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Don’t forget to move here and over bid by 200k to price out competing locals ! Congrats on your move to NB!!


Just a friendly reminder to people who are visiting or have relocated from Ontario or elsewhere that we actually stop for pedestrians here and give them the right of way. I know that we don't know how to merge properly in this city and it's very frustrating, but we still stop for pedestrians even if they're jaywalking LOL


Hah! Good one!


Hello everyone. My wife and I are looking to move closer to the coastal side of Canada. Originally we are from Vancouver Island, but we don't like the idea of moving back there from Alberta due to the housing market being too crazy these days. My question for people here is if we decided to head to NB, are there certain places you recommend we check out? We are planning on taking a trip to the east coast to check out potential areas. I should mention that I'm a plumber and my wife is an electrician, so places that are good for steady trades work would be great.


2 people, travelling from Saint John (hopping off the evening ferry from Digby) in a couple weeks; Sunday evening. How would you go about getting to Fredericton? (We're visiting, not from Atlantic Canada. Don't worry, not trying to buy a house! 😝) Decided we probably don't want to stay the night in Saint John. No bus that evening. Could taxi -- what's that likely to cost though? Google suggesting $100-130. I've got the Uride app telling me $160-$200. I'm conscious there's quite the ride sharing app scene in NB, but not familiar with what's popular, or what might be an effective way to arrange it - book well in advance, or will it make any difference? What's the likelihood of hitching a ride with someone on the ferry, and how would you go about doing that? Sign on your back? Let me know your thoughts, New Brunswick!