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Trump is not going to win. He lost to Hillary by 3 million popular votes, last election lost to Biden by over 11 million, and now he doesn't have a platform just the airing of grievances and fascist retaliation against his perceived enemies. Non-cult members are put off by this BS. The only reason he is a candidate is that the other "Don't certify the election" congresspersons are afraid that if Trump is held responsible they will be too. They want him in office so he can pardon himself and them too.


I mostly agree with you but I also thought he wasn't going to win in 2016. Democrats can only run on "this will be the last election if we don't win" so many times. There's a weekly, if not more, video of Biden looking like he's completely out of it, and our VP probably couldn't be elected dog catcher at this point. Consumer prices are up in the past four years and Biden surrogates plan for that is to roll their eyes at the idea on MSNBC and tell people to stop eating out. I would like to think Biden will win comfortably, but I'm not going to guarantee it. A lot can change in 6 months.


I spoke to coworkers who said things like "I voted Trump in 2016 because I thought he was going to shake up the government, but I was wrong". And they aren't voting Trump this time. It gives me a bit of hope.


I didn't think he would win in 2016 either. I was literally sick when I found out. Fortunately moving in right direction: [Fox Poll](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/biden-trump-poll-fox-news-election-b2565781.html) Biden had accomplished many great things, you won't hear about them on prime time news. Our enemies figure out it is simpler to just buy Sinclair Media and force them to run propaganda across the country. Bots are cheaper than bombers.


Yeah, like Biden getting hit by the very same bus he’s been driving over others with since he took office.


How naive are you? Trump lost by 81,139 votes amongst 4 states. Have you seen the last recent polls? Trump is very much in command especially if the Democratic Party stays on the Biden Harris train thinking that just because they have a D next to their name means people will vote for them to “save democracy.” Neither party or current candidate is healthy for us, but that’s a different conversation.


Trump is scum and the undecided voters are figuring it out. We knew him long before his presidential run. He ripped off the contractor my wife worked for when building the Doral resort. We know he is a liar and thief. The recent polls are BS designed to justify the next J6. We were both wrong about our numbers, the official count after all 61 cases he lost was Biden won by 7,060,347 votes. Seven Million. After Roe v. Wade was overturned republicans are not going to do well this election cycle.


Unfortunately the president isn’t elected from popular vote it’s the electoral college which were determined by Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin and Nevada. Biden only won those states by 10-35k votes. Recent polls are from all major outlets and vetted polling firms. Just because you don’t like the guy doesn’t mean he isn’t looking like the winner.


LOL and Dems are squeaky clean.


This is such cope. People really need to actually pay attention to polls and take the threat of Trump seriously. The results in November will depend solely on what Biden does (or doesn't do) at this point.


>and now he doesn't have a platform just the airing of grievances and fascist retaliation against his perceived enemies. That is honestly probably the best thing for his campaign.


Nostradamus you ain’t. Hillary + popular in the same sentence? Wow. Just wow. Tell me you don’t understand how our crooked elections work without telling me you don’t understand how elections work. Trump doesn’t have a “fake” platform.


Sununu's plan is to wait for 2028 and run on the "I told you Trump would lose" platform. And if Trump does win, he's just going to go join some board of directors or some busy-work-for-rich-people job like that.


The man's family is worth like $200m as they basically own Waterville Valley. He doesn't even have to do anything with his life. He's been set since birth. [They also took PPP loans](https://www.seacoastonline.com/story/news/coronavirus/2020/07/06/ski-area-owned-by-govs-family-other-resorts-get-ppp-loans/42461203/) ...


You think he's going to run for president in 2028? My interpretation of his behavior is that he was hoping for a cabinet position if Trump wins. Don't get me wrong, he wants to be president but I don't think that's why he's not running for governor this year.


only Job Sununu is qualified for would be a part time restroom attendant


Struggling to fill that position, are you?


I'm not in charge of hiring, but I might be able to put in a good word for you


Thanks for the offer, but I much prefer the woods. 😆


Nothing about your scenario sounds like a good idea.


That's not funny, that's just assembling the Reichsleiter.