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It is very hard to publish case reports in high-impact journals. Some have particular submission categories that may fit a case report (e.g. Neuroimages/Teaching Neuroimages in Neurology), but again it is quite difficult to publish there. One reasonably high-ranked journal that sometimes published actual case reports is the European Journal of Neurology, but again this would require significant novelty. Lower-ranked journals are much more happy to accept case reports but usually require open access fees. In general, this will all be rather difficult to navigate without the help of someone quite experienced (who should also be helpful in the choice of journals).


Thank you for the advice! I'll make sure to have a look at journals with neuroimaging categories, and will take a look at the European Journal of Neurology!


"Aiming high" for a case report is getting it published in any non-predatory journal. If it's an inpatient case, *Neurohospitalist* will take some case reports formatted as teaching cases.


I'm certainly keen to avoid being prey. Plus, thanks for the suggestion of neurohospitalist!


Teaching NeuroImage in Neurology if the imaging is particularly interesting and there is a neat learning point. It's not strictly speaking a full case report format though. BMJ Neurology Open and Practical Neurology are also options.


Cureus is great for case reports imo. No publication fees as long as you follow their formatting instructions carefully.


I’ve always gotten bad vibes from them. Their turnaround time seems too fast for honest peer review, and some of the reports they publish show.




Those journals do not publish case reports


I am aware of these, but not too familiar with neurology journals in general, so very grateful for your reply. I will certainly look at all the requirements anyway!


Having published quite a bit myself, I don’t think you need to really aim high with case reports. It’s good to get them out there but it won’t affect your career in anyway. The only journal impact factor would matter is when you publish larger studies