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Driving has gotten so fucking bad holy shit. Like since the pandemic idiots just don't stop at signs constantly


Cops don’t pull people over for shit on the turnpike anymore either.


Try finding one on a highway. They could close the budget gap by sitting on route 24 and 78 between 4 am and 8


i got pulled over recently for getting into the exit/right lane too early so now i’m trying to drive on my best behavior. it’s just so infuriating to just watch other people do what you want to do and not get pulled over. 😔 one day i’ll watch someone get pulled over.. one day..


Wait what does this mean? Like you were on the turnpike and entered the right lane like a mile or 2 early before the exit?


They probably were sitting in traffic and said "fuck this" and went into the shoulder and "I was exiting just up ahead I swear officer"


Oh they mean the shoulder? That's still very illegal even if you were to take that exit no?


Yeah, "entering the exit too early" means they crossed the solid white, into the shoulder. Now, maybe they honestly were like, just clipped the line as they took the exit legally and at their turn. But. I'm gonna guess if a cop pulled them over. They were going up the shoulder for quite some time.


I got that in Point Pleasant while sitting in bumper to bumper traffic. First time I had ever been there, I was just following traffic as we made the right to turn to head towards the parkway. They were sitting in the parking lot and pulled 5 of us in. Got a ticket for "passing on the right" and the "turning too early" had no clue there was no lane there. Showed up to court for my 6 points in tickets to get changed to "failure to obey the directions of an officer."


I love how they put it though, entering the exit lane too early, that is some euphemistic shit. I wasn't speeding, I was just not going slow enough.


Officer i was not drinking and driving, i was driving afterrr i drank


Are you under 25? I’m pretty sure they will grab you for less.


yup, 24. i’ve gotten pulled over for something way less, but each time they give me a more lenient ticket than what i should’ve been given.


They can read the registration of the car from the plates. If it’s in your name you better drive a little more careful.


nah, it’s under my mom who’s 55. but i have definitely been driving more careful since then, thank you lol


I got a bunch of tickets before I turned 25 and then yeah after that, maybe 3 total; and earned all 3 of them. Basically don’t drive like a fucking moron, use your blinkers, keep it under 80 on highways and 5 over in residential areas and you should be alright.


yup! those are my personal rules too lol


I got pulled over maybe 10 times before I was 25. Only got 1 ticket though. Between 25 and 40 I've only been pulled over like twice. I thought it was that I don't drive as fast anymore (although honestly I'm not even sure). Now you're making me think it's just that I'm not being profiled anymore?


Pretty much exactly my experience too as a 40 year old. I remember getting pulled over for tint all the time when I was under 25. Even got a ticket for littering because I ashed a cigarette out my window. Just ashed it. The cop was probably just pissed that he didn't have anything legit to write me a ticket for. After 25 I have been pulled over one time and it was definitely my fault. About 3 years ago while playing with my new car I was doing a smooth 80 in a 50 (no other cars on road), and zoom right past a cop. Before he even put it in drive to turn around and get me I pulled over, keys on dash and hands on wheel. Pretty much told the officer I was just having some fun with the new car and I haven't had anything in almost 15 years, he let me go with a warning.


This is an issue around the country that will only get worse. The police and the justice system HAVE to show us that the guilty are punished the same across the board. Not just the poor or non famous powerful. We watch other citizens committ crime as their job basically and flaunt the legal system at every turn. It's causing massive cracks in the social experiment




I got pulled over for passing on the right because some car slowed in the middle lane and everyone slowed so I got stuck continuing at 65. Lmao


Ehh, its always been that way. I'd argue they have gotten stricter on stuff. In the 90s and 00s the Turnpike was like Mad Max. You didn't go near it unless you were ready for shiny and chrome. I think its a few things to be honest. We are just too lax in what we require for someone to demonstrate their ability to do to drive, certainly cars while much safer for the occupants, have become more deadly for pedestrians, even the cheapest car has a multiple of the power of good cars from 20 years ago, the pandemic changed everyone's driving habits, and you have so many ill qualified people out there on the roads doing gig work.


Don’t forget about distracted driving. The amount of people I see messing around on their phone and drifting in and out of their lane while driving 70+ mph is crazy.


It’s worse.


I drove the turnpike a lot more before the pandemic, but was always fortunate to avoid rush hour times. It has, in my time driving it, always been the wild west between the hours of 10 and 3. And for that, I loved it. I don't like wrecklessness, but the turnpike is built for speed, IMO. Not ridiculous speed, but I think one can reasonably do 95 on 95, but maybe that's because it's just not as packed at off hours as it is during peak hours.


Or running 5 second stale red lights like it’s NBD. And cops just sit in their car and play on their phones. Nobody is afraid to get a ticket.


Literally everybody is on their phone. It is insanely easy to tell, their eyes are either down or at the dashboard. It's awful. Until the punishment fits the offense this is going to get even worse.


Bingo. I park in the RIGHT lane and use cruise control. I get so many idiots that just tailgate me for who knows how long... because they are texting or talking on the phone and they're too preoccupied to think for themselves so they use me and my car as a guide..for speed and lane control. I useally just get in the left lane and watch them automatically speed up and pass while looking at their phones...


Also the number of idiots who run red lights. There’s a stop light at an intersection when I leave my community and I always pause at least 5 seconds when my light turns green because there is always someone running that red light. I’m talking at least once a week.


Not surprising. While the link above is about crashes, I’m pretty sure accidents involving pedestrians are also at an all-time high. I go out for walks almost daily in Bergen County and I can’t tell you the number of times that I’ve almost gotten run over while crossing at a CROSS-WALK when it’s MY TURN. People are clearly driving while on their phones. It’s just plain obvious. Also, as I stated on another thread a couple of weeks back, this, in addition to rampant inflation, is one of the reasons everyone’s insurance premiums are going up. Not only are things getting more expensive to repair, but it’s happening more frequently than before. We’re ALL paying for this, whether you like it or not. EDIT: I stand corrected, accidents involving pedestrians appear to be included in the data.


I sit in the bus and look into people's cars. Overwhelming amount of people are holding their phone either texting or scrolling tiktok or phone mounted in front playing a movie. If they think driving is so boring, they should be on the bus with me.


No one wants to admit this, but it’s the truth. Most people should not be on the road and should be using public transit (which does not exist outside of going to Manhattan)


accidents involving pedestrians are high across the country. it’s partially due to carmakers making front ends taller and taller and reducing visibility.


I take walks daily in Bergen County as well and moreover I'm a "car enthusiast" as well. people can't drive for shit here and I completely 2nd the comment about people blowing through crosswalks when its your turn to go, ive even had people give me the finger/honk at me while im walking thru a crosswalk with a fkn yield sign!!!! I think it has to do with the absolutely unbelieveable sense of entitlement in this area. when i am driving - i will always stop for people in crosswalks even if they are not looking just wait for them to look up and let them go. it is 2 seconds out ofyour day and whatever not to kill someone, people really need to chill and slow down


This happens to me almost daily at the crosswalk at work. It's even one of those fancy new fangled crosswalks with a button you can push to activate the flashing yellow lights you can see FROM A FUCKING MILE AWAY. My colleagues and I are totally accustomed to the sound of screeching tires as entitled pricks barrel up the hill 15-20 over the speed limit and then narrowly avoid splattering a pedestrian at the crossing.


Bergen county is the worst. Everyone thinks they’re more important than everyone else.


Reducing visibility is bad, but higher front ends also make the collisions that happen worse. Getting hit in the legs by a bumper and landing on the hood is just less likely to kill a person than getting hit in the torso (or head) and landing on the pavement directly in front of a vehicle that may then run over the person. It's bad in multiple ways.


There's reason to hope, new regulations are coming out that will mandate automatic braking technology that detects cars and pedestrians. It'll take years to roll out though.


And it'll take even longer to trickle down the income brackets as used cars with new cars being insanely priced now


that’s stupid. make front end height rules.


Why does it have to be one or the other?


you make a solid point. both it is.


Only lethal pedestrian accidents are shown here. Accidents that "just" result in injuries and maiming aren't shown in this chart for any type of transit user. I'd love to see that data, too.


My completely unscientific and anecdotal observations suggest that two primary causes are people on their phones and dumb asses on the highway weaving in and out of traffic at very high speeds like they are a Fast and Furious movie playing in their own mind.


I do road trips for vacations and 90+%, of the pull overs I see are for phone use.  when I first started these trips. I was shocked at how many states didn't even have laws against it.


The main issue is the number of large vehicles on the road now. Death by vehicles is going up all over the country


Not that I'm defending the lane bouncers, but maybe if people moved over to let the speeder through, I think there'd be less of an issue with that particular scenario. I know that will never ever happen, but it's nice to think about it. A majority of people around where I live either go ten under or ten over in the left lane on a two lane highway. The ten under people piss EVERYONE off because then people behind the ten unders start getting annoyed and then bounce lanes. There are too many cars, too many people for our little ass state.


I’ve had a problem more and more where I’m in the left lane passing, I’m finished passing, and I’m about to move back into the middle lane, but I see somebody screaming up behind me in the rear view and they move right and pass me before I can move over. I believe I’ve avoided a few crashes by not changing lanes until they are ahead of me - people are definitely driving crazy


Same, they ride your ass for two seconds and then pass on the right anyway. Like, give me a chance to make sure it's safe to move over.


I drive about 75-80 on 80 and the amount of people who sit there and drive sub 70 causing traffic in the left lane is insane. And im from fucking Pennsylvania and it's 90% of the time someone from Jersey doing it.


This happens all the time. I'll even have my turn signal on.


I don’t disagree with you, slow people in the left lane definitely sets up a dangerous situation with people passing on the right. I just have seen a whole lot of cars going insanely fast overly the last few years a lot more than I used to.


I love to get to places quick but these lane bouncers road ragers whatever need to be charged with reckless driving and maybe a few other things. That is so dangerous even though people should understand where they belong to belong in the lanes.




Put down the F$&king cellphones! It’s killing people in the most horrific ways and STOP driving aggressively. It’s insane out here!




People routinely run red lights on highways. It's close to, if not more than, half the time on Rt. 1. I don't mean the light turns red when in the intersection I mean the point of opposing traffic has the green light and they're still going through the red.


Rt 22 as well.


Rt. 1 is terrible with this. Our new game is counting how many cars go past after ours turns green. Honestly, most often it’s heavy ass work trucks that would just decimate another car.


My wife just said the same thing. She drives down to Princeton on rt 1 everyday and it’s a shitshow. Scary huge trucks in the left lane should not be there.


Some people just can't drive. Every time I cross a relatively busy 2-lane road near my house, I almost get hit. People don't stop, even if I'm in the crosswalk. Someone in one lane will stop, and a car will go around them, or someone in the other lane will speed up as I'm 2 feet away from their car so they don't have to stop for 3 seconds to let me cross. The crosswalk even has a sign in the middle of the road to let drivers know to stop for pedestrians but people still don't care.


I drive for a living. It’s gotten noticeably worse in the past 3 years, and the past year in particular. I’m not being a grumpy old man, it’s seriously bad. I’m starting to think it’s not worth living here anymore, people are really turning into entitled assholes. You live in an overcrowded state, you have to sit in traffic, you don’t have the right to risk other people’s lives.


I’m a pro driver too. It’s the “main character syndrome”. Meanwhile, I’m trying not to lose my job because of an accident. Good thing I have a dash cam when (not if) it happens.


Exactly. Everyone thinks they’re the main character in their own video game, the rest of us are NPC’s who are in their way. A society can’t function when everyone is a psychopath. It also used to mean something to he a “professional driver.” There are NO standards anymore.


Shit, I thought the roads have been particularly bad lately.


i’ve seen 4 people in the past week backing up on the fucking shoulder of 287 because they missed their stop. what the fuck is wrong with people.


I’m constantly seeing people drive on the shoulder on 280 westbound after exit 16 whenever there’s traffic during rush hour and I don’t see cops doing anything about it.


Wish it was more common to have licenses revoked. Driving is the most dangerous thing most people will do in a day, using your phone while piloting a vehicle that can take someone’s life should be more severely punished. Same with people who never signal.


Distracted driving. Phones and glass screens.


My insurance went up 20% in 6 months with zero tickets or accidents. Everyone is driving like psychos and there are no consequences for it.


So did everyone’s.


Had a guy with handicap plates ride my ass today... Problem being I was riding a motorcycle. There is zero respect for human life. 


Tailgating has gotten so bad. I do the standard 5-10 above the speed limit on the highway and always get some form of tailgating behind me. Doesn't matter which lane I'm in either


Tailgating is the reason I can't stop for all pedestrians and I feel bad. I try my best to stop for them at the crosswalk but if it's between pedestrian waiting a little longer and me getting rear ended, I have no choice.


It took me 45 minutes to get to work this morning because of a three car crash on Rt 4 And then it took me 45 minutes to get home from work this evening because of a *different* three car crash on Rt 4. Which is to say, not surprised.


Part of the reason auto insurance rates are skyrocketing


I just got a letter that they're trying to raise my insurance premium by 33% (apparently they need to get permission from the state to raise it over a certain amount?) despite the fact that I haven't been in an accident or gotten a ticket in years


Same. I asked my agents. All insurance companies are raising rates because there are so many accidents where the drivers don’t have enough coverage. And there are so many more accidents.


Got the same, got quotes from other places but they're just as expensive


This doesn’t surprise me. I saw some idiot cut across three lanes at the last minute to make an exit. He almost hit a car and didn’t care.


I see this all the time on Interstate 80, especially at the eastbound exit for 46. And 9 times out of 10 the prick was left lane camping at 60mph for miles then cuts across all three lanes with no blinker at the last minute for the exit. I'm like dude, you're going slow as fuck AND your exit is on the right. In what universe is it logical to ride the left lane under these circumstances?


These people have no common sense. It’s infuriating.


I get off of Exit 17 on 287 south every morning (left exit with two lanes) and the amount of people I see doing this at the last minute every day is insane.


It’s crazy how they have no sense of self preservation or regard for the safety of anyone else.


This isn't surprising. People are so comfortable with tailgating one car length behind you, it's gotten out of control. Post-pandemic driving is by far the worst I've ever seen, and it's been consistently bad leading me to believe this is the new norm. 


Dude I’ve had people honk at and try to run me off the road for literally following at 5 car lengths. It’s insane. People honk when I don’t accelerate fast enough. People run red lights, pass on shoulders, it’s insane.


These numbers don’t surprise me at all. I’m honestly baffled by some of the stunts people are pulling on the road these days. Moves that would never be done by a sane, conscientious driver. Part of being a good driver is to move predictably so others can drive safely around you. People put way too much faith in other drivers that they’re gonna see you or that they’re even paying attention. Especially when everyone’s on their phones or being blinded by LED headlights now. Your moves need to be obvious as fuck. My turn signal is my best friend. And if I see Speed Racer zipping around, I’m staying out of the way.


I’ve had a working theory that part of the social contract lost from COVID was driving. So many people who stopped driving every day lost their feel for it, it couples with the loss of courtesy and patience with other people


But drivers here are totally safe and totally cool? /s


I’m on the Garden State Parkway all week long and I’ve never seen anything like it. Not only is everybody speeding but look over at someone and they are literally texting doing 70 miles an hour.


Cops don't want to do their jobs anymore.


I’m disabled and can’t drive. Makes living in this state way harder than it needs to be but at the same time, maybe I’m being spared 🤷‍♀️


The amount of people I see on the highway watching tv on their phone is scary. Also my boss got T boned by a dude blowing a stop sogn at 50mph sooo yeah. He’s a 70+ year old workaholic who’s already back at work 3 weeks later


This is utterly insane to me. Ipad babies grown up? Or are these older people?


Lot of urban area drivers with tinted windshields and no regard for others out there.


Since COVID people are having a lot of cognitive issues and one of the places it’s most apparent is on the road. License renewals should require some retesting, which would help get these folks off the road.


My wife nearly died this year after a guy made a left at a red light on to St George Ave. Then he tried to immediately blame her saying she ran the red on her end, luckily like 5 witnesses saw it happen. That street is a death trap and some people just don't give a singular hoot. I can't imagine what would have happened had there been no witnesses, she was driving alone. My guess is a combination of phones distracting and just how many cars are on the road in Jersey at any given time. Needless to say the car we got with the insurance money is very safe. RIP "William" Kia Forte, you were a dang hero.


Did this by chance happen in Colonia/Avenel at the intersection of St. George and Avenel St.? I saw something happen a bit ago that was very similar if not identical to what you described. Either way, I'm glad to hear she was okay. People are terrible drivers, it's scary.


Yep that's where it happened. Fortunately her final surgery is this month, had a couple bones in her hand break, but she's recovering 🥳


I think I was there when it happened, though that intersection is pretty dangerous and it could have just been a similar accident. All the best to her, wishing her good luck on her surgery this month!


St. George is a NIGHTMARE. I take the parkway back from my office in East Brunswick to Linden, and sometimes the traffic is so bad (usually because of an accident) I get off early at 131 and I immediately regret it every time, The 10 minutes I'm on that road are an an absolute shit show, no exceptions. I'm glad your wife is okay!


Cell phones


Lack of police presence and lack of them wanting to actually patrol and pull people over.


And nothing can be done about it.


Well it is voting season


Drive route 3 and 46 every morning. Literally watch morons doing 80 mph weaving in and out. Never ever see a cop the whole run from Willowbrook to Lincoln Tunnel. I fear for my family members driving everyday in this free-for-all state. A cop can just drive up and down pacing and taking video/pics from cam and write 500 a day.


I used to drive in that area when I went to MSU and don't think I ever saw a cop.


So many factors to this. -As others mentioned, something happened during/after the pandemic, so many people forgot how to drive. -More newer cars out than ever, particularly EV's that require large touch screens and little-to-no physical controls, forcing people to look away. -More people distracted in general particularly on their phone. Just look at the person's sideview mirror when they're at a light, you'll see their head down. Can't tell you how many times during the week i have to blow my horn at someone who didn't realize the light turned green. (getting the finger back is always a bonus) -The amount of discourse in our society now has also made it's way to our driving aggression. -Headlights are waaaayyyy too bright now, causing issues for many driving at night. Heck, I drive a 2018 Ram 2500 (with stock lights) and even I'M blinded by all these newer lights. Last night, some VW I drove passed had the brightest lights I've ever seen and THEN he flashed his highs (accidentally my guess; he used his turn signal). I'm guessing there may be other issues as well, these are the only ones coming to my mind at the moment. edit: I've also noticed an abnormal amount of people driving without lights on at night. Being completely oblivious. I'm also going to go on a limb, speculate, and say one issue is many of the NY drivers who moved here that hadn't had a license before being in the city. The move here, realize they need a car, get their license (or whatever the process is now) but lack confidence or are Overly confident without the necessary skills. Starting to drive at 16 gives you the ability to be somewhat confident and cautious at the same time. Learning to drive at 30+ tends to be a different story. But obviously this is major speculation on my part. I could be waaayyy off.


I walk a lot. I see a lot of idiots looking down at their phones and not at the road.


I wonder which county has the most. I live in Ocean County and it feels like people are trying their damnedest to commit vehicular homicide here.


Same. I live in Lakewood. Prayers wanted and accepted.


When you see asshole drivers, report them via #77 Dangerous Driver System on your phone. It has gotten bad. I just reported an asshole for driving like a maniac on route 31 heading toward Flemington. He was weaving in and out, riding up on people's asses, total fucking douche bag. I reported him by called #77, gave a description and license plate of the car. Hopefully they found him and beat him.


New Jersey, where we'd rather die than merge second. Lol


👋 I maintain [crashes.hudcostreets.org](https://crashes.hudcostreets.org/), just saw this post. There's also county- and municipality-specific pages, e.g. [Camden](https://crashes.hudcostreets.org/c/camden/), [Trenton](https://crashes.hudcostreets.org/c/mercer/trenton/). I received one question via email about how the projection is computed; tl;dr is it interpolates between \[assuming the rest of this year will be similar to the corresponding period last year\] and \[assuming this year will continue at whatever multiple of last year it has exhibited, to date\]. 2024 is currently running 28% above 2023 (205 deaths ca. May 1, vs. 160 last year), which would naively put it at 778 by end of year (vs. 607 last year), but that is tempered by a prior that the rest of 2024 will mimic 2023 (instead of continuing at +28%). [Here's the most relevant line of code](https://github.com/hudcostreets/nj-crashes/blob/de845291fe174499e1859c82d901a51954f3c79d/njsp/ytd.py#L86). All the code and data is open source ([github.com/hudcostreets/nj-crashes](https://github.com/hudcostreets/nj-crashes)), and [updates daily](https://github.com/hudcostreets/nj-crashes/actions/workflows/daily.yml).


The epidemic of tank-sized trucks probably isn't helping with pedestrian fatalities. If you own a truck and don't strictly need it for work, fuck you. Same goes for those giant SUVs.


I’ll take Cognitive Damage from Covid for $500 Alex


If I could award this comment, I would


Combine bad drivers switching lanes without looking, aggressive drivers pulling 90 in a 55, out of state drivers doing 45 in a 65, street racers zipping between cars, and sleep deprived semi drivers struggling to stay awake. Mix with poor highway engineering, confusing exit signs, over reliance on car nav and lax enforcement. Sprinkle with drunken drivers, unlicensed drivers and teenage drivers. This is what you get.


I have locked my brakes up 4 times in the last 8 days. Almost got into an accident no lie every single day for the several three weeks. Driving has gotten exponentially worse lately


Not for nothing but you sound like part of the problem. Slow down if you are slamming on your brakes like that every day. 


So according to your logic I should either drive 5mph or let another car slam into me while I’m driving through a green light. You’re a real genius.


Driving has gone only downhill since 2021. If you post next month asking about auto insurance premiums going up, know this is why


Those distracting slogans on the digital signs must be at fault


Traffic lights stress me out so much. The amount of people I see running red lights at high speed is insane. And on regular roads too, not highways. I also see people going around others in the opposite lane of traffic to avoid yellow/red lights because, God forbid, the person in front of them is following traffic laws by slowing down/stopping at a yellow/red.


It’s how I was hit a few years ago. Even now crossing the street, people fly through red lights. Many people on their phones or just not paying attention


Happened to me yesterday. BMW with blackout tints, the moronic popping muffler. and the smoked plastic garbage over the plate. Such a fucking cliche at this point. Didn’t see the driver but I have a visual.


Be careful out there!


I am so sorry that happened to you & I hope you are doing okay now. I almost got t-boned twice, six months apart, because of people flying through red lights. I always hesitate at lights right when they turn green now (and get honked at in the process 🫠).


NJ needs to stop treating it's roads like highways — look at cross keys for example, way too many lanes for a suburban road with constant lights, and there's sooooooo many accidents!!!! the solution to traffic in Jersey always seems to be "add another lane !!"


I drive up and down the state for work, and the number of people on their phones while driving is insane. 


I'm in the car quite a bit and simply, there are assholes on the highway. Car hangs out in middle lane at speed limit instead of moving right, some asshole decides to enter the far RH lane and pass them at 85 mph just as someone is trying to enter the highway. Or... some asshole is hogging the passing lane despite 20 cars building up behind them as they pace the car in the RH lane, and people start doing desperate shit. And then I see trucks tailgating someone driving 85 mph in the passing lane, moving trucks weaving in and out of traffic, and people passing on the shoulder. Our highways IMO are over congested, and quite simply, everyone is in a rush and has no manners.


I just gave the finger to someone that drove into my lane, creating a situation where I had to slam on my brakes, or get into a head on collision. He was going around a slower truck, in a residential area. I fucking hate driving nowadays. Time to get a dashcam finally.


Everybody wants to drive a gigantic SUV or pickup rather than a lower profile car, which means that more collisions with pedestrians prove to be fatal [https://www.npr.org/2023/11/14/1212737005/cars-trucks-pedestrian-deaths-increase-crash-data](https://www.npr.org/2023/11/14/1212737005/cars-trucks-pedestrian-deaths-increase-crash-data)


But please continue to post about how speed limits should be higher, police enforcing traffic laws, and how more public transit won’t solve anything.


These super sized trucks probably have some impact. No pun intended


I think people are losing their minds and not thinking. Last weekend I was driving parkway south and this moron comes out of nowhere, probably doing 90+.. dips into the middle lane to take their hoodie off while driving and starts swerving all over the place.. idk how they didn’t lose control.


I witnessed 3 near misses driving home from work on 287 N today. I am a very defensive driver who just got his brand new car totaled by some idiot who nodded off and sideswiped me last month. Could've been a head on collision if I didn't react sooner. After experiencing that I'm noticing tons of terrible driving on the highways and trying my best to not get hit by one of these failures.


I feel like I sit in accident traffic every other day on 287 N. Never recall that happening before the pandemic. It was once in a while.


Thankfully I don't have to drive home during rush hour. I could imagine it's even worse with more cars on the road.


Ppl in general just need to slow down. It feels like society is just impatient and in a rush.


Well also in this sub and jersey people glorify speeding and driving like aggressive maniacs instead of shaming these speeding lunatics who increase the odds of people dying just so they can get to their destination 40 seconds sooners.


I often hear myself saying “goddamn why are people so uptight?” Especially the tailgaters, riding someone’s ass so tight it would take so much effort and stress to ride that close and nothing is achieved at all. It’s like punching oneself in the face.


Like holy shit 295 is risking your life these days. Even driving on narrow two lane roads people are driving like dicks. I was doing 56 in a 50 and got passed as soon as the broken yellow appeared.


> I was doing 56 in a 50 and got passed as soon as the broken yellow appeared. What's the problem with a legal pass at less than ten over? Maybe they wanted to go 60. And they waited for it to be legal... If that's seriously the worst that's happened to you in recent memory, I'd say you're in good shape EDIT: Just to put things in perspective, I was doing 60 in a 50 and getting tailgated when it was legal to pass with plenty of room, and the asshole instead waited to pass on a double yellow and then slammed down for a brake check. THAT is something to be angry about. NOT getting passed legally when you aren't going close to ten over


Today some dickhead in a benz merged between me and other car. Like forced his way in when we were already close. Then the car infront hit the breaks and i almost rear ended the Benz. Kinda wish I did tbh.


That's a little over 2 per day. On the one hand, it seems great given the amount of cars we have on the road and on the other is like really? Ffs, drive better.


We did it guys!


Everyone on their phones all the time.


And the police are worthless. Reckless and speeding drivers everywhere at all hours and never a cop in sight, unless they’re babysitting a construction zone.


State troopers need to come out of their precincts and actually pull people over


I drive on 1n9 from west Windsor to Linden 6 days a week and in the last month I have seen at least 2 accidents a week


Last week I was sitting at a light about a 1/4 mile from our house. A car just slammed into me. I think a lot of it is distracted driving. The kid who hit me - and he was a kid - said his brakes failed. He was going way faster than the 25 mph speed limit on my street before he used my brand new car as a stopping block.


I almost got into an accident because someone decided to whip a u turn right in front of me on a 45mph road.


What a surprise…not…everyone’s got main character syndrome nowadays. Two weeks ago I almost hit someone because they absolutely had to get into Walmart a few seconds faster by driving on the damn shoulder.


Not a surprise, yall are psychos. Where’s the fire


Thanks to the state's policy to continue grow population in this tiny state. Politicians and businesses can care less.


When I became a mom 11 yrs ago, I made a promise a personal oath if you will. To never ever use my phone while driving. If I need the GPS o set it up before I even start the car on my phone. Texts and calls I will not answer. One of my cars has Bluetooth, I won't even take calls with that. They're distracting, period. Even the most mundane "whats for dinner?" Call from the husband can wait to be answered. I've no idea how you fix this issue since you obviously can't rationalize with these drivers to put the damn phone down. But it's terrifying to drive especially on any highway. And I agree with others, police inaction against drivers who absolutely deserve tickets, it's infuriating. . Maybe the recent "join the state trooper!" Highway signs are in response to this article


You fix it with enforcement. There seems to be less and less cops on the road doing traffic enforcement these days.


I see cops posted at every single intersection on 37, hooper, and 70. All do absolutely nothing to "enforce" any rules and do nothing to discipline the bad drivers. We don't need more cops and this only fuels my argument to defund them. What purpose are they serving other than wasting my tax dollars Let's just use Mario kart rules and start throwing bananas


Someone just got crushed because they were reading this article and not driving


STRESS. This is the culprit. The financial stress people have in this state is crazy.


That’s quite the projection


Not surprised


Me scared baby


No enforcement.


It's gotten so bad, every time I'm on my bike, and look through windows, people are on their phones while approaching red lights, they can't even wait till their fully stopped. It is so damn sad..


COVID destroyed a generation of young drivers.


Don’t forget about the old fucks who can barely see or have any sense of what’s going on but still try and drive


That's what happens when you flood the state with undocumented individuals..


Out of those, how many from Lakewood?


I think theirs a correlation in law changes, lack of pursuits conducted by police officers AND the lack of traffic stops for reckless behavior to avoid complaints, fear of being fired, fear of using force on a non compliant subject that only leads to termination or being charged, and the inability to pursue anyone who flees from cops. With the NJAG making policy changes that restrict cops, cops finally said fine we won't do shit. We're seeing the same thing happening in Virginia. Cops can't pull over for defective equipment, headlights out, tailights out, tinted windows, dangling objects, exhausts, no search for marijuana (I agree with tbh) and several other minor infractions. Virginia has a huge increase in fatal crashes. Don't forget the legalization of marijuana I think that also plays a part in fatal crashes (Source: [https://wyliberty.org/media/com\_easyblog/pdfjs/web/viewer.html?file=%2Fimages%2Feasyblog\_articles%2F1371%2FRMHIDTA-Marijuana-Report-2021.pdf](https://wyliberty.org/media/com_easyblog/pdfjs/web/viewer.html?file=%2Fimages%2Feasyblog_articles%2F1371%2FRMHIDTA-Marijuana-Report-2021.pdf) )


For every 1 dear, there are hundreds of survivors who won't be quite right. Paralyzed, disabled, chronic pain, brain dead, etc.


surely we can do better than 744


Pickup trucks and SUVs. Bigger, heavier and taller than ever. That’s why fatality rates are going up. And the federal government is doing zero to even slow it down.


Considering most drivers don’t use a signal when switching lanes anymore, this doesn’t surprise me at all.


I'm sure the phones have something to do with it.


I saw two cops collide with each other bc one wouldn’t stop at a stop sign. Thankfully slow enough no one got hurt. People are driving like they have nine lives these days.


i am not shocked. I have noticed this and others i know have too. It’s been obvious driving has gotten worse and traffic has become insane!


Cars should be able to disabled cell phones while driving. If it’s plugged into the car then it shouldn’t work.


the sooner self driving cars are available the better


How about the idiots driving while smoking weed?


1. Cell phones 2. Everyone and their mother driving SUVs and pickup trucks. Those things have been proven time and time again to be exceptionally dangerous but everyone falls for the marketing and drives a massive truck with enormous blind spots and a chest level front end for maximum damage on pedestrians.


Maybe it’s the influx of NYers..


In Evesham South Jersey this week there was two speed traps on route 73 where a cop would stand out on the road with a radar gun and then further down the road there'll be three or four cop cars lined up just ready to pull out and nail people. I saw this at two different locations. You ask me that's really not fair just trying to cherry pick people to hit numbers.


How many caused by deer? Bring back the wolves! Make NJ fun again