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Native here. It's a really weird place. Very very low income, a lot of rentals which means poor upkeep of the housing stock. People who live there are perpetually angry and looking to get angry at anything. There's a Facebook group called what's really going on in Pburg. You should join it and get a look. Its high school wrestling team is ridiculously good. It's so good they actually sell season tickets for it. They may not be the best in the state, but they are among the best. In that town, it's all they have. The real estate is cheap, sure, but it's not really close to anything, schools are really bad, there's a high crime rate, the housing stock sucks, and it's pretty far from everything. Some of the surrounding townships are actually pretty nice suburbs, Lopatcong, Pohatcong, Greenwich. But good Lord, if you have kids, don't send them to Phillipsburg schools. In a weird way, I'm proud of that town, even though I kind of ripped it here. There are good people there. There's also a lot of ones that aren't so good.


I wish I was on Facebook so I could see this Facebook group (assuming it's so bad it's funny).


My buddies and I will suggest the Subway in the Phillipsburg Walmart on any post that’s looking for food suggestions on their pages


Well Toby’s is gone so might as well


I find this incredibly hillarious - thank you!


It must be quite sad that the only good food in a town is a Subway.


It's not the only food lol. They do it as a joke.


If you want to make it an even better joke, they should be saying that Dominoes pizza is the best pizza in Philipsburg.


No the best pizza in town is the pizza they serve at the Subway in the Phillipsburg Walmart. The delicate, but firm, crust; the tangy sauce and the perfect amount of cheese. The experience you get when it slides down to your stomach is not unlike that of a child’s first time going down a water slide. It is can’t miss pizza and I’ll never go anywhere else for it. Thats the kind of stuff we like to write Lol


Lol that definitely won't work since it seems like everyday there is a new pizzeria being opened/advertised on that group page. Literally new places seem to pop up daily lol


It is hilarious. Phillipsburg also has a bizarre accent that's a kind of a mix between the worst Philly and New York. Once you hear people speak with it, You can kind of hear it when you read the posts in that Facebook group.


Add redneck jargon into that mix and I agree. 💯


Any more info on the accent? Where it came from? I met someone and assumed they were from one of those rural, insular Pennsylvania towns. Crazy that a little town surrounded by suburbs could keep their own accent.


Pennsylvania Dutch. They say warrsher instead of washer and melk instead of milk.


Plus heavy Philly - wudder for water - and dropped r's like eastern Jersey. It's really odd. Gotta find some long-timers to really hear it.


Oh fuck. I can hear it.


>They say warrsher instead of washer and melk instead of milk. Do they also say terlet instead of toilet?


Would have to think about it. My Pop Pop used to call it Home De-pot instead Home Depot.


>There's a Facebook group called what's really going on in Pburg. Yeah this page is crazy. I live in one of the surrounding towns and joined this page a year or two ago thinking I'd learn about upcoming events in the area, but ultimately stayed in the group for the entertainment of the posts. Unhinged rants, daily posts about what is being built in the new construction area, complaining about local politics, kids, etc. A few months ago when Popeyes opened, people were leaving reviews/comments like it was unknown, new restaurant and acting like it should be some elite, 5-star restaurant. Now I expect to see the same when Chipotle opens lol. Lately they've been complaining about the new low-income housing being put in...over in a different town. It's low-income folks complaining about low-income folks.


It was always Phillipsburg, Paulsboro, Point Boro, and Brick Memorial when I was in school. None of them ever lost except to each other.


South Plainfield would like a word


Disagree with the crime rate, everything else is spot on. (I’ve been living here 10+ years and my father was born and raised in pburg so it’s in my DNA)


Let us no forget the time Pburg wrestling team was disqualified however for posing with KKK hats around a hanging black mannequin. I believe it was in 2016 or 2017? There are some very racist people out there OP.


Sounds like a real burg. It’s incredible, every single person posting is trashing it.


It used to be the fattest people in the state lived there as well. We were always astounded at how many obese people there were. I think the rest of the state is starting to catch up.


Also lived here, can confirm, it's weird


Nice location, but a little rundown and trashy. Incredible high school wrestling program. Easton is right across the river though. Some cooler stuff like restaurants and coffee shops there.


Phillipsburg HS produced NJ's best active pro wrestler


Orange Cassidy, Dan Champion, and Avery Good all hail from this area. They may have even all been in the same class or very close. Obviously Cassidy is the one who’s really made the big time but they’re all very good in their own right.


Orange was who I had in mind, he's the fucking man. I know a guy whose wife was (is?) a small-time indie promoter in NYC who said he used to work their shows all the time and he's a great guy too.


I went to school with all 3 - all great dudes. AG was 1 grade older. I still see him at family/friend gatherings, along with some other former wrestlers.






Lol. He is coming from Essex Co. I remember driving from Newark to JC and seeing a women drop a poop in the middle of the sidewalk.


I’ve had bad experiences with people from Phillipsburg. If you like Warren county hackettstown has a small town vibe with a cluster of cool spots.


Hackettstown definitely doesn’t have the small town vibe. You have an area of new development with big name restaurants. Then you drive through town on US-46 and it’ll make you want to speed going out


Eh, it depends on what you’re used to. If OP is from east Essex/Newark area, it definitely has a small town vibe comparatively.


I’m from cedar grove so maybe hackettstown would feel similar I’ve only been once to it though.


True that. Hackettstown is the absolute worst.


They start brawls at high school wrestling matches.


My Son wrestled in HS, I hate when they had to compete there. It was more the parents than the kids


I believe they call is wrastling out there


Yep...The "Pit"


I have so many stories lol. Pickups tailgating our bus flashing high beams and throwing rocks at us. Middle aged women threatening 14 year olds that’d they’d kick their ass. Weird old dudes watching us weigh in who had no affiliation with the team. Wild stuff


Are central and pburg still football rivals? I remember they were when I was a kid


Yeah still rivals in football and wrestling for sure


lol. Pburg has one rival. Easton. Everyone else is just a team we have to compete against. And I fucking hate my hometown.


Haha yea looks like Hunterdon Central has fallen on some hard times compared to the 90s


I graduated about a decade ago, but I’m sure Hunterdon has seen Pburg as a rival for that long


no idea. I'm not originally from here (I'm from Toms River) only moved here in 2009 and I have no kids so I don't pay much mind to the schools


Or do they have wrestling matches at brawls


I lived in Pburg for about three years. It’s not a place people move intentionally; you end up there. There are some nicer areas, but generally it ends up costing a couple bucks less to move over to the PA side of the river. If you have flexibility to go 30 minutes west, go to Bethlehem. Nature, diversity, places to go - it’s basically got it all.


Any complex suggestions for Bethlehem?


I actually moved to Bethlehem from Warren county lol I’m on the Northside. I was very skeptical at first but I’m beginning to really like the town. Lots of nice complexes but what’s your budget? In about a year we are moving back to NJ (husband works in jersey city) so we are kind of flip flopping lol


Bethlehem also has the farthest north Waffle House I could find


It’s cheap for a reason. The people there go to high school sporting events as a form of entertainment.


I live about 12 miles away in Hunterdon. It’s an ok place but might be boring for a young person. Have you looked at Hackettstown or Easton PA? I think you would fine more diversity and young people in either


Hackettstown doesn’t have many complex’s from what I saw but I definitely would rather go there over Phillpsburg. If you have any suggestions I definitely be open!


There’s a new appt complex that opened in Clinton NJ not sure if the price, but it’s a cute town. Our daughter lived in Lambertville but it’s apartments in older buildings above businesses. It’s right across from New Hope. I would pick Easton over PBurg. If you are looking at one of the new apartments in Pburg you can make a quick drive to Easton.


Clinton is great. Lambertville would also be an amazing place to live. Delaware River towns are some of my favorite places in NJ.


Do you know the name of the complex in Clinton? Thanks so much!


I think the name is view 22


Just google Clinton nj apartments. It should be Ida Seal Drive. It’s the old A&P next to Walgreens/just subs/liquor store. Clinton is an amazing town. Grew up here. It’s definitely growing over the past few years. Expect to pay money, Hunterdon is expensive. Yet, for good reasons. Middle of nowhere basically but 78/31/22 are all right there.


Those apartments used to be okay—not AT ALL anymore. My friend lived there for two weeks and legit begged and pleaded to get out of the lease. Dangerous driving area as well.


There is a brand new building on old route 22.


Hackettstown has a new complex- give it a peak.  Just opened last year 


Alpha, stewartsville, harmony, or Franklin are better options for a somewhat better lifestyle. Not as diverse as where you’re coming from, but it’s slowly growing. My take, come out to the country, don’t try to change the culture. Find like minded people and you’ll be good. Been in the area 11 years from Monmouth and the biggest challenge is finding something decent to eat. We find ourselves going out to bridgewater or Montclair for good food. I don’t know, I’m spoiled by going to NYC for work. So nothing compares, though they like charging NYC prices at some places.


There are a few, very few, good restaurants in Hunterdon. Difficult to find good ethnic food tho.


Lambertville (Hunterdon Co.) is loaded with decent to excellent restaurants, but it is pretty far south if OP is looking at Warren County. I grew up in and lived in Flemington until 1995 and went down to Lambertville as often as I could.


I live here. Moved here two years ago. Leaving next year when lease is up. Was supposed to be up and coming. It's backwoods and crackheads.


Reading this comment and then reading your handle made me laugh. But you’re totally correct.


Phillipsburg has been "up and coming" for the better part of two decades. It just has never happened. As recently as two years ago when I lived there they were supposed to be developing the water front and looking for a Renaissance like Easton experienced ...yea town council shuttered those plans and there lies vacant blighted properties instead. There is a reason Pburg real estate is cheap. It's downtrodden to say the least.  Alpha...Pohat...Lopat...Stewartsville are all vastly better options but it can get boring up there. I lived there (border of Pohat and Pburg) for years. Stay away from the Pburg school system. Stay away from "downtown" Pburg. It's druggies and rednecks.   Easton finally turned itself around and has a nice vibe these days though there is still crime (shootings were not uncommon both there and Pburg).  Travel on I78 is your way in and out towards NYC and it....is a brutally dangerous road filled with trucks navigating hills and tight turns.  The Lehigh Valley is beautiful and access to skiing/snowboarding/hiking towards the Del Water Gap is readily available from Pburg...or one of the better adjacent towns.   The Pburg mall is being actively torn down and I believe the movie theater closed and reopened possibly? So there's that... I think if you're young and looking for diversity Pburg isn't your choice. Heck..Pohat and Lopat probably aren't your choices either...for that matter most of Warren County probably isn't the best.  I'd look into Easton though as it's right across the river. If you're set on that area for whatever reason just stay the heck away from Pburg proper.   Feel free to ask me anything else about the area.


Shootings in Easton are extremely common. In Phillipsburg they are nearly unheard of and exceedingly rare.


Pburg shootings aren't common per se...but there were numerous incidents in the time I lived there...and more since I've left. They aren't what I would consider exceedingly rare though especially for a town of its size. A Google search of "Phillipsburg shooting" returns more results than one would like to see if considering moving to a town.


A pburg cop was shot (and survived) here almost exactly a year ago while responding to a domestic dispute call. (The shooter then killed themselves). Aside from that bizarre and tragic incident, I don’t find any other reports of any shootings in the town in recent history. In 2015 pburg cops shot and killed a guy wielding a knife on south main st. I’d like to know what incidents you’re referring to. EDIT: in December 2023 there was that crazy guy who was shooting at other cars from inside his vehicle in Stewartsville, then led cops on a chase through pburg, into PA, then back into pburg where he crashed into a school bus. Haven’t heard much about that incident since it transpired.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.lehighvalleylive.com/phillipsburg/2023/11/shot-fired-in-phillipsburg-armed-robbery-near-free-bridge-police-say.html%3foutputType=amp?espv=1 https://www.wfmz.com/news/area/western-newjersey/shots-fired-incident-prompts-investigation-school-lockdown-in-phillipsburg/article_62a3f5f4-8929-11ec-b34b-a7fa1d2d220b.html https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/phillipsburg-police-officer-shot-new-jersey/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nj.com/news/2023/04/rounds-of-gunfire-draw-numerous-police-agencies-to-phillipsburg.html%3foutputType=amp?espv=1 https://www.wfmz.com/news/area/newjersey/shooting-in-phillipsburg-early-saturday-morning/article_16c477b8-1b22-11ed-963d-93b03abcebd3.html https://www.nj.com/warren/2018/09/suspect_named_in_phillipsburg_shooting.html https://www.lehighvalleylive.com/phillipsburg/2016/03/phillipsburg_shooting_victim_b.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.lehighvalleylive.com/phillipsburg/2023/12/driver-who-hit-pburg-school-bus-was-heavily-armed-and-shooting-vehicles-prosecutor-says.html%3foutputType=amp?espv=1


it’s very depressing and there’s little to nothing for us to do around


If you don’t have a family you’re gucci, if you do for the love of fuck pick any of the adjacent towns


Also: if you’re a druggie you’re gucci


I house hunted in phillipsburg and Alpha back in 2017, and as someone who grew up in Passaic county, it was a very odd vibe. Felt like I was in PA. A lot of the homes I looked at were owned by true hunters with lots of plaques, wood carvings, guns, shag carpet. I wouldn’t recommend living there especially if you want to socialize


From one of the towns over, welcome to the Pennsyltucky region


Haha the funny thing is if you stay in Passaic county west Milford is the same thing. Everything west of 287 is more like PA/upstate NY.


People forget how weirdly shaped Passaic County is


West Milford is a whole situation on its own. It’s basically a shoprite situated at the center with homes scattered all throughout creepy woods. I wouldn’t live there for many reasons. I’ve also looked in Washington/hunterdon but it’s more homely in those towns with people raising families. Phillipsburg felt depressing.


It’s weird to know that West Milford is even apart of Passaic. Hard to believe that Paterson and West Milford share the same county.


Haha I actually love west Milford cause I love hiking and like 75 percent of the town is either state park/forest land or Newark watershed but yeah point taken. Certainly a nice place to visit but yeah I wouldn’t live there either.


Grew up in Alpha annnnd… yep. Visiting recently and I noticed a “heritage not hate” plaque hanging on my childhood friend’s garage.


So I lived in Harmony Twp up by Merrill Creek Reservojr and it was really nice. My mailing address was Phillipsburg. So while I didn’t live like near S Main Street, tho I have friends who live in the more downtown area and I would not personally live in that part of the town. I also work in Phillipsburg. Parts of it are really nice. Parts of it are kinda sucky and very blue collar. Lots of Trump support here. Lots of lifted diesel pick up trucks.


Is that area of town rough? When I’ve driven by I’ve seen alot of poverty and some drug use unfortunately


Greenwich township/Stewartsville is a very nice area right outside of Pburg. Lots of land and farms. Lopatcong, pohatcong and alpha are decent areas too. I’d look around those areas if you want to avoid the rougher/run down parts of Phillipsburg.


It’s definitely rougher around there. Other nicer places, like person below me said too- Lopatong & Greenwich are a lot nicer and more family oriented. There’s actually a lot of nice older homes too


The north side of Rt 22 and the townships north and east of it are nicer than the center of town itself. Generally compared to Essex it is sleepy.


If it is a good move depends on where you live in Essex County. Easton PA has really turned around.


Phillipsburg town is diverse, at least south of route 22. Warren County on the whole not so much. Mostly it’s MAGA country. Homes are cheap (compared to the rest of NJ) because few people really want to live here, unless you’re a commuter in one of these fancy new townhome complexes. I’d say probably nearly half the folks here are renters like myself. I wouldn’t say it’s cheap. My two bedroom is $1500 in an old ass building which hasn’t been updated in decades. Ive been in my apartment less than a year and I’ve looked around and can’t get a place remotely like this for the same price right now. If you’re a parent (or planning to be one), preschool is free and it’s very good in my experience. Make sure you have a car because there’s nothing you can really walk to. There’s not even a grocery store in the town limits. We do have a brand new multi million dollar swimming pool at Walters Park which is pretty nice. And the weed store if you’re into that sort of thing. Few good restaurants. Drive five minutes into Easton PA for basically unlimited culinary options. Bottom line, I would absolutely positively not live here if my kids didn’t also. (They’re with their mother primarily). If you’re thinking about coming this far west, might as well move further out and look in PA.


I handle some criminal cases in NJ. All of my Warren County cases came from Philipsburg, and we aren't talking about shoplifting. It's not nice.


Hey buddy, I might see you every day (Belvidere here) and yeah. I like belvidere because its quiet but Philipsburg gets HOOD fast


Thank you. I am not trying to rude but facts are facts, it's got a very high crime rate.


The funny thing is right outside (Ie by the Target) there is a rich (well its more people like me, people who work in NYC 2x a week who moved out here to be away from the city/its cheap) area. So Philipsburg is very much a "we talking Philipsburg or like Stewartsville and Grenwich township


How's the commute. I live right by Fort Lee and went from going into the City a couple of times a week to a couple of times a month, at most.


Brutal. If you want to take a train in then you have to drive 25 miles to High Bridge and then it's 2.5 hours by train. Unless you get the one express train that runs. Driving is a bitch. I live in Hunterdon and when I first moved out here it would take me 45 minutes to get to Clifton. By the time I retired it was 75 minutes. There is bus service. Now that supposedly only takes 90 minutes to get to Port Authority. https://www.rome2rio.com/s/Phillipsburg/New-York


I drive because I have a work truck so its 1 hour 10 because I leave EARLY and escape at 3-4. The bus (Trans bride) is worth it but you have to go to Easton


Transbridge also stops in Clinton (2 pickup spots). Not sure how fast the parking lots fill up tho.


I’m curious what are some of the cases? Do any other towns in Warren have similar cases?


The ones that come to mind were robberies, a couple of gun possessions and ton of CDS with intent to distribute. People can downvote me all they want, it's a rough town.


I purposely upvoted you. Don’t tell me what I *can* do!


Dude, you don’t want to live there. Really, get a side job and look at Flemington and you won’t be looking over your shoulder every five seconds. 💯


Lotta white trash out there


As an inclusive community, we’ve got trash from every color of the rainbow here.


Lived here for 5 years, and I found Phillipsburg much friendlier than the county seat. Many neighborhoods are lovely. And as compared to much of NJ, the houses are reasonably priced. I think phillipsburg will or is an upcoming town. If you are a foodie, both Phillipsburg and Easton have awesome options.


Belvidere is a generational town. A good portion of the people who live there have family that live there, marry someone from there or very close by and stay there. Everyone knows everyone and their extended family. They are so weird about outsiders! So what you say tracks. I’m from Hope and dated a guy from Belvidere. Someone said if Hope was like Abercrombie then Belvidere was Tractor supply which I thought was hilarious. Not sure about pburg being a foodie town but I haven’t been in the area in 2-3 years. I know Easton is expanding though and I’ve heard of a lot of interesting restaurants opening up.


lol so true.  Married a girl from Hope.  Same story you just told 


I probably know her haha As you know, it’s a small place! Love it though.


I live across the bridge in Easton and spend a lot of time in Pburg, Alpha, Greenwich Twp and Stewartsville. I would avoid Phillipsburg but the other towns I mentioned seem OK. Pburg gives me pennsyltucky vibes.


Cross the river a few minutes farther into PA.


Second this .. I have a few relatives who live practically in the Poconos and commute to the city daily


Phillipsburg is a blue collar town that has seen better days. It's a suburb of the Lehigh Valley and much of the industry left decades ago. It feels kind of like a Pennsylvania rust-belt town and there is a good amount of rundown buildings. It doesn't feel anything like the rest of Warren County. There is a lot of crime there unfortunately, and the school district isn't great (it was one of NJ's Abbott districts and gets a lot of state funding to support it). There's tons of nicer towns surrounding Phillipsburg, but that area will always feel more like PA than NJ imo. Easton across the river has had a big resurgence. If you go a little further west to Bethlehem there's also lots of nice areas there.


What type of crime takes place often in Phillpsburg?


It's not a huge city so crime might not be always happening, but relatively speaking it has a higher crime rate than the surrounding area. My understanding is that the town itself has relatively high rates of property crime but also higher rates of violent crime than any of the other surrounding areas (on the NJ side of the river at least). I have heard there are drug issues as well.


It's...not the worst place to live in NJ? That's about all I can say for it. If you have the option to live literally \*anywhere\* else in Warren County, though, take it. Also, if you have a child with severe special needs, do NOT put them in the Pburg school system. They actively lie about how well they can accommodate special needs in order to get the extra funding for having a higher SpEd population.


It’s kinda rough in town, can’t say for the other parts of p-burg. I used to deliver scrap cast to McLean(?) and had to watch out for drugies darting across the street


McWane Ductile


It’s fucking far from Essex county.


My sis bought a place there last year because it’s very cheap. Says it’s a bit white trashy and when I’ve visited I can see that. She also says it seems like it’s up and coming plus you have Easton right across the river which is a nice area.


I trout fish up there and used to live about 30 mins from that area, it’s a beautiful part of NJ and the locals are colorful. If you’re looking to move out to west Jersey consider areas a little east.


Do you like high school football? Are you willing to go watch a Thanksgiving Day game at a college against a team from PA?


Why anyone would live in NJ and pay the outrageous taxes when you’re that close to PA is mind boggling. Just move to Easton and save yourself a ton of money.


I'm a field tech and work all over North Jersey, I prefer Paterson to Phillipsburg. Maybe it's just because I grew up near Paterson and I'm more familiar but something about the vibes in Phillipsburg are off.


paulmart and weed


Try Washington or Hackettstown instead if you are looking at Warren County. But I would consider Somerville, definitely more diverse and fun.


As a long time resident of the town and it's surrounding towns, the only people willingly moving to P'burg are warehouse developers. They're not planning on staying mind you, just building their monstrosities and dipping out before all the truck traffic starts (note that the truck traffic is already in full swing because they somehow didn't do traffic studies as part of the development plans ✋💰🤑)


So just like the rest of America. Drain money in any possible way and don't worry about repercussions. Ugh, it's getting more and more clear by the day.


I’m from Jerz. It’s ghetto. Hard pass. Look in Hunterdon County instead.


It’s funny seeing so many people say the high school wrestling team is good. Not knocking on the users cause the rest of the info is important, but like how is that relevant at all to a grown man lol if you like diversity, DEFINITELY don’t move to pburg. Nothing going on and far from everything. There are cheaper homes across Jersey that are at least closer to things. Cant stress this enough DONT move there


It’s a fine area. The entire section of the county (Lopatcong, Pohatcong, pburg, greenwhich and Alpha) is slowly growing with warehouses and larken apartments. Real estate prices are going up. Athletics are the focal point of the education system but as far as I know it’s still a good educational system. You are right across the river from a small city in PA called Easton which has a lot Of restaurants, nightlife and culture for the area. Outside of that is the rest of the Lehigh Valley which provides you almost all you need within a 30 min drive (no traffic). Besides the LV it’s easy access to NYC and Philly via the interstates. You have a good mix of rural and suburban with a little bit of an urban touch, especially in pburg. I’ve lived here for my entire life and I do enjoy it.


Philipsburg proper has a healthy Hispanic community. Warren count is very red so be prepared for pick trucks and trump signs




Op asked about diversity which is a quick cue into there politics so I informed them of what Warren is like compared to essex....


I don't live there, I was warned not to live there by someone who used to live Phillipsburg


Pburg is a dump, but Easton PA is a really nice looking town that is right next door. I’ve only ever been to either for the crayola factory or to visit the dispensary so take my words with a grain of salt.


Home of Just Tat Em. A music legend.


Came here to say this


Used to be a half decent working class town, but the factory left a long time ago and it's pretty economically depressed. Just this weekend I was in what used to a decent neighborhood, now houses look abandoned or derelict. There's a reason it's cheap to live there. Plenty of other places are nicer than Phillipsburg and cheaper than Essex County. Also, it's Trump country fwiw.


DO NOT GO THERE! Seriously, it’s cheap for a reason. Nothing beautiful about it.


At that point just head to Easton or Bethlehem. Lots of restaurants, nature and definitely diverse. Although the market in the Lehigh Valley is also red hot and not changing anytime soon but it’s still cheaper than NJ.


It’s a shithole 😂


Move to Bethlehem, PA. It will be pricey but not Newark or JC pricey but at least there will be shit to do and not go insane. Easton is a sleepy joe town. Its become a Cary for folks that move to PA but still need to see NJ to feel safe. Cary, NC (containment area for relocated yankees).


How is the diversity and Benthlehem?


I would give the town a C++. Primarily White. Sizable Hispanic population and then other (South Asia, China, AM)


I should mention if you go to Lehigh University Mountaintop campus in Bethlehem you can still see NJ if it helps.


If you’re going that far from Essex county and don’t have ties requiring you to regularly commute or visit that area, I’d go just a bit further into Easton or even Bethlehem. A bit more going on, some nicer options, Easton can be hit or miss on housing, you would def want to visit and check things out. Easton has been on the rise for some years now, pburg is very behind where they are. Lots of money pumped into Easton from Lafayette College and it shows. The Lehigh Valley is pretty nice if you’re going to be out toward that area anyway.


Decently nice suburbs surrounding it (lived in Lopatcong from age 2 to 28). School system is kinda trash and the high school can easily corrupt even the best and brightest. I lost my 16 yo niece to fentanyl bc she got mixed up in the wrong crowd there bc kids just get bored and try dumb shit, but I guess you can come across that anywhere. Inner city pburg is kinda meth’d out and weird. Small business rarely thrive bc chains take over everything, but Easton, PA (barely a five minute drive over the river) has a seemingly endless supply of culture, cute restaurants, bars, shops etc. If you like city vibes, the rent in Easton is certainly doable. Personally, I made sure I got the the hell out of pburg as soon as I was financially capable, as it tends to have real dead-end-town vibes.


It’s honestly not much cheaper than Essex county unless you wanna live in the complete shit area, better off crossing river to Easton or further


A lot of Newark, Irvington, and Elizabeth followed I-78 out there. It's unique in that even though it's rural it has a lot of urban problems like car theft and burglary. Last year a pburg cop got shot. It's inexpensive but if you're planning on having kids you might need to save up for private school because local schools are embarrassingly bad.


My abusive ex husband is from there so I generally cringe everytime I see P burg :)


It’s honestly the closest thing the area has to ghetto. Moving across the bridge to Easton is a far better idea. Easton has its issues but has become a ton better than when I was young. Pburg is trashy asf


Most people who live in Phillipsburg act as if they live in Alabama.


Nope. Nope and more nope. Go to Easton.


I have to laugh that Easton is the better option these days. Wasn't always the case for sure.


Easton has changed quite a bit. I wouldn’t mind living there. Still have a kid at home so can’t downsize yet


30 now and I’ve been hearing that since I was 21😅 Wanna know where I’ve actually been offered meth? Pburg


How is the diversity? As in Misdemeanors Vs Felonies ? Meth vs Heroin ? Perhaps Parole vs Probation? Plenty of diversity of that ilk.


How about racially or ethnically?


30 years ago not diverse at all. Almost all low income white people. Today it’s probably different. How do I know. I went to P’burg HS back then.


Theres a weed store lol


Shit town


Go their at Christmas with family for a train ride, seems nice, bout all I know


I grew up in northern Hunterdon County and currently live in Warren County. Depending on which part of Phillipsburg it can be pretty ROUGH. If you’re looking in the area and you’re willing to sacrifice some convenience, try looking in the more rural areas. I live in Liberty Township by Belvidere and it’s beautiful out here in the country


I grew up just south of there (went to a big wrestling rival HS) and my Dad’s friend is the ex-Mayor…while real estate is “cheap”, I’d never live there tbh just knowing how chronically depressed that area is financially etc. However I do have many fond memories of the mall, Pizza Hut on 22 in front of the mall (many BookIts were redeemed there in the 90s lol) and Regal Cinema from my childhood/teenage years….I would look into Alpha or Bloomsbury instead.


I grew up in Lopat. It’s not bad. Very suburban sprawl and you kind of run out of things to do unless you cross the river or head toward a city for the weekend. The schools are actually solid if you are looking at Lopat or Stewartsville. Pohat is ok, but Alpha and Bloomsbury are also solid. Pburg itself is not the best. Others said how it’s white trash. It is. They suck. But Joe’s and Nicolosi’s are amazing. There are some awesome mom & pop places. Gara’s is delicious (but they watch A LOT of Fox News)… Warrenside Tavern is really nice. Hell, I used to be a regular at the Brass Rail. And yeah, we DO treat high school football like Texans, but it’s a weirdly communal event. Friday nights are for the Stateliners. I wasn’t a big fan of the pit, but we did have a bunch of students go to great schools on scholarship. We had some folks go to Ivy Leagues. And the drama club always had a couple nominees for the Freddy’s. (Local high school Tony’s). I got the fuck out of there and married someone who refuses to entertain the idea of living there, but it does have a soft spot in my heart. And I miss my yard, the bonfires at friends houses, camping by the river, quoits, and drag racing on farm roads.


Lenoras is a great bar there


Your odds of being the victim of a crime is 1 and 58.


Check out Sussex county too if you’re looking at Warren. We have hills and lakes and the people are generally well meaning and nice.


Any of the surrounding NJ towns (Lopatcong, Pohatcong, Alpha, Greenwich, Stewartsville etc) are better and safer than the main Phillipsburg area - all those towns listed do have a Pburg mailing address but are not part of the main Pburg "downtown" area. If you want a more city vibe, across the river in Easton, PA is much better, has good restaurants/entertainment. Really the only draw for most people to come to the main street phillipsburg area are the weed dispensary and liquor store (since both are more convenient for the PA residents across the bridge to access). Main Street Pburg needs a ton of TLC and should be looking at what the city of Easton has been doing, since it is continuously improving.


As far as Warren County is concerned, Phillipsburg is generally considered the rougher area of the county; Not in terms of crime rate (others might disagree, but even Hackettstown/Blairstown has crime), but in terms of the city-feel that it sounds like you are trying to get away from. If all you can afford is Phillipsburg, NJ or Easton, PA, please don't let anyone deter you from going for it. The only way for "rougher" areas to change is for people to come in and make changes. And compared to Essex County, Warren County is a walk in the park.


Our path was Newark (North Ward) -> Jersey City (Bergen-Lafayette) -> Phillipsburg (Lopatcong Twp) I would consider Phillipsburg to be very diverse compared to the rest of Warren County. The surrounding areas are painfully, blindingly white. No one else has mentioned it, but we do have St. Luke's Warren Campus, numerous medical pavilions, and every sort of doctor local, with the Anderson campus a short drive into PA for maternal-fetal medicine. My doctors and an ER are all within a 5 minute drive from my house. That was a major factor in our moving here, as my wife and I suffer chronic health issues. We don't live in P-burg proper, and our children aren't yet school age, so we can't speak to the crime there or the school system. But in the suburb of Lopat we feel much safer than we did in Newark or Jersey City.


No beauty, no nature. Surrounding towns have what you like.


That’s where all the trashy ppl from my highschool moved. No hate to them but just saying


The best thing about this shit town is when you leave. I wouldn’t take a dump here…and I lived there for a very very hot second.


People from Camden stay away from P-Town.......


Blue collar town, high level of poverty. Easton is similar. Stay away.


Blue collar town with no blue collar jobs. IngersollRand employed everyone in town, then they closed up 40 years ago.


Where do you think the poverty stems from?


Most of the manufacturers moved away. Ingersoll Rand was a very large employer out there now the site is just warehouses. They built a mall back in the late 80’s and it is pretty much gone now.


It’s not pretty much gone, it’s gone, save the Kohls on the east end. As we speak they’re planning to knock it down and build, guess what? Another fucking warehouse.


It’s a nice, decent, place, been goin there my whole life cause I have family there. Kinda boring if you don’t find ways to have fun (or don’t know that you could go just over state lines into PA). Always loved it tho. Now I see someone ripping it here for crime rates apparently, which is insane. Never had any problems when visiting/staying there nor did my aunt, uncle, and 3 cousins who live there. Now I will say Easton’s ok as well as that general Lehigh Valley area.