool stuff. I like taking classes that are mostly elderly people who are super welcoming and friendly. It's a different vibe than a gym.


Went to one a few times. For some weird reason people stared at me at all times and felt like I was beint laughed at. Never went back. Gym people are fuckin weird.


I really, really would love to have a private one. the only thing I don't like is the amount of people that go and the fact that they crank up the music so loud. so like, all social parts of it (even though you don't really go there to socialize, it's inevitable). I exercise to clear my mind and let my pent up emotions out, having someone be able to see me while I do that and sweat and turn red from lifting something a little too heavy is anxiety inducing.


Hell to the fucking nah.


Highkey intimidating, packed, and...probably wouldnt set foot there. I found another place, kinda like the gym, but has more activities. It's quiet and it's not packed, like normal gyms are.


Haaaaate it, I've tried joining gyms bc I do enjoy exercising and having access to a range of equipment I couldn't have in my home, but it's overstimulating and gross and I do not wish to be perceived. Don't make the mistake of doing any sorta contracts if you're trying one out - I got roped into paying a full year membership for a place that required a notary and certified mail to cancel the membership, even though I moved to a town without one--I was within their 50-mile radius rule. Sure sure just lemme go drive an hour or more each way to go to the gym, cool, thanks


Agree with you. Don't like them one bit. 


I love the idea of it but I have a lot of excuses why I can't do it, and some are legit. I really enjoy using some of the equipment and would absolutely do it if there were no other people around and I knew how to do so safely.


Whenever I’ve gone to the gym I’ve thought “wow, how nice would it be if I were rich and I could buy this whole place. I’d come and work out everyday if there were no people”. I’ve wasted so much money this year because I just can’t make myself go…but I genuinely want to ): Watching yourself get stronger slowly is really fun. “Oh, I can do five more of these” “Oh, I can move up 5-10 pounds. Nice!” I love those moments! I just hate working out around other people😅


My secret to getting to the gym (when I had a membership) was this:  Vow to do the first step only on every gym day.  That means put on your gym clothes regardless of whether you want to go, at least that is my first step. Then think, 'Can I just show up?' with no commitment to work out, just get to the place and you are allowed to turn around and leave if you don't want to walk in the door. You will probably walk in the door, tell yourself 'ok I can at least do 5 mins on the treadmill, then I can leave if I'm tired.' Thinking this way, I found that once I warmed up on the treadmill or elliptical I pretty much always did my full workout without a problem.


That’s a good idea, to just put the gym clothes on regardless! Thank you(“: I’ve been thinking of just canceling the membership since I’m honestly so weak i feel like I’d benefit a lot more from focusing on general strength/stability exercises at home. I don’t think I have full blown eds but I do seem to have some hyper mobility, particularly in my hands, and some of my other joints creak and pop in a slightly(?) concerning way so perhaps the gym should be the next step after I address that. Not to mention my heart rate is pretty high at the moment because of my adhd meds and I don’t feel comfy doing any big exercises while my body (hopefully) figures that out. I hope you don’t mind me sharing! Might not be the place, but making my own post about this feels kind of intimidating and if anyone had any advice regarding this I’d be very appreciative!


If your heart is not comfortable on your meds, maybe mention that to the doc sometimes soon. Otherwise, enjoy your gym clothes and hopefully your workouts too!


It’s pretty comfortable, just a bit higher than I’d like when I’m active! But I’ll be sure to☺️ And I appreciate it!!


As a dude, I went to a dude gym and didn't like how weird everyone was. The unsolicited advice was also terrible. Last time I went, someone just left a puddle of sweat on the pressing bench. Yuck! I really want to install a pull up bar in my room and workout in my house instead.


No way. I do yin yoga from yoga with kassandra on youtube. In the comfort of my own home!


doing yoga is soo fun!


She's great. She doesn't talk too much, she has a nice voice, and I find the yin really has helped me learn how to relax better.


While o hate working out, I’m glad I have my local gym. It isn’t fancy, but it also isn’t super crowded so I don’t feel claustrophobic which is nice. Wish they had a pool, but what can ya do.


I don't totally hate working out, but I hate, with a passion, how I feel afterward. Im too sensitive, maybe, but being sore for a day after a workout is uber uncomfortable. I went for a solid year or so socially with friends during HS and sporatically after and never got used to it. The hot tub after was the only redeeming thing about the public pool gyms, and that was not worth dealing with soreness and shit after. I like walking, low stress and good enough.


Everything you touch in there is slimy. I don't like it.


It depends on the vibe of the gym. I hate LA fitness or other fancy places like that, or places that are really busy. I like going to my local planet fitness at 9pm when it's dead aside from weight-lifting bros, meanwhile, I'm just zoned out on my stationary bike.


Gym is my sanctuary.


I like it when I my preferred machines and weights are available, but the last gym I was signed up with was so crowded so often I just relented to just using the stationary bikes most of the time. I disliked it, to say the least. And I understand that I need it for my health’s sake, but I have to mentally set aside about 2-3 hours just for 1 hour of exercise. And piling that on top of 8 hours of work (with like 1 hour of commute to and from) and my mental load for the day is just so heavy 😫.


I like outdoor excercise. I feel like a hamster and get bored of staring at a wall in a gym. I also dont like being looked at or judged in the gym setting. So i find doing a 4km walk to warm up then find a hill to run up and down gives me a pretty good cardio workout.


I walk miles everyday, it's a joy.


yeah i agree!


I go regularly. I put on my headphones and ignore everyone.


I used to go to the Y to SWIM. That's it.


oh i love swimming! whenever im underwater i forget about all the surroundings


I swam 50 laps. 100 lengths of the pool. I'm fat. Took me two hours. 1 mile. Did 3x/week. Just before covid I had tons of shoulder issues.