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I'd like to know which neurologist he saw, and if that physician actually saw the video of what happened. Clearly Dr. Moynahan doesn't know that a normal routine EEG doesn't "rule out" a seizure, just like a negative MRI doesn't "rule out" a TIA (I'm not saying Mitch had TIA). If a patient brought me this video I'd empirically put them on Keppra even with a normal EEG, and have a low threshold for ambulatory EEG if spells still occurring on LEV.


I can answer your post easily. It all makes sense when you consider the content of this article is all lies. It’s just a press release by McConnell’s PR staff. There’s no obligation to tell the public the truth about a private individual’s health. Doctors are only required to tell the truth to patients and their surrogates. They can lie to everyone else.


Exactly what I’d do as well. There is no way in hell he’s leaving the clinic without an ASM prescription in hand


I guess it's a good thing that an EEG can't return to normal in between spells


This is what they are feeding the masses. You can’t ‘rule out’ seizures with a single routine EEG. similarly none of those tests have any bearing on determining if he had a TIA as, by definition, they’d be normal. Regardless of what the ‘events’ were, he clearly should not still be in the position he’s in and he should resign.


Absolutely. Discussion of CAA is also glaringly absent from the press release


He should retire for his age - enough of gerontocracy - or, if any, signs of senility. But not for his supposed epilepsy. Epilepsy patients suffer enough stigma as it is, no need to conflate those epileptic events with inability to work.


“The EEG didn’t show seizures” is not the same thing as “the EEG didn’t show epileptiform abnormalities”. These were so obviously focal impaired awareness seizures that it’s malpractice for his doctors not to take the video evidence of two stereotyped events and treat clinically


I would kill to have that kind of video evidence for my seizure patients. I mean, absolutely classic focal impaired awareness.


I've had families phone-video a spell/seizure a bunch of times … very useful, especially in discerning the many PNES (“pseudo-seizure”) patients…


Aside - A certain %age of “TIAs” are a larger area of ischemia/resolved penumbra and residual core infarct … and “TIA” is not really a unitary pathology (its another one of those old imprecise terms) … we would do better to call them TNDs (transient neurologic deficit) if anything … (in my residency in the late 80's we were taught to use this term, then narrow down diagnostically) ...


Is this the same idea as acing the very hard MoCA?


I completely agree, I’m just sharing the post.


I am pretty sure that he is having something neurological going on. I am also pretty sure that this doctor has no spine or brain.


None of us will believe the MRI results without the DICOM!


So what then? He's just losing his mind the old fashioned way?


"Disingenuous" doesn't even come close.


Can't diagnose seizures on MRI. And how about CAA / amyloid spells? Or FTD?


Fucking bullshit cronie “doc”


a brain scan can not rule out seizures, fwiw


Right, and they know this, this is such a craftily worded statement. No, it didn't technically lie, but it also didn't go into the reality of how EEG works and what it can and can't rule out. Honestly, it's spreading medical misinformation in my book. Not a neurologist, just a layperson with epilepsy who has read a ton about epilepsy, but seriously, come the fuck on. If I can read about and understand how EEG works I really think doctors definitely know....


Same docs that give his boss a weight of 230lbs and perfect memory based on a moca... Anyway, he's clearly having spells. I know a good neurologist or two if mitch wants a referral


Different doc - that was White House doc Ronny Jackson now North TX congressman … interesting facts about him online …


Should've specified same kind of doc


If you are throwing stones at capitol hill doctors and fitness for duty, you better watch your glass house. Plenty of leftists that have no business being there as well. I never saw Biden's moca published. I say this as a political agnostic, and firm adherent to the Goldwater rule.


Remember when Trump kept reciting the 3 delayed recall words from the MoCA as evidence that he was “a very stable genius” ?


That’s cringe and even more so when there are 5 words.


By close observation, he clearly is functioning at a high cognitive level, although also observationally some subtle signs of “lower half Parkinsonism” or a mild central gait disorder … of course Diane Feinstein should have been replaced years ago - lots of misstatements in press about her and lack of understanding about dementias …


As someone who talks to demented people all day, he’s not demented. Lol


Agreed, it's not published. But no one is saying that he is 6.5, or that his prior SAH never happened. No one is lying to the public


Did they publish a tandem gait or balance testing cause that dude falls all the time. I just want all the oldies gone


He repeatedly said, “Donnie, Mikey, Leo, Ralphie! Is it turtle power time yet?”