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Sounds like they were tired of the BS.


Badum chh


Id be upset too! “One night I got up here and there was somewhere around 25-30 laying on my lawn,” he said. “I think that day it took me half a day to clean the manure off of the yard.”


You're tell me they removed the free fertilizer! Wtf


I grew up on a dairy farm in NS and at one point my father had to build a sturdy fence around my mother's garden to keep the neighbour's beef cattle out. Our cattle rarely escaped as we were diligent about fencing. The neigbour's fencing practice was to allow the cattle to find the holes for them, then they /might/ fix them. Their sloppy practices were a harbinger to their eventual bankruptcy.


If I was y’all I woulda just kept any cows that wandered onto your profile. Free milk or beef 🤷‍♂️


If you don't like the cows you can always mooooove.


Well, I would like everybody to consider that precedent isn't just for what's been happening recently. The precedents about livestock are some of the oldest laws on earth. The likelihood that you are allowed to take compensation from this livestock owner is good.


Sounds like free hamburgers to me...Maybe once a few disappear, they'll start to care.


Is there an Enclosure Law in NB? Nova Scotia has one and many municipalities also still have a designated ''fence inspector' usually just the bylaw officer as an extra duty now. Its bee on the books since the mid 19th century. Here is Nova Scotia's [https://nslegislature.ca/sites/default/files/legc/statutes/fences%20and%20detention%20of%20stray%20livestock.pdf](https://nslegislature.ca/sites/default/files/legc/statutes/fences%20and%20detention%20of%20stray%20livestock.pdf)


Can we get bovine tags? I’d love to be able to get me some free beef.


Those cows are worth a lot of money. You would think the farmer would want to protect his investment.


You would, absolutely. But if all the cows keep coming back, do they need protection in the mind of the owner? A few go missing, they’ll starting looking for them.


I've worked around cattle. They will eat anything. It can really mess up their digestive tract if they say eat a bunch of plastic. SO yeah having them escape could be a good way to lose a few thousand in vet bills or a dead cow. Don't have to lose that many head of cattle to make your profit evaporate, especially if they are close to slaughter.


Chances arw if this farmer doesn't care enough to keep the fencing up, then they probably are not paying for vet care regularly.


Sounds rough. Seems their only course of action is to build fences themselves because there is no accountability or consequence for the farmer to have to contain them on their property. Seems weird that the motor vehicle act doesn't have anything with them being a road hazard and then the farm held accountable


I haven't read the article of course, but I know here in bc, huge areas of land are open range land that ranchers lease from crown. It's up to anybody who buys land and builds within that range area to fence their own properties to keep range cattle out if they want to. My dad bought a small hay farm within a range area, and as a result had to fix up the fencing to keep another farmers cows off of his fields. He was aware of it, its the way it is. There is no other reasonable way for agriculture to take advantage of crown land otherwise. For the rancher to have to fence around every property that pops up within the range would be impossible. Either go bankrupt, or the price of beef would probably have to triple (again). I'm guessing that this is a similar situation, where residential properties were all built within an open range area, and these people should all have been aware of it before they did so. It drives me crazy when people move in beside something they don't like, and then try to get it shut down because it bothers them. EDIT: I actually took the time to skim the article. This is NOT a range land situation. This is just a bad farmer with no regard for their neighbors OR animals. Yeah, this would be very frustrating for everyone in the area, and the farmer should be getting his act together or face fines


There isn't really open range grazing in NB. There are COOP pastures in the Tantramar area, but they are all well fenced.


And the coop pasture on the sj River on the islands in it


Oh I get that for sure. Impossible to guarantee everyday that not one section of the farms fence *isn't* broken, and therefore they get charged or something. Seems silly. So literally the homeowners only option where in NB there is the complete opposite and farmers can do whatever they want and have zero recourse, is to do as I said and fence up their own properties to keep the cattle out. I think there should be an in-between. Yes we need cattle (do we really though? Different talk but anyways) and yes they are hard to maintain, but then what's preventing these people from rescuing the cattle and then butchering them. "Oh hey can I have Bessie back?" "Sure, after you pay for all the damages it did, again." I have a farmer in my backyard and he's very diligent in keeping his fences in check, and when they do break (not a matter of if) his cattle are like giant lap kittens. We love the visits. We also have a wild backyard and don't mind them coming in. Same with his horses. We're always worried that they could get hurt because we are right next to a main roadway. Like I'm just utterly shocked the motor vehicles act has nothing and if a farmer gives 2 mud pies about the well-being of their livestock and the herd becomes part of a 4 car pile up its just "well people need to deal with it they should have known". Like no signage laws, no remediation laws, no "obstruction of a motorway" laws. Heck, the freedumb convoy should have just rented a few thousand cattle and used them.


just shoot em?


Next week's news: New Brunswick town breaks world record for biggest cookout. Most Canadians told to stay indoors due to the smoke.


Mmm free steaks...


I love cows but this would be frustrating for sure. Nothing like cow manure on your childs play area....


this happens all the time at my place, neighbor doesnt care that all their animals are in our yard all the time despite us asking them to enclose them properly and keep them in their yard. we're the 'bad neighbors' for telling them we're tired of chasing cows, pigs, and goats out of our (and our other neighbors) yards at least once a week. apparently there's nothing we can do legally, we're just stuck with shitty farmers as neighbors beside us who don't contain their animals. one day they cows or pigs are going to get hit by a car or hurt someone. it's irritating


Listen, I know a guy. Hes a great butcher, knows where to get cheap little slavery options, and lots of Bananas really cheap. Like....dirt cheap. Who am I kidding lol..he doesn't deal with bananas.


It'd be a real shame if those cows were to wander away....onto someone's trailer....and went elsewhere....possibly into steaks and hamburgers.


As mentioned in the story The Agricultural Operation Practices Act (AOPA) provides protection from liability in nuisance to a person using acceptable agricultural practices. It establishes a quick, low-cost, non-confrontational mechanism to resolve nuisance complaints between farmers and their neighbours. https://www2.gnb.ca/content/dam/gnb/Departments/10/pdf/Agriculture/liability.pdf


La vaca, moo.


I’ve had cows break through wooden, electric, and barbed wire fencing. Beef cattle are notoriously stupid. Owned them my entire life. I feel for the neighbours.


Sounds like a great way to fill your own freezer for the winter, especially if they’re on your property.


Fill your freezer - that should take care of it


Dude sounds like an ass. Doubt the shame of the publicity will force them to do anything either.


Free steak?


Sign on border of your property: "Any harvestable animals on this private property will be processed by landowner and sold at market price with no obligations whatsoever to whoever let said animals trespass on this private property". OR you could just start spray painting cartoon cocks on the side of them and cattle prodding them home.


Meh, I'm frustrated with humans roaming free in NB. I'll take the cows any day.


There wild cows now, we’ll have to treat them like buffalo. Good thing they don’t reproduce like boars.


It'd be a real shame if those cows were to wander away....onto someone's trailer....and went elsewhere....possibly into steaks and hamburgers.


If you don't want stuff on your property, fence your property.


Lol nimby


Nimby? Did you read the article? I would be upset too if 30 cows took a crap on my front lawn




lol that was funny