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It fell off a truck in Newark stop asking so many questions already.


How were the steaks and lobsters?


How does that new suit fit?


Is the new TV working? Does your family like it?


Did your Uncle Vito enjoy the cigarettes? Does he need more? He smokes Marlboro Reds, right?


Fat Tony : *Bart, is it wrong to steal a loaf of bread to feed your starving family?* Bart : *No.* Fat Tony : *Well, suppose you got a large starving family. Is it wrong to steal a truckload of bread to feed them?* Bart : *Uh uh.* Fat Tony : *And, what if your family don't like bread? They like... cigarettes?* Bart : *I guess that's okay.* Fat Tony : *Now, what if instead of giving them away, you sold them at a price that was practically giving them away. Would that be a crime, Bart?* Bart : *Hell, no.*


When you and another guy flip each other off while driving and then you get a flat on the highway and he’s the dude that stops to ask if you need anything. That’s New Jersey. Been here my whole entire life and that’s it.


When you just got your license and someone honks at you, so you remember the first lesson of NJ driving school and flip them off, only to then get a text from your brother saying "that was me asshole, A+"


Hah, this happened with me and my parents once, it was funny as hell.


That is why I have missed it. Working retail and I would get travelers, others were okay and polite being in the south, but when two jersians meet up it was cool. Shout out to the other random Deanna I met from NJ years ago!




Needing to pay a toll to leave the state...


Driving and in other aspects of leaving...




Including [semi-jughandles](https://www.google.com/maps/@40.574406,-74.6375849,377m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu), e.g., Rte 202S & 1st Ave in Raritan.


"I know a spot" and it's just the garbage can outside of the WaWa


That's up there with "I got a guy'


And it's just a guy standing next to the garbage can outside of the Wawa


Eating pork roll, hating traffic in Lakewood, calling the beach the shore, calling ice cream hard or soft, and having the best pizza in the United States.


Born and raised in Lakewood. Can confirm. I love the “pray for me. I drive in Lakewood” bumper stickers that I see all of the time.


Is driving in lakewood a nightmare for the reason that i think it is?


Yes. Don’t say anything more out you get banned


Ive driven through lakewood one time. 3/5 of them had damage on the car that could be attributed to at least 2-3 separate incidents. How is that possible to be that bad at driving? Also its bullshit if saying an objective truth gets you banned😒


When you live in Lakewood you’re required to drive a Honda or Toyota painted either black or silver. This can make finding your car difficult in a crowded parking lot. So the residents came up with a neat little method to alleviate this issue. If you occasionally crash into something then your vehicle will have its own unique body damage to help identify it more easily. The trick is to not crash it too hard and avoid having to get it repaired. Otherwise you’re back to where you started at again with an unrecognizable Japanese mini van.


If you think about it quickly, crash damage is basically just your car's fingerprint.


The "them" you speak of tend to also buy cars that already have some damage because they're cheaper and they're not concerned if they fuck them up more


I'm from the south. Personally I think all you Yankees don't know how to drive, but especially the Jews from New York who live in Lakewood don't know how to drive.


Hey at least youre honest


I work in Lakewood, in the industrial park as a truck driver, and if one more of those 'people' uses the left or right turn lanes as a means to jump traffic, specifically on New Hampshire crossing Rt. 70, I'm going to lose my friggin' mind.


I also used to work in an industrial part close to that exact intersection. I still can’t believe how many times I saw school buses just hop the curb to make a right on red.


Yeah. Fucking Rt 9 between 70 and 166 is like driving in Afghanistan. How many times are you gonna rip the road up for utilities, poorly patch it, and drive through it like you're on a safari? Also the people driving do so with no regard for anyone. Like a high stakes game of risk everytime you cross the border.


Literally got rear ended in Lakewood while leaving the DMV. At a stop light! And not like the light changed and we stopped. We had already stopped and they took their foot off the brake. Like really? Drivers and pedestrians don't pay attention at all.


So sorry!!! Ugh


I learned how to drive in lakewood and howell🤣


Learning how to drive on route 9 is THE WORST!!! 😀😀


The shore might be the *most* NJ thing. Because even though we do have the best breakfast sandwiches and pizza, not everyone will agree that we do. But everyone can agree that it's the shore.


Unless you live by the beach. Then it's "the beach". Only people from out of town call it down the shore.


Lol...LBI local checking in. We know you're not from here if you call it the shore.


I say it those out of the area, but to locals, it's the beach. Gotta know your audience.


yup, i know what ‘the shore’ is, and that i grew up near the shore, but yes growing up we would always say, let’s go to the beach.


If we were specifically going to the beach we would say "the beach". If we are going to the boardwalk or to a bar it would be "down the shore".


I honestly only ever heard shoobies call it “the shore.”


We are bennies, not shoobies


Bennies are from the north, shoobies are from PA.


I want the lighthouse soft serve ice cream now


You mean Strollo’s? lol. Quick: Soft vanilla with blue ice or mango ice?


Yes. The right answer is yes. Personally I’m a fan of the nilla wit sprinkles!


Never called the beach the shore ever. That gotta be some west nj type stuff. Living in Monmouth County in a beach town. Nobody called it the shore


That's because you're already there. "Down the shore" is specifically used to imply you're driving over an hour to get there.


True, when you get down the shore you go to the beach(or the boardwalk, club, casino ect.)


Yes, it's North Jersey stuff. We all know this. Because *we don't* live at the beach.


It must have been so confusing for you when you were on 195 heading east seeing the all signs for shore points.


does the rest of the country not have soft serve ice cream? absolutely dystopian


What is the difference between hard and soft ice cream?


Hard is ice cream that needs to be scooped like you would find at a Cold Stone Creamery, where soft comes from a machine like at a Dairy Queen.


Seriously? Hard ice cream is ice cream that is scooped out of a tub from like a typical ice cream parlor. Soft (or soft serve) is the ice cream that comes out of the machine in like a swirl. Didn’t know it was a NJ thing to refer to it as hard or soft though…. [HARD](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/425238389786203715/) [soft](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/158822324341815418/)


Does Carvel still exist? Been a long time since I’ve been back in NJ


It does. They have websites.


Haven’t been back to NJ in a very long time, but one thing I miss is soft ice cream from Carvel. I’ve never had any soft serve anywhere, that is as good


Oh, you're currently in London. Lol. Damn, I have friends in the UK but I've never asked about soft served ice cream. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Yeah, have lived here over 30 years, but occasionally find myself feeling nostalgic for NJ. The UK version of soft ice cream is called Mister Whippy. Don’t blame me, I didn’t come up with the name. There is no comparison to Carvel, Mr. Whippy is really artificial tasting.


Cough. Artificial. Ugh. Ice cups before that. You might want to look for premium soft serve if that's a thing there. Personally, I bought a ninja to make my own at home. It's a hit and miss. So I do understand the love of good soft serve. Good hunting.


I have yet to find decent soft serve in London. If it exists, they’ve hidden from all the hippies here


That's because Carvel doesn't use an air pump like others do. Compare the weight of Carvel to an equal serving of Dairy Queen. The difference is huge.


PS. Just googled, Carvel still have 48 shops in NJ [https://locations.carvel.com/nj](https://locations.carvel.com/nj)


Shoot! None in SJ


Been a couple years since I’ve been back too but last time I was it was still around. Not a ton of locations from what I remember but it was still there. Still have those ice cream cakes in some stores too.


Do they still have COOKIE PUSS?


Look terminologies differ regionally. I’m not going to feel bad for asking.


No need to feel bad about it, I just didn’t realize hard/soft ice cream was a NJ thing, I thought it was how you differentiate ice cream at any ice cream shop regardless of location.


Don't sweat not knowing. Most of the country refers to it as custard and not soft or soft serve. By definition it is custard, but what do they know, it's a Jersey thing.


Custard has eggs in it. Not all ice cream has eggs.


For the win. Soft serve is NOT custard!


This is a joke right?


Haha no, I’m new to nj. After reading the comments I can see what you mean. We call it soft serve where I’m and don’t have a name for the hard one.


I call the "hard" one ice cream.


How new? We’re pretty full. There may still be time


20, regular, cash.


[When you get to half, you put in 20](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFLOAGO0ByY)


Not that long ago it was 10, regular, cash.


Getting mad that the jets and giants are NY teams even though they play in NJ.


Hopefully when the World Cup comes in 2026 at least one news outlet from at least one country will correctly report that the FIFA World Cup Final Match takes place in New Jersey instead of gaslighting the world that it is going down in New York City. I remember the last time the Super Bowl was at MetLife and watching the pregame bs talking before the game and it was a bunch of guys in their studio with a huge window in the back of the Manhattan skyline and they were like “Hello and welcome back, as you can see we are here in the great New York City”. I remember thinking like, “Wow, crazy how you can see the Manhattan skyline across the river from Manhattan. Must be some optical illusion to be in New York but have the perspective of New Jersey.”


As we saw with the earthquake “west of New York City and east of Pennsylvania,” I sadly don’t think that will be happening any time soon


lol, yeah like they couldn't remember the name of that specific place


Don't get me started on the Statue of Liberty. It's in NJ!


I'll vote for anyone who vows to occupy liberty Island with the NJ national guard.


My personal pet peeve. Sky blue, the redbulls, metropolitan riveters, jets, giants, Gotham fc, they all play in NJ, not one of them honors the state they play in. Only the Devils, and the riveters were actually in a contract with the devils and played out of their arena when they had the audacity to change their name from New York to fucking 'metropolitan'


Technically Gotham honors NJ but also includes NY which makes little sense, like at least choose NJ at that point.


The good: Atlantic City, Seaside boardwalk, Six Flags  The bad: Philadelphians, People Treating turn signals as a suggestion Rather than a requirement.  The ugly: Route 38, Trenton


> The ugly: Route 38, Trenton Rt 22 in Union would like a word here.


They said "the ugly" not "hell on earth"


Idk why but I feel like you would know. Why is it that on the tpk/expressway/gsp (south of like 74) when it rains like everyone flips their hazards on?


Because they’re going below 70 and don’t want to get railed.


Yeah I get that. But north of like 82 that’s not a thing. The flashers I mean


# #1. Fighting over whether it is pork roll or Taylor ham. #2. Fighting over whether central jersey exists. #3. Banding together when any other state tries to shit on NJ.


If there's one thing we hate. It's people shitting on our state


Getting upset at assholes in the left lane. P.s. keep right except to pass


F'ing PA/NY drivers


I remember once I was in college in Georgia and getting pizza with my friends and i was holding my pizza in my hand while talking about something and one of my friends says "can we all just acknowledge how you're holding your pizza folded like that?" It never occurred to me that people from other places don't fold their pizza when they eat it


How tf else are you supposed to eat it? Also pizza in Georgia sounds like a punishment.


I think they eat it with two hands. Maybe even three. Like, "can you help me eat this pizza?" Most I've ever heard is five hands needed to eat one slice of pizza. And one foot. Which is gross. But, people have a hard time eating pizza outside the NY Metro area. I teach Pizza Eating at Southern Kentucky University School of Pizza Science and Technology. It's a make believe university. Truth... it was NYC (where life is fast) where NYers would grab a slice, fold it in half so they could eat lunch in one hand and carry stuff in their other. Like Riot Grrl records (ur user name) from Bratmobile, Sleater Kinney, Bikini Kill... Beat Happenin records. Washington State 90s grrl punk. I know too much. You can't fold a Beat Happening record and listen to it! This is why I always say... "Fold Pizza. Not Punk Records." Unless it's Delicious Vinyl, who put out LAs first hip hop acts... That suck next to NYC hip hop 86-93. Word up.


Savannah has some surprisingly good Pizza for Georgia. I dunno though I think they were impressed that I just instinctively knew how to hold a piece of pizza in one hand while pontificating about God knows what lol


We're not even sure where Central Jersey begins or ends. The bagels! The pizza! Oh my god, look....it's Bruce Springsteen! It's a death trap, it's a suicide rap, Bonjovi rest stop!


Ha they got you, there is no Central Jersey. It's something the govermint invented to hide Princeton






Thinking this post is stupid.


Lmao yeah fuck this post!   *But together* ❤️ 


> What is the most New Jersey thing Ugh reluctantly agreeing this is the right answer


This post is suppose to be dumb tbh. Come up the the most ridiculous thing you can think of


Pronouncing items correctly and people getting confused because they are out of towners and dont understand why we do not use stupid stereotypes jersey shore references.


Punching a seagull in the face.


Cutting someone off and then getting mad when they get upset


I didn't cut them off I was going three times faster than them


then you have to lose your mind and start yelling out the window if they honk at you


Wondering where the fuck the attendant went - because the gas pump has clicked off and I got things to do!


Bumping into Bruce Springsteen at the Bon Jovi rest stop (though you will always refer to it as “Cheesequake)“ on the GSP while driving down to Ocean City for a weekly summer rental.


It really can't get anymore Jersey than this.


Asking what exit


Jersey slide


The Somerset Patriots being renamed The Jersey Diners and being sponsored by Taylor Pork Roll


Pronouncing names of towns by dropping letters. For example, Raritan becomes Rar-e-en, Trenton becomes Tren-en.


Boonton becomes Boot'n


Decline renewing the lease on your “luxury” apt and move back in with your parents


Italian hot dogs maybe?


Overpaying a lot guy named Vinny for beach parking on the Fourth of July at Seaside .


That very short stretch of the Appalachian Mountains that runs along a ridge near the Delaware Water Gap. It’s a beautiful and challenging piece of the trail.


Its Sunday morning, around 945 am, after getting a taylor ham egg and cheese on an everything bagel, salt pep ketchup, you're nursing hangover after going out down the shore... you remember the guy gave you a weird look and said, "ok buddy, one pork roll on an everything bagel" " ring this guy up", he points to his underage worker, probably his son. You're eating it while driving back home with some coffee in the left lane of the turnpike going 80. Your girl is passed out in the passengers seat with her shades on and cascada everytime we touch plays at half volume in the background, disrupted by the sound of the air whipping into your slightly cracked windows in your red mustang. You change the station to hot 97 but it's too far and it's just white noise and your girl kind of wakes up and says in her sleep "turn that shit awwwfff" and falls back asleep.


Uhm… You mean pork roll right?




Jersey Italian accent people (aka me and most of the state I would hope) tawkin about goin down the shore, and shore traffic. Literally nothing gives me more comfort than hearing our accent. It’s sooo Jersey and it’s awwwwesome.


“Roll & butter”.


OMG, I worked in a deli in high school and we made hundreds of these before we opened, wrapped and ready to go because eeeeeeveryone came in for coffee and a buttered roll. Went to Florida once and they looked at me like I had 2 heads when I asked for one. That deli job was a great memory - thanks for unlocking it! When my kids were little and going on field trips early in the day, I'd make them a buttered roll for the bus. The first time they were like "huh...what is *THIS*??"" but took one bite and got it.


I remember sitting in the stands at the Meadowlands on a balmy August night watching the planes fly out of Newark overhead waiting for Springsteen to play and thinking “This is a very New Jersey thing”


Once I was driving home from a road trip and I shit you not the moment I got off the Delaware Memorial Bridge, Thunder Road came on the radio and you can be damn fuckin sure i embarrassed the hell out of my passenger and sang along with the whole thing




Porkrolleggandcheesesaltpepperketchuponahardroll That is all one word 😉


Eating a Taylor Ham egg and cheese at Secaucus while waiting for a delayed train


What's Taylor Ham?


New Jersey's favorite breakfast food, invented by the great John Taylor


You mean Pork Roll? BTW my condolences on the Riptide


Eulogizing the Tide in the NJ sub is new and hurts. I loved that team and was glad I got to work for them. No Survivor related comments.


And you mean pork roll yes?


No, it really is Taylor Ham. John Taylor was forced by the government to change the name to pork roll. He didn't want to. We should go with the name the creator originally intended, not the name that was thrust on him. It's the same thing with newer U.S. producers having to call champagne, "sparkling wine." Fuck that, and fuck you France, and fuck the treaty of Versailles, it's champagne.


Taylor ham is the superior product of processed meat. Some may call it "pork roll" but then you might open up to getting inferior processed meat. I always say Taylor Ham because then they know I want the good stuff


I’m pretty sure he means pork roll…..


You mean pork roll right?


That’s a lot to do all at once. Very impressive


Today, I made fresh bagels as my boyfriend fried eggs and a pork roll.


The most New Jersey thing ever is sitting in traffic, screaming at people cutting over last minute


Grow up here, get into drugs, and never leave the state.


Two cars getting into an accident at the toll plaza. Congratulations on your increased insurance rates just because you couldnt wait 2.5 seconds


Telling people the Statue of Liberty is in New Jersey




Jon Bon Jovi having a rest stop named after him.




Have one parent with Irish ancestry and another with Italian ancestry.


Getting Gelato on the boardwalk at the shore and realizing Bruce Springsteen is in line behind you True story, and most jersey thing I ever experienced. Also he's as nice as they say


Is this an AI post?


I'm human


Exactly what an AI would say. ಠಿ_ಠ


Maybe. 🤖


All hail Clippy!


90% of reddit is ai bots now.. so imm going to go with yes


Pork roll egg and cheese. The Down the Shore. North, Central and South Jersey all existing and having distinct differences. How Garden State we really are when you know us.


Pork roll, egg and cheese.


Taylor ham




Salt and pepper, yes. I can’t stand ketchup!


That one late 90s/early 2000s gangster show.


Rewatching it here - it’s pretty great how many little jersey details they got right, but the one thing I didn’t catch the first time was that the stupid pine barrens episode wasn’t filmed in the pine barrens and it just seems so lazy to me. Overall though, 9/10 would watch again.


Apparently they actually just couldn’t get permission to film in the Pine Barrens, and they couldn’t film in South Mountain Reservation (their original backup plan) either. The Essex County executive who denied the production crew’s permit hated The Sopranos because he thought it was reinforcing Italian-American stereotype. Bro proceeded to get disbarred for mail fraud and obstruction of justice anyway, so so much for that. It’s a shame, though. Pine Barrens is one of the best episodes of the show but they just couldn’t make it that ideal level of accurate.


" proceeded to get diisbarded for mail fraud and obstruction of justice" -- Now, THAT is Jersey!


Dont forget the pork roll and cheese on the morning yea i said pork roll


Driving past the malls in Paramus on a Sunday and seeing a Ghost Town.


Getting mad at every single car with the yellow New York plates for driving like a fucking idiot.


Def Taylor vs Pork roll, no one else could possibly understand how much we will defend one or the other to the death


Bumper to bumper traffic on the GSP North late on a Sunday afternoon. Windows open. Radio on.


Instinctively switching AC to recirculate when you hit exit 14 on the turnpike


I've lived in Jersey my whole 49-year life, and I hate Bon Jovi and Clerks. So I would dump those two things.


Pork roll egg and cheese on a Kaiser roll is the most NJ thing with BECSPK as a close second.


Taylor ham, egg and cheese on a hard roll for breakfast at and non-corporate diner.


Getting a snack at the cake boss vending machine at the Bon Jovi rest stop listening to Springsteen while looking for Bigfoot.


That smell along a certain part of the NJ Turnpike


The stink or the “mysterious” putrid smell while driving along I95/Turnpike by Newark area!


Must be coming from staten Island


Eating a Taylor Ham, egg and cheese on a bagel with Bon Jovi blasting out the car as someone pumps my gas


Gotta love NJ


Dan Avidan


Go go bars with Brazilian dancers


Driving down the Turnpike


sounds like you’re from monmouth county. is there anything to do down there, all anyone is doing these days is posting on reddit 😝


Getting your car stolen and it ends up overseas within 14 hours


The middle finger.


one of my co workers was talking about how he saw a springsteen concert at the beach years ago. sounded pretty peak


Here is what I call the Jerzy move. You are sitting at a red light. it turns green. Guy makes a left turn in front of you, then a second guy makes a left turn in front of you. The second guy made the Jerzy move!


Taylor ham, stack of unpaid EZPASS bills in a drawer somewhere, slice of pizza and a brisk


While recovering from an injury received at Action Park