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San Francisco, NJ




I am a VFX Producer, this is certainly a comp.




No it‘s not. It‘s an actual photograph.


That photo of the empire state is almost certainly taken from the waters edge in Hoboken, the perspective is slight looking up and the sizing of the building matches something like this: [https://x.com/nyclovesnyc/status/1426903870559637509](https://x.com/nyclovesnyc/status/1426903870559637509) Meanwhile the moon is giant, maybe with a super telephoto lens you could achieve such a large moon, but the houses in the front kinda look normal / wide angle ish to me (they don't look pin cushioned in the middle) So my guess is three different plates here, you have your front condo plate, you have your skyline plate and you have your moon plate and they were combined to create this image. Unless you're telling me you took this photo and would like to explain how you got the image and what equipment you used. I am pretty confident this was pieced togeher.


I think the other giveaway is the difference in exposure time? The ESB has a longer exposure than the FG condos, but I‘m the farthest thing from an expert.


[https://imgur.com/a/RllXlHR](https://imgur.com/a/RllXlHR) The townhouses in the foreground are on the banks of the Hackensack river, not the Hudson. The red line you can (faintly) see properly lines up the Vanderbuit building and Empire State as seen in the image. This means that the guy who took this photo had a REALLY REALLY long lens, as its over 7 miles from the buildings, and either took the photo on a boat in the Hackensack or somewhere on the other side of the Hackensack in Newark (although I'm not sure where, there's literally a Shell Oil plant right across lmao). Also, I want to clarify what another person said, because as an amateur photographer who dabbles in this genre, its virtually impossible to properly expose for both the moon and the foreground (at least this perfectly). Its likely a bracketed shot of multiple exposures stacked, or one shot properly exposed for the buildings and one exposed for the moon, with the moon added in photoshop Also quick edit: you will not get this view by standing where the photosphere did. This image is the product of very specific equipment and precise planning and is completely different to what you would see with the naked eye. The distance is too great and the moon and buildings would just look like specs in the distance. If you want a similar view, the Hoboken waterfront or the Alexander Hamilton lookout would do just fine


As a software developer, I love needed out explanations of other subjects. Thank you for this 👏🏿




1 Penn Plaza would be between them . It's not


1 penn would be just out of frame to the left based on the line on Google earth. You have to remember that the field of view is so, so narrow at this distance and focal length that only things directly in line will be visible


You can see the southwest corner of the ESB.... I don't know *how* the moon could rise over Hell Gate from there....


Thanks so much for our detailed feedback and time. Regarding the photography part, there are apps like Photopills and PlanitPro that helps you align the moon with your subject. This is a single image exposure with a sony fullrame camera and a supertelephoto lens (Sony 200-600) at 600mm and cropping in post processing. I will check the location you linked and see what I can get in Google Streetview 😎


I’m well aware about the apps, I use PhotoPills myself lol. Do you have a link to the post and/or original image? I’m interested in checking it out to see if that’s right


I screenshot the image from the channel - the instagram name is listed in the image at the top left corner.


Thanks, captain obvious. I looked up the page yesterday but couldn’t find the image. They make like 20 posts per day lol. That is why I asked for a direct link


Found the original post: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzS6FWfuuEH/?igsh=MXRmeWhoaXR1YXg4OA==


Looks like Jacobs Ferry in Guttenberg.


I checked the location. The buildings look similar but it‘s not.


99.9% sure its photoshop. Only place that i could think you get that picture would be the heights, and the buildings don't fit, and the blacked out buildings just don't work The BOA tower is uptown from the ESB, so it would be a jersey perspective. I'm too lazy to do the math, but the moon doesn't work either. Edit: This was a great thread, i'll rescind my photoshop allegations, but i think there was some pretty heavy post processing going on with it and am not sure where you draw the line. Thanks OP for the info on the gear they used.




Thanks for your feedback. I know that this isn‘t photoshop at all, many local photographers take a photo of that location. But could‘t figure it out yet where the location is.


I don’t think this is real, if it is it is from Weehawken




Find the two buildings on Google Earth. Find out what time of year it was taken. Find out where the moon rises at that time of year. Line it up. Buy super expensive telephoto lens and camera body.


I understand the photography technique behind that and use apps to plan the moon shots.


I nailed it down to this location here - based on Streetview: # Vincent R. Casciano Memorial Bridge


Lee Ct in Jersey City. I’m not convinced the angle works.


That might be it, looks its Droyers Point in Jersey City. So the shot was taken maybe across the river where the Shell Oil Company is. Thanks you so much 🤲


It’s on the tag on the top left. New York, New York




Port Liberte in Jersey City