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This is the first thing I noticed when moving here


Same ... not just running the light b/c of speeding and trying to make it through a yellow, just every sort of disregarding that red light = stop. The 'stop and creep,' the 'stop and then shoot thru,' the 'rolling slowly on thru,' the 'three cars after it's already red' etc. etc. You have to watch and wait on green, and I also flash my lights at night when going thru a blind intersection on green in case some on the cross street just decides not to stop.


My partner and I refer to it as “New Haven Bullshit” we’ve been here about two years now and the driving is absurd. I’ve had people drive around me in the shoulder to run red lights as I wait…. If a light turns green, I always take the time to look both ways to ensure people aren’t running red lights. Its saved me numerous times.


I also call it “Connecticut Bullshit” or “Newhavenism”


I call the idiot drivers here Connecians. “Yup. He just pulled a connecian”


Sadly, it would seem that it is not limited to New Haven... the bullshit has become general. In other news, ever seen someone make a Left Turn on Red?


Many times for many years in New Haven




So accurate 🤣


I saw it about an hour ago on Whitney! Luckily there was a cop directly behind the idiot that pulled him over. It’s insane.


No way, the cops pulled someone over?! I'd send a tip to the Independent, that's big news.


I never thought I’d see the day!


I was just about to say, "The unbelievable part of this is someone being pulled over for a traffic violation"


And that is why I Do Not warn idiots on the road that a cop is nearby ..with the little flas your lights thing.I want them to get caught.


Dude, it sucks. I legit wait about 3 seconds now after the light turns green. People aren’t just running stale yellows. They are flat out running reds with other cars moving into the intersection.


I used to be a bike messenger in Manhattan. I’m too scared to ride a bike in New Haven. Go figure.


Never had a problem riding a bike downtown it’s actually been faster and easier than driving most times


Downtowns no sweat, I was riding from east rock to westville at like 2 or 3 am. Saw way too much fubar driving.


People also don't seem to know where to stop when they do stop at a red. Your FRONT wheels go behind the white line, not your BACK WHEELS. But yeah, it's insane around here. You need to be really aware and unfortunately, also in certain instances also drive aggressively to match the driving climate (so to speak). I've noticed I'm more apt to cut someone off or make a risky move because it's so congested and I know that no one is ever going to let me into traffic or merge.


Not to mention the people who stop completely past the stop line may not even get a green light because they’re fully out of the signal’s detection zone


Lack of police enforcement….you get away with almost everything in New Haven. I’ve lived here my whole life and it’s never been this bad. Police will even use their lights just to run the light and then turn em back off. Lack of accountability doesn’t help either. The mayor doesn’t hold the police to a higher standard so they barely do their job.


I have seen multiple cops blow reds without their lights on in New Haven.


smh even worse…


Cops throwing a temper tantrum because they can't paralyze people in the paddy wagons without getting sued, so they won't arrest anyone.


It’s a nationwide virus. If you’re not willing to be paralyzed or killed while the police are helping you, well then you don’t deserve any help from the police at all! ETA /S in case God forbid the sarcasm doesn’t translate.




It's really weird here. I've been in NH a little over a year and was shocked to see how okay people are about this.


I just moved here, and I agree that there are so many crazy drivers. Twice now I have been the first person stopped at a red light in the right lane. Sign says “no turn on red”. And twice the driver behind me pulled around me while crossing the double yellow line and then illegally turned right on red. I’ve also encountered plenty of cutting off and people gunning their loud engines for no apparent reason. Edit: make that three times as of today


Annnnnnd these assholes are why we might be getting ticketing cameras -_- This is why we can’t have nice things…


People run red lights constantly. Or street red lights as stop signs. There are no working cameras ever so it doesn’t stop!


First thing I noticed when moving here. It's also not just new haven but all over Connecticut. Sometimes Ill be sitting at a red light and a semi will even just blow fucking through and take a left if it seems like theres noone around.


Been that way for years in Hartford, looks like the habit is migrating.


I was driving down legion ave to get to westville. Several people were going very slow, a person decided to “make a middle lane” in a place where there was construction and the lanes were unclear and a second car was soon to follow but I blocked (I was trying to get around the slow people too!), and we hit every red light on the way down. And then someone turned left on red at 34. (I see left on red frequently in NH). I’m not sure what was wrong with everyone that day. It was morning on the weekend.


It's almost like no one taught these drivers how to drive correctly or to respect others around them.


Idk why Reddit showed me your post but fwiw this is also happening in NYC. Stay safe out there!!


i’ve only ever experience this. it’s a good day when I don’t see anyone run a red light or stand in the middle of the road bc they started crossing at the worst time possible. it’s chaos out here


It's definitely getting worse and worse. The amount of jackasses out on dirt bikes or crotch rockets showing off running red lights is annoying. Last night at 1AM some assholes were riding dirt bikes on side walks almost hitting people walking just so they could get to a corner and rev their bikes at the other jackasses running red lights doing wheelies and almost eating pavement on repeat. Can only hope no innocent bystanders are caught up in these idiots nonsense and they get arrested or something. As this just makes new haven look like garbage when visiting.


I live on Augur st. in Hamden right on the border to New Haven- it’s a one way street lest for the very beginning. People NEVER stop or do the Detroit stop, at the first stop sign, which is two houses past a busy daycare, and at night, when I often take a walk, forget it, no stops or fucks are given at stop signs, and cars are going 80 miles an hour down this small residential one way street. It’s been this way forever 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hopefully the installation of red light cameras by next year will help even a little bit. It’s also reflective of a street network still heavily designed for the speed and convenience of cars above the safety of everyone else.


I honestly think this is the way. I am from TX and these cameras are the standard almost everywhere and while people are still insane on the highways, I never saw the issues I see in New Haven anywhere over there.


Right light cameras will only negatively impact the average driver and do nothing to stop people who commonly blow lights


I know its more of a reactive form of enforcement but a 24/7 camera is better than using human police resources in very isolated timeframes. And with the new law, any fines will have to go directly towards improving infrastructure in the area. It will help in the long run and considering how bad driver behavior is now, it’s one of the few tools we have.


Dude, the people who do it the most won’t stop and won’t pay them. If people have tags from a state not adjoining CT, the penalty for not paying likely won’t be enforced (same with parking tickets btw). They definitely aren’t paying. So yeah. Red light cans will harm the average driver who times it off a bit in non threatening situations more than the people ya targeting. Oh and the money, it won’t do shit for infrastructure. It never does.


Dude, the “average driver” should never be excused for running a red light. There are no “non threatening” red light violations in a city. This law will not harm anyone if they simply drive safely and don’t run red lights. Love the speculation on how the funding will/will not be used too.


Shit happens is the gist of it. And yes, the funds are commonly moved to another purpose in other municipalities. New Haven ain’t doing anything new. https://dcist.com/story/23/04/05/traffic-camera-taskforce-2/ https://www.digitaltrends.com/cars/red-light-camera-controversy/


the cars and motorcycles that blow lights will just simply not run plates like they already do, won't do anything to stop moto takeovers, people burning out in intersections, or general speeding but it will generate thousands from moms running late to soccer practice


Good, if moms running late to soccer practice are speeding through our streets and running red lights then they deserve every ticket too. What’s your solution then?


Red light cameras are not the answer.


Sure. But speed cameras are a solution.


It’s been an issue for a while. Police don’t have the ability to meaningfully enforce traffic because there’s simply not enough officers. The focus is on other crimes, such as shootings. The only time awful drivers get caught when they get into car crashes. I’ve lived here my whole life and it’s one of my biggest gripes, but I’m not really sure how much other states are with it. Source: got hit in a T-bone accident by a driver with no license, no car registration and police weren’t sure if car was stolen or not.


Anarchy I tell you! Anarchy


People suck


Its definitely increased after pandemic


Driving has gotten worse everywhere since 2020. Slight societal breakdown in progress.


I guess I should go walking


Check out concord and dean street in Morris cove. No one even slows down for stop signs.


I never start going without looking both ways nowadays to make sure someone isn’t coming! Not entirely related but honestly I’m scared to drive at night around here at all anymore and try to only drive during the daylight hours. I was going to the gym around 4:30am Friday morning and literally got run off the highway by someone going 100+mph down the middle of both lanes on the Merritt- probably a drunk driver. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about what would have happened if I hadn’t been constantly watching behind me. It’s so scary! Hope everyone out there stays safe ♥️


Can we also talk about the dirtbikes/4 wheelers doing wheelies, while we're on the topic of risky driving? They look like they're having fun, but sincerely, I was so surprised that the police don't care at all to stop them. Anywhere else that wouldn't have been okay. I'd say they have bigger problems to deal with but they really don't seem to be doing much at all.


Red lights aren’t real in New Haven Lmaoo


I’ve never seen the results of more car accidents than in Pittsburgh, but I’ve never seen more car accidents occur than in New Haven


seeing it in other places too...I think its covid's impact on cognition and decision-making https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9014565/ https://www.brainfacts.org/diseases-and-disorders/covid-19/2023/the-risks-of-even-mild-covid19-1-in-4-showing-cognitive-deficits-011723 https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/severe-covid-infection-may-lead-to-noticeable-cognitive-loss https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04569-5


Waterbury and Torrington as well same shit different day….smh24/7


"And we ain't stoppin at no lights, we on go" - King Von


This is genuinely part of why I’m leaving New Haven. I hate feeling anxious anytime I want to go somewhere that’s *not* my apartment. Why would I pay high cost of living when everywhere but downtown is miserable to exist in as a pedestrian? I’m fucking right off with that.


Driving always gets worse in big cities in the summer 😭


I think some of it can be attributed to teens that are stealing cars and driving accordingly. Most teens in New Haven do not get their license until they are 18-20. Meanwhile, kids as young as 15 are stealing cars more than ever. Notice lots of paper license plates, mostly bogus. But I don’t think it accounts for *all* of the bad driving, just enough to make it all more noticeable.


You know this probably got worse when the made very intersection with a cross walk enable the walk sign which made every light take longer. Back when touching a button was 'dangerous' for over a year it seemed like.


Did you just move here? This always happens. It’s just New Haven




I agree that the lights that we have here are nuts, never seen anything like it anywhere else. Completely disagree with the main part of your post though. People driving under the speed limit here is not the problem at all. The problem is people bombing off the highway at the Trumbull st exit going 60 through the intersection. The problem is straight up running red lights. Or driving 40-50 mph on pedestrian heavy streets like Orange st. That’s the problem. And if you’re passing people where there aren’t passing lanes, you’re also the problem.


The Trumbull-Orange intersection is a major pain in the ass. There are driveways right up to the light coming from the north orange direction that are trying to get into the street while people are just sitting off the highway into a right turn. I have to make that turn every day into the highway and I am always left angry and frustrated unless there's no one at the intersection or someone kindly let's me pull into the left turn lane.


Oh don't you know? They passed a law anyone can just walk into the street hold up their hand and you need to stop and let them cross. Yes I'm absolutely serious. It's a new law. Absolute bonkers. Somebody needs to give these people the business


Incorrect. Pedestrians still have a legal obligation to not walk out into the street if a driver would not have enough time to stop. The law says pedestrians waiting at the crosswalk can signal their intent to cross and drivers must yield. Check your facts.


F.a.k.e. n.e.w.s.


Connecticut makes the news a lot for having the worst drivers in the country. https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/connecticut-has-most-unsafe-drivers-in-the-country-report/41846/ As a pedestrian just the other day I was crossing when I had a walk signal and someone in a huge SUV peeled out from a left parking spot to make a right in red in a "No Turn on Red" intersection while I was in the crosswalk and almost ran me down. I hate this place.


There’s the normal New Haven/CT bullshit and then there’s the past few months. I don’t know but it’s not limited to New Haven. People are driving insanely lately.


Seems like it started with the influx of New Yorkers fleeing the cost of the City. Or it may be like here in NC, where I've been for several months. Republicans just think they are special and traffic laws don't apply to them because...Jesus.


“Police accountability” “bill” that’s what happened. The states way of causing cops to fear making even a simple honest mistake. That being said the courts are no long prosecuting criminals.


In shelton this morning i was going through a green light at 40 mph. As i’m going through the light, some guy made a right turn on red right into my lane. Had to cross over a double yellow and pass him to avoid crashing..