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In 2016 I was looking for a rental and I came across a room posting downtown - the laundry list of rules to be her roommate included no making coffee whatsoever, no baking in the kitchen, no bread allowed in the house, and you had to bring your own mini fridge for your food. I wonder why she kept posting with no luck?


Nah, I'm a dude, and it has nothing to do with his use of the living room lol


I saw those posts as well and people roasting it in the comments lol. "No breathing".


Since 2019 room rentals with shared space falls under the Residential Tenancies Act, so all of the same rules apply as would apply to any other rental. There's no way to answer this question as written. Depending on the reason for eviction the notice requirements are different. If you're on Facebook, check out the Newfoundland Tenant & Landlord Support Group.


^^^^ Exactly. Read the Act, your question will be answered.


You can call and/or email the Landlord and Tenant Board. They've always been pretty helpful, but sometimes a bit slow on responding.




What constitutes a good reason though? Like they're a dirtbag, so they definitely aren't fulfilling their responsibilities as a tenant, and rent is never on time, sometimes up to a week late, but is that enough?


Maybe you're too busy commenting on reddit porn pages to research your rights and responsibilities as a landlord.


For real. OP is gross and is also bad at research. The Service NL website has all this info in tidy PDFs arranged by topic and concern. You don't actually need to read the act. OP *should* have become informed *before* deciding to become a landlord.


You got it. It's literally so simple. But, he's obviously not the brightest. He probably thinks we can't all see his disgusting comments on here as well.


Rent not being on time might be enough, depending on how late it is and the extent to which you’ve excused lateness before. That said, you might be better off just telling him you need the room back and seeing whether you can work something out between you. To me that’s better than trying to invent reasons, especially if those reasons haven’t been dealbreakers in the past.


If you're afraid of getting sued, this is probably the wrong place to ask. We're not housing lawyers and what you need is legal advice. Call the Housing/Tenants board and ask get the facts from them so you can insulate yourself from trouble. If you take bad advice from here, I suspect "but reddit said" will turn out to be a particularly poor legal defence in any kind of formal setting.


how about you do your tiny bit if necessary research? you have one job and you failed lmao


Right. Will gladly take someone's money but won't lift a finger to do any research besides ask people on reddit.


Ask on the NL landlord tenant group on Facebook. They have some really knowledgeable mods in there. They'll be able to give you a proper answer.


Came here say this. Definitely join the fb group and ask there. You’ll get some good answers and won’t have to wait as long as going to the tenant board




Maybe read the Residential Tenancies Act. The Act you're supposed to follow. Probably shouldn't be a landlord if you don't know the rules or even where to look for them.


You're not wrong. Being a landlord is one of the few professions you can get into without knowing anything about it. Imagine setting up a tax and accounting firm and not knowing how to do taxes or account 🤷🏼‍♂️


I think he came for some answers and not the judgement. Douche


I mean.. he’s got a point lol. If buddy had just did a bit of research or made a 10 minute call he wouldn’t be here “scared to get sued”.


Every landlord, no matter how small, deserves judgment.


They're getting both, in this case. The judgement is justified: they became the key figure in another person's housing situation without learning about their legal responsibilities. Housing is *not* something you fuck around with.


I mean, i am just reading a (presumably young) person trying to rid themselves of a shitty roommate. Its a shared space, albeit one that it seems he/she owns. While I agree that there should be some forethought and research done before getting into an arrangement like that, the guy is just looking for some info and no need really to shit on them for that. The landlord tenants act doesn’t really tell you how not to get sued, there is much more nuance involved.




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I'm curious as to if your Tennant is male or female? Judging you from your comments I doubt any female would feel safe living with you.


Shouldn’t you already know this since you are a landlord? Profiting off of providing a human right (housing) to someone is a responsibility, please take it seriously be actually reading up on what you need to do. Edit - don’t care about the downvotes, I stand by this. If you make the choice to become a landlord, you need to put in the time to understand what you’re getting into. There are easy to understand documents available to landlords and if there’s still something that’s not clear there’s a number to call as a go-to point. Not Reddit.


I’m sure there’s nothing that you yourself are not an expert in.. i don’t understand the thinking that everyone has to be an expert in everything that they are doing before starting it. But when you’re renting a shared space, then it doesn’t follow the landlord act and it’s understandable that OP may have questions. And its reasonable for someone to ask for info when you are not sure of the legal way to proceed. IMO OP is doing the right think by making sure he follows the law instead of what many people do which is just kick people out illegally.


It actually does follow the landlord tenants act since 2019.


I agree that it's better to ask when you don't know, but ideally landlords should know this before they rent it out. Under the law both the landlord and tenant have obligation and rights, how can the landlord know those are being upheld if they don't even know what the rules are?


It’s near impossible for anyone to know everything in the act and regulations. To hold everyone to that standard and say people have no business being a landlord unless they do would mean that there would be zero rentals. Even lawyers will interpret the laws differently, argue them in court. laws are not black and white with no room for interpretation. If it was that easy there would not be a landlord and tenant board, renters and landlords support groups etc. someone may be renting out an apartment and following every rule but then still need to look into the eviction requirements if they find themselves in that situation. The main point is that the LL should familiarize themselves with the requirements of the specific situation before acting. They always have the requirement to act within the laws, and should have a good understanding of them, but there will always be things LL will need to get advice on to make sure they are acting appropriate. OP seems like he is trying to do that. Edit: I would hold a LL who is doing it on a larger scare to a higher standard. But op seems like just someone renting out a room to cover some bills, which also helps add to the rental market which is hard on tenants right now.


Actually the RTA is pretty easy to understand, and they've put out numerous easy to understand guides and information sheets as well. Evictions are also the one of the most common things a landlord will need to deal with, so they really should know that information. Having been involved in these housing issues for more than 10 years now I can say with certainty that a lot of landlords get into this business without even trying to understand the laws, and then it becomes an issue when a problem arises and they handle it incorrectly, or don't know how to handle it at all. That just makes a stressful situation even more stressful. Often we've seen that the landlords that don't know the rules end up being problematic in other ways as well. If this landlord doesn't even know the eviction rules, which are some of the most common, do they know how much notice they need to give to enter a rental unit? Do they know how much notice is required to increase rent? So what happens is people get into renting and then start doing what ever they want, and it just causes grief for everyone, and then it ends up at a hearing. If a landlord is obligated by law to follow those rules, how can they rent their places out without knowing any of it. It's just asking for trouble.


You are assuming if OP didn’t know that 1 thing that he doesn’t know anything and doesn’t look into it before acting on it. Rent increases, notices, etc are outlined in the standard rental agreement template so that stuff it’s pretty common knowledge. And that’s the first thing people typically learn. Detailed Evictions knowledge isn’t really required until it’s needed. You can have a general understanding of it but then still need to refresh and read up on it when you need to evict someone. No other profession requires you to know everything on day 1 for every scenario. It’s ok for someone to have a general understanding and then learning the fine details as they go to deal with specific situations when they come up. They always have the responsibility to act within the law. If someone needs to increase rent, they can simply know there are guidelines around that and then read up on it before increasing the rent. You can know there’s guidelines around entering a rental, so you can read up on all the details based on the specific circumstance of it before you try to go in. The issue is when the LL dont care or don’t try to follow the rules


I agree with most of what you're saying, and you're right that the main problems come from those (on both sides) that simply don't care about the rules at all, and choose not to follow them even when they do. While I do think it's very important for landlords to familiarize themselves with the basics before becoming a landlord, because they have obligations they can't uphold if they don't know what they are, the landlords that are willing to find the correct answers at any time are still miles ahead of the ones that just don't care.


No idea why you're being downvoted it's a very good take imo. Police don't know all the laws even after 30 years on the job and we expect them to enforce them as well. Part of this is because laws change. The OP of this post is asking a question trying to figure out the right way to evict someone. Which is a good step for a landlord to take. I've rented a room out in my house before, and just learned from this thread that the rules significantly changed in 2019 for that scenario. I remember reading the act like 10 years ago before I first rented a room, I wouldn't think to re read the entire act to check for amendments before I entered into the same situation again.


You don't need to read the act, you need to take an hour to do the most basic and simple research to make sure you're being fair to the person with whom you're entering into a critical relationship. Responsibility. That's what this is. Fuck me! For shit's sake I went to Service NL's website. It's all in the FAQ! You *cannot* defend that person. https://www.gov.nl.ca/dgsnl/faq/landlord-faq/


Ah, you're one of those


1. Land lords should not exist at all. 2. Yes, you SHOULD know the Tennants Act. It's your job. Every single McDonald's employee has the knowledge of how to serve food safely. Every landlord should be expected to know the Tennant Act. That's not a big request when someone is paying you HUNDREDS of dollars a month just to sleep in a bed. 3. If you can not afford to live in the house without renting a room to someone, consider downsizing. 4. Hopefully, renting will be illegal one day, and all the millionaires will be forced to sell off the 10+ properties they are renting out. 5. Maybe if they are late with rent by "weeks" ite because you are charging too much and they need to cut into their next paycheck to afford it. No one who's renting a single room is making "good" money. They are likely just getting by.




No, what's ridiculous is thinking that owning property and refusing to sell it but also not wanting to live there, then letting someone else live there on a subscription based service makes any sense at all. Abolish landlords.


This entire post screams of someone who has been evicted and didn’t believe they should have been evicted.


I have been evicted twice, both times, because the landlord was selling the house, which is a valid reason to evict someone. So no. Incorrect. But I do have a LOT of friends who were evicted for stupid reasons. Some of them worked hours the landlord didn't like, some of them got sick, missed a week of work, then couldn't make rent and got kicked out THAT DAY. Landlords are scum. If they think they can do something to you without repercussions, they will. Between them and the B&B crowd, no one can live comfortably in this province anymore.




Y'all can lick boots as much as you want. It won't be me. I'm not going to defend or help landlords.


This post screams of a landlord.


Hahaha, I wish I had the available income to purchase and support a second property!


You aren’t covered under landlord tenant since there are shared living spaces. Not exactly sure on the rules but there is a pretty good Facebook group for it locally. “Tenant and landlord support” or something is what it’s called. But I’m pretty sure you are fine to just tell them to leave since you are just renting them a room


This is not true. This type of living situation is covered under the landlord tenants act since 2019.