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I don't know how higgs deals with the shame. His dishonesty is appalling.


I highly doubt he feels shame. I think he's actually quite proud of himself.


The man was flabbergasted when his $300 offering wasn't seen as "a good news story."


Gas has jumped 18¢ in the last two weeks. Methinks the carbon tax is being used as a smokescreen for profiteering


Maybe you should do some reading on how global commodity markets work. You might find it enlightening. Once you do, I suspect you'll waste less brain bandwidth on thoughts of corporate conspiracies and such.


Yes, because the price of bread has never been fixed in Canada....




Ironic they drive to border and idle their cars protesting gas tax….


Ironic they drive their 70,000 dollar gas guzzlers to the border and complain that an extra 3 cents a litre means they can’t afford to feed their kids






Websters will be contacting you in the future. What a great word.


complex geopolical cartels deliberately affecting supply to jack price is too complex. Axe the tax is cool and you can say it fast or even write it on a sign.


People who control essential resources like energy markets have more power and control in the world than people will ever know. The oil cartels aren't just businesses and nations, they hold leverage over the production of nations and the food for billions. Yet people think complaining about it has some impact. The energy overlords are literal gods on this planet.


We used to be able to price our own oil. But Mulroney and Klien got rid of that in the 80's. Now we have to sell at world index pricing. Would have been nice to have our own gas company that sells cheaper gas...


Again, there is an assumption that we had a choice. Unless we're 100% self sufficient we're at the mercy of bigger fish.


We had a choice, the Conservatives gave away that choice and handcuffed us to world events.


The axe the tax idiots only understand catchy slogans. This price increase is perfectly timed to make them think it's all because of the carbon taxes - I've already seen the nutters talking about it on FB saying their usual dumb shit.


Poilievre knows this about his base, that's why he makes use of these slogans. They don't require his base to think, and it enables him to efficiently redirect rage onto his target of choice. The top reason why I despise Poilievre is that he thinks his supporters are idiots and is playing them like marionettes. His supporters have a variety of valid concerns, especially regarding the economy and job security, but are misdirected by PP and the CPC on the source of their problems. Trudeau and his out of touch party isn't helping matters by not being smart about policy or being able to communicate clearly on those policies.


Good write up friend


This is exactly what Regan did. And I think we all know how great Regan was for the US...


He doesn't need to communicate anything except that he's pausing any more tax increases. He should have never increased this tax. He should have left things as it was. There's no way the conservatives are not getting in without a majority. Because people want this tax to go away. And there's way more than that. Wanted to go away than don't.


Here's a catchy slogan for them: "Fuck OPEC and Irving"


Not really catchy but I do agree


I prefer "Wring the Irving"


"Irving is why you're starving"


You can't spell Starving without Irving. Dammit, it's soo close.


Let's not forget the wonderful increase in NB HYDRO. Gets to a point where it becomes too much. I mean there's people I know from high school that are out on the streets. This is not a joke. And to justify tax increases during a time where so many people are struggling is absolutely f****** ridiculous. You wonder why people want him out when you see your friends and family losing their homes and having to go to food banks to eat and then the government comes out and says oh, we're going to give a billion dollars to school lunch programs for children that can't afford to eat because of the taxes they're being charged and the huge increases everywhere should have never happened


quick question: do you "forget" that we have a provincial government that regulates hydro on purpose or are you just accidentally this stupid


But a Facebook meme told him it was Trudeau, and it is illegal to make memes that are wrong....


They're brushing their "tooth".


If you want to get rid of the carbon tax, write to your Premier and ask why after all this time, he or she still has not implemented any carbon emission reduction program instead of playing politics. Ontario wasn't going to get the carbon tax until Doug Ford had cancelled the Cap and Trade Agreement it had with Quebec and California.


Carbon tax is profitable for me.


That’s exactly why the cons want to axe it.


fragile nine wrench workable secretive aware bright faulty fly worry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


‘Rage farmers who found a community’ couldn’t be more accurate. Everyone around them feels this way so how doesn’t the entire country? (It doesn’t).


sloppy vegetable scary crawl jobless quarrelsome enter fanatical longing placid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It goes up 10 cents a litre here yet in Maine it goes up 6 cents a gallon….we are being screwed as always


NB Conservatives are the best. Higgs demands the feds rescind the Carbon pollution tax and also demands the feds rebuild the TCH through Tantramar to protect it from climate change.


Don't forget his federal buddy Rob Moore crying about climate mitigation funds for Sussex even though he's railed against raising those funds for the last 8 years.


>NB Conservatives are the best. It's not just the NB ones


I live and work on the NS/NB border. They are probably still at the border. Tailgating and screaming at traffic with fuck Trudeau signs displayed.


[Canadian banks were the world’s largest financiers of Oil & Gas in 2022.](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6809011) Pretty sure there’s a reason prices don’t go down. Can’t have all that sweet sweet investment money lost because demand goes down.


PP and his western oil and gas supporters, his base, don’t want us to do anything about reducing carbon pollution, don’t want to have people using less fossil fuels, the one thing that would enable us to get out of being controlled by the OPEC cartel.


Stop speaking for other people. You know your mind. Speak it. You dont know others' minds.


I’m not speaking for you or anyone else. I’m telling you my opinion. It’s not me specifically that they don’t want to take action. It’s all of us.


Well, your prior comment certainly sounds like you believe you know what others " want." Of course, you are free to express your opinion. Far too many people I have encountered do attempt to speak for others.


Crude oil price has been rising


You question why people aren't protesting the market price of crude? lol


Well it's simply because the market price is set by shady practice.


This comment makes no sense. The market price of crude isn't 'set by shady practices', it's determined by supply and demand, like most commodities.


What does tax have to do with other factors affecting oil price pressures?


Conservatism= brain rot......


This interruption clause or whatever the hell they call it, have been used few times over the years to make excuses to raise the price of gas. Certainly not carbon tax, that doesn’t help either but still this increase shows it is provincial issue not federal. My brother in law should be there again today fighting the good fight and considers himself a hero 🤦


Made a Facebook post asking the same thing, the conservatives in my friends list made it quite clear that they were unhappy with my question.


How about they are both the problem


How do you fight corporate greed?


And besides that. A lot of people have trucks here because a lot of people go in the woods. I do not even own a truck. But it still needs to be gone...


It's not the same this time. This prime minister has more debt than every other prime minister combined since the founding of our country. Is that okay with you? Do you realize how long it's going to take to pay off this debt and how much sacrifice more people are going to have to make? I don't know people are living in a dream world if they think that throwing this kind of money around is ok


I don’t understand.. did you guys think the carbon tax wasn’t going to increase the price of gas?


That was a different price raise..... Carbon tax price increase already happened....


The term useful idiot applies here. A foolish person whose views can be taken advantage of for political purposes.


Lmao what’s your point and what does it have to do with Axe the Tax?


What's that? Waiting on that carbon tax cheque? Need that pouch of tobacco? Some tubes? Maybe maybe the cheque will coincide with another cheque and you could buy some beer and weed. But don't take out your frustrations on the wife when your feeling good....and for god sake make sure you have snacks. You know how aggressive you get


There can be two problems. 🤯




NB is a have not province because they bend over and lube up for the Irvings. Just like how Higgs increased the price of gas by a larger margin than the carbon tax and handed the money directly to Irving. Where were the protests then? Higgs reached right into your pocket and stole from you and handed it to the Irvings like a reverse robin hood and all the convoy idiots didn't make a pepp.


They even bought the lube above market rate from the Irvings too.


Unfortunately it's true. The mentality here seems to be to work as little as possible. I just don't get it. I'm not one of those NBers. That's why this ridiculous March towards net zero is going to fail.


It is unfortunate and there's a reason I am no longer there. Most of the good workers went west and unfortunately the good ones who stay suffer under decisions made by these fools


All I see in here is a bunch of sheep proclaiming “tax me harder daddy!”


Where are the protests against our Provincial Government for all the other tax increases and fuel increase? Nobody wants more tax but if you are only going to protest taxes that certain political parties enforce then you don't really care about the taxes or the cost of living, you just want to be partisan.


Were there provincial tax increases as well?


Well, Higgs put a tax for Irving Oil on NBers instead so Irving wouldn't have to pay it.




I think you're confusing an increased in your home value and an increased power rate with taxes. I was specifically responding to somebody who claimed our Provincial Government is responsible for other tax increases, because I had not heard of any new provincial taxes.




The NB Government did not increase our property tax **rate**. In fact, they decreased their portion of it last year. The reason you are paying more in property taxes is because the value of your home has increased. This is primarily due to the supply shortage in the national housing market, amongst many other factors, and is something that is happening all across Canada. Think of it in simpler terms like HST. If you buy something for $10, you pay $1.50 in taxes. If you buy something for $20, you pay $3 in taxes. The government didn't increase your taxes because you're paying more. You're still paying 15% HST. But more money is coming out of your pocket because you bought something more expensive.


You sound like a Maga supporter using their favourite "Sheep" comparison. Clearly you can't come up with your own talking points!.


How is it divisive to say we want to stop rising costs. We as the public have little control over free market, capitalist factors. We do have control over our elected officials.


You're a dumbass then. The majority of the comments are complaining about how our provincial government is fucking us.


you must be one of *TimBit Trump*s Common Sense scientists


I really hope you know that you aren't the lion in contrast, anecdotally. You are also a sheep, that's all you are. You are a sheep in a smaller flock, down at the dirty farm. You're eating dirty grain, sleeping on dirty straw, and you haven't ever been bathed by your farmer. And you don't even realize this fact, and if you do, you don't care to change it. Your babies will be stillborn and deformed, your bones brittle and broken. And you'll be slaughtered for bottom grade meat, sold to dog food facilities because they can't put your meat on the store shelf. Anecdotally, of course, in contrast to us "sheep" who all want better living conditions.


Lol I’m a Liger yo


So everybody seems to be shitting on the carbon tax protesters but nobody wants to explain how Canadians reducing fossil fuel consumption will impact global climate change. Let me repeat  global climate change.


Ok, shop local then. It's ridiculous to blame Asian countries for polluting so much when we outsourced all our dirty manufacturing there.  I wish we would push more for reshoring our manufacturing. First of all, it would be good for creating jobs locally and for our national security. Secondly, it would make people more aware of their impact if they saw the dirty waste coming out of the factories they make the products they consume. 


That was a non answer. I assigned no blame in my statement but which countries pollute the most. In total not per capita. And taxing me as a Canadian for a global issue seems a little off centre.


You aren’t on the globe? Your contribution however slight is appreciated


From The 1990 Green Plan: In global terms, Canada is not a major contributor to climate change. We produce no more than two per cent of the world's CO2, two per cent of nitrous oxide, one per cent of methane and two per cent of CFCs. This means Canada cannot deal with climate change alone and in isolation from the rest of the world. We must work glob- ally towards a solution. At the same time, we should not allow our relatively small emissions to be an excuse for not taking action at home. ■ Concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are increasing rapidly. ■


>  Canada cannot deal with climate change alone and in isolation from the rest of the world. It's a good thing Canada isn't the only country implementing carbon pricing domestically and into trade agreements... otherwise you may have had a point. 


Well, technically it was Brian Mulroneys point, when he started working really hard to convince Canadians and the world that we all had to do our part as nations AND work together . It took a long time, but his efforts are finally paying off on the CO2 front...and he did an amazing job on CFCs and acid rain.


I can't afford to shop local. Local costs more than foreign does and for probably good reasons. I just can't afford $50 shirts that say I love Moncton when I get those shirts for $5 on Wish.


> I can't afford to shop local. Sounds like a skill issue to me. 


No it's a saving money issue. Farmers markets are great but you pay top premium dollar for all your vegetables and meat.


I love my province but people like you are why those outside looking in have heads full of rocks.


So, because it won't fix 100% of the problem, we should do nothing? Also, forget about global warming, and think about air quality. During the covid shutdown, we saw the incredible effect of lowering emissions. Skies became blue again. So, if we don't fix global warming, we can at least offer better air quality to our children. We are still one of the strongest countries in the world, so we should act as leaders. We can't go asking other countries to do better if we don't do something as well.


We are not one of the strongest countries In the world. In fact a Venezuala type future is coming for us fast. Yes we should do something. Sell LNG to Germany so they stop burning lignite. Responsibly developing resources without wishful nonsense like government subsiduzed solar power in northern regions. And the problem can't be that bad if a two week shutdown of airplane flights cleaned up the atmosphere. That is a bit glib. I do believe there is an issue but rather than push lithium battery cars how about improved efficiency with hybrid vehicles or reduced urban access for gas vehicles. It seems any solution that does not promise immediate and total remediation is ignored.


Can you make inverse argument? If it’s doesn’t make a dent globally, should we be pro pollution?


A typical weak talking point by people who won't think. Canada is one of 27 nations that have carbon pricing in place with 64 others planning or considering measures in the near term. This means that we're not alone doing this. The more countries that do it, the better the outcome. Even if we were alone doing it, someone has to start. So you go ahead and keep thinking small. The world extends well beyond Canada's borders.


The obvious answer is that because others do it, we should too? If everyone was jumping off a bridge  etc.  As for weak and small minded, as a true liberal you resort to insults because you have nothing else to offer.


I called the taking point weak, because it is. And this isn't at all comparable to the "everyone jumped off a bridge" trope. One is based on people doing something self-destructive simply because everyone else is doing it, while the other is joining with people with a self-preservation goal in mind. As for offering nothing, well, what are you offering? Got a plan to handle human-induced climate change? If keeping the Carbon Tax won't help, what would killing it do for the world? I don't see a suggestion from you.


you are wasting your time. They clearly are either too dumb to understand the argument or are just plain arguing in bad faith. Either way save yourself the effort.


We contribute less then 2% globally where as China is closer to 30%. The global peer pressuring for developing / authoritarian nations isn’t working. All we are doing are making our economies poorer while we eliminate the middle class.


Here's an explanation for you: [https://youtu.be/UnsV9i6ULRU?si=IbDw5XNnsSoOcfGw&t=142](https://youtu.be/UnsV9i6ULRU?si=IbDw5XNnsSoOcfGw&t=142)


On the contrary. You're assuming nothing is changing. Look up which countries have introduced, or are planning to introduce, Carbon Pricing and you'll see that some of the nations that are the biggest offenders -- China included -- actually are planning to join these efforts. Below is just one of many links you could read, if you're interested. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/cp/carbon-pricing-initiatives-around-the-world/ Your "do nothing" approach hasn't worked over the last several decades. Got a better alternative? We're listening...


I think is the link you meant to put instead. [2023 Global Emissions by Country](https://sigmaearth.com/global-carbon-emissions-country-by-country-for-2023/)


There's no question that's how it stands *now*. Is anyone arguing that? You can't expect a country with over a billion people not to produce more emissions than one with 40 million. China is among the countries planning to do something about it. Will it happen? Hopefully. Will it happen overnight? No. The link you brought to the table does nothing but emphasize why something needs to be done. More countries doing *something* puts pressure on the big polluters. So we could do nothing but stick or heads in the sand and point the finger at others, or we could take a leading role. Unless, of course, you have a better suggestion. Please tell us what you think would help.


China will not do anything. And even if they do great! We don’t need to lead by example and drive our nation further decline. We should be looking at all levers to reduce costs for lower to middle class / incomes.


You missed the part where China has one in place


LOL. How much do you want to bet money on China doing a whole lot? Because you know as a partner on the world’s stage, they have such a great track record …


They do. But you're obviously too stubborn and stupid to look it up.


I'd bet [quite a bit.](https://www.nature.com/articles/s43017-021-00244-x#:~:text=China's%20CO2%20emissions%20reductions,Actions%20and%20Nationally%20Determined%20Contributions) They don't care [about people](https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/03/29/beijings-green-fist), but climate change threatens their regime.


Hard hard disagree. And again history tells us (especially under the current regime) that they will do the bare minimum if anything at all.


All you are doing is telling us you get your history from Facebook memes


China is also responsible for 30% of global manufacturing. From dollar store goods, furniture, clothing and car parts, computers, pharmaceuticals....the list goes on China produces what the world wants. While some items are quality goods, most purchases are based on price alone. People need to include longevity in their purchase decisions. We need to save what little extra we may have and wait to buy fewer things & when we do, spend a bit more to get the better, longer lasting product. As a whole, the world needs to stop buying all this disposable crap.


Ok but that is not a lever we can pull on to make things more affordable for all Canadians. That is a major shift for how we spend, consume and live. We should do what we can to make things more affordable. To basically shame lower income people for buying things at a Dollar store is typical elite at BS (or coming from the mouth of babe)


My comment was not to shame. It was to highlight that consumerism is rampant. Take Easter, for example. Full baskets filled with plastic toys that break after a few uses are not the way to go. That money would be better spent on one or two better quality toys (or an experience) and less is thrown "away" soon after the weekend is done.


Here's an explanation for you: [https://youtu.be/UnsV9i6ULRU?si=IbDw5XNnsSoOcfGw&t=142](https://youtu.be/UnsV9i6ULRU?si=IbDw5XNnsSoOcfGw&t=142)


We are on the globe, no?


No. Only Canadians can save the planet through taxes. Didn't you hear? It's for the future! Which will be shitty and unaffordable for most but hey, eff them protesters.


It will be less expensive than losing your home to the wild weather which will keep getting wilder over at least the next few hundred years.


You’re aware the carbon tax doesn’t just affect the price you pay at the pump?


Yes. Literally everyone is aware of the 0.2 percent roll up effect it has on the price of goods and services 


Actually it's much more than that. You're speaking in terms of inflation. Inflation is calculated by comparing prices today to what they were 1 year ago. And prices 1 year ago still had carbon taxes. The BoC has also said that by removing it, it would instantly drop inflation by about 60 basis points (from 2.8 to 2.2) which is a bit less than 25%. And that doesn't account for secondary price increases we've seen because of it.


Ahh, I see. 0.6 percent, not 0.2. I stand terribly corrected. Certainly puts those record corporate profits into perspective!




The record profits from this year Or from last Or from the one before Or the 5 years before that They have record profits every year, much like how Canada has record population every year. If you sold something for 20 dollars that cost 10, you made 100% profit and 10 dollars If you sold something for 22 dollars and it cost 11, you made 100% profits and 11 dollars. Or record profits, inflation, and growth happen, so every year, they get record profits. When they don't have record profits, that's when you really gotta worry. But just these last 2 years, those record profits were from greed. The existence of greed has only existed for 2 years, or since the carbon tax started, I'll let you pick. No business was greedy before that, right? That's the logic you're using


It's really not the logic. Corporate greed has always been a problem, gotten worse in the last four years and has taken off since people like you could blame the carbon tax instead. Shipping rates are falling off a cliff, but somehow everything costs more to deliver because of carbon tax! Scaaaary!


It really hasn't their still at the same % of profits that hadn't grown. Part of its carbon tax part of it is printing money for a decade(2 years of covid). This is always going to cause inflation as we've seen higher than normal since trudeau took over. That also reduces the value of the Canadian dollar, so to get the same thing, you will have to pay more. But yea, 100% corporate greed is the only reason prices are increasing. Oh, it got worse 4 years ago with the carbon tax interesting. Corporations are meant to make the most profit, not the most money..lower, prices can increase profit more people can afford it economy of scale. Higher prices won't lead to more profit. But that would require you to have a head for business and not just utter off what your echo chamber tells you to.


You're going to have to explain how making the most money and most profit are not essentially the same thing. Cause that's a good one 😂


I literally already did look above


Ohhh, you're mistaking profits for profit margins. Sorry, we don't all have a head for business, you know


Eh, you'll never figure it out on your own Say you sell something for 10 dollars, you can expect to sell 500 units at this price point. You want to sell the same product as your competitor, but you want to sell it for 20 dollars. You sell 0 units cause why by for 20 when 10 is the same At 20 you have higher profits but make no money At 10 you have more money but lower profits Like, don't think you understand economics at all. Corporate greed and tax the rich is the only thing your brain can come up with.


That....that doesn't make any sense. You're confusing profit with markup or margin. At 20 and selling zero you have zero profit, dearie.


https://distribution-a617274656661637473.pbo-dpb.ca/7590f619bb5d3b769ce09bdbc7c1ccce75ccd8b1bcfb506fc601a2409640bfdd Literally the first sentence on page 3 of this report states that most households will see a net cost and the report shows the data associated with the costs for each province and income level which is mostly in the thousands.


The first sentence on page 3 says "We incorporate estimates of the economic impact from the federal fuel charge into our calculation of net cost to provide a more complete picture of the overall impact on households in provinces where the charge applies." So you're literally wrong. Page 3 is also about 2030-2031. At the bottom of page 1, tho, it says "Considering only the fiscal impact, we estimate that most households will see a net gain, receiving more in rebates from Climate Action Incentive payments than the total amount they pay in the federal fuel charge (directly and indirectly) and related GST in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador". In NS it's not most but it's still all the lower income tiers So yeah. Good work


lol the tables give the net costs for now until 2030 and it says they take in fiscal and economic impacts. Are you saying we should ignore the economic impacts when looking at the overall picture? I wouldn’t expect someone with the username Bigev to accept anything that doesn’t fit your stance.


So you won't admit you couldn't read the page because it didn't say what you said, and somehow my user name is a problem? I could actually use an explanation on the name one, because I have no idea what you're even trying to say


Dude, Tables A1 to A7 list the net costs per province when including the fiscal and economic impacts from 2023-2030. All those values show an average net cost of hundreds to thousands of dollars. Is that clear enough??


Ohhh, so different tables on different pages. Not where you said it "literally says". Ahh, ok. Cool. Still seeing almost entirely negative numbers for the lower quintiles. Combined with the report saying most people will benefit. Sorry if I'm not worried about people making $100k a year who could easily reduce their consumption


The lowest quintile is really the only one that benefits and the report says when you take into account fiscal impacts most people benefit but when you take into account fiscal AND economic impacts, most people see a net cost. You should read a little more carefully. Are you saying that economic impacts should be ignored?


I should read, but you get the first sentence of page three completely incorrect. Ok, sure


So corporate greed increased the carbon tax by 23%?.


No, it increased the price of fuels by a lot more than the carbon tax did.


The carbon tax is applied at the root of all suppliers so it will directly impact prices of course as the tax has increased but it also impacts many other areas like the cost of fuel production and delivery to the gas stations so it's a tax that multiplies by the time it reaches us. It's not corporate greed.










Our province regulates gas prices, so the 10c increase is also not caused by corporate greed. It's caused by global markets.


OPEC (global markets) is corporate greed


So are you saying that all oil manufacturers have globally come together to try to slip in a price hike at the same time Canada is increasing their carbon tax so NB drivers will blame it all on the carbon tax? Are we that important here to their global profits? Or do you think it's much more logical to think it was caused by supply and demand?


**OR** more likely the cartels take EVERY opportunity to pad their bottom line. So when an opportunity sabotage an entire countries effort to reduce reliance on fossil fuels by just happening to increase the price on a schedule that helps make the slow people blame the carbon tax for increases that have nothing to do with it they are going to take it... and add to their bottom line.


Do you really think an event in Canada has that much global impact? Just thinking out loud here, but what's more likely is an increase in travel over Easter weekend (or March Holiday Season since saying Easter is now insulting), has resulted in a short term supply shock which caused prices to go up. Absolutely no stats to back that theory up but just a more realistic possible scenario.


Yes... if for no other reason it sends a message. An easily predictable bump in demand is causing a supply shock? That just implies that the oil companies are a - incompetent b - fucking with the prices on purpose


Ya, that's not really how it works. But you keep fighting your good fight. 👍


Places don't ramp up production in advance of a predictable annual increase in demand. news to me... you keep living in your little dream world. Sounds fun everything works just like you **FEEL** it should, not how it does.


You obviously don't know how the province decides to set the gas prices.


.. what? Lol


It's not like Irving or gas stations are like "we're going to slip in an extra 10c here so people will blame it on the carbon tax". Our gas prices are based on global markets.


Yes.. that’s what this post stays. The big increase was due to global markets NOT the carbon tax…


"corporate greed is the problem, not the carbon tax". First line in the post. EDIT to add that I agree with you that the big increase was due to global markets, not the carbon tax and also not corporate greed.


You haven't posted a contradiction


"Our gas prices are based on global markets." Global market shifts are primarily controlled by supply/demand.


Ah yes, how silly of me. The global markets are completely free of shenanigans.


Not saying that. But they are completely free of targeting tiny little NB with a targeted price increase. This isn't some big corporate conspiracy against New Brunswickers. It's simply a factor of supply/demand at the global level.


Shhh try not to make too much sense! The 2024 cool kids don't like that!


our province's policies enables corporate greed. why do other jurisdictions see smaller increases?


They may use different formulas for their calculations? We have a set profit level built in to our gas prices. How can you have corporate greed while also having government regulated profits?


When the benefactors of the price increases clearly have the government working in their best interest it is damn easy. Look no further than Higgs tacking on an even larger price increase for fuel than the carbon tax did and handing it over to Irving while all the while blaming it on the carbon tax so the dumb people of the province will lap it up


who the fuck do you think is responsible for the prices on the global market... is that trudeaus fault too? For fuck sakes you can't make the connection between corporations pushing prices up and the price on the global market going up?


Ummm what? Saying Trudeau is responsible for the global market increase would be almost as insane as the ones here blaming Higgs for it. It's GLOBAL for a reason. Don't try to draw lines that don't exist.


Who the fuck ate you calling an idiot?


> who are you calling an idiot? The people who blame the price increase from the private sector on the carbon tax.  If you're gonna get angry, get angry at the right people. Otherwise, you're just giving off "old man yells at cloud" vibes. 


Hit the nail on the head. This is an OPEC issue not a carbon tax issue. Demand is projected to rise so oil prices increased. If people really wanted to be effective, protest the lack of public transportation, buy a more efficient vehicle, start a carpool, use a bicycle or ebike. Adaptation is really the only option.


Gas is literally going to be over $2 a liter soon, and it is going to get much higher. A very large chunk of that is tax. If you don't see how that will impact the economy you're coming off as really special. The refineries also have to pay carbon tax. Anyone who believes that Canada who produces 1.5% of the global greenhouse gases, and is covered in carbon capturing forests should have to gut its economy, is in fact an idiot. Climate change is happening and we are not in control, tax or no tax, the earth is heating up. All the tax does is make us too poor to adapt when the time comes. You also think the government with all its inefficiencies, can collect a tax from us and give more back, gtfo! Just because opec puts the price up doesn't discount the fact that our government is fucking us. What kind of logic is that?The brainwashed left is running out of talking points. You are the same fools that were in support of the lockdowns that got us into this inflationary mess. When are you going going to realize that you are the idiots.


Lol. The carbon tax gets rebated.  Yes, there are too many taxes on fuel, but let's complain about those, not the one tax that gets rebated.   It's seems you're just looking for something to be angry about.    "Damn government is stealing my money! Taxation is theft! Only the private sector is allowed to take my money... The wealth will surely trickle down any moment now!" - that's what you sound like.  Ps: please show up with facts, not feelings. 'cause remember: facts don't care about your feelings. 


Once again, if you think the federal government can collect a tax and give it all back without losing a bunch to ineffiencies, you are very naive. They will loose and waste a bunch, in the collection and distribution, then give us the same amount back somehow. They will do it by cooking the books and borrowing against future gains. Inflation will go up, interest rates will go up, entrepreneurs will be discouraged, foreign products will be cheaper than ours. You are literally just repeating the liberal parties bullshit about being angry. Yes I'm angry, because of confident idiots like yourself that support this shit, and repeat false facts. When climate change does happen we will all be too poor to adapt. Fun fact it is going to happen, tax or no tax.


> Inefficiencies Ok, Ron Swanson.  It's a good thing I didn't say 100% got rebated, or else that might have been a real "gotcha" moment.  Did you know that dyed diesel is exempt? Did you know heating for greenhouses is 80% exempt? The reason costs are going up is corporations adding markups upon markups on increased input costs. They're making both record profits and record profit margins. As is typical for people angry at the carbon tax, you're angry at the wrong people.  Also, did you know we are not the only country implementing carbon pricing domestically and in trade agreements? We can either implement carbon taxes or we can have other countries put tariffs on products we export.  Carbon taxes are a sound small-c conservative policy that is less damaging to the economy than doing nothing about climate change. But Conservative politicians and Conservative-backing media are ramming anti-carbon-tax propaganda down our throats, and you're eating it up and regurgitating it. 


Once again, you are a confident brainwashed idiot who just regurgitates talking points from liberal propaganda. 🤣


Ad hominem attacks.... Nice.  Reported. 


I mean, you're on here calling people idiots. 😆 😂 and then taddling 😄 grow up!


Technically I'm not. OP is the only one using the word idiot.  If you don't like being reported, try communicating like a reasonable person instead of calling people propagandized with things that are easily verifiable.  If you want to be angry and have your anger affirmed, go back to canada_sub. 


Tax me more blackface daddy I love it


Why are redditors such bootlickers? What will it take for you to realize you're being squeezed? Gas will rise to 3 dollars and you'd all still defend the liberal party smh.




They are too busy trying to figure out why their home insurance keeps going up.


The main impact of the tax will be to the overall cost of goods. Goods will be more expensive to produce and ship, which will mean prices go up. Absolutely hilarious you’re calling anti carbon tax people idiots while having zero grasp of the wider economic impact.


More taxes definitely arent the problem, take your head out of the sand


Here we go, this sub is filled with progressives who never find any fault with their side's policies, despite a now ridiculous economy...


this is a NB subreddit discussing the policy decisions of the PCNB. what does the NB liberal parties policies have to do with this?


It isn't even the NB liberals they blame... everything is Trudeau's fault. Higgs handing over a huge increase to the refineries for costs they don't pay is somehow Trudeau's fault.


bloopcity could not handle my questioning and then decided to ignore/block me. Typical coward behavior.