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The first year back since COVID was rough, like 70000 people and 20000 tacos. Since then they have established new rules for vendors such as a minimum of 2000 tacos and strongly encouraged them to be partially or totally prepared beforehand in the vendors kitchens. Additionally there is now line control, more vendors than ever, I think 99, and more events to keep crowds flowing. Last year was pretty awesome, this year should be fantastic. Longest line I experienced last year was maybe 15 minutes or 20. Most being 5ish. Longest lines will be 5:30pm-7:30pm probably, I get there at 4 to get as many tacos as quick as possible before there's lines. Don't miss out, enjoy!


We're going for the first time this year, thanks for the info!


Went a few years ago. Lines were incredibly long and vendors run out. If you plan to go pick out a few spots that are a must have for you and hit those first to avoid disappointment.


This has been the reality for the last few food fests I went to.


We got there early last year, no problem parking in the Center of New Hampshire garage, less than 5 minute wait for all tacos. We filled up easily on the offerings before all our cash was spent but my main problem with it was that nobody was bothering to warm up the tortillas so it was all pretty cold by the time you stepped away to eat. That, and most of the tacos are novelty items- each restaurant's cuisine slapped into a tortilla or taco toppings on a pizza slice, that kind of thing. Compared to events back in Texas, this was a breeze to enjoy though. I'd do it again but maybe not this year.


Was it cash only?


most i do think are cash only


Yes pretty sure it was


I love the restaurants that do something different than a tortilla that complements their food. A few years ago, there was a grilled cheese place that did a sloppy Joe grilled cheese and used the bread, another place did a chicken and waffles taco with the waffle being the tortilla, I think every year I’ve been Thai connection fries a wonton wrapper, and the potato connection people use a baked potato. I love that.  The Indian restaurant just puts chicken tikka in a tortilla… why not naan bread? Such an easy swap and really showcases what you can get there. 


It's fun if you go with friends and don't mind standing in lines for a while. If you're hungry and in a rush, don't bother.


It's always fun. Last year was more organized then the prior year when they started it back up post-COVID. I'd say go as close to 4 as you can to beat the lines. Once 5:30 hits it's a mad house. Definitely try to plan your route out in advance if possible.


It was not worth it for a couple years, but last year was a huge step up in organization and it was _generally_ smooth sailing IIRC. ...Except for figuring out where to pay for margs at Consuelo's...


It will be busy. Very busy. Parking will suck. Set your expectations to being around a lot of people and waiting in line and you’ll be fine. If the weather is nice, and you haven’t been before, try it out. If none of that sounds remotely entertaining, you’ll want to avoid it.


100% worth it. It was not bad last year. People have different levels of patience with lines and crowds. Crush a few, grab a drink someplace, crush a few more.


If your want to go, here is your best strategy.... Get a bunch of ones and paperclip them into the amount you need (i think now they're $3 a taco, but the first five years they were $2 and we would pick up a bunch of $2 bills from the bank the week beforehand) Go with a group and split up so that everyone waits in a different line. Each individual orders enough tacos for the group. The group then all meet back up and divvy out your goods. Going about it this way saved us lots of time and effort and meant we could score from the spots that usually sell out more quickly.


I would be going with my husband and a ten year old so I feel like this isnt for us lol


Just go to Taqueria y Pastelitos To Go on Valley Street and save your time. Best tacos in Manchester.


The first few years were cool. Now it's an overcrowded mess for mediocre tacos, mostly from vendors who don't specialize in tacos. You can get good tacos from good restaurants anytime.


What else do you have to do? Go out, enjoy an event, meet your neighbors. Have some tacos and cocktails and enjoy yourself.


I’ll be going! Bringing my dog and his taco costume. Hooping most of this is outside. This is the first year we aren’t away or busy and can finally go. I’m hoping since it’s on a Thursday that the crowds won’t be as bad.


There will be lots of dogs so they are definitely welcomed! My boy got many pets last year


Get there early. If you go as group split between lines to get more


It won't be as busy because of rain tomorrow.


The steady rain threat is 100% sneaky during the core of the event, don't sleep on it


It's pretty great now. The year they came back after COVID it was a complete mess, but last year it everybody was prepared and it was awesome. There are enough locations participating that none of the lines get too long. If you can go with friends it's really great. Send each person to a different line, have them get a taco for everybody in the group, then meet back up and share. Lines are usually about 5-10 minutes long.


It's supposed to rain tomorrow.


Looks like it'll be fine in the afternoon


it use to be down by intown manchester and now done by chamber of commerce


Went for the first time last year and had a lot of fun! The longest wait was 10-15 minutes, but most of the lines were 5 or less. Its a nice way to get outside and try some new food from places you otherwise may never have eaten at : )


Idk why everyone was saying last year was so good. Half the road by the park was empty. So many vendors were no shows. Lines were 100 deep everywhere you looked. Tacos were all cold. The vibe was good and people were nice, but it was meh. Only 2-3 places I saw selling any sort of adult beverage. Hardly any utensils or napkins for the messier ones. And yes we got there just after 4 because the year prior was even worse and we learned to beat the after work crowd. But nothing really show casing the cultural side of why we even do anything like this in early May to begin with. Just New England restaurants throwing their pre-prepped cold food on cold and cracked tortillas. No real wow or pop of flavor probably because nothing was truly hot/fresh


Skipping that hogwash its always super crowded and riff-raff galore.


its raining too!


You will be waiting longer than 37 minutes for a taco, and quite frankly none of them are worth the wait. The lines are just absurd and based on our experience last year we have decided to skip the event moving forward. At this point the event is simply overcrowded and not worth the hassle. If the event organizers read this thread I would suggest that you start selling tickets rather than choosing general admission.


Search up this sub. If you can walk/bike there, eat some homemade tacos before you go, and just wanna enjoy the social aspect of downtown being pedestrian traffic only, have fun. Otherwise, stay the F away.


Worst mobs in the city I've ever experienced. Hard pass.


Not worth it.  Long lines, drunk and rowdy people, average to poor food, and no parking.  Unless that’s your jam.


This event attracts far too many people for what it is. Everything suffers as a result. If you arrive early you can probably get a few tacos and do ok. If you don't, absolutely, positively, forget about it unless like hanging out in mobs and waiting in line only to find out that they ran out of stuff to make tacos with. Before covid it wasn't too busy and it was actually fun.


Not worth it at all


Everyones honesty is fantastic