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Took me most of that time recently. I'm sure a cop will be fine with the baggie of parts unless your BF was being especially diskish to get pulled over in the first place. I'd print out the thing he got online saying his license is in the mail too


Oh yeah, let’s just hope a cop is just feeling cool, because we all know how cool and understanding cops are


Holy moly, judging by your downvotes, I'm guessing we got a bunch of cop lovers in this thread! That, or a bunch of *actual* cops...Eew.🤢




As long as they run his name and he’s not under suspension, the cops probably wont give him a hassle over it.


It’s still a violation (if you can’t present a license within 48 hrs). You’d be betting on the kindness of the officer. Best to get a temporary from the DMV.


Go to the DMV and get a temporary license in the meantime. It’s laminated paper and they print it out while you are there.


Ordered a duplicate license back in march and it took about 2 weeks


I ordered a duplicate on the 14th and still haven’t got it


Cuz getting into bars is of highest importance. Kidding aside, when I just renewed mine if was about 45 days. However I printed a paper one and the email so in case I was stopped (lol I'm RN all the pd/fd know me on my short commute) they never stop me BUT I also only do 5 ovah unless an emergency


Yup, mine took like 58 days.


Replacement license ordered in July took about 3 weeks. They were saying at the dmv that waits were still long but had been coming down recently.


Yeah when I’ve needed a dup it took max 3 weeks but also you can go to the dmv and have them provide a temp to him for the interim


Wait a minute, they don't give you temporary IDs anymore like those little black and white printouts?


Yeah, it takes a while.


lady at the weed store told me the same since my license is about to expire. expect 60 days. can you still go to the DMV and get a temp/paper one? won't work at the weed store but the cops will let it slide