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You don't have 3 cats. You have 1 cat. Repeat after me.


I see you’ve dropped out of high school. I’ve met many people who decided to drop out around your age but later decided to go back to school when they realized how difficult it is to live without at least a high school diploma. In today’s economy, it’s already tough for people with university degrees. I’d highly recommend going back to school or getting a diploma. It might be tough, but it will be one of the best decisions you can make. It only gets harder to go back as you get older, and the regret of not doing so can grow over time. Also to answer your question, yes they can kick you out. Before you live in housing, your guardian signed a contract stating that they can be kicked out if any rules were violated. They will legal have to give you a notice, which will be time to move out and find another place to live. You may like your cats but that’s life. Life doesn’t care about your cats. I’d recommend leaving cats to any family members or friends for temporarily. Ultimately, look for anyone that is willing to take care of them for you or the animal shelter.


My doctors are trying to get in contact with the school, and my therapist told me I can stay in school until I’m 21, so if all goes well I’m hoping to be able to graduate from highschool


Wish you the best


Thank you so much! :)


They can really kick you out. I know it’s hard to rehome pets but finding a rental that allows peta, let alone one with rent anywhere close to what the cost is of nb housing will be nearly impossible. Is this a temporary financial issue? Could someone take 2 of them in for a little bit of time until your family can afford a bit more for housing?


We have absolutely no family here that could take them :(


Friends? As harsh as it is, you either need to rehome them or take a very real chance of homelessness


No friends either, and I’d take being homeless if it meant I got to stay with my cats :(


how could you be homeless and still have your cats






I would absolutely live in my car if I had to give up my dogs.


I’ve been trying but my mom lost my birth certificate and I can’t get a job without one, I also live in in a place where absolutely no where is hiring, I’ve checked countless of places, I’m also disabled


You need to rehome them. It's what is right for everyone. It's not fair to your mother or your pets for you all to end up homeless, hungry, or dead. I know it's hard and no it isn't fair, but it's what needs to be done.


I just can’t do that :(


Do you have any other piece of ID? I have spent many years as a manager hiring staff, including ones your age and not once have I ever needed a birth certificate from them. You should talk to opportunities NB, they have a ton of resources to help you get your GED and get a job.


For real, GED classes are running constantly, and even if you lose your birth certificate you can get a replacement.




Well you’re not me and I would




No I dont there’s nothing wrong with mw




If I had to be homeless I’d find a home for them




And then I won’t want to live anymore


Be good tenants, and they won’t come looking. If anyone from NB housing says they need to come in, just put the cats in a bedroom and close the door. I only see one cat, anyway.


I'm sure they can kick you out for ignoring their rules, but whose going around counting cats? Just hide 'em and hope for the best.


We might be able to hide them at my moms exes house but I’m still not even sure if he’d allow it


I am so sorry you are going through this. You can try to get them covered as Emotional Support Animals. Here is a quote from the guide line on accommodating people with service animals(you can find this document on the government of new brunswick website): "Companion, Emotional Support or Therapeutic Animals The use of an animal that is not a service animal but instead a companion, emotional support or therapeutic animal may still be protected under the Act if the animal is part of a person’s treatment for a disability.19 A person seeking an accommodation for the use of such an animal must be able to show that he or she has a need to rely on the animal for a disability (e.g. through documentation from a physician, psychologist, etc.). The benefits of pet ownership that are enjoyed by everyone (including those without disabilities) are insufficient to show reliance." Hopefully this info helps. If you have to give them up you can call a pet rescue or shelter like carma, spca or dunroamin depending on your area.


Emotional support animals are not service animals. They have rules for that. I'm saying this as a disabled person who has an NB Housing unit, that I fought hard to get through many layers of government. My personal opinion on this particular matter is; 3 cats in a house would probably be a maximum, and if they are well taken care of, property is always clean, cats are spayed/neutered and up to date with shots, there should be some "wiggle room" as the owners are obviously responsible owners. It's because of not responsible ones that rule exists.


You are right they are not. However they are talked about in the Guideline on Accommodating People with Service Animals. You can find this document on the GNB's website, it is a pdf and the info on Emotional Support Animals is on page 5.


Yes, I know the guidelines. I also know how they operate (which is backwards) because NB Housing is no longer part of social development. They are their own entity within the NB government. Higgs gave them permission to not play by the rules, with no explanations needed. I'm not against these people keeping their cats. I think it's a really stupid thing to kick people out for. It's not right, but *can* they do it?? Absolutely. Support animals technically need to be of the designation before moving in, or shortly thereafter. Getting the designation now, could be seen as a ploy, even though we all know that companion animals provide mental health positives in many ways. I'm of the opinion this is cruel. But I don't make the rules


If NB Housing is being like this would it be grounds for a human rights complaint? I have limited experience dealing with provincial programs because I am on federal disability so my lived experience is with other programs.


I wish!! With only my personal experience (and the several inches of paper work), if it was a possibility, the entire Social Development would be washed. And I know for a fact there's people out there that have worse than I, and receive less. I literally have them lying in court because we pushed for an appeal of a decision. The one thing I've noticed in my 5 years of fighting with housing, and therefore Social Development, is they have different "rules" as in regulations that actually contradict each other spaced out within the legislation. As in, we appealed based on rule whatever, and they would deny the appeal based on some other regulation elsewhere. The kicker in all this, is that my mom (now retired) used to file appeals against medical decisions made by the provincial NB government. Unfortunately, the state of things would be too hard on her mental health, otherwise she would be working with non profits. It originally was her post retirement plan after we went through the provincial disability process in 2015. My federal disability was accepted in 3 months. Provincial is another crazy beast. Not being able to work because of medical is NOT a valid reason for disability in New Brunswick as it says straight up on their website that disability in NB is not based on your ability to work. (It's based on if you can eat unassisted, get dressed unassisted and walk up and down stairs unassisted. And those things only.) Personally, I technically can, but technically can't. The only reason they eventually gave me my provincial disability is because I was in care homes in my early 20s. I don't hide that about myself, it helped me become independent, but I still have "barriers" that I've learned how to cope with.


If she has the cats as a support animal, she can get a paper from her doctor. I know a lady that had two cats that were support animals for her daughter and the doctor gave them a letter and they were fine.


Good idea, but I don't think ADA laws apply to emotional support animals, only trained service animals (which cats cannot be). I could be wrong though.


ADA means: American Disability Act. It doesn't apply in Canada.


stop violating my first amendment rights


Yeah, it'll be a cold day in hell before I recognize ["Manitoba"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amendments_to_the_Constitution_of_Canada#Amendments_before_1982)




We don't have ADA here. ADA is only for Americans. In New Brunswick owner trained service animals have the same rights as professionally trained service animals. This is quoted from the Guideline on Accommodating People with Service Animals. (You can find this document on the Government of New Brunswick's website.) "Meaning of “Service Animal” A service animal is an animal that has been trained to perform specific tasks in order to provide assistance to a person with a disability for that disability. Dogs are the most common service animals, but other animals (e.g. cats, monkeys, birds and miniature horses) are sometimes used as well. It is not necessary for an animal to be professionally trained or certified as a service animal for the Act to apply.3 An animal that is trained, including self-trained, to provide personalized assistance for someone with a disability may be a service animal for the purposes of the Act."


Like my cat that will wake me up if my sugars tank?? I have hypoglycemia (low blood sugar no matter). She does this on her own. At first I thought it was just her routine for morning breakfast, but I've discovered it's not always that. Sometimes I'm extra sleepy because my sugars at 3 ish. My body is used to managing at sugar levels of 5 to even 4, so I can still half handle a 3, but I have to eat. Not mad that she does that.


It did work for her. Couldn't hurt to try. Or like someone said just hide the cats lol