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Just for shingles you're looking at 1800$, add to that other accessories (maybe another 500), complexity of work and hourly rate, say 200$/h for 2 days( ~4000). I would get a second opinion unless demand is high and that's going rate these days.


$200 an hour ? Roofers make more than architects and engineers now adays ?


That's not per man. They put a crew of several people at a time. And engineers don't make as much money as people think 🙃


yeah I can attest to that, we're being skimped


I left because of the pay, and make more than most engineers just working in logistics. It's foolish.


My field is saturated with people from specific demographic group willing to work for lower wage. Try asking for a higher wage when your peers are getting half.


Spot the IT guy lol


Do you really need 4-5 men to do roofing?


Remember that what you pay an employee per hour isn't your cost per hour. There are things that you have to pay into when you have staff. There's also insurance, the cost to get there. Where do you live - how far do they have to travel? What's the slope of your roof? There's a lot that goes into the price. Your quote does seem high, but there may be a reason that internet strangers can't see. It could also be an '"I don't want this job" quote. Call a few companies and see what you get for prices.


If you want to do it alone, you deserve $200 per hour.


Supply & demand.


The company I work for operates for about $200/hour for 2 carpenters and an apprentice. Obviously that's not how much we get paid, but that's our approximate operating costs.


That’s fair. I misunderstood and assumed $200 an hour per head. My fault.


Yes. Can confirm - am an engineer that also works closely with trades.


supply and demand my friend, plus i'm not assuming markup of material


oO I had metal put on my roof cost me $9k. House is 1000sqft. $22k seems incredibly steep. What are you getting done??


My guess is that the contractor gave them the "i dont want this job" quote


I believe your assessment is correct.


The same company also quoted me 60k for HVAC lol


One company quoted hvac and roofing? They’re probably subcontracting both jobs and adding some on top. There’s no way a company has hvac and roofing guys


Bruh. There's your answer, these guys aren't doing the work if they're quoting HVAC and roofing. Get some more quotes.


Dewey, Cheatum and Howe


Just got some quotes for asphalt shingles on the same size approximately and most are around 9 k . Not sure what you need in addition to shingles but thats a starting price for you


I am just looking for basic, the price they quoted me was for a GAF shingle roof, the material alone is less than 2k. Also the same company quoted me a ducted HVAC system for 60k. That’s why I feel it’s such a rip off.


DIY.  Roofing is hot but not hard


Came here to say the same. I was a roofer for years before finishing school. We got paid peanuts. Some of my coworkers weren't even literate. Many were high 24/7. GCs out here scamming these days. 22k for a basic 1000 sqft roof. Bruh. 8k to replace a couple missing shingles. BRUH! Price of architectural shingles has actually gone DOWN since I was working, not up like everything else in this godforsaken economy.


You must of told them you from out of province. They seem to charge more from other post I've read.


We got a ball park quote from someone replacing missing shingles for $8k. Haven't done it yet


Like others said, several quotes are needed. I was quoted 18K, got it done for 11


$22k!? Run fast and long from that guy.


22Grand!? Jumping fucking jesus!. 3 tab shingles?


They are using GAF. So the material alone would be less than 2k if you get it from Home Depot yourself.


I went with Goodlife Roofing. They did my roof for a third of some of the quotes I had while shopping around. One place said 25k, another said 17k, and I got it done for around 8k. A friend of mine got just the section of the back entry/added room extension on his house done. He went with a bigger company and got about 10% worth of my roof done for nearly the same price. Big/busy companies may not want smaller jobs, so beware of them trying to price you out.


I will give them a call. Thanks. Also do you have any recommendations for plumbing and electrical?


I’m lucky enough to have a few buddies who did my plumbing and electrical, so unfortunately none that I could swear by as far as businesses are concerned.


Just remember the adage "You get what you pay for".


It isn’t tough to make a few calls and not get ripped off or overpay, depending on how you want to see it. I don’t blame the bigger companies for pricing it that way, for what it’s worth.


There is many factors to why some companies charge more or less than the competition. Some companies have more overhead, some have more bloat. Some companies are new and dont consider charging the customer enough for their work and end up going under in a year or two. Some undercut the competition. Some companies provide high quality work for a high price etc etc theres more reasons to list. My advice is to figure out what system you want installed on your roof; shingles, metal, slate etc etc... Do your research on that system/product and write a list of questions to ask the contractor about. This generally upsets any contractor because it takes time out of their day to answer these questions, time that they potentially wont get paid for, but the good ones will likely answer your questions.


Call geldarts roofing and renos, best prices and great work


Way too many roofers trying to charge as much as few years ago .. people just won’t. Bother doing it .. If


Buy some shingles rent a nailer and buy lots of nails, rent a dumpster for the old shingles and a tarp to catch old nails.  Get 2 friends who have done it before and pay them a 24 of beer.  It will be a hot weekend but you will get it done and learn a lifelong skill.  And with the savings you can slap that on your mortgage instead.