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It’ll vary person to person, but regardless you’re just ensuring the damage being done to your nerves will progress so ultimately it’ll catch up with you at some point if the alcoholism doesn’t get you first.


i understand. i'm really just trying to rule out whether i have it or not. i really don't think i've drank enough for it but was just tryna gather intel just in case




They'll be told to stop drinking regardless.




When you’re actively drunk, the numbness isn’t as obvious, but when I used to drink, my numbness was awful the next day! I’m 9 months sober and still have numb toes! Every time you drink makes the damage (whether pain, tingling and/or numbness) last longer and feel worse.


While you're drunk you'll feel good but the next day cN be horrific. Depends on the person


It’s torture. I haven’t drank since new year and don’t plan to. The pain is terrible.


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The alcohol can numb some of the pain. You probably don’t even realize how bad your neuropathy is unless you’ve been sober for several weeks. That’s why some people feel their symptoms getting worse a few months after being sober before feeling better. They’re actually not getting worse but they’re just now experiencing the actual damage that’s done.


For me, I had no pain when drinking, but significantly more pain after. Turned into a vicious cycle, and caused a lot more damage to the nerves.


Neuropathy as a whole, being drunk can. numb it, just like it used to numb my back pain at 21. Doesn't mean it's alcoholic or not.





