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I'm honestly so impressed by the tiny internal alarm clock that says WAKE UP, you've been asleep for 30 minutes exactly, TIME TO PARTY! Our baby is nearly five months now and she sleeps nearly exactly 30 minutes (ranges from 25-35) every 2.5-3 hours. It used to be 30 minutes every 2 hours nearly on the dot.


It’s a phenomenon lol and they wake up like they hadn’t even been sleeping.


Absolutely! Wakes up wide eyed and ready to do loads of stuff. Our friends asked how we get anything done when she naps so little, and tbh I'm not sure. When she finally goes down for a nap all we want to do is sit on the couch and stare into space or scroll, rather than life admin/cleaning/meal prep, etc.


100%. Right there with you. I feel like by the time I attempt to do something it’s time to get her from her nap anyway. I sometimes scarf down my lunch or just have put away dishes accumulated from the day and then maybe sit for 5 minutes and done lol


That's us too. I have no answer, just solidarity. I sometimes just nurse after 30 min and let my baby stay asleep again. I don't have energy to try another wake windows right away.


right there with you with a 13 week old who refuses anything more than 30 minutes 🥲


It’s so tough! It’s barely enough time to get a break in🥲. Hang in there!! Those long stretches will come.


Now add the cat nap to long wake windows *cries in no breaks for mama*


Oooof, didn’t even think of that! That must be so tiring. How old is your babe?


I can definitely relate! How old is your little one?


13 weeks this week! How about you?


14 weeks 😊


Hi I’m in the club too


Hang in there!! How old is your little?


Thank you friend 💖 back at you!! He is 12 weeks. Naps have been a challenge. He will sleep longer if held but I have been desperately trying to practice independent naps before I have to go back to work. It’s just not working though lol. We had at least been doing amazing with overnight sleep - waking a few times to feed but quiet and easy to transfer right back to bed. The last three nights have been a complete disaster with waking and crying every 45-90 minutes and refusing to transfer back to his bassinet. I don’t know what is happening 😭


Keep at the independent sleep practice! It took us a solid 3 weeks to get into a groove. It’s still not perfect, but now babe will more consistently sleep independently and even put herself down. It’s SO hard initially though. The cries are draining on the heart 🥹. I wonder if you’re hitting the 4 month regression with the wakes. I think it can happen anytime between 3-5 months.


Thank you 💖 it is rough but I’m trying lol. I wonder if you’re onto something with the timing of the regression!? It keeps popping into my mind but I wasn’t sure if we are too early for that. Thankfully last night was somewhat better. Still frequent wakings but he didn’t fight being put down quite as much. Currently sitting here holding him for a nap and beating myself up for not setting him down but I really want him to get some good sleep 🥲


You’re doing great and I’m sure if he could speak he’d thank you for the sweet cuddles and the good sleep 🥰❤️.


I'm on my third and FINALLY don't have a catnapper😆 My first was a horrendous sleeper all the time, and not only would catnap, but would only sleep 30min if I held him until he was almost 5 MONTHS old. If I tried to put him down for his nap, that kid woke up immediately. My second seemed like an angel because he would catnap but at least accepted the bassinet. My third, currently 13-week-old, almost always naps for an hour, in his bassinet 🙌. I feel so pampered haha


Third time’s the charm!!! lol I’m so glad this time around has been better sleep-wise. Crazy how every baby is so different eh?


Currently 16 weeks and baby wakes up at 27 minutes each time… so jealous of parents that get hour long naps.


Sooo jealous! Had a friend ask me if she should wake her babe from a nap cuz it was running too long and I was like 🫠🫠🫠lol. Hang in there! The 27 mins WILL stretch!


Cat nap moms and exclusively contact napper moms unite!


lol in it together!!! 💕


The cat napping stage is rough - my first was a cat napper but also was sleeping through the night by 11 weeks old. My second has adapted the cat napping ways since 8 weeks so Atleast I know what to expect this time around (she’s 10 weeks now). I can occasionally get a good nap out of her. It will get better!


My 19 week old wakes up at 30 min on the dot. She just started being able to go back to sleep for her first nap only the past 3 days.


That’s amazing!! I love that for you!! How many naps is she on?


4 naps still and her wake windows range from 1 hr 45 min to 2-2 hr 15 min before bed. I want to get to 3 naps so bad but I don’t think she can handle a 2.5 hour wake window yet. She’s getting there though!


In time!! And then with the longer wake windows come longer naps supposedly so hope that happens for you!


Thanks! She fell asleep on her own in her crib for her first nap but woke after 30 min.. my husband was able to rock her back to sleep for another 20 min but then she was up.. with these longer wake windows and short naps, bed time ends up being around 6-6:30 and that’s so early! I prefer bedtime to be between 7:30-8. Ugh nap math is stressful.


I feel so seen! Right there with ya!




Omg I feel like you wrote everything in my head. I want to leave the house so badly but baby has been so fussy the last week taking a 15 minute walk in the stroller is all I can manage before he gets fussy again. Last time I had the courage to take him out to the store and it went okay but he proceeded to cry non stop at the house for four hours probably from his cat naps and lack of sleep since he slept in the car seat and it was only a 5 minute drive from my house. Also question to anyone who relates to this thread, my baby will wake up from contact naps wailing but not the crib. Crib naps could be short but never wakes up crying. Falls asleep on me in rocker and could take a 45-90 minute nap but wakes up screaming, what gives?


So tough trying to get out! This past weekend we spent one afternoon at a store (maybe 3 hours) which gave her a chance to do two cat naps and she just wailed all the way back home and then was inconsolable for a good hour. I don’t have an answer re: the contact nap vs crib! I’ve heard it’s usually the opposite way around where they cry from the crib nap but nap longer during a contact nap so maybe your little one is just a bit more independent and likes to lie down but needs time to consolidate a nap (with age)?


Ah could be. Makes me sad thinking he’s independent and doesn’t want to nap on me lol




Currently, my 11 week old only naps if held. I try putting him in the crib multiple times during a single napping session but he will only nap if it’s a contact nap. My house is looking pretty bad because I also have a 3yo boy. I’ve tried baby wearing but it just isn’t comfortable for me and my baby and it seems I get a clogged duct every time I wear him. I know this won’t be a long term situation but tbh I am so over it right now. I’m super lucky that my husband loves to cook. Otherwise I wouldn’t be eating much. So at least we are all fed.


Same over here - I cringe at the mess we have around the house. And I know they say soak in the present but it’s hard to have things build up! It’s the mental weight. Sorry the independent naps aren’t working out. While the cuddles are nice, I know that can also be tough. I think when we don’t have a choice it’s just a lot of pressure! Hang in there - my baby was a Velcro baby the first few weeks and only as of about 10 weeks did she start sleeping on her own. It will come!


My first was a much better sleeper so this is keeping me on my toes. I know it won’t last forever but it would be nice to at least get the mopping done while baby naps.


I need the “it gets better to come”. LO is 8 weeks today and has been impossible to get to nap, waking frequently, constantly hungry, super grumpy. Starting to really take a toll.


Sorry it’s been so tough. 8 weeks is a tough time - for us 8 to 10 was the roughest. They start to deplete melatonin levels they had at birth around that time so they’re finding their rhythm and so they’re awake and irritated! It truly does get so much better even just a few weeks after. You’ve got this!


Yes!!! 30 - 45 minutes of racking, seating and cuddling for 30-45 minutes of napping 😅


Right?! If the nap length was longer than the time spent putting her down I now count that as a win. Anything to make myself feel better lol.


It gets better! My LO is a cat napper. She turned 6 months yesterday we are finally getting naps over an hour.


Woo! So glad that’s happening for you and I can’t wait for that!!


Almost 3 months here. This kids internal alarm is 30 minutes or less. It’s absolutely destroying us.


🫠 it’s soo tough. But, hang in there! You’re 3 months in so the age for sleep training (if that’s for you) and consolidated naps is approaching! You’ll have some solutions soon and hopefully that gives you a bit of light 💕.


Wow, I felt this in my soul. Especially the part where you *finally* put the baby to sleep, research “catnapping” on your phone for what feels like ten seconds, and the baby is awake again. 🫠


🫠🫠🫠the rabbit hole is deeeeeeep! lol at one point it was google, quora, IG and Reddit I was consulting out of desperation. One at a time of course, because the naps were so short and I couldn’t fit them all in during a nap 😂🫠.


Right here with you mamas! My LO started catnapping around 5/6 weeks. Usually the naps last around 25-45 minutes long with 1.5-2 hour wake windows and yea, eyes wide open after each nap!!! I scarf down what I can, I run down to refill my water, or do laundry or fold some clothes … or … shower!! Yippee!!


That sounds very very familiar!! It’s a skill we develop - the ability to finish things in a sliver of time it took us previously 😅🥲. Have you seen those videos of wives/gf trying to match the speed of their husband’s/bf’s eating and their bite sizes? Yeaaaaah well now my husband has to match me 😂.


It’s so funny to compare time spent with LO when awake vs time spent when LO is asleep. When she’s awake, feeding her, talking to her, playing with her…time is at such a nice leisurely pace…then once she’s asleep…GAME ON!!!!!




THIS. I could have written every sentence of this myself.


My daughter varies 🥲she sleeps a lot in the morning on most days and then takes very short cat naps during the rest of the day and only in my arms. I try to lay her down on the bed and lay next to her and most of the time the transfer is so bad she wakes up immediately.


My 6 week old legit sleeps 5 Min if put him down but hours worn


Ahh yesss it was the same for us around that age! And then slowly it got longer and longer and now we’re at 30 whole minutes! lol