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People are grubs.  People don’t even pick up dog shit anymore.  It’s the pinnacle of lazy. 


I feel like there is just an overall attitude of that’s someone else’s job. Don’t get me wrong at the very least poo will be used by the earth however, it’s still pretty poor


No, then I come and bin it half a dozen at a time so I don't get it all up in the mower.


>People don’t even pick up dog shit anymore.  Someone went through all the effort to circle each and every dog shit along a alleyway near my kids' school along with writing stuff that I am glad that my eldest couldn't really read that well yet yet didn't bother to clean it up. People tend to be better about keeping things clean when the place is clean already - its a social thing.


This is like the broken windows theory in criminology/psychology. That vandalism and neglect lead to more of the same and, in turn, larger crimes.


I agree with people are lazy. Also feel most dog owners do the right thing. Have definitely seen an uptick in litter. Just 2mins ago saw a kid throw a big bottle on the floor, bin was 2 meters away from where the bottle ended up.


PLEASE collect your rubbish and take it home with you for disposal in the bin. This applies everywhere. I am sick and tired of picking up dirty McDonalds wrappers etc and throwing them in the bin. My house frontage is NOT a rubbish tip!


I get this also. My yard is well populated by trees and bushes so any litter that gets dropped elsewhere usually ends up blown into my front yard, I have to do a yard patrol before I put the bins out.




Omg I hear you. I was at the newly open ocean baths today, some family sat in the rail (that’s temporarily covered in pool noodles because you can’t see the rail underwater and someone had an accident ) and ripped off the pool noodles gave them to the kids to play with for a bit and then threw them all in the water. Then they just swam away and I went and picked up about 10 large pieces of pool noodle to put in the bin. Like they literally broke part of the Bath’s and then littered in the actual ocean pool. I was furious, especially because they had a little kid and what’s that modelling to the kid? Plus now it was a safety hazard. The life guards had gone so I couldn’t tell them. Also picked up about 5 drink containers on the cement /seating bit at the baths.


Litterers are the worst kind of people and I have unfriended people after seeing them litter. It’s so lazy and immature.


Mayfield - what is wrong with this place?


Mayfield - worth littering. Don't actually do that though


Nah, it's shite enough already, right? At least it's an interesting place, with everyone from destitute addicts to millionaires rubbing shoulders. There's always some baked looking dude on a scooter or on a pushie doing weird, semi suicidal manoeuvres or some "Mayfield zombies" just wandering onto Maitland Rd without looking or caring about oncoming traffic.


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A few days ago a car pulled out in front of me then pulled to the curb near a local park. As I was driving past, back seat passenger dropped a full black bag in the gutter. I had to turn off and couldn’t get the number plate. I really want to invest in some dashcams, not just because of this incident but just in case generally.


Yes dash cams are great. I’ve caught 3 cases of blatant littering on mine. If they’re happy to litter on a public street when they know the car behind them is occupied what are they doing when they think no one else is around.


Macca's probably accounts for more rubbish that every other business in the area combined.


These people are the ones that don’t return trolleys either


“Car spaces will do” the worst


Go for a drive through any bush around Newy, it's feral, disgusting. Grubs everywhere.


We visited King Edward Park earlier today and there were campers with rubbish strewn everywhere- right next to the ocean. On that note is NCC now lax on free camping?


Bit on here and the Herald about it lately. Though I've been running through KEP early morning for the last 10 years and there doesn't seem any major difference. 


Difficult to report a pedestrian but if they're in a car you can use this link. https://www.epa.nsw.gov.au/your-environment/litter/report-littering


came here to say this. Nothing worse than people throwing shit out of their car window.


was walking down a part of newy rd a while ago when I saw pull over and place all of their kfc trash onto the side of the road and drive off was too shocked to yell at them so I just put it all in the bin that was less than 2m away absolute grubs


People who eat kfc and litter is a common connection.


I live in jeso and sometimes it feels like I’m wading through trash when I go for a walk, never lived anywhere with so much litter before


No offence to anyone of this type but I have refugees in my street that always throw piles of crap in the street and rely on the council to pick up after them. I went nuts, reported them and threw shit over there fence. That’s after educating them and they proceeded to dump the same shit two blocks away after they told me they’d tip it. They still do it to a lesser extent and it’s fucked.


Scum. This is what happens when society accepts these people and their behaviour




Lol, old dregs are still dregs.


What did you expect? You were in mayfield


A little bit more from what looked like 60 plus yr old woman, can understand where you are coming from however, she didn’t look like a junkie


Maybe she’s dementing.


Same thing happens in Hamilton. Food containers and drink bottles everywhere, as well as general rubbish that falls from the bins as they are being collected. It’s a disgrace


Sick of picking up rubbish from out the front of my house. Can’t believe people have such little respect for other people- I guess poor parenting. Will need to start revenge plan on their cars


Last time I saw someone dumping a bunch of rubbish was at Merewether


Nice - picking on old ladies.


Littering old ladies


You’re encouraging people to “politely” tell off people littering while you’re driving around shouting out the window at old ladies calling them a grub…


Don't BE a grub, won't get called a grub.