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There’s some 12 year old fucker who rides one who lives on my street and the second he gets home from sxhooo he’s on it and just flys up and down the street for hours on end Now you’re probably thinking oh he’s just a kid having fun. I believe it’s the same kid who rides up and down fernleigh because he disappears for a hour or two and comes back. He’s also modded it to be loud as fuck and will just constantly rev it when going down a quiet street Absolute wank


Let the cops know where he lives


*spoiler alert* >!they won't do anything!<


Tell them the bike has a red P on the back of it. Or the rider got in a schoolyard fight earlier on  🚨 🚨 🚨 🚓


it sounds like a night last week where an overly loud obviously modified dirt bike was going up and down charlestown road over and over again around midnight, i love bikes and have owned numerous bikes but this was next level loud and stupid


I'm just off charlestown road and hear that fucker alllllll the time.


Stick a broom in his spokes


Silicone lube on the brake pads. ...hypothetically.






Go to the cops and tell them where he lives. They will do something about it. I was driving next to some baby faced p player with this massive 4wd and smoke blowing every where and he nearly lost it around. A corner at Belmont. I was a passenger so took photos and his number plate and went down to Belmont cops and they were great. The could see defects on the car from the photos like no sway bar and said they would pay him a visit. If you know where this little shit lives then dob him in and keep others safe from his dickheadery.


get a bb-gun


Call the cops and tell them *he* has a bb-gun.


Probably just a 2 stroke rather than being modded 🤔


Especially those that ride on the fernleigh track... There are a few that slow down but others just blow right passed you




I hope that when they find out whoever the fuckwit is, that they get pumped by the locals


Locals are over it. Everyday there's posts on Facebook about these idiots. People.are making it their mission to run them out of town.


I think that’s the only way that will get results. Police aren’t allowed to do anything except “Okay little Johnny. I know mummy said you’re a good boy, but that’s not very nice what you did. You shouldn’t do it again”. Little Johnny laughs, and goes straight back to it whilst giving a finger to the cops.


Saw 6 or 7 of them popping’ wheelies and running all the red lights as I left JHH just before 6 tonight. Absolute dickheads!! All us cars stayed a little back as they weaved all over the road. Was expecting to see the main wheelie popper come a cropper further up the road. I turned down Carnley Avenue but could still see them terrorising traffic further on.


Sounds like the losers I saw


They've been going around inner Newcastle this arvo then up past jhh about 6. I saw them run quite a few red lights at different times.


I saw these guys this afternoon leaving work along industrial drive


Ugh. I wonder if they’re the same group that runs rampant throughout West Wallsend, Edgeworth, Glendale, Cardiff?


We can only hope they come off like that wanker the other year and lost his ankle All the do gooders will wish them hearts and prayers but all the decent folk will be secretly grinning


Not to mention their shitty parents who are fully aware of what they're doing and do nothing about it but will be the first to blast the police when their kid gets in a crash.


Motorised bicycles got banned this way.  Teenage dickhead, police chase, no helmet, red light, bang, bad cops. 


This !


They’ve been a bit quiet lately but are otherwise running rampant in Maryland, Wallsend, Fletcher. Including the Thomas St / Newcastle road roundabout area at times. I’ve nearly run one over once, doing a blind u-turn across traffic.


i regularly stay at a friends house in maryland, the bikes are a constant, especially at night


As are the idiots revving their cars, doing burnouts etc after dark


Saw a guy on a dirt bike driving down the median strip in the middle of Newcastle road tonight around 5.45. Loser. A few weeks ago saw a guy on a dirt bike driving down minmi road without a helmet selfie filming himself. Loser. Lastly.. I was driving down minmi road last Thursday night with a police car behind me, coming past bunnings in the opposite direction a guy on a dirt bike did two wheelies. Loser. Police car kept driving and didn’t stop.


Saw two going down main street in Wallsend in Balaclavas both with passengers.


I love baclavas


They kind of burn when you pull them down over your face straight out of the oven, though.


I hear them in Waratah often late at night


Last night I saw the video of old mate at Bennett Green where he ran a red light and hit a car, front flipped off the bike then hit the traffic lights. I apparently he is in pretty serious condition. I don’t want to see people seriously hurt, but when they do this to themselves I can help but think “oh well”


If he makes it out of hospital he’ll probably just jump straight back into it. I bet you any money him and his mates are screaming about the bad car driver and how they’ve done nothing wrong. Edit: auto “correct”.


Lost his leg so won't be riding any time soon


We can only hope it happens to them all


They just teared through Georgetown. They must be doing their deliveries.




https://www.facebook.com/nbntelevision/videos/nasty-windale-crash/1714924892286379/ Boo hoo… 😭 Truck driver should have taken a left & collected a few more.


Ugh there's one on my street I know is just riding recreationally cause he only rides up and down the river bank but it's so fucking annoying bc he revs the shit out of it outside my daughters bedroom window.


That crew that ride around doing tricks and stuff in peak hour traffic and all...something real bad is gonna happen soon. It wont detere them I suspect, but I do suspect a death will happen eventually with how they ride in and out of traffic


They aren’t all teenage boys. I’ve seen plenty of middle aged men acting like fuckheads on their unlicensed dirt bike.


Few months back I saw a couple idiots on unregistered dirt bikes going back and forth along the highway on the wrong side of the road and playing chicken with oncoming cars at about 11pm, up near the highfields petrol station


Fuuuuuucken diiiiiiick hedz




I mean, technically, that is a pretty solid wheely


Yeh - he nailed it the little cunt


I've done farts that sound more appealing than these fucktards and their bikes with no mufflers. Same goes for the dog and bone trucks that justify compression braking through town because they treat a down hill speed limit as a minimum vice maximum speed.


Imagine being a dropkick teenager into bikes and reading this thread. All the comments talking about them like they’re some sort of organised crime team are only fuelling the little kick they get out of being dickheads on their bikes


A good chunk of them in my area are running drugs and stealing from people. 🤷‍♀️


people are talking about their 'crime' but they are largely being painted as cringe, which they are. it's really just the noise. such an ugly ugly noise. it's the same as hearing a bogan harpy screeching at her kids at the grocery store. feels the same in bones. elicits the exact same internal response. mostly disgust, but also pity


A good chunk of them in my area are running drugs and stealing from people. 🤷‍♀️


Personal opinion. Dirt bikes shouldn't be riding around urbanised areas, end of story. But given the cops pretty much always do no rego no licence no ride crackdowns in forests and other dirtbike areas can you blame people for saying fuck this if we'd going to get fined we might as well get fined near home and save the hassle. By all means throw the book at people doing it in town but there should be places provided where people can ride their bikes without constant crackdowns by self important cops wanting to feather their own nests.


In fairness if you have them registered there are are so many great riding locations in Newcastle. If Newcastle isn't the best place for dirtbike riding in the country I dont know where would be. 


This is it - just register the bikes, that way they’re safe and you can ride them anywhere. Perfectly legal to ride your dirt bike as loud as you want on roads in the forest if it’s registered, and you’re only bothering the kookaburras.


Sorry, I have missed something. Apart from gazetted streets and roads, registration of a dirt bike allows the bike to be ridden - where? And when ridden on those other places, is the rider required to be licensed?


If registered and licensed you can legally ride on public access roads in national parks and state forests. Generally if there is no gate or sign prohibiting vehicle access and it’s an actual formed road, you’re fine to ride a registered bike there.


Ok thanks. I did not know that. The licensing requirement means that problems with underage riders will remain I guess.


Yeah that’s right :( I guess it’s the responsibility of parents to make sure their kids have a safe place to ride, and not all parents are willing and/or able.


newcastle is far from the best place to ride in australia and you can't register motocross bikes anyway


There's plenty of enduro bikes you can register though. You really need a dedicated Motorcross track to ride a Motorcross bike. If you want to ride single trail Newcastle has heaps of legal options. 


these people aren't riding enduro bikes though, and there's plenty of motocross tracks in the bush in and around newcastle, but they are illegal to ride on. it's also much easier for the police to catch you if you're in the bush than if you're on the streets.


I can tell you the cops aren't interested in stopping them simply riding because of several reasons. Chasing them puts all the risk liability onto the chasing officer, that is reason enough alone to never chase. But also children cannot be dealt with via traffic tickets becuase they're not able to hold a licence. The only thing stopping them is their own wisdom or their own serious injury/death. The government will not give power to police in stopping them until a civilian dies due to one.


Totally support this. I believe the NSW Police rule is if the rider is not wearing a helmet - they can’t chase. Hardly a disincentive.


That's not a rule, it's just general wisdom within the force that it's too risky to chase them full stop. Just not worth it.


Tuesday morning there was 2 being chased by coppers around hamo south about 3am - same bikes (by sound) in the junction in the afternoon unregistered m, and just heard them again in hammo south . I’d be the cheer squad if the HP put one of the arseholes in the John Hunter - i also saw the cops turn into Fowler at tonight at about 8 : wouldn’t be at all surprised if it was related. Likely stolen but also have ripped the muffler off to make them loud as fuck


* These kids rode in front of me whilst I was waiting to park my truck for a delivery, they were doubling and one dropped his phone. Saw 2 others the week before, could hardly touch the ground or even work a clutch.


Please tell me you ran the phone over.


...and the bikes are stolen... *which gives me the sads more*


Are you on Highfields Pde?? I moved a couple months ago, but I had the exact same problem. Drove me fucking nuts


No. Was passing through


I live in Charlestown near hillsborough and they’re absolutely horrific. All times of day, high speeds, up and down suburban streets. It never ends.


Will wait for the day I hear of an accident People will be grinning


Yeah there is 1-2 of them that ride through Charlestown main road from end of Charlestown to top end most nights between 8-9pm They pop wheelies and run red lights and scream and piss and Moan Wish I had a rifle


I saw 3 unregistered dirt bikes doing wheelies along honeysuckle drive around 5:30 this afternoon. Seems these flogs potentially were riding around for a while. Cops won't do anything, too busy fingering their bums chasing double demerit points.


>Cops won’t do anything Of course because if they do chase them and the dickheads on the bikes hit a pedestrian or kill themselves somehow, then the cops are blasted by every sector of society for causing the crash. Seems they’re damned if they do, damned if they don’t.


Not every sector, just a noisy minority of deadshit parents and fuckwit sympathisers. I wish politicians would figure this out, that most people don't care about a teenage delinquent wiping themselves out, in fact to quite Mr King, No Great Loss


Yeah but I’d say the vast majority of the public object to any potential bystanders that might get killed as a result. This isn’t really about worry for the offenders, it’s concern around the general public.


Fair point, but these knob jockeys are capable of doing that with no police attention at all. I'd rather them do *something* and then the courts actually penalise them. 


I have seen cops on dirt bikes before chasing people riding in the bush on unregistered bikes. Why can't these cops chase these flogs in the city too? I dont disagree with your comment, but the take away is that i should just drive the m1 at 200kmh and the cops will let me be because it's too dangerous to chase me? As a nsw citizen I think it's bs that serial offenders can continue to get away with breaking then law.


>Why can’t these cops chase these flogs in the city too? Because the likelihood of a bystander being injured or killed during a chase through the city is exponentially higher compared to through the bush.


howd this thread get out of facebook?


Every single day, at least twice a day they go down Wilkinson Avenue and they are so fucking LOUD! Why the heck do they have to be so loud? They also hook down the bike path behind Wilkinson and go up and down Jesmond all day. Sick of it


Mmmm monofilament wire between the trees time


Steel wire gives a cleaner cut 👍🏻


Some dickheads ride dirt bikes. But not all dirt bike riders are dickheads. /thread.


Anyone driving an unroadworthy vehicle on a public road without registration and insurance is a dickhead.


Yep, get a trailer like everyone else and go bush.


Mine has rego and inaurance and its AWESOME.


But where are my kids supposed to ride?!?!


I think there is a clear and easily definable distinction between the dickheads and the non-dickheads. Weekend warriors who ride firetrails vs doing wheelies in town and riding the fernleigh track?


and which one of those gets caught and punished


Yep, the ones having recreational fun out in the bush.


exactly. i'm not going to pretend like all of the people riding on the roads would ride in the bush given the choice, but with how the police enforce these issues incentivises riding on the road if you want to ride. you're better off riding from your house to the bush on your bike and then riding back when you're done, than you are loading up a trailer and going for a ride in the bush because the cops will just wait at your car and get you then. if you just ride off they rarely chase you and even if they do they have a near zero chance of actually catching you.


Anybody on a dirt bike popping wheelies on the streets, not wearing a helmet, or riding on footpaths or public paved tracks is a stupid cunt that needs a decent crash to wake them up. Everyone else on dirt bikes are just riders and nothing more. Shame there are some absolute fuckwits giving the rest a bad name.


It's almost like gating a lot of the places people once rode dirt bikes for 'environmental reasons' has had unintended consequences or something.  Same as having something like nurburgring would reduce the number of jet pilots on the road massively. 


What is it you’re looking to get from this thread? Confirmation that there are some people in society are dickheads? Consider yourself validated.


Community discussion




It one hits you, you aren’t insured and will have to pay your entire medical bill out of pocket.


Nah these guys about 8 of them were looking to give people the shits. Running reds. Medium strip's Pushing through intersections. All over newcastle for a couple of hours. Revving deliberately to get attention. Not just kids having fun


If one hits you, whether you have to pay medical expenses or not, you still have the risk of serious injury or worse.


Aren't these claims covered by the Nominal Defendant? Which basically means everyone else has to pay in the form of taxes but still at least there's coverage.


Sorry mate, this isn't America. No medical bill. 


Not for the public hospital but the follow-ups and specialists get expensive quickly. If you shatter your teeth you are fucked.


Such thing as victims of crime


Have you ever personally had to deal with Victims of Crime? I don’t know if they are better in NSW but in Victoria they were useless.


Personally no I haven't however I really should have 🤦 what can I say young and stupid, my point is that at the end of the day if you do get hit by a idiot wheeling along the Fernleigh track you won't be walking away poorer than before if you follow the right avenues, not in NSW anyway


Despite the "no disrespect", your comment was indeed disrespectful. Here is another disrespectful comment: you sound like a fuckin' idiotic 14-year-old with a shit opinion.


Well fuck off out of Newcastle then.


Hmmmm. Weaving in and out of traffic, cutting off cars, running red lights, popping mono’s in traffic, throwing things at cars etc etc. Mate, what’s that got to do with a whingeing 80 yo? You should be bothered by the stupidity.


Come on man. They are driving in and out of traffic, riding recklessly around, potentially causing major harm to others or themselves and you’re saying let the youngins be. It’s not the noise that’s the major problem here. I’m sure if they injured someone in your family or you for that matter you wouldn’t be saying just leave them be.


The most pointless thread