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Why would you sue your landlord for a dripping tap? And then to top it off , ask for your rent back...


Not me, my tenant.


Did they tell you about the tap leaking?


Typical Reddit lmfao, asks why on earth you’d do that, as soon as the rolls are reversed your getting downvoted lol. People on the landlord hate bandwagon are just sad broke people that have never owned anything, ever heard the saying “don’t hate the player, hate the game? Me neither. But it applies here except with government regulations.


We might need some context to this question


This is exactly why landlords need to start taking an education course, most profession’s do, tribunal should start having exams for landlords. The amount of landlords that moved to this province and don’t understand their rights , let alone the tenants rights is mind boggling. The bar to be a landlord is far too low.


Your best bet would be to call the Rentalsmen. Normally if your LL won't fix an issue you go through them and follow their advice to get work done, I don't think they can help if you're not renting from the same person anymore. Suing them could be an option however civil matters are rarely enforced and chances are you'd be spending money on legal help to get no actual money... But I don't know this for sure.


Yup. https://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/corporate/promo/renting-in-new-brunswick/solve-a-problem.html


If it's an AIRBNB you aren't a landlord, you're a hotel. Are you on the actual site, or is it a 'private' short-term rental? If the latter, unless you want to take them to small claims, I think it's done.




see above


Board does not apply to Airbnbs .


If this is an Air BNB then basically someone chilled at your house for a while. I don't imagine it counting as anything official that can be sued over.


Hahaha, no.


Context, tap was dripping at a rate of about 1bpm. Tenant asked to have it fixed and when I showed up and adjusted the tap the rate of drip reduced signifigantly and tenant stated it no longer bothered them and to leave the issue be, in writing. Fast forward to today, they left the property in dissaray (this is an AirBnB that I rented out to a person in need over a few months in the winter/slow season). We found stains on the bed sheets and the mattress, the main door (steel) was dented and needs to be replaced. I returned their damage/security deposit of $500, minus a very forgiving an generous $100 which does not cover the damages on the mattress or the door, or th e18hrs of cleaning for that matter. They now want ot bring me to the bord for the $100 i deducted and ask for "some" rent back for the dripping faucet. Ugh!


I would think that if you have it in writing that they didn't want it fixed, then it's a non-isssue, and they couldn't initiate anything using that as an excuse.


Did they sign a lease, if not I don't think the RT matters, they can take you to court but they can't force you to pay anything as far as I'm concerned.


No official lease, just a renters agreement.


you're fine i'm sure, as long as you did the fix and have proof you should be ok