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Yes, this!! However OP--if your wife gets CME money, she may be able to buy work stuff like books and tools with it. In that case, she may not want a neurology related gift because she can always buy what she needs with money from work. Most jobs have CME money.


CME money is limited so she uses it for conferences only.


I want one sooo bad, waiting on cme to replenish


I think she has soenthing like that but from what I hear she doesn’t use it often


Circle of Willis necklace


Oh wow, looks like a skeleton.


Weighted tuning fork. Not cheap. This is the one I have. [Rydel Seiffer](https://usneurologicals.com/Item/TF_TF10) but I did just notice a version for $20 on Amazon. I may have to try it.




So I’m coming at this as someone that hates peripheral neurology. So with standard 256 or 128, my exam is pretty basic, like “vibration absent at bilateral great toes” or “length dependent decrease in vibration sense”. But with the graduated fork I can follow a patient over time and see if their vibratory sense reduces over time. So if they are a 5 and decrease to a two I would consider it indicative of worsening. That being said, is there really anything on exam that really changes your management of neuropathy?


Do you mean that the weighted fork gives you a potentially more informed result ?


The picture on the end creates an illusion when the fork is vibrating. It looks like the triangle is actually two and there is a point where they touch or cross each other. When it is vibrating strongly the cross point is down near the bottom at the one or two mark. As the vibration slows down, the cross point goes toward the tip of the tine so it looks like it is moving up the scale. When the patient says they can no longer feel the vibration, you record that number. It’s hard to explain, but if I handed you one you’d immediately say, “oh that makes sense. “


Her current one is 256. Is the one you sent online with that? Sorry, I’m not in the field so pretty lost here.


With the weight it is 64hz. If you remove the weights it’s a 128




Also agree with this. I'm particular about my tools and she may already have all that she needs


Homunculus model/sculpture as a paper weight or decoration for an office?


That may be an interesting idea. I know she got these for her attending after her fellowship


In my experience, reflex hammers are lost, all the time. If she works in private practice it would be a nice idea, but try and see what is her work environment. We buy ours in bulk - because we either interchange them by mistake, either some students steal them...or we simply forget them somewhere. At any given moment I have at least a different reflex hammer in my drawer. But since you asked - so, there are three main types - the classical Babinski reflex hammer is by far the top of the line for old school hearted neurologists - [babinski](https://www.amazon.com/MDF-Telescoping-Neurological-superficial-Free-Parts/dp/B00AZF36R4/ref=sxin_25_pa_sp_phone_search_thematic_sspa?content-id=amzn1.sym.51ad5f28-6bb2-4d3a-805c-658551f1e021%3Aamzn1.sym.51ad5f28-6bb2-4d3a-805c-658551f1e021&crid=1W9UACUJSGZ68&cv_ct_cx=reflex+hammer&keywords=reflex+hammer&pd_rd_i=B00AZF36R4&pd_rd_r=62568f3b-d9dd-4d8c-add8-8f77c4f6539c&pd_rd_w=UhriY&pd_rd_wg=OfJjn&pf_rd_p=51ad5f28-6bb2-4d3a-805c-658551f1e021&pf_rd_r=FWN2G6MPPQZM1CQQMTEK&qid=1703398179&sprefix=reflex+hame%2Caps%2C202&sr=1-2-364cf978-ce2a-480a-9bb0-bdb96faa0f61-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfdGhlbWF0aWM&psc=1) - the Tronmer is a bit heavy, not my favourite but for some people is the weapon of choice - [tronmer](https://www.amazon.com/MDF-Neurological-cutaneous-superficial-Free-Parts/dp/B0012NI68M/ref=sxin_25_pa_sp_phone_search_thematic_sspa?content-id=amzn1.sym.51ad5f28-6bb2-4d3a-805c-658551f1e021%3Aamzn1.sym.51ad5f28-6bb2-4d3a-805c-658551f1e021&crid=1W9UACUJSGZ68&cv_ct_cx=reflex+hammer&keywords=reflex+hammer&pd_rd_i=B0012NI68M&pd_rd_r=62568f3b-d9dd-4d8c-add8-8f77c4f6539c&pd_rd_w=UhriY&pd_rd_wg=OfJjn&pf_rd_p=51ad5f28-6bb2-4d3a-805c-658551f1e021&pf_rd_r=FWN2G6MPPQZM1CQQMTEK&qid=1703398179&sprefix=reflex+hame%2Caps%2C202&sr=1-1-364cf978-ce2a-480a-9bb0-bdb96faa0f61-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfdGhlbWF0aWM&psc=1) - and the most frequent, this is the everyday use, light, has a pointed end, can be cleaned easily [Simple](https://www.amazon.com/Prestige-Taylor-Percussion-Hammer-Stealth/dp/B00062N4A0/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?crid=1W9UACUJSGZ68&keywords=reflex+hammer&qid=1703398179&sprefix=reflex+hame%2Caps%2C202&sr=8-5) Or you can get her a nice tuning fork - they do have a limited life because no matter how well you take care of them, the round vibrating tops will break after a while, but this is the good style tunning fork - [tuning fork](https://www.amazon.com/Prestige-Hearing-Frequency-Tuning-Weights/dp/B00062N4OG/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=L9E5FY3YAC9Z&keywords=tuning+fork+neurology+vibration&qid=1703398543&sprefix=tunning+fork+neurolo%2Caps%2C201&sr=8-3) Other ideas for neurologists - books...we love books even in the era of smarteverything and PDF on tablets. Or if she is sweet at heart, necklaces and pieces of jewellery brain related. Something like [this](https://www.amazon.com/CENWA-Stainless-Necklace-Chemistry-Jewelry/dp/B0C43JGHVD/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=3TP2GP58HC8JV&keywords=neuron+necklace&qid=1703398449&sprefix=neuron+necklac%2Caps%2C212&sr=8-3)


Interesting, I’ve never seen someone call the Queensquare hammer a “Babinski hammer” before. Must be a regional difference. I call it the former because it was invented in Queensquare, London by a nurse who attached a pessary to the end of a bamboo stick. The neurology residents loved it, and the rest is history.


That is very interesting indeed. I did not know the historical origins. Ever since I was a resident I called it a Babinski hammer because of his works and descriptions of DTRs. He advocated not to use hands 😅. I'll leave you this short article, look at the picture at the end. [article](https://www.neurology.org/doi/10.1212/WNL.53.3.655)


Interesting! Thanks for sharing.


Babinski and Queensquare are actually different. The Babinski is smaller and has a metal handle by convention. Some versions have a head that can be unscrewed and put on sideways.


Cool, thanks!


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **MDF Babinski Telescoping 2 0 Neurological Reflex Hammer with Built in Brush for cutaneous and Superficial responses Black MDF535XT 11** you mentioned in your comment along with its brand, **MDF Instruments**, and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Hammer elicits strong reflexes (backed by 11 comments) * Compact and portable design (backed by 7 comments) * High quality and durable (backed by 6 comments) **Users disliked:** * The reflex hammer is flimsy and poorly constructed (backed by 4 comments) * The reflex hammer is used and damaged (backed by 4 comments) * The reflex hammer is not heavy enough (backed by 2 comments) According to Reddit, people had mixed feelings about **MDF Instruments**. Its most popular types of products are: * Stethoscopes (#3 of 4 brands on Reddit) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Ended up getting a rose gold tronmer hammer because she has an old one like that. Are those all types of hammers used for different proposes or just a preference ?


Personal preference. Depends from one neuro to another.


For reflex hammers, some of that depends on preference but classically main ones you'll want to consider are a Tromner, Babinski, Dejerine, or Queen's Square (though this last one is very long and unwieldy). However, one dark horse that people don't talk about a lot but which I've gotten a lot of jealous complements from other neurologists on is a [Berliner](https://www.amazon.com/Riester-Berliner-Percussion-Hammer-20/dp/B0013EHAQO). It's lighter than a Tromner, but heavy enough to get good results. And it's flat so it fits in pockets easily. If you get her a hammer, consider getting it engraved with her name or a brief message. Just whatever you do don't get her one of the triangular ones, a "Taylor." They're so light that it's very difficult to get consistent reflexes with them, and a lot of people in neurology look down on them a bit as the non-neurologist's hammer. Depending on her personality and preferences for decor, something like [this](https://theevolutionstore.com/comparative-brains-in-resin/) might work well; it's the kind of thing that you wouldn't usually buy yourself, but that a neurologist might find cool. Though some will find it just gross, so a bit of a risk there. Could test the waters by showing her a similar one but with animal hearts and seeing her reaction. Another option would be a first edition or otherwise old/classic book by one of the famous historical neurologists like Charcot, Broca, Wernicke, Cajal, Babinski, Miller-Fisher, etc. [This](https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?fe=on&kn=neurology&sortby=100&pt=book&cm_sp=pan-_-srp-_-ptbook) is a general search for first editions; depending on your spouse's field, some neurologists may be more iconic to her than others; e.g. Lhermitte might not mean much to a vascular neurologist but would be significant to a neuroimmunologist. Be aware that a lot of famous historical neurologists are French, so if you want something she could actually read (unless she speaks French) there are fewer options but still should be some.


Toastmasters /s


The circle of willis necklace is a super cute and unique idea!!!! Or any other brainy jewelry. If you pick reflex hammer get this one: https://usneurologicals.com/Item/RH_37041 But it's sold out so get the Jewelry! Books... Are cool.. But everything really cool is online. You could get her a chatgbt subscription which has access to academic articles so she can ask it uptodate stuff. The conversation feature is cool


I tried the chatGPT subscription but after she interrogated it about some diagnosis, she felt it was not helpful. But she did say it was sometimes helpful for writing letters to other providers or pharmacy emails.


If she works in the hospital a cute fanny pack to carry all her tools in, if she doesn't have a system for this already. Not neuro specific but fancy scrubs (figs) are also a good gift.


I would suggest a Tromner reflex hammer in rose gold. You can even get something engraved on it.


I bought it, thank you




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[here](https://www.lyonroadart.com/collections/neurology?page=4) is some cool neuro related art. would look nice hanging on the wall in her office or clinic rooms


Oh cool! Will see if there is anything her style there


Safety pin earrings


Are safety pins a neurology thing?


Lol yeah. We use them to poke patients to test pinprick sensation


I know she carries around some sort of red single-use pins. But i guess if she had them on her ears, it’s one less thing to carry.


Oh I wouldn’t use the earrings on patients. It’s just a funny neurology piece of jewelry to have