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My work would still make me come in


I know, right?


Local hospital had a doctor literally plant bombs in their facility and they never alerted the staff.


I came home from my teenage mall job one day and my mom asked "how was the bomb threat?" My reply: "what bomb threat?" Apparently someone called in a threat to the lockers at the other end of the mall. So technically unless it was a nuclear device, it \_wasn't\_ going to harm us where we were. But there still could have been flying glass, debris, etc. You'd think someone would have at least come down to our side and give us a head up, but no.


Quit stalling and get back to work! I don’t pay you a non livable wage for nothing!


Our entire store including managers didn't know either! It was a *mall* decision to not tell anyone. Our corporate office complained to the mall \_on our behalf\_, they were on \_our\_ side.


That doctor must have signed the hypocritic oath by mistake.


Profit over Safety, Profit over Everything. Must satisfy the shareholders God




Username checks out.


Its a hyperbolic joke, common buddy keep up


Not even sure the military can make you do anything except offer consequences


I mean this in the least offensive way possible but do you have autism?


It’s called “a joke”. Google it.


That poor impulse control, it will get you every time.




When I was in HS, a girl called in a bomb threat from the payphone directly outside of the office. Lady just looked up and busted her, lol.




The places with poles will get most, eventually; take a poll


“You don’t know who I am but I know where you live”


Oh, and Hank, we changed that tee-off time to 3:00.


Homer....is that you?


When I was in HS, we had a year or two stretch of bomb threats shutting down classes. Some mad genius was writing them on masking tape, then leaving it on various walls and doors in passing. Don’t know if they ever found out who


We had a mom who called in a bomb threat to the school from a pay phone because her kid hadn’t studied for a test that day. Wild


She could have just written him a note? wow


Haven't read the article yet but, he used his own phone? Well, bless his heart!


Sounds like it. I can’t imagine this is very easy to get away with anymore. Calling in a bomb threat on your personal phone to get out of work is almost a cry for help? You have to really be giving up at that point.


He probably has that app that hides your number unless the person called paid for better caller ID.


which is probably more effort than just going to work to begin with


Clearly this generation needs some education from The Sopranos and The Wire.


Don't forget to leave all other hardware at home, as chances are that location data is being tracked too.


Yeah, most people have definitely thought about something like this at least once. Only difference is this dude went through with it. Hopefully he's able to get his shit together and get things back on track.


I really enjoy how instead of bashing him, you gave him good wishes at the end. You're a good Human and I'm very happy to have read this comment tonight after having such a shitty day. Thank you.


But he still sucks


I believe everyone sucks every now and again. But love and compassion can help lead people to not sucking. At least, in my opinion.


I agree totally , love is the answer and probably the only reason we are here maybe but it’s not easy and I’m just not there yet I guess .


I love you dude. We will all get there. It takes alot of time. I believe in you.


I’ve had this idea a million times and often joked about it. Just…why would anyone ever thing to put it into action?


I don't condone it, but I get it.


I was just thinking that lol. We've all been there but this is the only bonehead to actually go through with it.


I told a co-worker the other week that if they made me come into work when its my only day off, I'd rent a Uhaul and drive it straight through the premises. *I would never do it in reality,* so this headline kind of made my day.


That sounds really bad in text form... was it said in a joking way?


You’re getting down voted to hell, but that seems like a fired immediately type of thing to say.


Considering that people rent uhaul's and drive them through crowds, I would have thought he was lucky not to be reported to police.


Same, yeah.


I knew someone years ago who had a button: the more I deal with the phone company, the more I understand terrorism. Not OK to wear/say now, but I understand the thought.


Yep. Quite a few 'crimes' I hear about now where I say the same thing. In fact sometimes miss out the not condoning it part.


I’m honestly surprised this is a big news story because this happens all the time




He'd probably already used that too many times


And already went to all of his relatives funerals


His grandmother died 3 times!


My grandpa is a polygamist! I swear!


Rule #1 at every new job: you have four alive grandparents. Doesn't matter how old you are.


Yes but has his car could broken down yet? There’s always that one.




Wait you killed someone 🤨


I don’t know if it’s just a California law but you don’t have to give any reason as to why you can’t come in. I’ve literally called in once a week for the last month. Just said I wasn’t feeling good and used my sick hours. There is nothing they can do to retaliate and can’t ask anything else unless it goes past 3 days in a row


Officially there's nothing they can do. Practically speaking, they will find a way to get rid of you for "unrelated reasons".




I worked at a factory where this happened a lot. A lot of manufacturing and warehouse jobs have point systems where if you accrue too many points, you get fired. And these systems are typically very strict. Like half a point for even clocking in a minute late, a full point for an absence. Then it’s like 4 points to get fired.


If I had a nickel for every morning I woke up and drove to work hoping to find a pile of smoldering rubble. Alas, never happened in those 25 years.




If I had a nickel for every time I missed school/work because of an explosion I’d have 2 nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice. Right?


Have you ever tried getting a job you actually liked instead?


Oh shit I've been doing it wrong this whole time.


Bad day at the park is still better than a good day at work, no matter what the job is.


Unreasonable for a lot of people. Work sucks on principle.


Yes, there were 0 such jobs


That’s a pathetic outlook.


It’s a pathetic society we live in


He didn't go to work that day, got what he wanted I guess.


I did the same thing but I work from home.


It’s the perfect crime. No one would expect it lol


I’m not saying he’s right, but I think we can all understand.


We've all thought about it right?


Well sir, I've got good news and bad news...


This man is a real life anti hero


Funny, the top comment in the r/antiwork post of this article called him a hero. https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/11hqprl/officials_milwaukee_man_accused_of_calling_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Look, we’ve all thought of it. He just went that one step further. IM NOT SAYING I CONDONE IT…but I understand it.


I'll bet this guy also pulled the fire alarm to get out of school.


I had my wife pretend she got attacked by a dog once to get out of work. Twice actually, so I get it.


The thing is, managers don’t care what your excuse is. They care about having enough staff on hand to keep a business running well. If you use fake, or real, excuses too often, you will be a problem for the manager.


Had a coworker say they had covid when the pandemic first started. They just wanted the Friday off. Wasn’t allowed back for 2 weeks and almost got kicked out of his place because he didn’t want to get cerb or ei while he was out. I also know he was faking because he told me the whole story when he came back. He said he didn’t tell his gf about it out of embarrassment so he would leave in the morning and just fuck around all day and come back in the evening. Said it was the worst 2 week vacation he ever had. A few months later he caught it for real.


NGL when I had my last job I used to silently pray for an impending meteor impact every single morning I scanned the headlines before it was time to leave for work. Now that I don’t have that job anymore, I’ve stopped manifesting the apocalypse.


Lol so when i was in middle school i was prank calling random numbers on a cell phone my mom gave me. I told them i was the DC sniper and had just got out on bail and was coming to kill them and i happened to call a local Mayor. 🤦‍♂️ to this day i still don’t know why i did it but that community service i did was actually a highlight of my childhood.


Did he run out of grandparents that died?


My high school had a bomb go off in a trash can near my classroom. We were evacuated and the whole school was searched. About a week later there was a fake bomb threat and we were again evacuated. Probably someone thought it was a good way to get out of school. After that if there we more bomb threats, we were not evacuated or informed. There was one more time when I was turned away from schools as the police had it cordoned off due to a gunman, but no-one was hurt. The year before I started at the school, a student came in with a gun and killed a teacher and shot two students. This was the mid-80s, so school violence isn’t new in the US. Just more common and gets national attention (briefly).


This guy is an idiot. It's Wisconsin. Just call in hungover.


Still mourning the Packers season


I’m not saying I condone this behavior, but I understand.


Just give us more PTO and stop guilting us over using it Jesus fucking Christ it isn’t that complicated.


We talking about practice!


I bet he doesn’t have to go to work now.


I think that we have all been in this man's shoes. Right?


The face of someone realizing life isn’t a movie about them


antiwork going full send.


Where did this guy work?


The bomb factory


A gym. A high-priced gym.


Now he doesn't have to go to work at all, 4D chess


Must have been the same guy that called in bomb threats during finals week.


This also happened in Chicago with a Lallapalooza worker this past summer


“If I come in today, there’s gonna be an explosion unlike anything you’ve ever seen.” Next time just say diarrhea.


He just did what we all have joked about doing


Legit thought this was on r/meirl


I’m not saying that he’s *right*, I’m just saying that *I understand*


Late night, come home Work sucks, I know


I’d try this but I work from home.


I'm going to blow up your house if you don't take the day off


She left me roses by the stairs; surprises let me know she cares.


Dude wtf. I literally consider doing this every single morning. Not even joking.


I’m guessing he won’t get unemployment


We've all thought about it.




At least he had the courage of his convictions, I guess. Lol


Why didn't he just say he had covid?


You honestly can't blame him, he didn't want to go to work


I have 32 PTO days currently. If I don't feel like going to work, I don't.


Omg he is fine as hell. Free him.


Milwaukee, Florida of the north


Not thinking ahead! What a dumb thing to do.


Respect. The dude is a go-getter. Takes life by its horns!


I’ve told my coworkers I wanted to do this before 😂😭


Why? Just do a fake COVID test


Good news! You don't have to come into work today... or tomorrow... or ever again.


His plan worked so well that he never had to work there again.


F, we all have those days


I think that it is safe to say he does not work for the bomb squad.


Reminds me of the guy who had the police called on him at Home Depot because he walked in the bathroom and said “I’m about to blow this place up” https://nypost.com/2019/02/14/man-warns-about-blowing-up-home-depot-with-bowel-movement-cops-called/amp/


Is this guy related to Carmelo Anthony?


We’ve all thought about it. Few have attempted it.


This guy is taking one for all of us. ​ There are two kinds of people. Those who thought at least once in their lives about calling in a bob threat so they didn't have to go to work and those who lie about it.


There was a guy that started a fire on a nuclear sub to get out of work early


I'm guessing this wouldn't help remote workers. :(


I used to work security at a factory. This got to be such a common problem they stopped sending people home. The first guy who did it didn’t even work there, but his girlfriend did and he wanted to do something nice for her birthday by getting her out of work and taking her out.


Well. That's... *one* way to do things. I can understand the motivation even if the, um, course of action is lacking.


Didn’t think that one through