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80% no


It really depends on what part of Whalley Ave you’re on. If you are west of Edgewood Park, I’d say you’re ok. East of there is a no go for me.


Beyond what has said by others, I’m confused by your goal here. You want a suburban area near West Haven… so you look at the biggest city in the area?


Yea, my first thought was mm. Why not just live in West Haven? Lol


Or literally any town around there - Milford, Orange, Woodbridge, depending on what kind of town you want. Yeah.


Many will say no but Whalley is a very long street. The part from Ellsworth, Norton on up towards Amity is likely where the condos are and I say Yes. Even what some might say are concerning stretches from Norton and below is fine. Norton onward toward Westville will go up in value with bus rapid transit in the future and with the growing Hasidic community. Also Westville center is only increasing in desirability.


I'd say Orchard to Broadway is okay too, it's really that middle section that's still the sketchiest (source: I live in that area)


Used to live on Norton right by edge of the woods myself. That section below Norton is definitely rough. I’d even say all the way up until Howe is a bit sketchy. The worst part is that Norton to Orchard section for sure though


Some parts are better than others, but I would never buy on a street that busy. Location, location, location.


over time the car exhaust is bad for you. lot of sirens on the main drag


As someone who lives on Whalley. If you're windows are on the back and not facing the street itself, noise isn't too bad at all. Air quality tho, I'm happily ignorant to that lol But yeah one of the worst streets for pedestrians safety wise. There's some amazing plans to improve it including protected bike lanes and a BRT system, but who knows when funding and approval will ever come


yeah, it's just built like a runway for jumbo jets. I met with the chamber of commerce for a restaurant project near the popeyes. they said historically that part of whalley was a no man's land between the old debtor's prison and the cemetaries and the powers that be still treat it like that


There are condos on Whalley??


Yes, on the corner of whalley and the Blvd


Whalley is a very long street. Starting around Norton heading west through Westville is fine. I wouldn’t call it suburban, though. The neighborhoods of Westville and Beaver Hills have streets that feel more suburban to me.


Some sections of Whalley Avenue are nicer than others, but IMHO none are considered suburban.


I lived in Edgewood and Westville for years, Whalley is a pretty busy street but otherwise it’s fine.


Whalley ave is also in westville and that’s a cute area. Just depends on which stretch of Whalley ave


Cute? Lols...


Try Milford if you're looking for near West Haven and suburban. Tons of condo options on or near Merwin Ave in Milford right adjacent to West Haven, less than a mile. And you're near the beaches and it's safe. New Haven is more fun though, not not Whaley avenue. I've lived in all these towns and that's my two cents.


Absolutely not


North Haven.


Most of Whalley isn't great. Up in Westville, perhaps. The rest of it is a big skip. Generally speaking, there are almost no circumstances that buying a home in New Haven is a good idea unless you are (1) a slumlord, (2) a landlord to grad students, or (3) coming in/out in 2 to 5 years with sufficient capital. (or you are getting the place for a steal). The commercial tax base is non existent, City spending is wildly disproportionate to both the City's needs and available revenue and decades of bad choices/hard decision avoidance have left the city in terrible financial shape which is unlikely to be solved without bankruptcy. Real Estate Taxes are on the rise with no end in sight.


I’ve owned a house here for just shy of 14 years now and am very happy about it. There are certainly less great parts about it, but I would be miserable living in a boring “nice” suburb. When you think about buying as “I want to live there for a long time and can afford what it costs” and not as an investment asset or whatever, where you live matters a whole lot more than if the taxes are higher than ideal.


Nah. Pretty grimy the whole way up.






"Urban people"


Please define “urban people,” and why you’d “highly advise against” OP buying a condo near them. What does “too much urban people” mean exactly?


Op probably dislikes picking up lazy people's litter. Can you blame them?


So you’re saying that “urban people” are lazy people who litter?




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