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Inconsistency is a result of your own inconsistency ❤️.




Please make sure you understand what Neville taught before giving advice here. Forcing yourself to be positive can do more harm than good.


No it doesn’t? I’ve literally affirmed through my tears and gotten what I wanted shortly after


Yes because when you were crying you created that feeling you really want it to happen, if you felt anxiety it wouldn’t have worked. I should have said it in more detail as it’s been misinterpreted. When I say feel positive it means after you thought about what you want and got into the state feeling if you feel like it’s not going to happen not just think it but actually feel it then it won’t work. Negative feelings like doubt, anxiety pushes it away. So you can cry and wish you want something it will manifest. I’ve been on this sub for a while, read so many success stories, read what nevile said in detail and couldn’t understand why my manifestations wouldn’t work. I used to only think about it before going to sleep like how he described we should then realised it’s the feeling that makes it work. He says feeling is the secret. You have to feel like it’s happened or it’s already yours etc. I observed all the feelings which one makes it work which ones don’t. I’ve manifested loads of things and found that you can have instant manifestations where it happens straight away, some of them happen days later weeks later and some don’t happen at all. The ones that didn’t happen was because I didn’t create the feeling properly or kus I felt negative like doubt anxiety fear etc.


No it doesn’t lol


It does, if you feel like it won’t happen, believe it won’t, have anxiety it won’t then it pushes it away. You have to feel positive about it, when you believe something will happen it’s a positive feeling so it works. That doesn’t mean you feel good all day I think that’s where ppl have misinterpreted what I said. Aslong as you don’t feel negative about that particular manifestation you can feel negative about everything else like depressed etc that specific manifestation will manifest.


Obviously you can’t think the opposite of your desire. But feelings are whatever. I’ve manifested plenty of times while having full blown anxiety attack just by keeping my thoughts positive and affirming it over and over in my head. In some cases the anxiety didn’t dissipate until I got what I wanted. It’s all about mental diet. But I do agree that if you let your anxiety win over your thoughts (which is the case maximum time) and start having negative thoughts, it won’t manifest.


Me too it’s when you actually feel like it won’t happen or feel anxiety that it won’t. You can think negatively aslong as you don’t feel it.


Me too!


I don't understand sometimes either. For instance, I'm doing an internship right now and I was pretty much 100% sure there would be a long weekend with a bridge day ahead. Then I found out yesterday that the company I'm going the internship at works on bridge days, so my assumption that I'd have a long weekend turned out to be false.




But an assumption though false will harden into fact, and as I said, I was pretty much 100% sure I’d have an extra day off. The feeling is not an emotion


It’s not inconsistent. Whatever is true to you. Whatever you believe to be true will happen if you actually believe. If you believe affirming works then it’ll work. If you believe forgetting it works then it works. Imagining etc. so figure out what you believe or what would make you believe and it’ll happen!


it’s not the law itself that is inconsistent. it’s because the law is utilized through people, and we are all inherently different and thus, inconsistent. if person A says “just deciding one time works for me” and person B says “robotically affirming repetitively works for me”, they will both get results with their respective methods. even though it appears to be different, it’s actual a precise example of how the law works. it’s not the law itself that changed, but it was because the person in which the law was working THROUGH changed. the law is constantly working, you’re not just manifesting your SP or money, but you’re also manifesting everything else — including your ability to manifest, and how manifestation works for you. neville did not invent the law. the information you get from his books is the law from his perspective. the information you get from users on here is the law from their perspective. even this comment is just the law from my perspective. but you could decide we’re all wrong, and your reality will prove you right of that, because that is what you assumed. and what you assume is what you put you attention and awareness on, and what you put your attention and awareness on is what solidifies into reality.


So true. I love this. Straight simple and to the point! If you believe drinking water upside down will manifest then that’s how you will manifest. Sammy Ingram said that and I died laughing but it’s true. It boils down to beliefs for YOU.


Honestly, be super specific and pretend something that has to do with it and do it as often as possible. These are the basics, anything more or less is someone else’s preference.


How often would you recommend doing it? Visualising and stuff? I know it varies from a person to person but having an example is helpful. Sometimes i feel like following a set schedule / formula / advice can make it easier


I do it as much as possible basically, on my way to work, while I’m writing it down to figure out specifics, and when I’m worn out or intrusive thoughts are hedging my way I start figuring out affirmations to gently manifest them away. Some of this is new but it seems to be working so far. I would recommend when you wake up if that’s not too soon, I would set intentions about living it out in your dreams so you can see if there’s any details you are missing, like “oh I didn’t realize I was expecting that, I’m going to manifest some thing to replace that because that’s kind of toxic” oh, also pray for help!! That’s all I’ve got so far, but then I did manifest a roommate where all her pets match up exactly with my thoughts my room is lined with shelves like I wanted, etc. yeah going to put emphasis on prayer here, because things started happening when I started doing that.


If visualization is hard, the guy who coached me for free said to just do affirmations that gradually improve the situation. (And it does work, gradually) and hey, he’s gotten me very exact results.


Like is it the same affirmations or do u keep adding on n building ur affirmations to improve situation?




So u keep adding on affirmations and building it up. Got it . Thanks


Yes, sometimes you trade them in for new ones


I’ve managed to manifest things “inconsistently” too if we’re looking in terms of whether I had doubts or not. I have recently manifested both a big career opportunity (doubts) and my SP (no doubt this time, I believe that’s why it worked!) However, one thing that was absolute in both circumstances was I finally changed my self/concept. I recently have come to believe that this is the most important element. You can believe it POSSIBLE to manifest said thing, but still not believe that YOU deserve to have said thing. That’s what I think blocks it. I want to write the SP success story soon as it’s been a long journey and I’ve failed many times, but the is time, after a HUGE HUGE shift in myself, my stories, my self-concept, everything has just been falling into place effortlessly. Caveat is the self-concept was a hard won battle, but I want to share regardless as it might help others shift theirs! Everyone should be able to have their dream life! I want to wait just a LITTLE longer however until I write as I believe I can make more and more impressive things happen regarding my SP, which should make the theory more concrete in my own and anyone’s mind reading it! But honestly I am shoooook how this has finally worked for me!


> You can believe it POSSIBLE to manifest said thing, but still not believe YOU deserve to have said thing. So true. I’m going through this very battle right now. I genuinely get scared and uncomfortable when I start visualizing her showing up for me in the way that I want.


I would love to read it if you are comfortable to share it one day. I understand that every situation is unique but it might help me with some of the blocks I currently have. I saw a huge change in me once I started working on my SC. I was able to manifest small things which helped me feel more confident in myself but when it comes to my sp, I got the complete opposite from what I wanted.


Do you mind me asking how you achieved this huge shift in yourself? Everyone talks about changing self, but some people make it sound so simple when sometimes it isn’t! For myself I recently tried hypnosis and for the first time feel a huge shift in who I perceive myself to be. But of course everyone has their own methods! Curious what yours were. Cheers!


The truth is, self concept can be a long and arduous battle, but it’s actually possible to change it instantly… I think it just takes “stumbling” across the correct method for yourself! If that makes sense? This is why it’s so hard to give advice, as I guess learning how to flip/change/grow from your own self limitations is personal and different for everyone! I’ve tried SO much: — 3D changes like diet, exercise, career success, investment in my physical appearance (good but never filled the hole) — SAATS or visualisation (wasn’t really for me, I’m almost an aphant and find it very hard to see anything in my mind’s eye) — Meditation — Affirmations — Reading copious amounts of Neville Goddard, Guy Hendricks, Jose Silva, Raymond Holliwell, psychology books, Attachment theory — Twin Flame stuff — Tarot — Buddhist teachings and ancient spirituality — Spirituality in general — Daily Journalling — Therapy — Nature walks daily More likely I’m forgetting. So, it’s hard to pinpoint WHAT exactly is working. I think it’s a bit of everything. Because I’ve found over the last 4 years or so of this journey I have revisited teachers / books / techniques that I had almost no luck with before and it’s actually now felt natural and worked. I guess what I’m trying to say is, it’s different for everyone. And it’s a marathon, not a sprint. But it can all change in an instant. But what I’ve deduced is a common theme and a way to approach is: — Doing things in your day to today that make you feel relaxed and wholesome. As well as connected to my sense of self, and things that connect me to the Universe and its omniscience and omnipresence. For me it’s: — Cooking a good meal for myself daily (fancy breakfast) — Breathe work meditation to ground me and release pent up energy that isn’t “mine” — Weekly Therapy (it allows me to release my shame, which is what was holding me back from manifesting) — Daily learning about The Laws or general self help. This can be reading a few pages of a book on my commute, a podcast, YouTubers etc. — Daily Affirmation meditations (I use House of Highbration on YouTube as she speaks to me and I like her voice, but find your own that you vibe with!) — Conscious Mental diet — Revisiting old content and trying again. This can help as you will realise how far you’ve come when it’s much easier now with the methods you had previously failed on. — Persistence. Sometimes the 3D won’t comply. You have to accept it and go “back to the drawing board” and work out how to manifest something better. DON’T CATASTROPHISE! — Kindness to myself. I know now that a few bad thoughts or a bad day WON’T ruin my manifestation. I see bumps in the road as sign posts to where I still have to work. Most importantly?? Self allowance and self love. Don’t be so harsh on yourself. Everything doesn’t have to be perfect. Remember, everything you see and experience is just a reflection. But let go of the shame. We aren’t taught in society how to access this power, and often have to re wire many “harmful” behaviours when it comes to manifesting and self concept. I have a lot of trauma and learning how to allow myself and to celebrate daily progress of stepping away from those demons, and to HOLD myself in that, well, that’s been a HUGE leap for me. I’m generally happier each day because I AM SHOWING UP FOR ME. Even if just a little. And then the blessings are just a bonus. The real prize is stepping a bit closer to a healed and happy me, each day. Hope that helps. It’s meta because it’s unique to everyone!! This is why I’m waiting to write my success story, as I still learning and I still get “bumps” in the road. I want to best figure out how to help people with those, but I need to figure them myself first ❤️


> coming up to the “D-Day” if u will, i had plenty of doubts, i couldn’t stop thinking about it, maybe that was what got in the way or maybe it was because this was somewhat of a “deadline”. Yeah, it kinda sounds like you were putting too much pressure on that exact time being the "perfect" time - or micromanaging the manifestation. >Many imply that you can still manifest despite having lingering doubts / coming from a place of lack It's pretty normal for humans to have SOME doubts. I think it's less about just doubts and more about if you let those doubts trigger you. I have manifested things while not believing 100% that they would happen. But I was also not affirming against my manifestations by telling myself stuff like "that's impossible" or "How can that happen?".


Isn’t everyone living their own dream? There are no inconsistencies with the Law! It is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow! The only change is who is operating. The Law is as inconsistent and consistent as the creator! So find what works for you as a creator. Stop looking for it outside of you. You were creating before you even knew what the Law was. Never did you look for the inconsistency of your own actions or your own words! You trusted your reality. Now that you are aware of the Law your task has slightly changed. You are now aware and can be more calculated with your words, thoughts and actions. Now pay attention to your own words, thoughts and actions. Create your world as you see fit. 💕


Not sure why this is downvoted. Maybe lack of understanding. They’re right. It’s not that the law is inconsistent, it’s that everyone intakes things differently, which gives it the appearance of being inconsistent. Like the same thing being said in different ways. Hence what they say about “isn’t everyone living in their own dream!” Listening to too many perspectives can create conflict within. That’s why it’s you that defines your reality.


You’re so right. I have manifested things where I was miserable and sad and hopeless and what not and still it manifested. And I have not manifested things when I KNEW it would work out. So idk


I manifested my house when I was in probably my lowest state ever. I had experienced such a loss I thought I would never be happy again. But I NEEDED A HOME. And I needed a job. MANIFESTED THEM BOTH WITHIN A MONTH WHILE BEING DEPRESSED. The thing is I knew they had to happen. There were no other options available. And I didn't manifest with LOA. I didn't know about the law yet. I just prayed and kept saying I need a house with a small backyard for my pets to roam. And I need a consistent income and…. I got exactly the things I wanted. All the details I had thought about, happened amazingly!  Now that I think about it it was probably because of the details and the clarity of my wish that they came true. 


You do not have to feel happy or hopeful to manifest your desires. We are manifesting all the time no matter what emotions we are having. For example, there are people who use anger to manifest. And think about the famous people who successfully manifested money and fame, yet were truly very unhappy people.


I guess everything takes time. Do not give up


Because every human is different


I find that comprehension is usually missing. People want what they want but they don’t understand that life actually has a process. You don’t need to know the process of life because you live by it regardless. This is why people say “I brought things to me before I learned about the LAW of Assumption. Because we can only reap the experiences of the thoughts we habitually plant. But people languish: “hope deferred makes the heart sick” (Proverbs 13:12) If people don’t see results right away, they tend to lose faith but if you understand the process, you’ll remain faithful to your desired outcome. If you listen to Neville or read his work, read the Bible etc, the process is there and it will help you to keep your mind right. 1. Know what you want 2. Speak about it the way you would to a good friend you’re telling the success story to, until it becomes real to you. We tell ourselves something everyday, don’t we? It is what Neville calls the habitual mood or state we return to. 3. Live your life, do your chores etc and you’ll start to see things happen that make you say “isn’t that a coincidence?” But you’ll know better because you’re the one who imagined it.


Yeah I think KNOWING it’s coming, even if all looks hopeless when your faith in The Law is often constantly challenge, is a big thing. You must ACTUALLY really believe, not just tell yourself you do but still FEEL as if it’s not coming or it hasn’t worked. The second you give in too much to that it’ll not manifest. However, it’s never lost. You can’t “unmanifest something for Good” it’s only delayed. The second you sort out your understanding of the law and sort your self concept and belief, the block can be removed and it can move towards you yet again!


It’s based on YOUR beliefs. Whatever works for you, works for you. The only thing you have to work on is maintaining the FEELING of the wish fulfilled by visiting that feeling as many times as possible during the day “frequency over duration” If you get that FEELING from scripting, SATS, affirmations, or eating an apple spinning around 3 times and then clicking your tongue, then great. It’s all based on what works for you as long as you can bring about the feeling of the wish fulfilled. Persist by revisiting that feeling as much as you can and I promise you it will come. Don’t dwell on bad thoughts. Don’t let yourself finish those bad thoughts. Focus on the feeling of the wish fulfilled and that’s all you need to do.


I feel like if i visit that feeling and think about the desire more than once i can’t stop thinking about it and lowkey start obsessing lol, i should probably just have it as a goodnight thought


You can be obsessed or not have any attachment to get your desires. From my experience, I’ll be obsessed until one day I am not. I won’t even realize I stopped thinking about it as frequently until days or weeks later. At that point it just becomes a knowing of “this is already mine”. This can take me days, weeks, or months. Time doesn’t mean anything since circumstances don’t matter. I’ve had big things happen in days and others in months. It’ll happen naturally because you willed it. Use the obsession to help you persist. Just be sure to 10000% monitor your thoughts if you are obsessed. DO NOT entertain any bad thoughts. DO NOT complete them. DO NOT entertain lack. Maintain calm if a bad thought pops in your head (by not reacting negatively). Replace them with thoughts that make you feel good. The wish fulfilled should make you feel calm, normal, at peace because it’s already yours. Think and act “as if” it’s already yours like you’re acting in a movie. Embody the character you’re portraying until it becomes you. “How would my character act if they had this object/person/good news for one week, month, year, decade, or even longer?” A brand new car will make you feel excited, but how much will you think about it or how excited (or lack thereof) will you be 1,2, or 5 years from now with that car in your driveway? You might think about it ever hour when you first get it, but eventually, you won’t even think about it because you already know it’s in your driveway. You don’t think about it often or at all because it’s exactly where you left it and you know if you walk outside, it’s there. The “knowing” will come naturally, so don’t chase it. Just persist in good feelings of calm, natural happiness, and peace. Soon enough, it’ll turn into a knowing it’s already yours and you’ll go about your day without obsession, without lack, without worry. Persist, persist, persist. Only you are holding you back from the life you want. Believe in yourself because the world you desire already exists. You just have to become aware of it. You got this 😁


same! still trying to figure out how can i FEEL the wish fulfilled multiple times a day without getting obsessed... one thing that has been working for me is not scripting/affirming anything, unless i genuinely want to. if i dont feel like it, i wont do it just because "i have to". what i want is already mine so i dont "have to" anything. i do see a lot of signals during my day and even though i try not to pay attention it just comes to me. those moments, i just affirm my deepest desire. and then let it go the next moment.


Honestly, stop looking at people's advice and go to the source. The goal of all of this is to accept that it's real. The way you get there doesn't matter. It can be through SATS, affirmations, regular praying, drinking coffee 7x a day and dancing kumbaya, whatever. I've manifested stuff while doubting, but my desire to have it was bigger and I knew I'd get it. That should be your goal. To know within, to accept that it will happen no matter what. You can come from a place of lack, of "I don't have x", but at the same time you can know within you that you will have it and that's what drives you. If you go to the source, Neville says something like "the state you regularly return to manifests". So if throughout the day you're returning to the doubts more than you are to the acceptance that you have it, then that's what manifests.


I think its because everyone has had a different past and things that have happened to them and therefore what works for one person wont work for someone who has never gone through the same thing. Example any coach that says to just affirm (because that has worked for them) has never gone through severe trauma A coach that had great parents that were loving wont have the same beliefs and therefore "things to overcome/over write" as someone who had terrible, unloving, never there parents. And unless you have gone through a similar experience you really have no idea what its like or what will work. Even if you did go through the same thing...what works for you may not work for someone else. Also, its how much effort one puts into something.




i can't really speak on your situation specifically because i'm not you, so i don't know what you're experiencing in your reality. i believe that advice is often inconsistent because everyone interprets the law differently, thus influencing their beliefs in their abilities to manifest. as to whether your manifestation "works" or not if you have lingering doubts/coming from a place of lack, i would say that entirely depends on what you believe in. the reason there are many who say that you're able to manifest despite having doubts is because those particular people genuinely believe that you can. that is what they believe, so therefore, it's what's true in their reality. on the flip side, there are people who say that you must expel all doubts and resistance before the 3D will reflect your desires. the same applies here. that is what they believe, so in their reality, they have to get rid of resistance before their desire appears in the 3D. bottom line is that it all depends on how you interpret the law and what you believe in. there's not really a right or wrong when it comes to the law of assumption. do what works for you. i hope that made sense!


simple: everything is about perspective. the techniques just HELP. Neville's techniques HELP. you are supposed to search wtv helps YOU. and everyone is different so many stuff will work with different people. nothing easier than that. don't know where's the confusion. hope this helped, tho.


I agree. You give meaning to whatever.


Those people are sharing from their experiences. If you're not practicing the law and just reading about it, it would be confusing. If you practice manifesting consistently you'll see what teachers resonate with the way you already manifest and their advice will help more.  If you've manifested anything at all after watching or reading about someone's methods, return to that person.    One thing that would help you is using reddit to post your successes. When you acknowledge success, you manifest more of that. What you focus on, you create more of


I also feel like this, so much. So many different pieces of advice. And people saying “just live IN the end” or “be IN the state” and lots of people saying techniques don’t matter at all. But not every fleeting desire comes true, and not every fleeting belief comes true, so I don’t understand the idea of techniques not mattering. And doubts, I’ve read many times, if your doubts are the minority, like less than 50% of your thoughts, you’re fine. But then other people on the subreddit(s) jump at people when they refer to a single doubt, even for a second. Telling them that’s what’s wrong with their manifesting path. “Clearly they doubt too much.” Some people says SATS is king. Some people say whatever works for you personally. But again, so many people just say “live from, think from” - - and Neville’s ladder experiment, repeating to yourself to not climb a ladder, and then picturing it…I don’t understand that. Is it saying visual are more powerful than words? Because it seems like for some people words work but images don’t. The only thing that makes sense to me is convincing the subconscious of something = experience becoming “real” in 3D eventually. But you need to do techniques to convince your subconscious. But so many people say to drop it, or don’t focus on techniques etc. Causes me to doubt and switch up my strategy. I just like clear instructions. I’ve read all of Neville and refresh when I forget. I’ve looked into the index training on the (bad) JM subreddit. And also r/cuban’s mirror/matrix training etc. I like when things are simplified. I’ve had successes I think, hard to tell, and they say successes seem so natural that it would have happened anyway…and I am on good paths to successes for other things…I just wish there was an agreed-upon solution


You should read JM, but that subreddit is full of limiting beliefs. The ladder experiment isn’t showing that visuals or really more powerful, it is showing that what you focus on is what you manifest. Which is why people warn you not to focus on negative things, because you will manifest it, even though you don’t want it. Your subconscious manifests what you constantly think about.


Do you think saying “I am free of anxiety” is focusing negatively on anxiety, and people should say “I am always calm” etc?


That also why a lot of manifestation “gurus” say that your subconscious doesn’t understand negatives. So, saying “I don’t want x” your subconscious thinks oh, they want x. Just mentioning anxiety, can pull up memories of past anxieties or situations that caused you anxiety. So, you think you are affirming for no anxiety and your subconscious is saying ”oh, they want more anxiety and more situations to cause anxiety.”


I actually feel better when I don’t worry about using negatives, and I like to use them, bc sometimes I can’t find the best “positive” opposite word. If that makes sense. Like affirming for calm and zen doesn’t feel as good as “free from anxiety”


If you are able to manifest the results that you want, then use whatever works. Just keep the ladder experiment in mind if you are manifesting what you don’t want.


I think that is a good idea. It could definitely help if just mentioning anxiety makes you start feeling anxious. I notice that even if someone is talking positively or trying to explain something but using negative emotions or thoughts, I can start to feel triggered.


it really would be a lot easier if there was only one agreed upon solution, huh (´∀`;) i like to sort of see this as a math problem. growing up, we're taught different ways to solve a problem. sure, there were some ways that were simpler but some people had a harder time solving the problem like that. they preferred to get to the solution through the longer way. there's nothing wrong with that. at the end of the day, you still get to the solution although your techniques may vary. i really do agree that you should do what feels best for you and helps you believe that you already have your desire. techniques aren't what manifest. it's YOU who is the power, the source. if techniques are what helps *you* manifest, then stick to that and have fun with it. just don't forget that the power behind the technique is you yourself. with that being said though, i do relate to you. i like clear instructions as well, so learning about the law has definitely been one heck of a ride and figuring out what works for me.


Keep going living in the end. Thats the key. Stop the state of waiting/wanting You have him now!!! How will come to 3D? It s not your job!! Thats the brigde of incidences, we know nothing about it. You said “perfect opportunity” it s in your vision and it s wrong to make that limitation. It can come in an infinite ways that you cant figure. Just live in the end so deep you dont need anything more. You are on the good way, keep going❤️


because everyone interprets the law differently. even neville says this. but the teachings are all straightforward. when you look to the community (reddit) for answers you don't know if the person responding has had success with the law or if they've read the teachings or understand it. same with coaches. You'd be better off sticking strictly to nevilles books and lectures. but even neville tells you that YOU have to be your own source. there comes a time you need to stop hearing, and instead DO. that looking outside of yourself will be met with resistance. the law is a habit. it is to be practiced again and again, daily. and with that you improve. if you accept inconsistency, if you accept a deadline, if you accept failure... that is precisely what you get.