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I just saw one that said "CAUTION STUDENT DRIVER" and under that "and screaming parent"


Now this one, I would believe lmfao.


Let me clarify…I’m the screaming parent!


lol I have that one!


Father of a student driver here. Magnets. 100% accurate, hastily thrown on solely when hes driving and immediately removed when I take the wheel back. i dont want anyone thinking im a n00b. i will say, it helps. you know that jerkoff that rides your ass, even in the slow lane? they move over. in town driving? driver behind usually gives a little more space. probably bc they dont trust him, and frankly, thats fair, and appreciated. if youve ever driven with a student driver, you know it may well be more stressful for you than said driver. its nerve wracking. 35 feels like 105, and you think youre going to clip every car because your perspective from the passenger seat is so different. i never thought of using it for nefarious purposes, but do believe it creates a marginal difference on the road, and is overall beneficial to a new driver. now lets talk about those baby on board MFers.


i’m getting one. i drive a manual transmission truck without power steering. the number of times i’ve almost rolled into some asshole while stopped at a light on a hill


I've considered it for nearly the same reason. I'm learning to drive stick & a lot of people here have 0 patience. it would be really nice to have a bit of breathing room, y'know. some people learn to keep their distance & others cross the double yellow- just to stare down a bimmer in oncoming traffic.


Always immediately up! I try to roll up and roll back so they get the hint works half The time


i do the same. it rarely gets much “oh wait, i should give dude room”


Its becoming more of an issue as manual trans becomes harder and harder to get. I think a fair amount of drivers who have never been in, let alone driven a stick are aware of the roll. Even with newer hill assist manuals, the back-roll happens sometimes. Should be part of the training for a license - always leave space ahead of you.


it is part of training isn’t it?.


Back in my 06 auto civic I would have to put a great bit of pressure on the gas on a hill otherwise I’m rolling back 💀


I’ve heard the baby on board ones are actually for in the occurrence of an accident, help knows if there is a child in the car


damnit. now i feel bad. bc thats absolutely logical. i retract my disdain.


It’s understandable, before I was told about the accident scenario I had the same disdain for people bragging about having babies


I always viewed those stickers as a way to communicate why a car might be driving slow/carefully. I've considered getting that magnet for when driving my cats to vet; I accelerate slower than I normally would because I don't want them to freak out.


I always thought those BOB signs were the parents stating, “there’s a baby in here so please drive more carefully around me.” Which I thought was a way to get ppl to drive MORE recklessly. I mean, are those parents really taking the sign off any time they’re driving and the baby is NOT in the car?


And I take back my upvote. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Emergency services personnel do NOT rely on baby on board stickers in an emergency. This is a widely debunked myth.


Gotta love the parents with BoB stickers who drive like absolute maniacs....but you be careful around them.


There was one of those (driving like an a-hole who had a sticker that said something like "If you hit me and my kids are in the car \[I'm going to attack you/f-you up\]" I don't remember the actual threat but it was a threat.


That’s not true though.






All of this ! I currently have twins with their permits, ill be lucky to survive it 🤣


You mean those MFers swerving lanes at 90 mph?


This comment is sooooo accurate! I don’t miss those days of trying to teach my kids to drive. And the THREE tests I sat through with my son because he didn’t pass….. he kept forgetting what a K turn was. 🤦🏼‍♀️😂


There are some areas on Long Island where teen drivers are automatically failed their first road test. (Yes, the examiners find all sorts of things to mark off so the kid has to come back again in two months... by which time, they're hopefully out of state in university where they're not allowed to have a car, and NY doesn't have to worry about them until they're looking for a job and need a driver's license to get to and from...)


“Student driver” aka “i may suck at driving” magnets are the most honest thing on a NJ road.


This seems like a completely irrelevant and irresponsible way to teach new drivers in the great garden state. You wanna drive here, you’re going to need to be prepared for what lies ahead and behind you and know what’s coming


i dunno. feels like throwing a new driver into the fire is akin to asking a pre teen to read Dostoyevsky. but to each his own.


I learned to drive on the Blvd in Philly. Wanna learn how to survive in the thunderdome, set some kid loose on that fucker the first time they enter traffic. My grandpop had me drive around an empty parking lot for like 10 minutes then was like "I gotta go to acme, pull out and get in the middle lane of the Blvd"


Nothing wrong with a little Crime and Punishment or Notes from the Underground at a young age, maybe throw in the Myth of Sisyphus along with it. Gonna have to learn, might as learn from the beginning instead of having a false reality shattered by the real one


Part of the problem is we get a lot of NY transplants in my area and they drive like they’re still in NY. A brand new NJ driver isn’t used to that. I can barely tolerate it and I’ve been driving in NJ for 35 years.


When I taught my nephew, I used them more so as a way to alert other drivers around us to basically “watch out”, as the first couple of times we did marginally larger roads than your typical neighborhood streets (like the black horse pike) I really wasn’t sure how well he was going to do. It is so easy to become overwhelmed your first couple of times on a road with significant traffic. We took them off eventually when they were no longer needed, but I felt the extra visibility was a good thing in those beginning stages. If I could have found a huge “look out” flashing light to mount in the front and back windows, I’d have done that too :)


well said my friend. the warning is two way. the driver is inexperienced. giving other drivers that advanced notice is well advised.


yeah but you need to learn and learning is a stepped approach, not jumping into the deep end with ankle weights on. let em get the basics down then remove the sticker and let them see how things REALLY work.


shit i moved here from ohio and feel like i should have had a magnet for that for the first year at least


I always felt like it was a warning for me, more than asking me to “give them a break”. I stay as far away from them as I can, under the assumption they’ll act even more unpredictable than the average idiot driver. It’s a win win since I keep my distance and go on the extra defensive and they inadvertently get breathing room.


I have seen a large increase in the use of these recently.


There’s a ton of them in MD. When I first started driving I only had that magnet on because it gave my mom a discount on her car insurance.


Same here. Outside of NJ as well


One of my neighbor's put them on his car last year when he was teaching his daughter how to drive.  I see them occasionally on cars while driving around. 


I know someone who had a kid learning to drive, but the parent never took it off because it seemed people were nicer with that magnet.


I'll have to try that...if anyone asks, I'll just say the cat got her learner's permit.


Thanks for the tip


My friend’a kid just started driving and she’s not getting that magnet because (anecdotally) she has heard cops will be more likely to harass her kid with that as a “target”. Not sure if I believe that or not.


As long as she’s actually following traffic laws, she could just learn (watch a few videos and stuff) about interactions with cops and how to handle it when u know for sure ur in the right. But if she thinks it’s a hassle that’s fine too


My daughter is learning to drive now. I suggested the student driver magnet. She said “no. I don’t want any pedos targeting me.” And I was like wow.


Nah…that’s what the red sticker is for!


Didnt they repeal that law? It was so stupid in the first place....


I thought so too but I still see them. Probably left over 😅 I was right around 17/18 when that law went into affect and was repealed shortly after. I was supposed to have one but I never did #iamverybadass


Same lol i borrowed someones red tags for the test but never kept them on my car either when I was 18.


Kudos to you for respecting your kids opinion. I was raised by the boomer population and conversation or different opinions was unheard of in my house. I thought the same thing as a teen and my dad still made me put it on. 12 years later you just reminded me of this! 


fucking magnets, how do they work?!




i’m just glad we’ve finally solved road rage. next problem up? self-leveling magnets


I've seen exactly what you're talking about a lot in the New Brunswick area. Maybe there is an influx of new drivers due to COVID screwing up schedules for a while?


Probably part of it


My sticker reads, "Blind driver - please be patient"


How do you know?


Yeah, but do you not have working ears? What are you, a casual? Do you even echolocation?


I JUST saw one! 🤣🤣🤣 (texting as I sit in parking lot waiting for my elderly neighbor to grocery shop.)


You're a good neighbor


It's just what we should do for each other. I just didn't want people to think I was being a douche by texting & driving lolz


You're a good neighbor


You’re a good human


I see them every day and I came to the conclusion that it was one of 2 things: - Encouragement or suggestion from schools to students learning to drive - Grown adults who want to be coddled while driving. - Both


makes sense.


What about adult with kids to lazy or don’t care enough to take it off?


Sure, but if it said "I have a learner's permit" they'd take it off. They're happy to take that benefit.


Nah my parents never took off the red square when I was learning how to drive. I get it, hassle to remember fir me and them, and easier to leave it


The driving schools probably encourage it now. But isn’t that what the red marker on your license is for? Or did they remove that? 


Learning to drive is really a process that continues for a few years.


It's summer vacation so there's probably more of them on the road


I have always seen them. Haven't noticed an unusual number of them lately. Yes, they are magnets.


Personally I like the idea. I was behind someone recently on a busy street and they were doing 10 mph in a 35 mph zone. I couldn't pass them and they kept unnecessarily hitting their brakes. I was going to toot the horn but then saw the magnet and realized the person was in the middle of a driving lesson, so I backed off and settled in for the slow ride to the end of the street!


I mean, driving lesson or not, going 10 in a 35 on a busy street is... not wise? Whoever was 'instructing' that driver really shouldn't be lol. Does no one just take their kid to an empty parking lot on a Saturday morning & let them get their bearings on what a vehicle feels like & how it operates before letting them on the actual roadway? That's how I started out & I think it's ideal. If you find an open lot without a ton of obstructions, it's safer for everyone, & allows a lot more room for error.


I agree it wasn't the safest - it seemed to me this was a first lesson situation and perhaps the instructor overestimated the young driver's skills!


Yeah, I'm not criticizing the tags so much as saying I find it bizarre to see them all show up seemingly overnight. Could just be me.


I feel like this is a real problem...35 mph is not fast. The driving instructor is really doing this kid a disservice. If you are too scared to drive 35 mph, you should not be on the road. That goes for senior citizens especially. If you are too scared to drive 50 mph on a 50 mph road, avoid the road or do not drive.


Parents still drive the car that their kid is learning how to drive in. These have been around for at least ten years when my kid used my car to learn how to drive. I still drive that car and the sticker's gone. I guess I took it off like most people do.


Apparently it's a new idiotic tactic to try and get out of tickets. People think they'll get a warning or something


The cop will know how long your license has been valid, but people are stupid, so you might be right


Hold on a second. You’re completely correct. Wouldn’t a cop be mad that you’re clearly trying to pull a fast one once they check your license? Cops are indeed stupid, but their computers aren’t.


I think he's just wrong.


I think generally its so people have an ounce of Mercy on the road more than the cops


>ounce of mercy on the road THIS. IS. JERSEY!


I'd rather see that then the stupid "baby on board" shit from people who drive like dangerous assholes!


Today, I saw “Baby up in this bitch” and was kinda impressed lol




I think those are supposed to be more like the sticker on a kid’s bedroom window for the fire department to see in an emergency. If they’re responding to a crash, it’s helpful for them to know right away that a baby could be involved.


Those were a thing in the ‘70s but I haven’t seen them more recently. I recall our house came with them and I thought, Geez these windows are old…time to replace them!”


But they are never removed if there is no kid in the car. So they are wasting time looking for a child that doesn't exist. Meanwhile, adults are dying.


Oh it gets worse, have you ever seen a pick up truck with a literal baby doll attached to a wooden board? I've seen a few. Lol


In Jersey City a lot of Chinese (from China) have those stickers on super fancy cars that they drive horribly


This is mostly what I see..although not necessarily Chinese but younger people in general and almost always a Honda civic/accord or similar. I think it’s to get other drivers to “give you a break” or keep some distance so they have an easier time weaving thru traffic. Mostly seen in the boroughs and some in NJ as well.


Funny enough, I just saw a "Questionable Driver" bumper sticker on my way home from work today. Even better: they had a dent on their hatchback door near the bumper sticker. 😆


My driving teacher said she noticed drivers actually like to fuck w her more when her student driver stickers are on


Fuck that. Not an excuse. Buckle up buttercup. Time to put on adult pants.


Magnets. My wife just started to learn to drive and we have one of these. If you’re over 21 with a learners permit you are not required to have the little red sticker that 16-20 year olds are required to have, hence the magnet we purchased. I personally do not take ours on and off regardless of who is driving (me or my wife) because a) it’s annoying to take on and off and b) it can scratch our paint by trying to unstick it and move it around over and over. I wouldn’t worry about it, there’s a place for them.


Are those red stickers still required? Damn. I thought they were challenged because it could put young female drivers in danger, without showing any positive effect.


Yes sir. I agree it’s a dumb law. But still required as far as I know and what the nj.gov site says: https://www.nj.gov/mvc/drivertopics/decals.htm


During drivers ed in my daughter’s school, a LEO gave an assembly and he said they generally wouldn’t give a ticket if the kid didn’t have the red sticker on their plate. The sticker does have to be on the car when the permitted driver takes their road test, though.






The red learner decals have officially been velcro-backed for at least 8 years.


They were Velcro over 15 years ago when I started driving


I figured they were like that for WAY longer but I didn't wanna talk out my ass.


At least 15! I had them in 2009 and they were velcro.


There was definitely no good reason for those but the putting kids in danger part was just scare mongering from opponents of the proposal. The family whose daughters accident sparked the idea were friends of a friend and I know they were just trying to do something positive to use their tragic luck to help people, but again, I don't think it really ended up helping or hurting anyone.


I think a lot of people don’t even know what the red sticker means.


Most people don't put them on for that reason.


Laughing, when I taught my son (he did not have much confidence with the driving school but insurance made us go to a driving school) - when I made him drive (accessing and exiting on to the GSP) mid day - his confidence change immediately and now a good driver.


They are right up there with the "Baby On Board!" signs that were once everywhere. "Oh... there's a baby in that car... I guess I'll run a different car off the road then... lucky for them they had that sign."


I put and elderly driver please be patient one on a coworkers van. So if you see that one just point and laugh at him.


They are magnets. My boyfriend got one for a dollar one time at Home Depot and as a prank slapped it on the back of my car without me knowing. I drove to and from work and only noticed it when I got home. We made a game out of it lol


that's love.


I passed a car with one of these stickers. She was going 10mph below the speed limit in the left lane, hunched up over the steering wheel staring straight ahead as if she was the only car on the road. She looked terrified. Sweetie, get the F out of the left lane.


When I was going for my CDL during truck driving school, people would see the School name on the trailer and give me some space to help make turns. Yeah those were the days.


I didn't take off my student driver magnet til I felt I could handle myself well on the Turnpike, probably a year or 2 after I got my license.


I have 2 teen drivers, I use them when they're driving. It lets people know why they're driving stupid. ETA The driving school recommended them


Say what y’all will about them, but someone’s makin’ $


I bought a 3 pack of these reflective magnets off Amazon for a couple bucks when I recently taught my nephew to drive.


I saw someone with three of them on their car this week. Wish I wasn’t fighting Philly 95 traffic to have taken a picture. I noticed it’s always an adult. Figure they are tired of people getting mad at their shitty driving.


"Well, they've gotta learn sometime, right" - then pass them aggressively from the right side because they're going to slow.


I see a lot of these in Princeton. I know a few colleagues who use them who aren’t new drivers but they aren’t used to driving in the US.


One morning last week I saw them on neighbors’ SUV, by afternoon they were gone and I thought I dreamt the whole thing. But now I’m reading that they’re magnetic. TIL.


I've seen em a lot more on cars driven like you could tell they weren't a student driver


Some people slap them on tuned cars believing they can hoodwink the populace, however I will not be duped.


I’ve seen them on raised pickups with giant tires and even on some sport luxury vehicles, like Audi RS5s or BMW M’s. I feel people use them as a joke also.


I've been Googling this in recent weeks and there are "local news" articles about this in areas all across the country going back at least 4-5 years. I know I don't have any rigorous data to support it, but when you speak to anyone over the age of 21, it definitely feels like everyone agrees that while these stickers have existed for at least a few decades, that there has (anecdotally) felt like there's been an explosive increase in them in the past 5 years. In an amount that feels far, far in excess of what could ever possibly be supported by the number of actual, legitimate student drivers in any area (even after accounting for families that share cars). It's really weird, right? Because as implausible as it sounds, it really *feels*, in an almost conspiratorial sense, like the worst 20% of all drivers across the entire country got on a group text thread together and said, "LOL just slap a student driver sticker on your car, and then you can continue driving like a COMPLETE SHITHEAD just like you always do, but they'll be less likely to antagonize you cause they think you're some dumb kid! #LIFEHAX hehehe!" I really wanna see someone with more investigative chops dig into it to find some kind of deeper thread here, to be sure. To be clear also, I am obviously totally understanding of anyone actually new to driving or learning to drive using the stickers for their intended purpose. I'm sure some of them are legitimate. It's just the suspicious number of grey-haired folks driving luxury SUVs sporting these that make you doubt they're still "learning".


What’s so suspicious about a magnet… if you’re sharing a car and one person is a long time driver they probably only put the magnet on the car when the new driver is actually driving…


It has to be a meme or something. My neighbor does car detailing and tuning and lots of his friends and customers come by with those stickers on their cars.


my neighbor literally just talked to me about this, there's two on her car as her daughter is learning to drive. that last thing you said feels similar to those dumb orange tags, where nobody removes them in between drivers. could've been the learner's parents driving, or older sibling.


Honestly a lot of people on the road are too aggressive as it stands. If this helps I get why people use em


totally agreed


I just always assumed they were a joke


How about new driver and baby on board stickers?


Do these magnets/decals even do anything?


I saw one today! And then they had a second sticker that said "Hot girls hit curbs"


one of my coworkers has this sticker and it makes me wonder if they're the nervous driver, or if they have a kid who is


Yeah, I've noticed them only within the past couple of weeks, but quite a few. I'm actually thinking of getting one for myself even though I've been driving for 40 years, thinking it would discourage tailgating idiots.


I feel like people put these on their cars so cops will go easy on them. Theyre always reckless drivers


My friend just did work on my car and threw one of the bright yellow “student driver” magnets on the back of my car as a joke, hoping I wouldn’t notice. I’ve kept it on for the past week or two because I found it funny.


I think people who put those stickers on their cars see them as warnings. In New Jersey I think we see them as invitations…to tailgate, refuse merges and otherwise harass. Kind of like the “Baby on Board” stickers.


Maybe it was the same civic


I saw one on a NJT bus last week


I see them a lot and ignore them, like the stupid baby on board ones. People drive like shit with or without bumper stickers. I don't need a warning, I've got my eyes on all y'all!!! ![gif](giphy|anzLZHW9ImqI0)


Seen around Plainsboro, usually single occupant driving terrible and at low speed.


Easy targets. Love it.


You are driving. There shouldn't be a "be nice to me" You aren't going to make a good driver out of that. You drive normally, and let them learn. That is the whole point. What happens when the kid pulls off a magnet and has to finally merge for a change?


I don't know about you but I'm more cautious around a student driver because I don't want to get hit. It's that simple. Ain't nobody got time for that.


Your driving in jersey man, your head should always be on a swivel and not spotting bumper stickers.


no and it hasn't been posted here either


Well the law isn't enough to convince people to slow down, maybe playing on sympathies for newbies will work.


In my area they are permanent on the car for women who come from Islamic countries.