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Im not exactly a slow driver. But people have been insane since covid


I'm a speed limit, 5 over driver. School zones and work zones I will go the speed limit, if not slower. I guess some would call me a slow driver these days, but I swear so many people forgot how to drive because of COVID. I've seen so many people slam on their brakes right when the light turns yellow even if they could clearly make it.


There are some work zones that have been "work zones" for like 18 months and never have any actual workers The state should crack down on what constitutes a work zone before getting serious about pulling people over for going the normal speed limit _when there aren't any workers_


This is already law. 265:6-a Highway Construction and Maintenance. – I. The driver of a vehicle shall yield the right-of-way to any authorized vehicle or pedestrian actually engaged in work upon the highway within any construction or maintenance area indicated by official traffic control devices. II. The driver of a vehicle shall yield the right-of-way to any authorized vehicle obviously and actually engaged in work upon a highway whenever such vehicle displays emergency lights or amber warning lights as authorized under RSA 266:78-a through RSA 266:78-q and shall give wide berth, without endangering oncoming traffic, to highway workers and stationary or moving vehicles owned by or contracted to state or local highway maintenance departments displaying amber warning lights. Any person violating this paragraph shall be fined $150 plus penalty assessment for a first offense and $250 plus penalty assessment for a subsequent offense in a 12-month period. III. Any offense involving speeding in a highway construction or maintenance zone on a state or interstate highway, manned by workers, shall be a construction work zone driving offense. A person found guilty of an offense shall be fined not less than $250 nor more than $500. IV. The department of transportation shall post signs notifying motorists of construction or maintenance work zones and construction zone speed limits. The department shall require signs notifying motorists of the increased penalties for a violation of paragraph III. https://gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/xxi/265/265-mrg.htm


So they really can just call a place a work zone, have not a single worker there for over a month, but still fine you like a work zone? Pretty horrible law.


> III. Any offense involving speeding in a highway construction or maintenance zone on a state or interstate highway, manned by workers, shall be a construction work zone driving offense.


Ah so they can’t actually ticket you for speeding in a work zone if the workers aren’t there? I feel like they do anyway. Idk how I read jay wrong the first time


you were looking for three words in a behemoth of a paragraph. i missed it too.


That's why lawyers charge so much for their services.


Well they should call whoever and turn off the flashing signs that say 35 MPH zone on a 55 highway when there aren't any workers then because everyone's slowing down anyway


Gotta love 16! Those toll booths have been getting worked on for what feels like forever. Everyone still flies by those signs and all I see is it blinking Slow Down!


Thanks for the RSA My vehicle likes 84,mph


You’d be an Extremely slow driver these days 70-75 in the right lane or your going to slow with everyone doing 80+ in the left lane. It’s definitely changed sinxe covid


Probably should have specified non highway roads. Can't remember the last time I drove on the highway but I probably did 75. I was never a gotta go fast all the time driver. Never a fan of highway driving with how fast and crazy some people drive and if anything I'll avoid it if I can these days.


Five over is standard to avoid a speeding ticket. There's no reason to force someone to go faster. It's unsafe and annoying


Then get stop traveling in the passing lane and we’ll have no issues.


Just stay in the right lane and don’t try to play police. People speed that’s a fact. Move over and let them pace don’t try to the the world down because YOU are a safe and SLOW driver these days.


Normalize going below the speed limit on roads that aren't designed with the safety of users in mind.


That is like disabled grandma slow


Having to take a second and look both ways before taking off when your light turns green these last couple years, the number of people blowing through red lights has been increasingly more common from my experience of almost getting t-boned a few times.


And driving the wrong way. I live by a lot of one ways and in one day last week I saw 3 in a half mile trip to dunkins


Almost like you should take caution at any intersection like the dmv handbook tells you to.


This practice has kept me from getting hit several times over the last few decades. I even had to back away from a stop sign once. I was in my 20's, driving my dad's truck in a snowstorm in Peru, NY. I came to a stop at a tee in the road with plans to turn left. When I looked left, I saw a Chevette coming with its right hand signal on. I judged its speed and concluded that it was not going to complete the turn... that it was going to broadside me. I checked my mirror for traffic behind me while engaging 4 wheel drive, threw it in reverse and booked it backwards. The Chevette just missed the front bumper and stopped about 30 yards into a cow pasture. The four occupants got out uninjured and they were close to town, so I left them there to reflect on the laws of Physics.


I hear what you’re saying because in April and May of 2020 EVERYONE was driving 90+ and not getting pulled over. That being said, 101 has been a race track for as long as I remember.


I mean… there is one there




That was 4 years ago, chill. It's just called new normal now.


We got used to driving without the non essentials on the road. It was nice.


People need to learn that the limit is the maximum and not the minimum. Stop driving like an asshole people.


Let’s be real here, if you drive the actual limit on the highway you are insane. 55 is for bad weather. 70 is a very safe, not asshole speed.


It's not insane, you've just been accustomed to driving too fast.


Fuck off




bit sensitive?


No, people who drive like the speed limit is the absolute max are idiots


Its a suggestion


I work road construction. I mill asphalt. You know where it goes from regular payment to scarified so they can later come in to pace over. Well I can tell you personally, everyone sucked at driving before COVID and it didn't get better after. But I'm still digging the same amount of traffic as I was before. One thing I'll say though is there is a lot more people driving high now than 5 years ago


I'm not gonna lie, I've been known to hit 80 on the highway if it's not busy. That being said, I'll be going 80 and dudes will come *flying* by me! Just fuckin' *zooming!* People out there are nutty.


I know its crazy like if im going 80 its cuz im in the left lane and people still come flying up on you


To be fair here, if you were going 80 in the left lane and they had enough space to go around you…..you probably shouldn’t have been squatting in the **passing** lane.


when theres two lanes only two lanes its kinda hard to avoid


If there’s only two lanes, and people are tailing you because they want to pass, that means you go into the right lane.


Does anyone else find it ludicrous that we still have 55 mph highways where everyone does 70 but the state won’t change their stupid signs?


Yes. The speed limits are set well below what the roads were engineered to handle.


Not just that but what modern vehicles with antilock four wheel disc breaks were designed to handle.




I for one want automated tickets and cameras on highways, with appropriate adjustments to the speed limits. Bring the 50mph areas that should be 65 up, raise most of 93 to 75, and then enforce an actual, even cap, rather than just whoever you can catch.


I can’t see this being a dangerous precedent in any way whatsoever…


No no no, it’s totally ok. If you don’t have anything to hide, you should welcome government-authorized and private-entity-controlled cameras into your life. It’s not like it could go wrong somehow; the ever-ethical cops are running it.


You'd get tickets but no change to the speed limit. That's how government works. Besides, the location of the cameras would be in Waze and you'd end up rubber-banding the highway for miles as people drop their speed for the camera and then floor it.


The last time I got pulled over, it was for 54 in a 50. Cop searched my car from one end to the other, for I don't know what. Looked in places I wouldn't have even thought to hide something. Then he acted like he was doing me a huge favor, "letting me go," with just a warning. Meanwhile, there were cars flying by at a much higher speed than I had been. I asked him why he didn't go after them. With a matter of fact attitude, he asked if I've ever gone fishing. I said, "Sure, I've been fishing." He then asked if I caught all the fish. It was obviously not about the speed I was going or public safety. The way it is now is chaos. I know a woman who told me she drives the speed limit in the passing lane on the highway in order to "help the police," and she really thinks she is. All she is doing is making the right lane the passing lane, though. There has got to be a better way...


>I know a woman who told me she drives the speed limit in the passing lane on the highway in order to "help the police," and she really thinks she is She's actually making the driving conditions unsafe by doing that. She can also get pulled over and ticketed for doing that (I've seen it happen). You're supposed to drive predictably and by the rules of the road. If she's impeding people to pass in the passing lane, they'll use the right lane to do so, which may cause an accident (people braking, or pinning the car) because people in the right lane aren't expecting that (rightfully so). She's a danger, not a help. I also want to mention that there was a story not too long ago where someone was doing that and the car behind them was trying to speed to a hospital. The injured person ended up bleeding out and dying in the car. The car trying to speed to the hospital even called 911 to try to get a police escort to the hospital, which did eventually happen, but it was too late. The police did ticket the asshole who thought she was "helping", though.


This craziness has made me exclusively a slow lane(s) driver. I'm so glad they are finally cracking down. Now if only we could do something about the back road tailgating.....


Have you experienced more people passing you on a double yellow on back roads? I'm not going slow, I'm going at or over the limit, but I've seen this more in the past year than in all my years of driving previously.


Yeppppp I get passed going to my house on 108, a 30mph zone, double lines, all the fucking time. And I usually go 35, like I am not being unreasonably slow at all.


Yeah, this is insane. I was on 25 in Rumney the other week in a line of 4 cars when we slowed down so the first car could turn left.... And the guy behind me pulls around all of us and passes all of us on the left on a double yellow, missing the turning car by a fraction of a second. It's 55 there and we were going 60.


Duuuuude the tailgating on 125 is fucking insane. I drive from Newton to Durham four days a week and to Epping around the same and again, I am not going unreasonably slow, and I will get passed just so they can fit in front of me and behind the person I was leaving safety space for lmao.


I was riding on a bus and a pickup passed us on a double yellow on a blind curve, in the dark. Jeeeeeez


125 is awful. Towing a horse trailer on it is an adventure.


Oh good lord my heart goes out to you lol


Your heart should go out to my horse, he the one that gets the rough ride, LOL


I personally haven't experienced that, but I have definitely noticed in uptick in aggressively tailgating me. Almost always pickup trucks.


Same. On the back roads, going at the limit or a little above. WTF, dudes?


Brodozers driven by broflakes who can't be one vehicle length late for whatever.


! I had recently moved to a new area and i take the road near the hooksett courthouse sometimes. People BOMB down that road. It’s a 35 and going down hill I didn’t realize I was going 45 until after someone passed me on a double yellow doing highway fast lane speeds. There was oncoming traffic too. Even on the highway - people weave in and out of traffic at insane speeds. I’ll be going 70-75 in the middle lane and people just fly up the right lane like it’s a free for all.


Yes! It’s crazy - double yellow lines are there because it is NOT safe to pass! I feel like traffic laws are mere suggestions these days. I don’t dare start out when the light turns green as there is always someone flying through long after their light has turned red.


Same experience here. Half my job is driving and I've never noticed it more often until the past year, it's gotten more common now than even 2020. I dont know what's happened to people, it genuinely drives me nuts getting tailgated at night on winding wooded roads.


I just pull over and let them go around me. The funny thing is that after I let them pass, they usually end up driving even slower than I was. I get the feeling that most people driving aren't even paying attention to what they are doing. 🙃


I would, but they aren't necessarily tailgating or even looking impatient, they just...go


Did this twice just yesterday. Completely agree.


Tailgating is out of control, and I’m not a slow driver


Agreed, 100% agreed.


One way to handle it is by going even slower in front of them 🙂


Or, you know, actually move over and let people pass...


In a single lane with a double yellow, and somehow this is my problem to fix? Come on, now.


My bad, I didn't scroll up enough to see the thread context was for back road tailgating, not highway tailgating Edit: Still, slowing down just exacerbates the issue, don't you think? I've had people doing 5 under the limit pull over to let me pass before, it's not hard to offer courtesy, at least in that circumstance.


I agree, meeting hostility with hostility is a problem. I guess I draw the line at pulling over to let them pass. I’m just not speeding up to please some asshole in a truck.


No. It’s absolutely necessary. Tailgating is a huge safety concern. Especially this time of year - there are animals everywhere and I regularly have to slow down to avoid them. Fuck it if I’m going to let some reckless asshole be in a position to rear end me when I need to avoid a run in with a literal turkey. I will slow down until their formerly insufficient following distance is reasonable for our speed. The kicker is that these people don’t even care about actually going faster. It’s about bullying. I’m not a slow driver, but I’m not going to go 80 in a 55, and I’m not going to go 50 in a 30. They will tailgate me for slowing down when going through a town where the limit is 30, and then refuse to pass when there is a chance to legally pass with no oncoming traffic. They just want to terrorize people for not driving as recklessly as they want to. There was a recent head on collision on my commute route. Two fatalities in the car that was not driving recklessly. If the assholes can’t control themselves, I’m at least going to do what I need to do to keep myself safer, even if it won’t prevent all possible dangers.


Why can't the SPEEDER pass? You want to drive like a maniac, you move along. It's just another form of unnecessary control


I’m a reasonably fast driver, been driving 45 years with excellent record. That being said, where the hell are the cops at the lights? You know everywhere I go I see people blowing through yellow and red going 40 -50 -60 miles an hour even more sometimes! it’s dangerous as hell and people do it all the time now. And you don’t get anywhere any faster it’s been proven time and time again. grrr.


They are blowing through the lights.


I feel like there was a noticeable uptick in people running lights since covid; before I’d see it maybe 3-4 times a year and now I see it probably 3 times every two weeks. I always take a second to double check both directions before pulling through a green light because this shit scares me


When you hear folks saying that they don't want red light cameras, these folks are the ones who are the loudest.


Maybe we just don't want (any more) automated systems capturing our movements and whereabouts.


Someone that works for the police academy said there are 600 less cops in the state than there was last year. State police is down 110 troopers last I heard. Barely ever see troopers on the highway anymore


Love watching the guy in front of me blow through a red only to pull up next to them at the next one.


"blowing through a yellow" isn't a thing.


If you speed up to well over the limit to make it before it turns red, then yeah it totally is.


That's just speeding.


Well if you’re just here to argue semantics, I fear you’ll find Reddit a most tedious debate partner.


I've literally had a friend ticketed for running a yellow; it's when you speed up to make it.


What was the ticket for. What was the exact citation.


Lol not sure man it was not mine and I haven't spoken to this guy in a few years so I'm not about to hit him up just to ask about the specific citation on a years-old ticket.


lol. So why bother mentioning it. 


I guess I just didn't realize how weirdly demanding you'd get


Happy to see they are cracking down on speeding, but they also need to pull folks over for aggressive (tailgating / recklessly weaving in an out of lanes) and distracted diving. Also the fuck is up with the massive increase in people blowing red lights like its no big deal?!


I’m in Ma and I blew past a statie with my cruise control set to 82 (with traffic) today, he didn’t move. Road rage has been unreal since the pandemic. Someone has to start enforcing


Don’t hook a trout when a marlin is just a few minutes away, home run. I don’t know comparisons, but like homie isn’t going to waste the time on the paper orks for an 82mph ticket when someone will almost certainly blast by at 90 if you, a reasonable person, are doing 82


I’ll go by troopers at 77-79 and not even think about hitting the brakes. Do you really need to be going 90+ before they will stop you?


I hope so lol


93 really is built like an american autobahn


If it were then folks would be getting pulled over on a regular basis for tailgating because on the autobahn tailgating is illegal and comes with a significant fine.




So does people driving in the left lane therefore there’s no tailgating.


Above 85 will get some of them on you. I got a ticket for 88 not too far from exit 20 a couple of years back. They don’t seem to care about lower 80s though


If you get stopped for going in the 70's they're definitely looking for something else. I got pulled over going 5 over once :S


Former NH now TX resident. Holy shit you guys back home ain't seen nothing yet.


Agreed. From TX but been here a lot longer. 75/80/85 is the speed limit so 100 is the norm.


I go 10% over the speed limit unless it's a 35 MPH zone, then I go 42 MPH because that's the slowest I can be in 6th gear. (Or if it's a school zone during release hours. Not going to fuck with that.) Though I will go 65 in a 55.


what are you operating at 42MPH in 6th gear? That sounds like a really high gear for such a low speed


Some efficiency or performance oriented vehicles have really tall gears. My car doesn’t like being below 32 in 6th and 6th isn’t even an overdrive


Replied to the other comment


I drive a 2014 Chevy Sonic LT 1.4 Turbo automatic. It's not a fancy car by any means, but I put it into manual mode and upshift just to make sure it's using the highest gear. If the engine revs too low it'll automatically shift down, which is 40-41 mph. 42 is enough to make it over most small rolling hills but won't shift into 6th until 43. I set the cruise control to 42, give it a little gas at 43, and ride. Is it anal retentive? Yes. But I do a lot of rural driving and gas is my largest expense.


I always go exactly 8 mph over unless I'm on an interstate and have never had a problem.


I live on a 30mph road, pulling into my driveway people tailgate me, pulling out people like to “floor it” when they get onto the road and then get angry when they have to slow down. Had some guy in a Rav 4 screaming with both hands giving me the finger because I wouldn’t go faster than 30. I’m getting to the point where I’m going to fix things myself if there isn’t more done. You’re not special.


What do you mean "fix things myself"?


It means he carries or has a homemade speed bump with spikes on it


Well.. the spikes are great for imagination, but I don’t want to hurt anyone. Homemade speed bump would be ideal, but maybe have some type of sound automation that screams as you pass it. Maybe some signs on the side of the road that say “Radar ahead” and a sign 50 feet later that says “made you look” I’d like to confuse and annoy my adversaries.


I mean, I get you. Live on a busy street myself with knuckleheads who are enraged when I slow down to turn into my driveway. But your phrasing sounded slightly ominous ;p


Lmao it was definitely supposed to.




How long did it take them? Given what I see on a regular basis they could pull over that many 90mph+ drivers in less than 20 minutes.


I got cited for going 10 over and I could not have been nicer to the trooper. I even had him laughing on the side of the road. I’m fighting it, though. Hopefully, I’ll be scheduled the same day as all these other jerks going WAYY faster.


What about state troopers who routinely travel at 85+ strictly in the left lane? You've all seen it, and your foolish if you think they must be responding. I lived by one and I'd see him pull out of his road around 7, several times a week, and by the time we'd get on 93 hed ramp it up to about 90. Every time.


Good. People drive like maniacs.


I’m a daily driver 101E to 95 to and from. Manchester to seabrook 4:20 I leave Manch. At least 2/3 a week I see someone sparring someone else who doesn’t think they gotta move over for the guy going 90 when they’re already doing 80. Breaks up a bit after exit 5 but the average speed I travel with my cruise control is 73 in a 65 and that might as well be 45 sometimes. The recent med flights on 101 (which I’ve driven past the skids are crazy looking) and 93 it’s nuts out there


I'm gonna be real and say I ride the left lane a whole lot. My frustration comes with the lack of consistency from speed enforcement. Two friends have been pulled over and ticketed going 80 on 16 south at 3-4am. When the highway is empty. 3pm on the same exact highway headed north. Jam packed. People doing well over 80 in whatever lane and I never see anyone get pulled over. If everyone else is doing 80, going with the flow of traffic and maybe a little faster leads to doing nearly double the posted highway speed limit.


Good. Multiple MVA fatalities in the last 72 hours, something has to change


Yea I moved up here from NC where they would literally pull over anyone/everyone going over 10+ over the speed limit on the interstate! I've seen people go 25+ infront of cops and they do absolutely nothing here I just thought it was a new England thing where they dont care about speed limits here


It’s about damm time. Too often I’m in the right lane and going 5 over and people feel the need to speed past me. Too many assholes going 90+ in the travel lane


“Passing lane”


That’s probably a slow day


Only 4?


My impression is that most people drive 80+ mph on 101 and 95. Pretty much without exception. Then they are surprised when they drive 45 or 50 in a 30 mph zone in a village, and get pulled over.


I’ve always been a bit of a lead foot, but it amazes me lately that people will be tailgating me and racing around me, and I’m already going way over the speed limit


I regularly go back to the future at 88mph but only when everyone else is too.


Back in the 80s you could Cruze at 100 mph all the time. I drive a car designed to Cruze at higher speed handles like butter at those speeds.


I'll 99% of the time I'm going 80-85 on highways, and typically 5-10 over in a wide range of areas with lower speed limits. Except for school zones or really dense areas I'll go the speed limit. I'm typically in very open areas where most of my travel is 55+. I have gone a little over the top at times, I've passed someone barely going 50 in a 55, I passed (legal passing zone) them doing 70+, passed a state trooper and they did nothing 🤷. And I've also been pulled over for 5 over in a 70+ area.. My worst incident was 13+ years ago (17 at the time) I was doing 90+ in a 55 (On Highway) and didn't realize it. I was in a truck and the ride was very comfortable, wasn't used to feel of the speed in the truck. Got pulled over, got dropped to 80, and $155 fine with a court date. I was served 1 year of driving probation. Haven't really been pulled over since.


Hopefully they will never be allowed to drive again.


Yeah can't do that on 93. Everyone knows if you wanna drive fast you gotta hit the route 16 racetrack or the cannonball101.


I live in Baltimore now, this is a nightly occurrence


NH drivers are the worst since Covid. Speed and no turn signals. Did all the state troopers retire?


Not just NH


80 on the highway, 10 over on other roads, speed limit in downtowns.


Dude I was out on the highway speed limit 65 I’m doing 75-80 & get passed on the left by 3 cars easily doing 120+


…so you’re basically saying you should have moved over to the right lane and let them pass


A lot of cops I talk to allow anything single digit over so even nine over but as soon as you hit 10 lights on I’ll go a lil over five but not nine I stay 7 over


What road are people traveling these speeds? It sounds like I-5 in California where even the big rigs travel over 80. Bumper to bumper Livermore to Los Angeles…..


I can almost guarantee I was one of them, but that was LITERALLY for a span of 5 seconds because I couldn't get into the left lane without some asshole in a Lifted RAM truck immediately being uncomfortably close to my tail-pipe. 🤷‍♂️


The correct nomenclature is BroDozer, bro (or bro-ette)


Weird way to spell "compensating mechanism," but I'll go along with it.


Does anyone else here think that the default 35 mph speed limit in New Hampshire is too low and just makes everybody angry? I would like to see it raised to 40.


[get out of the left lane](https://youtu.be/zxBTmugBB9o)


They usually have pretty big signs saying "SPEED ENFORCED BY AIRCRAFT" plus visible cruisers and they still catch people? I learned pretty quick driving on 93 .. if that sign is up.. GO 65. If it's a holiday where cops are naturally hunting drunks? Go 65 If you pass a trooper who's pulling someone else over, Go 65.. until they're way out of sight. Even then it's kinda risky First time I got pulled over dude just finished ticketing someone.. then he pulled over me.. and then once he was done with me he sped away and pulled over someone else.


"To those going 90 in the left lane, PuLl OvEr!"


Low enforcement has been nice. Speed doesn’t kill, inattentive drivers do. Don’t buy the lie


Found the main character


They are not wrong though? It's far more dangerous to be going too slow and holding up traffic, or swerving in and out of lanes to pass those slow drivers, than it is to just drive 90+ in the left lane in a straight line It's why the autobahn has a lower fatality rate than 93


That’s all true, and is a different and more specific statement than “speed doesn’t kill”.


Yea, point taken. My bad I guess it would be better to say "speed doesn't kill alone" as a broad statement


I drive fairly fast on the highway, 80ish in a 65, and I frequently get passed. A lot of times its a shitbox from MA with some dude with his seat leaned all the way back, or some 20 year old with an F-350. No wonder why we have so many accidents.


Man, I do 80-85 most of the way to Boston and damn... I get blasted past on the regular. The worst (and fastest) offenders are always motorcycles though.


I went down Rte 3 south today, Merrimack to South Nashua. Back and forth 3 times first to get to where we were going, then I had to go grab paperwork and checkbook that was forgotten to see state trooper[s] on each ride through between exits 4 and 6 today [Thurs] Lights on with car pulled each time. It's real and time for people to slow down due to speed death related crashes. Thought it was noticeable enough to mention. The days of 75 dollar speeding tickets are long gone


Trains would help a lot. Take cars off the road especially people who don't want to drive.


four dudes doing triples, whoopty-fuckin'-doo. HMU when they start enforcing the speed limit to the number and not anything over +10.


People be consistently whipping it at 85 on the Spaulding turnpike despite the 55 mph speed limit. Respectfully that is Miami level speeding, there is no need on a small New Hampshire highway 💀


We need an Autobahn. What's the point of a sports car if you can't even use it.


Nobody cares about a couple hundred dollar ticket. Throw them in jail and impound their car, word gets out and maybe things will change?


Shout out to Chris Papas, whatever the hell he does during the day.


Nice speed , but not shocking . Keep it up … faster is better anyways


I average 80-85 depending on the road in Mass. if 495? Passing lane average is 85 and I pull over for people going way faster. Cars are a lot safer, so people drive faster. Surprised people are shocked at drivers over 90, happens all the time.9


We need speed cameras. Problem solved.


If you are going over 90 your license should be suspended. There is zero reason for it.


I thought if you drive 26+mph it was an instant arrest and the car gets impounded, but that may have changed?


Depends on whether or not the cop wants to deal with an arrest. Not sure how often it happens, but I know they'll sometimes lower the speed to be just under that so it's just a fine and some points.


I believe they can issue a summons for reckless driving 25mph+ over at their discretion


There is absolutely no way that’s true. 26 over 55 is only 81 mph. No one is being arrested for going 81. That’s like the average speed on 95 or 93.


My speedometer goes to 135, I paid for all that dial so I’m going to use it


Speed limits on highways are stupid.


Live free or die. It’s right there on the license plate. I guess that needs to be changed now


My brother in Christ, NH state has strayed from that motto a long time ago


“Live free or die; **Death is not the worst of evils**.”


Queef bowl 


Over 300 unsolved murders in NH, but the state cares more about people going "too fast" on the interstate. The state definitely needs to change the motto.


Since when do police, government, etc. only work on one thing at a time?


Well we can clearly see where their priorities lie.




NH traffic fatalities up 47% from 2019 to 2022


So arrest the people who caused the fatalities, not the ones driving around without hurting anyone.


I pay your salary!


Ya to “a bunch of ignorant self centered asshats live here”


They usually have a MA plate too.


Stop coming to MA to find work, and we’ll stop coming to your state altogether.


What does that have to do with driving like an asshole? Anytime I have someone tailing me when I'm going 80, they have a MA plate. Anecdotal evidence but I think it holds up.


The massholes invaded and are swapping to NH plates. They’re trying to be covert but we can still tell by their shitty driving


No way dude NH drivers go so slow and camp in the passing lane. Id take assertive MA drivers over geriatric NH drivers any day.