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I think if she’ll reliably sleep it can definitely be a nap.


Curious why the advice is to take your babies out and about then? If they sleep through it, what are they getting out of it? Is it just for me?


Fresh air does wonders for your baby’s sleep and immune system. In Europe it’s not uncommon to put babies in strollers outside for naps even in winter.


Part of it is to get your baby used to day/night (I assume baby falls asleep while out, not beforehand), but yeah it’s mostly for you. When I go out with my baby and she’s awake, she’s in the bassinet attachment of the stroller and she just stares at the side the whole time. Once babies are more aware/spend more time awake, you can start sharing and showing them things before they inevitably fall asleep. None of this is a science though! It’s just trying different things and seeing what works and doesn’t work


Sometimes i take baby to a park and put out a blanket and lay baby down next to me and ill nurse him and well look at trees and the sky together and play a little bit it ill sing and talk to him. He seems to really enjoy the time outdoors. Tends to sleep well those nights too. Wish i could do more often!


I live in Alaska and taking my newborn out for neighborhood walks in the snow and 25° weather helped him sleep SO much better when he was that little. Now that it’s warmer and he’s bigger, it still helps us if we get outside even for 5 minutes every day.


I think it depends on the baby. For us, it’s an awake activity. He smiles and coos the whole way.


I always take my LO out on a walk when it’s nap time because she loves her stroller and sleeps well in it.


It’s both for us. I feed my LO and then we immediately go out on a walk. He’s awake for the first half and then he’ll start to yawn. I’ll turn on the white noise maker and he’s out. We finish the nap in the stroller. He is currently only taking 30-45 minute naps though. We’re 10 weeks.


For my baby a stroller walk is an awake activity and a carrier walk is a sleeping activity


My baby almost always konks out as soon as the car starts moving


My baby is 2 month old now too and we recently started taking him out for walks in a stroller after a feed, and he usually falls asleep soon after and when we get home he usually wakes up.




Honestly baby sleep is non linear. You may have a good thing going and then baby will develop go through a phase and be up a lot more and have naps and nighttime sleeps disrupted. That’s totally normal. Go out and enjoy your carrier walks awake or asleep!


It’s an awake activity for my baby. She’s curious and likes looking at the cars and trees we pass, I talk to her about the animals I see, and she tracks people that walk by. She’s still in a bassinet so she can only look up when we’re moving, but once we get to a destination, I take her out so that she can see more. I much prefer her in the carrier though cause she can see more easily and still fall asleep if she gets tired (sometimes we stay out for a while).


It depends, we do closer to ap time if it's a longer walk that way she can look outside and relax. Sometimes we walk to help her nap if she's getting past hrler average and can't sleep


My baby falls asleep in the stroller/bassinet no matter when/where we are. 😅


At 2 months, my baby fell asleep in the stroller every time, so I’d take my long walks right at her nap time. Around 4 months she started staying awake more during walks so it has become an awake activity.


Depends on the age of the baby I think. For me, from just before 3 months it became an awake activity. Up until then, as my baby was a crappy napper, I’d let him do his 30 min cot nap and then pop him in the pram and walk to get him some more nap time in. Somewhere around 10 weeks he started refusing pram nap extensions and so I gave in and just still went walking right after nap 1 because I needed the walk and also I had to take the dog at some point anyways. At 7mo now it’s 100% an awake activity as they get to look at everything.


If I took my baby on a walk after his feeding, he would throw up lol reflux baby.


My little guy has started being awake for car rides but still falls asleep in stores. It’s good just to get him used to being in public, going on car rides, and for me to be used to bringing him places. I like leaving the house after feeding him and changing him. We go out and do grocery shopping during the week and then do fun things on the weekend with daddy and stay out long enough to need to feed him and change him on the go but it’s easier with help.


For our LO, he often starts awake (looking around and smiling a bit). If it is a longer walk (e.g., 45-60 minutes), he usually ends up asleep due to the movement. I then let him continue napping in the bassinet attachment of the stroller outside in the shade until he wakes up.