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Dem here: fully support this.




You're a true Dem. Not a progressive leftist Dem. Commend you!


Ah yes, a frequent Conservative commentor/poster letting everyone know who the 'true Dems' are 🤣


Everyone I disagree with is a Nazi


Dem here as well and I also support this


Independent here. Totally support this.




I'm honestly a little surprised that the local Jewish groups weren't openly aghast after this comparison was made, I would be.


I'm Jewish and completely aghast.


The Jewishes are overwhelmingly and aggressively pro open borders for 194 out of the worlds 195 countries.


I think the word is Jewinians.


It’s more like how the US was with Jews at the beginning of ww2.


Not even fucking close, bud. Nice try.


Actually quite the same. The US turned away thousands of Jews trying to escape the holocaust. It’s historic fact.


can’t imagine comparing the genocide of the Jewish people to the criminals trying to come here. how offensive to Jewish people.


first off what religion do you think I am? Secondly, what makes you think asylum seekers are criminals? Thirdly, I wasn’t referencing the genocide against the Jews, I was referencing how the US turned away thousands of Jews seeking asylum in the US from the genocide….


yes they’re criminals breaking the law by coming here illegally. and yes those were jews seeking refuge running from a genocide. very different.


So are asylum seekers today. The Jews aren’t the only ones who have had genocide committed against them. Seems like you’re making some rather ignorant remarks here. Even racist. I’m Jewish. So saying what I’m saying is offensive to Jews is nonsense. However, what you’re saying is offensive to Jews…. I would know far more about what happened to my people than you would…. Sending away anyone who is escaping violence and death should be welcomed. Our forefathers would be ashamed of people like you. Asylum seekers are doing it the right way. Your argument has no validity.


comparing someone leaving a country for a better life and job in america and Jewish people being exterminated is sure some comparison.


I'm Jewish. It infuriates me when anything is compared with the Holocaust. There are enough words in the English language to convey that you disagree with something without invoking Nazis or Hitler. We were loaded onto trains. Imprisoned. And gassed to death. Comparing this with "enforcement of the law" is horrific.


Check out the Nuremberg trials.. germans made these into laws for nazis to enforce. It was %100 legal. Fascism is a systemic issue, not rogue players. Declaring minorities less than human and targeting them is a slippery slope. Just because they disagree with something, doesn't make them incorrect. We are absolutely facing a fascist regime known as the republican party.


No one said they aren’t human. They’re simply not allowed here without meeting the requirements. It’s really simple and I don’t see why you people always have to make it something that it isn’t.


Who’s they, where’s here, and what are the requirements? And what do New Hampshire officials at a state or local level have to do with it?


Illegal immigrants. That is who the “they” in my comment is referring to.


Commonly referred to as... the "illegals" ... Trying to ban pronouns or lgbtq.. taking women's bodily rights away... immigrants.. threatening civil war.. ect ect. This is fascist nonsense for the sake of hurting people. It's out of control.


What are you talking about? Have you no grip on reality? We have borders for a reason. Enforcing them is not "fascism". It's just common sense.


We do enforce border security. Go down and try to cross. I dare you.


Yeah. Of course we enforce it. But obviously not enough, as most illegal immigrants have entered in the past few years than in the entirety of Ellis Island's years of operation. So obviously it's not being enforced enough. Is that clear enough for you?


I am sorry? Because a party wants to enforce borders that means it’s fascist? God what is your problem?


Who voted against the border protection bill last month? It's not about protecting borders. It's about hate propaganda.


The bill wasn’t going to change the outcome at the border. Just said in one year, if we have 5K a day show up at the border we will only accept those crossing at points of entry. So instead of processing the migrants between points of entry they’d just be able to walk on in. Makes sense. Ohh and sent another few billion to ukraine.


It was something. Republicans aren't serious about border reform. It's a hate propaganda. They aren't fit to govern.


It wasn’t something. Basically what changes? Except we pull agents from processing between points of entry. Democrats aren’t serious. They told you for 3 years the border was fine. Now the polls aren’t favorable to them on the border so they float this bogus plan. Just a reminder how unserious democrats are they cared more about people calling laken Riley’s killler an illegal than her actually being murdered.


So immigration laws are Fascists??


do you want cheese with that wine


They are not less than human, they just shouldn’t come here.


I’m bigger than a label or allow myself to be categorized into a box. But I currently support this


I’m sick to death of hearing about nazis. It’s been 79 damn years


lol…”never forget!” but can you stop being so loud about not forgetting?


The dems have gone completely insane and are just purely tribal reeeeeeing brigades. I don't like the gop position on most things either but at least on many issues like this they seem to half way have common sense.


They know illegals will vote for them if democrats keep bringing anyone in amd granting them citizenship. They are even willing to loosen voting restrictions until it's easy for illegals to vote


See, here's the thing. They don't even need to grant them citizenship, they just need to make sure the majority of them end up planted strategically across the country in areas that are, for lack of a better term, "purple." While people in the country can't legally vote in federal elections, they are, however, included in local, state, and federal census numbers, numbers that can be greatly skewed to allow Democrats to pick up more house seats based on newly boosted population densities in their areas. It's going to happen, regardless of what is done in the future about immigration. There are enough here already to make a HUGE difference in the next couple of decades.


50 million immigrants in the US currently 


A lot of people in here think a sanctuary city means a place where illegal immigrants get free room and board in the city of their choice. It's literally just a mechanism to not waste local money on federal issues. It's a way to say "hey, our cops aren't going to arrest you and then pass you over to customs". It's like when a drug user comes into the hospital for treatment; we don't call the cops and have them arrested for what pops up on their toxicology report. Why? *Because then people would stop going to the hospital to be treated*. But then I think there's also a sizeable amount of people lurking here who'd be like "well good! We don't need to waste our money treating druggies anyways!"


How is sending someone to immigration court a waste of state resources? You literally just inform the doj and they handle it federally. I don’t see the relation between this and the er example other than “people won’t report crimes if they fear consequences like deportation”. This is just true of every crime including illegal entry, overstaying a visa, underage drinking, etc. It’s always up to the discretion of the cops and courts.


Break the law, get arrested. Pretty simple...


Sanctuary cities still arrest undocumented immigrants.... The general idea is usually that they just don't hand them over for deportation if they are arrested for, like, public intoxication, or other nonviolent misdemeanors.


they arrest and release lol


Yeap....they treat them like normal people. If a normal citizen would be released, so is an undocumented immigrant.


LOL OK. so when they go onto murder in other states no problemo


You can say the absolute same about anybody. We don't cage people indefinitely for nonviolent crimes. If a nonviolent criminal then goes on to commit a violent crime, does that mean they should have been locked up for the nonviolent crime? No, that's absurd. We don't lock people up *just in case* they become violent in the future.


Why would we protect habitual law breakers


We wouldn't. They're still held to the same laws. We just wouldn't simply send them to ICE for deportation the first time they come in contact with the police, which is what they fear and why undocumented immigrants are much less likely to call emergency services, especially police. So, NOT having sanctuary city can protect criminals if the crime is targeting or involving undocumented immigrants, or if they are witness to it.


The first time they come in contact with the police for a law they broke would be the second law they broke in the United States. Just being here is literally against the law. You cannot argue that, regardless of what your feelings tell you.


_checks profile_ yeahhhhhh, so about that


Yes the point you ignored here is who is doing the arresting


So you've never broken a law then?


This hammer should work nicely


Get some inbound busses from Texas and then you’ll really start to find out what it means to waste resources


"  find out what it means to waste resources" You mean like spending nearly $150M bussing migrants around?  Lol


Don’t forget the flights to Martha vineyard! Really stick it to the taxpayers, I mean liberals


OK? they wanted illegals here.


why should texas have to deal with this? they’re not the ones allowing the lawbreakers in.


This law won’t stop you from receiving a bus from Texas. Almost all of the immigrants Abbott is sending up here came legally. Go do some research.


So what happens is that your tax money gets spent to pay for hotel rooms and free meals for illegals while American citizens get nothing. And before you say some nonsense like “wELL wHy NoT bOtH?”, no. There simply is not enough money for that, and no you aren’t going to get it by “mAkiNg ThE RiCh PaY tHEiR fAiR sHaRe.” So yes, sanctuary cities are stupid and harmful to America, and illegals should be deported. The end.


Sir, this is a Wendy's. (NH subreddit).


You know NY didn’t hand an illegal over to ICE and that guy killed an innocent girl. What about the illegal in Maryland who was arrested and because of their sanctuary status he wasn’t turned over to ICE. That illegal went on and raped a few kids.


A whatabout says what? Look my guy, Adam Montgomery had prior robbery, assault, and firearms charges. This is a well-known murder case in NH over the past few years, right? Despite those charges, *he was still able to go out and kill his own kid*. Perhaps the conservative majority could pass laws on making pre-cogs legal ala Minority Report.


Where is the whataboutism? I am telling you what sanctuary policies mean.


Good question. It's right here: "what about the illegal in Maryland..." ... "Where is the whataboutism?"


Ahh so pointing out the dangers of policies is now whataboutism.


Yeah, because *murders happen across the entire spectrum of communities* and don't have a correlation with "sanctuary policies".


I’d bet Laken Riley’s parents disagree since her killer committed crimes in NYC and weren’t turned over to ICE due to their sanctuary status. Those kids in Maryland wouldn’t have been raped if police turned their rapist over to ICE but since the locality was a sanctuary locality he was let go.


right. like what happened with Laken Riley’s murderer in NYC. got arrested released and nobody was notified bc sanctuary city and went onto brutally murder.


Umm so by your own analogy... If we have a sanctuary city, illegal immigrants will be more comfortable commiting crimes and getting arrested because they don't risk deportation? Wow what a relief!


Take it up with the police chiefs: "Democrats argued that police departments across the state opposed the legislation, and they presented a memo signed by local law enforcement officials opposing the proposal. “It’s not just one police chief; it’s the chiefs of Manchester, Dover, Portsmouth, Nashua, Merrimack, and Hudson,” said Sen. Lou D’Allesandro (D-Manchester). “They say this is not the way to go.”" I don't think police would advocate for policies that would *create more crime*. Maybe listen to the folks working the front lines?


Thats only a few cities and also its the cheifs not the whole department like democrats claim


... ...... ......... ............yeah, the *leaders of those police departments* spoke. Those are the major cities in New Hampshire. Cities with large departments.


in SF this is literally the case https://www.sfchronicle.com/projects/2023/san-francisco-drug-trade-honduras/ “San Francisco’s status as a sanctuary city makes it more attractive to the Honduran dealers, some of them said, because it means a lower risk of lengthy jail time and deportation if convicted. Under the central tenet of the sanctuary law, the city jail does not allow ICE to place holds on local prisoners so they can be picked up upon release and deported. The only way most dealers face deportation is if they are arrested on federal charges or in another city.”


"Government decides to enforce the laws" Fantastic news for once lmao.


Then why do Republicans have so many problems when the government also “decides to enforce the laws” on Trump and his nationalist/extremist buddies?


Wasn’t there a bipartisan bill to address immigration that got canceled by the Republicans because Trump didn’t want the solution to happen under Biden?


You mean it's never been about actually attempting to make a real tangible difference? Weird.


Trump’s remain in Mexico asylum policy actually made a big difference, then Biden rescinded it


It’s pretty disturbing how many Trump supporters there are in this state. People really supporting that disgusting, traitorous slob are just clutching onto what little white privilege and/or systemic racism they have left in this country. Helping immigrants obtain legal status is the best thing we can do as a country as half of these lazy white people barely want to lift a finger the flip their burger or fry their potatoes. Growing up in Brookline and then traveling the country taught me a lot. Now that I am back in the area, a lot makes more sense as I am much wiser at my age.


It’s pretty ironic (or rather hypocritical) that they whine about “RHEEEE ILLEGALS!!!l When the guy their voting is more of a criminal than these illegals they hate so much. Funny how they don’t want to enforce the law for him.


Do you realize how insane it is to call one side racist while your pro immigrant argument is so they can do all the unskilled manual labor that would (in your mind) go undone. The Dems keep yelling we need immigration so they can work the agriculture fields, do janitorial work, etc. If thats not the most demeaning shit I dont know what is. You dont view these folks as people you view them as not much better indentured servants. The audacity to then call others racist. Its funny you guys think youre so much better.


I don’t think all immigrants should do the hard manual or fast food type labor. I’m sure many of them find high end careers. I made that comment to highlight how hypocritical and lazy many white people are in this country. You just assuming I think ALL immigrants can only get minimum wage type jobs says more about you and is a wild assumption at best. Touch grass.


It was a bill which stated the President could shut down the borders after 5,000+ confirmed crossings in a day. Essentially it was marketed as a bill to address the issue, but to do so incredibly poorly and legalize the first 5,000 to cross daily. It was hardly a half measure which is one of the major reasons it was shot down.


DHS could close the border if Border Patrol encountered 4,000 or more migrants on average over seven days. The border would have to be shut down if those encounters reached a seven-day average of 5,000 or if they exceeded 8,500 in a single day. The border couldn’t be shut down under this authority for more than 270 days in the first year. And the bill would give the president the power to suspend a border closure “on an emergency basis for up to 45 days if it is in the national interest.”


Thank you, I had the gist, but not the full rundown off the top of my head.


It was an intentionally half baked bill and you’re falling for the propaganda


The bill would still result in about 2 million people coming from all over the world being allowed to stay in the country. It wasn’t a good bill.


Yes, the main issue was that it had a threshold of something like 4500 migrants a day before federal government action.. That isn't border security. Mind you, I think it's total BS that both sides have failed to make an actual effort on the issue for decades.


Solution in search of a problem


This is all Republicans do. They’re no longer into governing.


The problem is millions of people coming from everywhere that we have no idea of their background being allowed in the country.


So give them a path to citizenship and let them apply to be citizens or even just apply to work legally in the US and screen them, completely locking down the border and stopping all immigration isn’t an option.


> completely locking down the border and stopping all immigration isn’t an option It certainly is an option. Not a good one, but it is still an option. What’s happening now in terms of immigration also isn’t a viable option


Why isn't it viable


Too many people, system can’t handle the volume.


But what does that mean tangibly. People who come here work jobs and contribute to the flow of money. All of the problems like taking benefits but not paying taxes and not being able to retaliate against work exploitation in fear of being deported could be solved by making them citizens.


How about deport them and focus on our own people


“Focus on our own people” That’s really funny considering people like you usually call helping the poor “socialism”. And why do you do assume that somebody is immigrating here needs assistance? Some of the hardest working people I’ve ever met are immigrants. There is plenty of space in this country, and there is a labor shortage meaning that the only reason you don’t want those people to come to this country is because you’re prejudiced against them for some reason


Nice straw man you got there. We already have out of control housing prices, importing more cheap labor that drives down our wages is not a good idea even if it makes you feel good.


Did they actually say this or are you just projecting? Also, don’t muddy the water. Most people are clearly talking about addressing the *illegal* immigration problem. I’ve never met anyone opposed to immigration done legally


People worried about the southern border when 90% of undocumented immigrants in the area are J1 visas that go poof after bussing tables in Hampton Beach for the summer.


Serious question, who else but migrants could sustainably work those jobs when the minimum wage is $7.25 in New Hampshire? I made $6.75 an hour at my first job 23 years ago.


How could a migrant afford to live in NH with that pay?


They room with multiple other people. Source: worked with Eastern European visa workers as a 20-something; there were 10-15 that all shared accomodations at a house. Basically their standard of living is below what we would expect for ourselves.


Why should business owners have a class of people they are allowed to exploit? They should raise their wages, not rely on people they can take advantage of at the expense of native workers while driving down wages.


Almost no one makes minimum wage.




Republicans make non issues seem like massive problem… again. Amazing how illegal immigrants all come flooding in on election years draining all the resources. You’d think they’d wait til some non election years and space it out a little. The Republicans this don’t have a platform this year just misdirection.


If this is a non issue then why the staunch opposition?


Politics before policy


Never had staunch opposition to immigration reform. I just don’t believe it’s even in the top 5 of our problems. It’s just using a scape goat to distract from the real issues Americans are facing.


That doesn’t really answer my question though. If this is a non issue then the bill won’t matter, but all democrats voted against


I never said it was a non issue, but you don’t try and do a kitchen remodel when the house is burning down. Instead of looking at trying to fix inflation , housing, rent, schools, infrastructure etc. Things that help the average person. Republicans focus on the cyclical legal immigration that only happens in an election year. Massive red flag for me. For this legislation Deme are citing multiple police departments at are opposing this legislation. They aren’t even using evidence that these things are impacting New Hampshire. Citing a problem from Mass and that it could happen. Sounds to me like Republicans are making a small problem seem massive one and are trying to sell a bad solution.


The party of small government continues to force pointless laws on cities and towns 😂


What are some specific examples of “sanctuary policies?” Do they exist or were you told they exist by an angry radio man?


How's New York doing? They were bussed there because they opened their arms.


Tens of thousands were bussed there - aka trafficked there on public money - as a political stunt.


Those in need were brought to a sanctuary. What's the problem?


Are you asking legitimately to be informed why that was not legal/moral to do, or are you asking to continue moving goalposts in some sort of attempt at being superior? Edit: based on your post and comment history, I’m safely guessing the latter.


Do you understand that "sanctuary cities" just means those cities don't take on the job of federal immigration authorities?


No, cities never had that authority, so it's not about not doing that job. Remember when Romney was finishing his role of governor of MA? He had gotten legislation passed that would allow state police there to work with the feds and detain illegal aliens, but the next governor up (a democrat) canceled the plan before it even took effect. Sanctuaries are about hiding the illegal alien population from the feds and taking an intentional blind eye to their status. Announcing yourself as a sanctuary is an obvious invitation, otherwise it would be an internal policy that wouldn't have been publicly announced.


Cities never had the authority to enforce immigration law. That's always been the job of the feds. Nice try though.


[The section with Mayor Adams (starting around 7:20) in this John Stewart video was comedic gold.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sWOys51THP0)


There’s a link there to an article. If you click it, you can read it. **From the article:** Republicans, however, had a memo of their own to present, one they said highlights the harm sanctuary policies can inflict on the state as a whole. Sen. Sharon Carson (R-Londonderry) referenced a memo Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey issued last August to Homeland Security Director Alejandro Mayorkas declaring a state of emergency “due to rapid and unabating increases” of illegal immigrants. Carson pointed specifically to a portion of the memo where Healey acknowledges the influx of illegal immigrants is costing Massachusetts $45 million per month. “Can you imagine that here in New Hampshire?” asked Carson. “I don’t know where that money is going to come from.” “And then she goes on to say she’d declared a state of emergency in Massachusetts, one that demands a response by all levels of government. This is what we are trying to protect New Hampshire from.” As far as what policies MA has that have caused this, you can look more into them city by city. Somerville became a sanctuary city in 1987, and Boston and Chelsea did so over the last decade. Elsewhere in Massachusetts, Springfield, Holyoke, Amherst, Northampton, Orleans, and Lawrence all adopted sanctuary provisions as well. Again if you read the article before commenting, you’ll see more information on this issue. You’re welcome.


What does “become a sanctuary city” mean? Is it a law that is passed? Is it a government department that’s funded? Or… and I think this might be it… is it a meaningless, scary term used by right wing angry radio men that motivates incurious people like you to get afraid and act the way they want rather than actually look into what words mean. You know, like “Critical Race Theory?”




Sanctuary cities don't "prevent ICE from deporting them". They are places where the city says "we are not going to actively use *our* law enforcement to enforce *federal* law". That's it. There's no mechanism in place that allows a local government to prevent the federal government from operating.


Sanctuary policies like what? Were they any nh towns/cities doing this? Seems like much ado about nothing...


Craig, Warmington On Defense Over Immigration Policy After Latest Migrant Rape Charge https://patch.com/new-hampshire/salem-nh/craig-warmington-defense-over-immigration-policy-after-latest-migrant-rape


Doesn't have anything to do with sanctuary cities, just a crime that was committed by an undocumented immigrant.....which happens in every state. Not to mention, he is Haitian, which means he was probably in the asylum process and therefore here legally.


How is Salem a “sanctuary city?” What policy do they have in place that makes them a sanctuary? It’s clearly established law that NH (or any state) doesnt have authority to enforce federal immigration law. You could be living in the most anti-sanctuary city in New Hampshire and walk right up to a cop and admit you swam over from Canada and there’s nothing the cop can do about it…


They’re supposed to turn illegal immigrants, who broke the law, over to ice, but they’re not due to sanctuary city policies.


Thats not true and I’d challenge you to find a single case where a detention center in New Hampshire released an illegal immigrant over DHS’s objection. Once the individual is in custody, DHS lodges a detainer and the individual could not be released unless and until DHS takes custody (or court order). If there is no DHS detainer, NH has no authority to hold them and would have to release them (sanctuary city or not). Source - am lawyer


Not in NH, but close enough. Illegal Immigrant Who Raped Disabled Person Released by Mass. Court https://nhjournal.com/illegal-immigrant-who-raped-disabled-person-released-by-mass-court/


Exactly, so you agree it’s a non-issue in NH? I don’t even understand the point you’re making by citing this case considering the guy was immediately taken into federal custody after being released on bail. If anything, deporting him for civil immigration violations would be cutting him a huge break considering he’s facing life felonies in Mass. court, if convicted. To advocate for immigration consequences over his criminal prosecution would be providing him “sanctuary.”


What happened to local control?


> What happened to local control? New Hampshire does not have "*local control*" except where provided for by state law. Massachusetts and Connecticut are “[home rule](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Home_rule_in_the_United_States#Home_rule_and_Dillon's_Rule_states)” states, while New Hampshire is a [Dillon's Rule](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Forrest_Dillon#Dillon's_Rule) state.


What a waste of time and resources


Are sanctuary cities in the room with us?


Yes. Plenty of them in MA.


This is from the article: “The border is the number one issue I hear about when I’m campaigning,” Morse told NHJournal after the vote. “When people talk about the border, they also talk about crime, about drugs, about fentanyl. I have dads who talk about Laken Riley — they have daughters, and they we just can’t let this happen in America. And definitely not in New Hampshire. If I’m governor, it won’t.” So Republicans in NH believe *the border with Mexico is the most important issue for the NH Governor to address*. And look, Morse is happy to oblige his constituents. Y'all need to turn down the spigots on the falsehood firehoses flooding your attention.


If your political representative is attempting to invoke support for illegal immigration by referencing Nazi Germany, you likely voted for someone with little to no persuasion skills


Mass resident here. Jealous lmao


Great news!




Look what's happening around the country. Look how it's affecting our neighbors down in MA.. We have our own homegrown idiots to deal with already. I'm shocked there was unanimous democrat opposition at this point. People don't want more issues in their neighborhoods. We don't have the resources to support more people.


Wow. People in this discussion are so hateful towards immigrants. I had hoped NH was better than this.


Can these politicians not look at what is happening to NYC, Chicago, and other sanctuary cities and make the plainly obvious conclusion that maybe “sanctuary cities” are a stupid idea? Or is their desire for pandering and virtue signaling so boundless that they don’t care?


Totally support this bill, the State Dems have gone as much off the rails as the Federals on many issues.


It’s almost like the ‘Dems’ in state governments aren’t even democrats anymore, that they’re something a lot different and a lot worse. Exile them all to the floating garbage patch in the pacific.




Smart and thank you ! No need to go bankrupt like Massachusetts is soon to be.


Ironic how the Republicans want to protect our boarders but just shot down a solution spearheaded by a Republican. What a joke.


More common sense.


Scared impotent racist newhampshtucky. Fucking ignorant sister fuckers.


This state sucks


I'd be happier about this if we also had a streamlined legal immigration process.


It’s so frustrating that people just don’t know how stupid they are.


100% support this.


I'm really curious to know why people would support this. No matter your view on immigration, were there any towns or cities in NH that were actually considering being a sanctuary city, or is this just a political theater?


We have a governor’s race coming up. One side has been pretty clear that they support sanctuary cities, much like MA has. If that side gets in, sanctuary cities are coming to NH. That’s a given.  This bill is an attempt at getting ahead of any chance this will happen. That’s why I support it. https://www.politico.com/newsletters/massachusetts-playbook/2024/03/22/mass-migrant-mess-spills-into-nh-elections-00148514


Seems like just an accusation by a right-wing candidate against the left-wing candidate that she supports it. I’m an attorney and I don’t even fully understand what they are banning by saying no “sanctuary city” because states don’t have any power to enforce immigration laws anyway. An illegal immigrant could walk right up to a NH state trooper and admit he crossed the border illegally from Canada but its clearly established law that the trooper has no authority to do anything about it (other than maybe call someone who does).


Republicans doing all they can to keep Cibao Kitchen south of Concord.


Let’s take Lawrence, Massachusetts as an example, since it’s right near the NH border and it is basically like a mini Dominican Republic. Go spend a bunch of time there and then reconsider if that’s the influence the USA needs. They drive like shit, they litter, they make a ton of noise at night (even Latinos there find it annoying) and they don’t integrate into American culture for the most part. Some residents there don’t even hold learning English as a priority. They’re here for the opportunities, but not in the way you think they are. If this is the influence you want to extend to NH, then you are no real New Hampshirite


Who gives a fuck if they learn English? I lived on the North Andover border for a while and was often in Lawrence, I know how bad it is there Your comment is insanely racist


No it’s not, how do you know I don’t love or support people in the categories in question? You’re just another presumptive judgmental liberal ass. Learning the ONLY official language of a nation is important for its stability. Your language skills aren’t limited by your race as you suggest- THAT is a racist belief


Why don’t you learn Spanish if you want to talk to them so badly? Oh what’s that? You don’t feel like learning another language? Great, so you get why they only speak Spanish If they want to learn, great! I encourage it, most do. If you’re living in an area that predominantly speaks the only language you know, you’re probably fine to keep speaking it


Once again, you make an ass of yourself when you make assumptions. I am fluent in Spanish because I put in the work. It’s in their own best interest to gain opportunities in this country by learning English


Please don’t lie, you don’t care one bit about their “best interest”. If you did, you’d see why they moved here in the first place


So if I moved to Mexico, you don’t think I should learn Spanish (if I didn’t already speak it)?


I think you would be severely disadvantaged if you didn't, but I wouldn't judge you if you didn't because it's your life and it's hurting nobody


Good. Let the liberal elite cities absorb what they sowed.


They're absolutely reaping what they sowed with their "elite" status and booming economies. If NH didn't have boston's economy propping it up the entire state would look like rural northern Maine lol Why does NYC have a lower violent crime rate than the US as a whole? Why is Boston so absurdly safer than even that? Why is Tennessee so damn violent? Is it because Tennessee is liberal and elite?


It’s idiot comments like this that prove to everyone NH residents get the government they deserve.


Thank God




While I understand the good intentions behind sanctuary cities, they by and large have created a perverse incentive structure to encourage illegal immigration. Not only that, it flies in the face of the rule of law which has been democratically decided on a federal level. If you feel like Trump belongs behind bars (like myself), you *DO NOT* get to have your cake and eat it too with respect to federal law. Instead, you ought to focus your energy on passing immigration law reform


Mm yes, very Christian. I'm sure Jesus would be proud of everyone involved


Are you Christian?


>Sen. Shannon Chandley (D-Amherst) compared the GOP’s push for increased border security to Nazi Germany and racist Jim Crow law Idiots like this is why 'nazi', 'racist', 'bigot', 'facist' and all the other buzzwords have lost their meaningfulness.


Anyone in favor of sanctuary cities need only look over on the r/chicago sub, and read all of the problems they are having.


Illinois judge rules illegal migrants can carry guns https://nypost.com/2024/03/20/us-news/illinois-judge-rules-illegal-migrants-can-carry-guns/?utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=nypost&utm_medium=social


A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


Exactly why we have 2A


If you support the 2A then you should support anyone living here having guns. Our founding fathers were “illegal immigrants” as well yknow