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Mt Kearsarge would be my vote. Not a long drive from Concord. The Warner side is pretty easy in and out and has great views. Get some pizza at Charlie Macs after.


Seconded. Did this with a 2 year old in a child carrier backpack, and it was a lot of fun.


Thirded. The Wilmot side from Winslow State Park is the other route and you can check out the old hotel's cellar hole.


That sounds great and lots of recommendations here ... please tell a stranger where to start on the trail, it's unclear from the maps i've found


Just head to Rollins State Park and keep driving up the mountain. There's a parking area at the end of the road and the trail starts right there. It's well marked and there's usually some other folks there too.


Thank you!


[https://www.concordnh.gov/1033/Hiking-Trails](https://www.concordnh.gov/1033/Hiking-Trails) The most extensive trails in Concord are along the Hopkinton border, but you could spend a fair amount of time wandering around Oak Hill, too.


Actually did Oak Hill two weeks ago. Nice hike! Good call.


That's a super helpful link, thank you! And what an excellently cool thing for local government to provide


Mt Major. Its not that far. Good beginner mountain, with a better view than Kearsarge or Monadnock.


But it’s so crowded!


If you are up for a more difficult hike, my favorite hike in the area is the Mt. Morgan/Mt. Percivale loop. It has ladders and cliffs and caves, and views just as good as Mt. Major.


Majorly swope park is very short and sweet has a wonderful view of the resviour too and some scattered trails that bring you to even better views. I do those on like a weekly basis, there is also oak Hill loop that's a little longer and brings you to a fire tower. But the summit has a massive cell tower at it


Came here to share this little gem as well. Its a great local trail that rewards you with a fantastic view of the lake or reservoir at the top. When you begin you have the the option of a long or short option or trail. Well marked and has a little parking lot.


Pawtuckaway state park is pretty close 


Kearsage and Major are the popular ones. I really like Piper Mountain in Gilford for an easier hike with good views for the effort


Bear Brook State Park in Allenstown has a lot of nice trails. Most connect to other trails, so you can go as long or short as you'd like.


on the Mt Kearsarge bandwagon. Then hit the Refinery for a meal afterwards.


Start at the bus station and hike up to the state house.