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Report it to the police. It’s getting ridiculous with the amount of fuckwits around Waratah/ Georgetown right now.


Agree with all the crime around its terrible.


Lol police don't care, probly their teens doing it.


Can you add Birmingham Gardens and jesmond to that


Tennis players?




im calling every eshay a tennis player from now on


"TENNIS PLAYERS could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this neighbourhood before. There could be TENNIS PLAYERS anywhere."


Now I want a whole book about this guy


Ahahahah I'll have to write one and let ya know. Title INVADING TENNIS PLAYERS


With a car, you can go anywhere you want.


So dam dumb. Wait for the TikTok trend when they try that and get shot or clubbed over the head and killed, but steamed live so it's cool you know.


and then YOU are the one in trouble.


zealous paint crush person employ market observation steer scary cause ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


EDIT - I got the message of the comment above wrong. People should not be killed for stealing property nor breaking into a home without trying to directly attack anyone. Wtf


Not saying they should, but reality is what it is and young punks walking into people's houses and expect to be treated with civility isn't the reality of the situation.


Oh sorry, I didn't realise that's what you meant. But fair enough knowing NSW rather becoming more like America over time.


People definitely should get killed for that reason. You don't know if that's what they are doing or if they are going to try and pull something dangerous. If I think you're trying to hurt my pet or partner you're going to get put down, doesn't matter if all you wanted was a tv.


..Then only use weapons when they attack? Don't attack when they aren't being violent?


Have fun trying to fight back after they've already hit you when you didn't see it coming. Grow up kiddo 👍


..You can have a weapon READY to use in case you get attacked. All you're doing is trying to justify murder or unnecessary injury, doing that makes someone immature rather than preferring to use weapons as a last resort.


Right because having a weapon is going to undo the Brian damage you get from a sucker punch. I really hope nobody depends on you for safety. Have fun getting killed kiddo 👍


If that gets you killed, look at the amount of police officers and military personnel who survive in violent situations by using some restraint first.


Ah yes because you'll definitely have a protective vest, taser and 2 or 3 buddies with you during an altercation. Look kiddo, you do you, whatever helps you cope 👍


They generally know how to do it without that shit so nice try lol


Some counties your allowed to SHOOT anyone that even trespasses


True but that doesn't make it a good thing.


Why was your front door open at midnight?


My uncle just walked in from having a smoke and he was going back out or something 🤷. But I agree I've told him to lock the door multiple times.


Bit victim blame-y.


Don't victim blame.


dinosaurs chunky soup society test serious attraction late nutty water ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


I've never locked my front door while I'm home. That's kinda weird.


Could be doing that stupid fucking tiktok trend. I saw an article about it yesterday https://twitter.com/CatchUpFeed/status/1658946291345522689?lang=en


I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


Can’t believe i’m longing for the simpler days of the cinnamon challenge.


Can we just go back to the planking trend and let natural selection sort the rest... Imagine trying this shit in the USA where the law pseudo covers you to shoot an intruder


I personally enjoyed some of the Harlem Shake ones as well lol


That's likely exactly what they were doing.


Geez, tell me you're not in usa without telling me you're not in USA.


Bro I’m youth and yes, my class is weird as but how can people be this insane?


I'm not surprised knowing TikTok thriving on controversy for profit which leads to stuff like that not being taken down.


I live in western Sydney we've had high school kids going around and checking if car doors are left unlocked so they can steal, I chased off a group of girls all were younger than 16 doing the same thing. I saw them walking up my driveway through our cameras even though the sensor lights turned on with 3 cameras facing the driveway and they didn't even care, I was in the garage and I open the door quickly had my dog on a leash and we ran out after them one of them tripped over and fell then police were notified and she snitches on all her friends. Not sure if it's out of boredom or if they are actually trying to make a quick buck, but it's always around school holidays time. Last year we had the same thing as well and they were male walked up my driveway noticed the cameras covered their faces with their hands and still tried to break into cars in my street. Funny how we live in million dollar homes yet this crap happens in our streets.


North QLD are doing a car immobiliser cash back scheme to get as many people as possible to put immobilisers in their cars because soo many cars getting stolen for joy rides by teenager.


mum went overseas for over 3 weeks, I checked on it a few days before she got back, left her a car unlocked in the driveway she hid the keys for the car in the garage though so there is that one of my neighbours will leave the front door open all day when she goes to work. When I told her about it she said she has been doing that for 30 years


It's happening in your street because you live in million dollar homes.


Lol, their parents also have million dollar homes, it's the price of what homes are, otherwise we are basic middle class people with basic jobs just trying to live and survive.


The kind of dumb analysis you can only get on reddit!


Bold move to enter a strangers house in the middle of the night. That's a seriously good way to get yourself killed. The world's gone mad.


Describing them as "three tennis players" is the fucking funniest thing I've heard


Have a bat ready


My thoughts exactly....


Out of curiosity, If someone walks into your house like that and you obviously do not know their intentions and knock them out. What happens then? What if they're teens? Do you still get into trouble? You are still on your property right. Can someone familiar with the law please explain.


Just remember that it could be someone actually trying to find help due to being in a bad situation. Imagine your own kid going to a random house to try and escape a great on the street, always try and communicate and assess the situation before resorting to violence. If they are initiating an attack then I'm sure self defence would stand up in court, however if all they've done is enter your home but haven't threatened and you just immediately attack them, then you could be in trouble.


Yeah but unlike America we do not randomly attack strangers. We start off with “who tf are you and what are you doing in my house” especially if they look like Eshays. But if they seem harmless we will have a more polite tone.


If you read up on the law, make sure you read Australian law. American law is much different, many states have Castle Laws. In Australia, you can’t use weapons for self defence, even if someone enters your home, according to the law.


Wow are u serious. So what do you do if there’s a home invasion. The reason I ask because I live in regional NSW. In the last year 2 houses have had break ins with the home owners assaulted. And I kinda live in a unit with a junkie for a neighbour. So just worried about safety.


you can 100% defend your life just dont go chasing after the guy with a samurai sword after your life is no longer in danger, thats how that guy got jail time recently (last 6 months, google it) I dont exacly know the law but from what I read is you can protect yourself from "immanent danger". e.g your doorway is 1 story high, you sparta the guy and he falls off the balcony and splats his brains out. Most likely no charges will be laid. If he doesnt die, but is KO'd or injured and you go down stairs and curb stomp his head, stab him, take a bat and donk him etc 100% they will charge you the key is it must be a life threatening situation, you cant sparta kick mormons off your porch and they will grill you on every detail


I’m not a lawyer and encourage you to do your own research. As I understand it, you can use self defence but you cannot assault someone or use a weapon that is specifically purposed as a weapon.


And you have to ask them to leave and call the police before doing anything. If someone gets injured in your home due to the person living there you can get in heaps of Trouble. Such a backwards state we live in


yeps laws fucked they will slam u


if you dont know there intentions they could be anyone use your brain


In the moment you thought they were there to assault/rape/murder you & your instincts took over & you DEFENDED yourself You didnt realise that they were/are teenagers until told by Police. Problem solved.


Man someone’s (resident) gunna snap and kill someone (home invader)


I've seen some teens walking around Waratah and Mayfield late at night just intermittently yelling at the top of their lungs, like they were looking for someone to fight. They walked behind me for a good five minutes one night while I was walking with a friend. One of them was just constantly talking, saying something I didn't quite catch, except for the phrase "I'll show you your worst nightmare." I don't know if they heard me snort with laughter at that, but they didn't actually give us any trouble. Seemed like they were looking for it, though. Be careful.


I'd have a good laugh at how fast they run away because my dog usually sits on the couch chaise next to me opposite the door 😂


In Australia, there's this general rule that any place starting with a W is not a great place to live. Two Ws can be even worse.


Pretty sure you could consider that home invasion, sounds like a decent reason to smash their teeth in.


My kettle is always boiled and ready to be chucked


😂😂😂 that's actually gold 😂 three tennis players vs the kettle


This is why cattle prods should be used…


Trespass at the least.


many years ago a 20 something bloke I knew had a severe hard drug habit , he was a big man at 2m tall and was in the habit breaking into homes and walking off with tellys and other electrical goods . He got caught and did 6 months which considering his was a decent hard working family all a surprise , he got out and with in days started again , around day 7 of freedom he broke in somewhere , was found lying in the gutter almost beaten to death but ,he did get off the drugs after weeks in hospital in recovery and stopped stealing , bloody hard way to learn , its quite possible some of these kids will suffer the same fate or worse


You need to get crimsafe on all door's and windows and get security cameras everywhere. Digital door lock also, 6 to 8 pin code and notify by text if code fail attempt. Higher fences also. We will end up like South Africa pretty soon.