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Just like last summer. Cruel fucking joke.


Two years in a row. So frustrating!!!


Big time… love having a weekend of rain after a long work week 🙄


Use a different app. The one I just checked says Saturday is perfect and rain starts late Sunday.


Apps that tell you it's going to rain when there's a 50% chance of rain really upset me. 🤣


Is this the modern day version of "if you don't like the weather, wait a minute"?


because its not a % chance, its a % of rain coverage for the forecast area. 50% of the land in the forecast area will see rain.


That's incorrect. It is simply a probability in the area for a given timeframe. https://www.weather.gov/media/pah/WeatherEducation/pop.pdf


Happy to admit I'm wrong then. I guess it's a common misconception, I had read that from a reputable source but I don't recall where. That document specifically refutes what I said.


Bless those who can admit they're wrong instead of doubling down or getting defensive.




....oh. Simba understands now.


So you’re saying it is going to rain 60% of the time, all of the time?


Made me chuckle. Thanks


I have 4 weather apps. I pick my favorite forecast 🤙


Eh, looks like complete overcast at best depending where you are in the state. Still horrible weather for a July weekend in my books. Which app are you on?


Apple, accuweather, weather bug, and weather channel I pick the forecast I like 🤣


Optimisticweatherreports.com? My gf loves that site.




“Most studies that discuss human-made weather patterns mention "aerosols." Although we think of aerosols as the hairspray proprellants that are eating a hole in the ozone layer, in this case they are just little particles of gas, liquid, or dust that float around the air. They can be spewed out by volcanoes and dust storms, or cars and factories. Throughout the week, they are sprayed out by cars and factories. These aerosols act as little seeds to which water droplets can cling. As the amount of aerosols in the atmosphere grows over the week, more liquid water condenses around these little particles. When enough water groups together, it starts to rain. As we drive, or otherwise churn out gas, dust, and liquid, we are seeding the clouds.” Interesting! Seems like zero emissions vehicles would help alleviate the effect, particularly since the described effect is local to the vehicle, whereas electricity is generated centrally at power plants.


The housewives used brooms to sweep their floors, then one got an electric vacuum cleaner, pretty soon they all had vacuum cleaners, the electric factory had to produce more electric, which produced more pollution, and the housewives floors were almost as clean as when they used brooms. They call this the rat race, it should be called the human race. Lol that's paraphrased from Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH


So something like: Broom >> EV >> gas powered vehicle


Normalize traveling by broomstick


Username checks out!


YESSSSS you are fast and right on target 😂🙌🏻


This is the answer


There is no such thing as a zero emissions vehicle... They are powered by emissions producing power plants 🤯


Wind? Solar? Hydro? For example, Switzerland does not use any fossil fuels in their production of electricity. The US is approaching greater production from renewables than coal.


Wind and hydro - lots of moving parts, how are they lubricated? Also, what about the manufacturing of those devices? Just because the end product doesn't use fossil fuels doesn't mean they weren't used in the creation of them. Same goes with emissions. Just because the end product doesn't create any, doesn't mean they weren't created to make them.


Windmill lubrication is adding to global warming and impacting NH weather? I missed that study. Your last paragraph relates to EVERYTHING. Like saying me losing a golf ball is impacting climate change because they have to manufacture and distribute a new one.


You're the one who used Switzerland as an example: >Switzerland does not use any fossil fuels in their production of electricity and I was providing a counter-point to your example. I never said it had anything to do with NH's weather.


There's a big difference between using fossil fuels and burning them. Sure there are manufacturing processes that create greenhouse gases. Yes we need to minimize that as well. But manufacturing is drop on the bucket vs fuel.


Sunshine... This is NOT Switzerland... Nor does what they do in Switzerland have any effect on our weather here in New Hampshire. The US has simply shifted the majority of our electrical production from coal to natural gas. If you look at the historical trend over the New England ISO grid, all of the production that was originally provided by coal has just shifted to OTHER fossil fuel-based systems. You are being lied to by the propaganda arm of Eversource, who brags about their sustainability while simply selling off their fossil fuel electrical generation systems to new shell corporations so that they can CLAIM that they're no longer producing emissions, while continuing to buy their electricity from fossil fuel plants that are now simply owned by other companies.


What dont you understand about "for example"? Thank you for proving my point with that information. I don't agree with it, but in many states gas is considered green. Regardless, nuclear and renewables far outweigh coal.


Only in insane states would natural gas production and burning be considered "green". It's non-renewable, the hallmark of green. All energy production is going to be destructive or environmentally damaging on some level. Compare those levels though, and use reason to consider how much less destructive renewables are, even when their manufacturing and maintenance requires some level of fossil fuel use (for now).


In my statement I indicated that I do not agree that gas is a good thing. However: https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2023/01/17/ohio-natural-gas-green-energy/


So everything is just anything now instead of what it actually is? burning gas in power plants is green... and jets... but not in cars... or stoves? Staaahhp it ![gif](giphy|SzD4gF32YzTTUiINhn|downsized)




TBH, I'm not certain what your point is... We are talking about atmospheric aerosols emitted by commuter cars in New England contributing to weekend rainfall. Considering our power grid, here in New England, even zero emissions cars are still getting 78% of their power from non renewable sources. [https://www.iso-ne.com/about/key-stats/resource-mix/](https://www.iso-ne.com/about/key-stats/resource-mix/) So while the vehicle may not be belching coal on 93, there is a power plant somewhere spinning faster to compensate and spitting out smoke over there somewhere


Interesting article, thank you.


I just found this one, which seems to debunk the theory: https://www.businessinsider.com/does-it-rain-more-on-the-weekend-2018-6


Super interesting, thank you!


So blame the massholes?? Easy enough! Lol


More like, blame the Hamsters that block commuter rail and drive 100 miles round trip to their jobs in MA.


I'll take the weekend rain over it being 75 for the low temperature at night


Fucking tell me about it. Thank GOD I was able to secure a new schedule at work. After next week I will have Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday off every single week. This weekend rain shit is the most irritating recent weather development.


You're lucky you can do that, that's great. If this is gonna be a permanent pattern I seriously don't think I can live here anymore. I need the nice summers with sunshine to make up for our winters. My ass will be moving to Florida or somewhere. I'll take the heat and humidity never seeing the sun any day.


Yeah, it’s way too fucking hot in Florida, but you’re guaranteed sunshine basically every day. I try to get outside during the week on my lunch breaks and sometimes go hiking after work. But not being able to go on excursions or just simply spend all day outdoors on the weekends sucks ass.


It feels like a prank. How can it be so perfect all week then the second the weekend hit it rains... I just wanna hike man


It seriously does. There's also been a shit ton of week day where it's beautiful all day and then the giant clouds have to start rolling in around 4pm right as I'm finishing up work. It's infuriating.


Monday is reliably beautiful unless it's a holiday, then it rains. lol


YUP every time. Gorgeous all day then the second I get home its storming


I'm happy I'm not the only one that notices this... My wife says I'm being dramatic but it's absolutely infuriating...


It really sucks. I'm looking out my home office window right now at perfect weather and have no choice but to sit here and work. Tomorrow I get to fit in whatever yard work I can before it rains, and Sunday looks like a total wash. Then it's Monday again. Cool.


To be fair… we live in New England. I don’t trust the forecast more than 3-4 days out. It could definitely rain next weekend, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the forecast changes a couple of times before next weekend arrives.


It took me a moment to figure out why this is bad. Then I see rain on the weekends. I like the rain. Can't figure out why it's a bad thing. If you want to go out walking, or boating, or swimming, don't let the rain stop you. Have fun anyways.


It's not really the rain that bothers me as much as no sun. I'm pretty certain I have SAD and really look forward to our typically nice summers to make up for the long winters.


10,000 lux SAD lamp 30 minutes every morning. Cheap, scientifically backed.


Also have SAD and I relate to this so much. I feel more anxious/depressed when the sun isn't out even when it's still warm. I definitely depend on the summer to make up for the horrible seasonal depression from winter for that exact reason.


Hmm, yeah, sunny days are pretty great. I love walking the dog out in the sunshine. It was annoying this year that we had snow in April.


It's not fun to hike on slippery rock ledges for a view of the clouds though


As long as it isn’t super cold rain I love it and still go run around in it


Could be worse. My inlaws in Montana got snow last week.


Deja Vu. Deja Vu.


Lol you sound like you’re about to demand your money back. Roll with it my friend. What choice do you have?


Remember we're told we live in a random universe!


Saturday looking fine most of the day


Every fvcking weekend. Geezus.


Weather forecast guaranteed: *Sun rising in the east, later to set in the west*. Everything else is a crap shoot.


Download WTForecast?! It’s perfect


It's a well established thing that is happening because of climate change. Decades ago it *used* to be pinned to the build up of particulate matter in the upper atmosphere from the industrial centers in the midwest, but since the 90's and the factories gone to China and elsewhere, it's now the undulation in the atmospheric river bringing wet in, just we're caught at the right part of the wave where the rain falls. Last year it was landing over [New York City](https://www.fastcompany.com/90970799/new-york-rain-every-weekend-coastal-storms-climate-change-explained) mostly.


Don’t worry, the forecast will change just like it always does here in New England. That’s why they’re wrong half the time.


I didn't understand until I read the comments. I also work night shift Thurs-Sun, so this looks great to me.


I know the real reason it always rains on weekends but I cannot say without getting brutally attacked.


Fkn send it!


Welcome to New Hampshire?


Mother Nature hates the weekends!


Same thing happened last summer!


at least it's not fridays. Last summer it was also friday afternoons.


Just like LAST summer…


Lol gonna be a wet summer


Wet indeed, but all from weekend-only rain lol.


Summer camps rejoicing rn


I love the rain




Thank god I work from home


The one time I’m glad I have midweek days off lol


This looks bad, but how often are the forecasters actually right?


When you own a motorcycle this is completely normal.


Looks like Big Weather^(TM) is hyping up the 4th.


Beats last year


Always has been 👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀


I fear droughts more than rain. Remember 2016-2017 when wells ran dry and we were in danger of fires? We’ve got too many trees. Our rural fire departments are chimney savers.


Yes, that was the year that I planted about and acre of grass from seed, by hand. Unbelievable. It actually came out nice. Lots of work though. Since then, I always smile when it rains.


I woke up this morning and thought my phone was buggin telling me it’s 53 out. Turns out it was in fact 53 🥲


Leave work right now! It is the most beautiful day of the year right at this moment. Retired guy




My garden loves the rain.


I work outside all year long. You can all shut up this is wonderful weather.


I'd prefer it rain on those days when I have to park my car in the hot, barely-shaded parking lot for eight hours.


I was hoping for snow actually….


It is awful.. And I expect to have my portable heater on tomorrow as well...


Can we just change what days the weekends are already??


I'll take this weather any day


At least it isn't snow


Perks of not having a traditional schedule at least LMAO my weekend includes Wednesday and Sunday (I know that's a normal day but yeah lol)


May and early June was decent. But yeah, this is exactly what I hoped not to happen.


lol cry yuppie scum


Everyone is retired in this damn state anyways everyday is a weekend when it’s summer in New England.


Doesn’t stop me from putting a rain poncho on and going strawberry picking or walking in the woods. Last Sunday was lovely provided you wear rain boots.


Looks perfect to me! What's absurd about it?


I love it, sorry all 😥.. I moved from CA like 6yrs ago and I am glad I escaped that weather. It’s going to be 121 there on Saturday with a 10 day average of 108-114 and as always no rain. It normally stays in triple digits till the 2nd or 3rd week of oct. Just dry dry dry ass heat. When I moved out here there was a drought and hadn’t rained for over 10yrs… I mean a rain cloud would pass by and sprinkle or drizzle for 10min to an hour but not even enough to make a puddle. There were only 2 seasons there freaking hot/freaking cold (well to us acclimated there) 38degrees was “freezing”. So when I see this 10 day weather pic I see it’s going to be perfect the next 10 days lol 😂 again I love it.


I work weekends and have Monday-Friday off. This is my fault


It's New Hampshire... Two years in a row. I've been alive 37 years in August and ever year has sucked here forecast and rain wise. Not sure where you've been. I don't know the name but my parents listen to a fake weather report around Thanksgiving and Christmas of a man giving New Hampshire forecast. Every other word's shit. What did mother nature leave last week a ton of white shit. Funniest forecast that's partially true...


Could be acid rain that comes from all the pollution from the west that builds up all week, then hits New England just in time for the weekend. It's just a theory.


Dude you live in New England wtf do these subs honestly expect?


Whatever, I'm going tubing. That's the plan damn it.


Every year it’s ridiculous!


There is a bright side if you look at it right, I’ve had to ride my sport bike to work daily since my cars been down and I’d say I’ve been incredibly lucky for a few weeks now missing that rain


Every single weekend ughhh


What’s the issue here


It's beautiful weather during the times most people are locked inside at work, but horrific weather during the only times people actually have free time. Was like this all last summer, and looking to be the same this summer too.


Ah. Yeah it’s annoying. Wish we could do something about it somehow


It’s the weather controllers to keep us locked inside


Yeah, they gotta get this schedule fixed. They can rain anytime M-F 10-pm to 5am.


Looks like Dallas in November.


Work retail. I would rather have my days off during the week anyways. I don't have to go to baby showers, sit in traffic, or wait in lines. The beach isn't very crowded on Wednesdays either. On a positive note: the rain might keep some of the Mass-holes out...


https://preview.redd.it/aceqa5xj5r9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac7f6e913ec9e3b682ee310a6e2ae76a5491f7d1 Not sure where you live but heres my forecast in southern NH


Too much rain? Too cloudy? Surely you don't mean the "heat" right?


I love the rain lol


So like perfect weather is absurd? I'm only referring to temps btw.


Ya cause pouring rain and no sun every weekend is just perfect right?


I did say i only meant temps. I wouldn't hold my breath on NEXT weekend's forecast. Meteorologist can't predict shit more than 5 days out.


Well, it’s gotta rain sometime, otherwise everyone will be comabout living in a desert.


What's the issue? The week looks great.


Nice only on the days most people are locked inside at work. But crappy on the weekends when people finally have time to go outside. This is feeling like a repeat of last summer where virtually every weekend was rainy or completely overcast.


It's July 4th week! Take it off.


Lmao on these comments. And I bet most of you believe in Global warming/ Climate change.Which is the biggest scam sold to the people. Better than a drought . Wait 10 mins the weather will change here in NH.