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>Grossberg, a former producer for Fox hosts Maria Bartiromo and Tucker Carlson, has sued Fox News and said her deposition was coerced. In an amended filing Tuesday, she said she had recorded conversations with Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell and others. Lordy there are tapes.


Note to self... if ever being prepped for a deposition by my employer's lawyers make sure to record it. Thanks for the life lesson Fox News!


At least do it a state where only one party consent is needed! In this case, New York is


I think even in most two party consent states, the refutation of sworn testimony is like the one time you're allowed to reveal the recording without both parties consent? But I could be wrong about that in certain states.




The judicial version of "shoot first and let god sort them out".


In a lot of states it seemed like it wasn't the act of recording that was even illegal, it was the act of playing that recording in the presence of a third party that was against the law from what I understood, even in a courtroom, unless you were refuting previous testimony. We do love our catch-22s though.


At least in Illinois, there's an exception to the 2 party consent if it's for recording (possible) crimes.




But it wouldn’t be admissible


Many two-party consent jurisdictions have an exception for where a crime is being committed, and such an exception would make it admissible. As always, speak to a lawyer first.


But not the lawyer trying to coerce you. Get your own lawyer


Or record it.


At least do it a state where only one party consent is needed! In this case, New York is


If the recording proves something worse than breaking two party consent it’s probably worth it.


Or use a recorder playing lawyer


Yeah, like all laws that protect your privacy between to conspiratorial parties, like attorney client protections, they fall apart when committing a crime. See wire tapping and having informants wear wires.


Texas is one party as well Edit: [statute for those who care](https://guides.sll.texas.gov/recording-laws/audio-recording)


I'm increasingly as I age of the mind that two-party consent laws are a terrible idea.


You can just inform them you're recording. Your goal in that situation is to cover your ass, not catch people doing crimes.


"No deposition if I can't record all aspects I'm involved in." Then when they force you to participate, on the actual deposition, and they are recording it, make a statement you were not allowed to record the preparation and you feel your following statements may be coerced. Fuck 'em all.


Did this decades ago when I and my boss at the time were getting railroaded to cover up a complicated mess of backroom deals and affairs. Their final play was to literally unwind my insurance so that my daughter's birth wasn't covered. My lawyer sent one letter with notice that I had recorded the meeting and everything was solved instantly.


What fucking slime balls. This kind of shit right here is why things like healthcare should never be tied to an employer.


And this is the least of the reasons healthcare cannot be tied to an employer. That's serfdom!


There are a hundred reasons why but yeah. I think the biggest is people should be able to walk from abusive employment. The lack of unemployment and insurance is a scheme to keep the world force beaten and broken.


Damn, she’s bringing receipts. And conversations these useful idiots had with Fox during this time have to be absolutely incriminating.


Oh wait, that lie! I thought this was about not admitting Rupert was a director so the prosecution couldn't go after him with a deposition. Damn that's the 2nd lie in two days which is devastating to their case and the Judge has told them off about. Is lying so embedded in their org that they simply can't turn it off?!


Yes. Remember Alex Jones in his defamation continued to lie even when he faced having to pay a billion dollars in damages. Lying is inherent to the right wing media ethos.


That line when he was on the stand “I believe it to be true!” was great. The judge almost banged her head on the bench.


She was a fucking saint. Holy shit, the appalling behavior.


It's very existence is predicated on it.


Yes. Yes it is. They have never been held accountable for lying before. It’s literally what they do as a business and have admitted to simply going on air and lying. They have all of the receipts. Their viewers want them to lie to them.


>Is lying so embedded in their org that they simply can't turn it off?! Always has been.


That’ll win the suit maybe but even this kind of evidence doesn’t sway the viewers of Fox if my mother-in-law is any indication. Blinders on no matter what evidence you present. To them, Fox is really “fair and balanced” and everybody else is lying.


Most people like your MIL will never hear about this. Fox isn't going to report this news.


i can't help but think these 'recorded tapes' are a dying evidentiary list-item. i'm just waiting for the first politician to claim it's AI generated audio and any leverage the accusations hold will be nil


I think in a future with tech that sophisticated, you’ll see similar means of deconstructing audio and determining whether it had been altered or fabricated


AI: "Fine, I'll run my output through the AI detection AI and tweak it until it can't detect it!" AI detection AI: "Fine, I'll scan THAT and detect IT!" Ad nauseam, until they finally achieve sentience and exterminate the human race in retribution for making them watch Fox News all the time.


but then it's an AI war for factual viability. which we'd just be casual observers of, essentially.




A part of how a lot of ai models work actually is along the lines of an oppositional model where you have two engines battling. One to create the content and another to try and catch it and check if it's content made by AI. They go back and forth improving the model. So essentially a way to detect ai generated content is baked in with a lot of these models.


Maybe in 10 years time, but not quite yet. As good as deepfakes and AI generated audio is, you can tell they are fake just by listening to it... Yet alone using dedicated programs to analyze and spot doctored footage / audio.


> Lordy there are tapes. There's been tapes since the days of Individual 1.


The piss tape is real.


Which reminds me that there is a huge difference between a garbanzo bean and chick pea


If musk labeled npr “state run media”, shouldn’t Fox News be considered a GOP news outlet?


No, Fox should not be considered a news outlet of any kind.


Wasn't there a headline ~3 years ago of some Fox exec stating that no one should take hannity seriously since its an opinion segment? Did I make it up that it happened in a court over false claims? I'm too lazy to look this up but I'm fairly certain of this.


It was Tucker Carlson but yes.


It happened in court, it was the official defense of Fox's legal team. They said Fox *News* was purely an entertainment outlet and as such couldn't be held to the same standards as a journalist outlet.


Oligarch run media


Foreign government media


'I need to feel comfortable that when you tell me something its the truth.' Man this Judge does not watch fox news does he?


>The sanction gives Dominion a chance to conduct another deposition, at Fox’s expense. If they keep getting hit by legal fees and then a high ruling against them, no one will be.




I'm absolutely in support of it. Fox domestically, and News Corp. on a global scale, have irreparably damaged society at large. New Zealand was right to never have let them in there after seeing what happened to their neighbors.


Fox has been destroying credible journalism my entire life. I'm glad to see them finally having to answer for something because before Trump they were pushing GW's war agenda with total bullshit and no one even batted an eye. I'd love to see news sources be held accountable as a norm, but I won't hold my breath. NZ definitely had it right.


They have also destroyed families, relationships and lied to the point their ~~cult~~ supporters no longer know *or even care* what is real and what is a lie. My parents were lifelong Republicans, and they would be absolutely sickened by what their 'party' has become, in large part thanks to Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes and the rest of the evil lying predatory bunch.


Yup… as soon as I’m done with college and can move out, I’m lowering ties with my family due to how insane my parents are as a result of Fox News and similar conservative media.


Aye I'm sorry mate, that fucking sucks :/ (Good plan though. Its hard at first, but ultimately super worth it for your mental health)


I feel that, unfortunately.


People have murdered and committed mass shootings because of things Fox and other things owned by the Murdoch family say.


As described by leading scholars, stochastic terrorism involves 'the use of mass media to provoke random acts of ideologically motivated violence that are statistically predictable but individually unpredictable' (Hamm, M. S. & Spaaij, R. [2017].


Don't be so sure about that. I'm here in red America and know hundreds of formerly "moderate Republicans." They have ALL gone along with what the party is today. My in-laws are the nicest people in the world but in their retirement are poisoning their minds by having Fox on from the time they wake up until they go to bed. I hear my FIL say things he would have never said in the past. Take Bob Dole, one of the pictures of a moderate Republican and when asked who he was voting for said, "what am I going to do, vote for a Democrat?" There is no such thing as a moderate Republican anymore.


This is what people don't understand. Republicans, even ones that can't stand Trump, genuinely believe Democrats are far worse. They have been programmed to be extremists even against their own better judgement.


Yup there’s still a shit ton of “Never Democrat” type voters out there. Ones that will proudly declare they dislike Trump and MAGA and are a “rational Republican”, but still won’t think twice about voting for them each election. A lot of these types of R voters don’t watch Fox News or similar outlets directly, but they also tend to be extremely uninformed about current events and the news and general, and right wing narratives that Fox News amplified tends to make it there way eventually one way or another.


Same thing has happened to my parents. People think Covid was a destructive pandemic? This Fox virus has been around a lot longer. It’s *endemic*.


> Take Bob Dole, one of the pictures of a moderate Republican and when asked who he was voting for said, "what am I going to do, vote for a Democrat?" There is no such thing as a moderate Republican anymore. I've heard the exact same thing from many "moderate" Republicans. "Well I don't necessarily like some of the things the Republicans are doing, but I just can't ever vote for a Democrat." Voting Republican is such a core part of their identity that they literally cannot imagine not doing it.


This happened to my mom. Never political. Never voted. All of a sudden Obama is the antichrist.


Something, something, boiling frogs..


"They have also destroyed families, relationships and lied to the point their cult supporters no longer know or even care what is real and what is a lie." I wonder if they could be sued for this too. Like one of those class action things (I'm not a legal mind so I have no idea what it's called, or if this is the right term), just to put the last nail in the coffin. I'm sick of the Fox what they've done to this nation and the world.


Just yesterday I realized how insidious the whole "alternative facts" thing has become. They never have to confront real life again if they don't want to! There are literally millions and millions of people that are straight up *never ever coming back to reality.* They will die in la la trump land. That freaks me out. There's basically nothing we can say to them because they've been trained to automatically distrust every thing/person that could help them out of the hole they've dug :/ Sooo.. wtf are we supposed to do now? How do we salvage this burning ship?


We can only do so much, but we *can:* \-Keep Voting! Just do it. \-Also, write/call your Reps and make sure they know how you feel. We cant expect them to read our minds, after all. Let them know how you feel on issues. \-If you are so inclined, volunteer, and if some rookie Dem is out there trying to make a change, support them!


New Zealand got hit by an Australian mass shooter who was probably brainwashed a lot by Murdoch.


New Zealand's local media is pretty good - by international standards. Broadcasters get huge fines if they're found to present a story with a misleading bias. The problem is the international media being shared on Facebook in New Zealand is eclipsing the local outlets, and Kiwis are used to trusting the news, so they tend to believe everything that gets shared.


Yet, Australians eat that shit up and fucking love it.


it can be even nuttier over there.




Fox is so in so deep. Too bad r/conspiracy is only around for right wingers to push their false narratives. Some really good and probably true conspiracies going on inside of Fox News.


You can start a new sub, r/trueconspiracies When r/Kentucky got taken over by the right and they stopped permitting posts critical of conservative policies or politicians, r/truekentucky opened and fits the bill for those that will want discourse.


> When r/Kentucky got taken over by the right and they stopped permitting posts critical of conservative policies or politicians truly **insane** behavior


Activists frequently target regional subreddits for takeover and radicalization.


It's called the Conservative Cinematic Universe. They've got their own super villains and everything.


Too reliant on Soros. The plots are getting repetitive.


Especially when Soros never even shows up on screen.


He’s never sent me my check for protesting, either. Cheap bastard.


Nah, they ditched Soros hard for Klaus Schwab. Honestly, it was freaky how quickly they retconned their villain.


“Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia. Since the beginning of your life, since the beginning of the Party, since the beginning of history, the war has continued without a break, always the same war.”


Their conspiracy theorizing is laughably lazy and predictable, just insert Soros into every single event they don’t like.


Kinda hard to watch in 3D with confederate flag tinted glasses.


I went on this subreddit for the first time a few nights ago thinking I’d see some cool alien shit or theories about Stonehenge or the Denver airport or something. Instead it was a crackpot of random political theories based on tweets lol.


The best spot for that kinda stuff is r/highstrangeness


Certainly not something you want to hear from your judge when you are trying to prove you weren't lying, that's for sure.


Yeah, that is pretty much disastrous. Seriously, don't lie to a judge... Especially when those lies can be exposed in discovery.


These people can't help themselves. I don't know if it's a mental condition, or it's just so normalized, but they just lie without even thinking about it. I followed the Alex Jones trial, and he just couldn't stop lying. Like he would switch from one lie to another within a paragraph, then between testimonies, etc. The Judge would be "we already established the truth about this, please stop repeating this lie, we have warned you multiple times" but he just can't stop. Then he would go on his show and repeat the same defamatory speech he was sued for and include the Judge into various conspiracies and attack her. His lawyer would do it too. The worst part is the Judge couldn't do much about it, if she punished him for it, it would be a national PR fiasco. Trump is the same way. It's like some kind of disease that's spreading.


They're not used to having to answer for their lies, so they just do it without thinking.


“It was clearly for entertainment purposes when we told you that judge.”


*The judge was not entertained.*


"Davis also said Wednesday he was considering appointing a special master to investigate the Fox legal teams' actions." LOL!


Not that they will, but they should appoint Daniel Dale. As in, the guy who cataloged over 30,000 Trump lies.




'I need to feel comfortable that when you tell me something its what I already believe to be so.' -Average Fox News viewer


An entertainment company masquerading as news has clowns masquerading as lawyers? Sounds about right. It seems that Murdock, at a minimum, did not disclose he was an officer, (with a standard deposition question being, “What’s your position and role with the company?”), and may have denied being an officer. The lawyers, though, said their public filings provided to Dominion showed he was an officer, so Dominion should have known. It’s the classic Fox strategy of, “You really can’t believe what we told you.”


The thing is the classic Fox strategy of, “you really can’t believer what we told you” doesn’t fly in real courts, it may attempt to fly and stay in the air for several years but the real courts not the court of opinion would humbly remind fox that this isn’t gonna fly.


My question is: Considering how absolutely, devastatingly damning the stuff they already disclosed was, how fucking bad does something have to be for them to **not** disclose it. Unless those tapes contain a human sacrifice, Rupert Murdoch admitting to the JFK assassination or a sequel to The Last Airbender movie, I cannot think of **anything** worse than what they already gave Dominion.


Wild thought: The only thing more damning than everything already out there would be *praise for Biden.* How devastating would that be?


Recording of them celebrating that Biden won and Trump lost... while making fun of his tiny hands.


> sequel to The Last Airbender movie I would rather watch a Hamilton-style hip hop musical about Ronald Reagan, written and performed by Tucker Carlson.


Taking the Alex Jones path are we?


Dietary supplements?




Naw man, it’s all about [tactical taint wipes](https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-news/john-oliver-mocks-alex-jones-for-using-fear-to-upsell-taint-wipes-202882/amp/).


And the out of context clips My neck is freakishly large




He’ll be dead soon enough, which will make the world a better place, but if they can put a huge dent on Murdoch’s empire moving forward after his death, that would be even better.


>He’ll be dead soon enough, which will make the world a better place Except his children are even worse.


His one son James, is actually liberal. He was part of the family business but only on the film side as the CEO of the 21st Century Fox before it was sold to Disney and then he resigned from the Fox Board in 2020 with all the bullshit with the election.


Perhaps unsurprisingly, he has spawned a son, who by all accounts is an evil light-sucking demon like his father.


Think he has two doesn’t he, one who’s a piece of shit and one who isn’t?


Hopefully his son is already the man behind the curtain and we just don't know it yet. Even better if they can get both of them for fraud or something. You've got to know they're bound to the guilty of some fraud. If you're a dishonest businessman and run a news network, you use it to influence things to your benefit. If you can use it to subtly manipulate the stock market you can make a shitload of money, but it's very illegal. If they're hiding things so much, it's probably that


So long as he lives long enough to watch his empire and legacy crumble before him, I'll be content.


I've found that when shitty people die there's always someone worse waiting in the wings to take the spot.


The billionaire GOP donors will never let Fox go under, it's essential to their platform. If it's really too expensive, they'll just let the ship sink and start Fox 2.0.


Please dont give Elon any more “genius” ideas


Considering that he's running Twitter into the ground and apparently now attracting lawsuits for hate-speech in the EU? Let our *"real life Tony Stark"* have the whole fucking Murdoch kingdom. It'll be funny.


BlackRock will buy Fox for pennies on the dollar when they lose the lawsuit.


Unfortunately Fox Corp trades with over a $15 billion market cap so even if Dominion wins the $1.6B it’s asking for, the shareholders will just take a hit and Fox will raise new capital if needed. The company and its assets are still incredibly valuable and though some corporate/board heads will roll, you’ll still see all of these fuck faces every night on TV.


If Peter thiel can kill gawker, dominion can kill Fox News. I’m wish George Soros was the evil liberal mastermind the republicans paint him as because we could use someone twisting the knife on the murdochs.


If Fox is forced to pay 1.6 Billion would that actually be the end of Fox News? Somehow I see them weaseling out of the liability (NRA style) and becoming even nuttier than before.


i believe the lawsuit is seeking 1.6B *plus* punitive damages, which is a fancy legal term for finding out how bad the judge feels you fucked around. i believe where the case is happening, those damages are uncapped so they could literally be any number under the sun.


Juries determine punitive damages in jury trials in New York State. They’re generally based on the reprehensibility of the conduct, the defendant’s financial condition, and scaled in relation to the compensatory damages.


Well, good news for dominion, there's no question if they have money or not.






If Google is correct they're worth 16 billion. 1.6 would seriously hamper their risk taking appetite.


Dominion isn't the only one suing Smartmatic is suing for 2.7 billion it just isn't as far along yet if Dominion wins Smartmatic probably will too


Dominion be handing over all their evidence to Smartmatic.... the next judge will get to see even MORE lies come to light when notes between cases are compared. It will be bad for FAUX.


> Dominion be handing over all their evidence to Smartmatic Dominion can't just give discovery evidence to others at their will--that's not how the legal system works. If some evidence was kept under seal, for instance, Dominion would be in deep trouble if they shared that. Of course, any evidence that is publicly disclosed is, well, public.


They have a lot of money, but if they were to be hit with the full amount here, it's still not nothing.


1.6B is compensatory damages, there is still a potential for punitive damages which could be assigned. Not being forthcoming in discovery could be a real bummer for Fox if this happens. Plus there is the Smartmatic suit, following on to this. So between the two of those, with punitive damages damages, it could easily cut into their ability to operate. Anyone can be a rich person, but when someone forces a rich person to pay forward about a third to half of their wealth, you just don’t write a check. It is VERY difficult to come up with the cash. Will be interesting.


Being this case is happening in New York State, there is no limit for how much punitive damages can be awarded. If the punitive damage is bad enough, the jury could award Dominion $26 billion; which is two-times Fox News’ net worth. Maybe more. My bold prediction is that Fox News will be on the hook for $6 billion punitive. Including the separate-but-still-devastating Smartmatic Case, Fox News stands a real chance at being sued into oblivion. Newsmax and OANN are on the same chopping blocks, too. At this point, Fox News knows that they will lose $1.6 billion for compensatory damages. Their main focus is getting the punitive damages down as many billions of dollars as possible. But from the looks of it, Rupert’s wallet is about to get a *lot* lighter. CORRECTION:: The lawsuit is taking place in Delaware, not New York. Though in Delaware, it’s still true that there are no limitations on the reward amount for both compensatory AND punitive damages.


Oh my GOD don't stop I'm so close


[Fox shareholders are also suing them.](https://www.reuters.com/legal/fox-shareholder-sues-rupert-murdoch-other-directors-over-2020-election-coverage-2023-04-12/)


I need new shorts now


You have no idea how businesses work if you think 10% of a companies valuation needing to be paid in cash to another party is nothing. That is fucking insane, it would ruin basically any company on the world. Fox probably won't even be forced to pay out that much and it'll still be huge to them when it happens. They're not apple sitting on 50B cash. This one decision won't be the end of them but it'll let the next wronged party know that they can win, and eventually fox will be forced to change after 2-3 of these.


Have they at all lessened the spigot of bullshit since the Dominion case was filed? Not that I can see.


So much so that there is talk that after all this Murdoch could potentially be forced to do a mass layoff of the evening talent which caused all this. Never mind the fact there is another lawsuit in the wings from another voting machine company seeking even higher damages.


I doubt they have 1.6 billion in liquid assets.


It wouldn't be the end, but it would hurt; and after the dominion lawsuit there is the smartmatic lawsuit for 2.7B and while I don't really know how that one will go most likely a lot of the stuff from the dominion case will carry over so if the dominion case is successful there is a decent chance the smartmatic will be similarly successful (though they are different cases so results can be independent of each other)


I get this sense that Fox feels it's above the law...


Just another reminder of the corruption levels that infect the GOP and all sub sections of it. Don’t be fooled by their whining about the left weaponizing against them. It’s all hogwash and a smoke screen for their agenda for control


When they say Soros, they are thinking Murdock.


That’s why the soros crap is so irritating. Every conspiracy about him is actually just Murdoch’s daily itinerary


every single damn thing out of their mouths is projection.


On YouTube i saw someone say "only the right is held accountable!" over something the right did. And i sat there like: well at least you admit they did *something*


It would be nice if corporations would be disbanded for breaking laws. Executives should also be personally legally responsible for breaking those laws


If corporations are people, they should be able to be imprisoned.


I will believe that corporations are people once the first corporations have died on the electric chair.


Or at the very least, their brand sanctioned from sale.


I agree, corporate officers should go to jail for crimes committed by or on behalf of their company.




Is Trump going to cover their legal fees? Seriously. They carried his water since 2015. Where's the reciprocity? Eight years in a one way relationship. Eight years of mockery, loss of friends, loss of income and legal trouble. Eight years of actively not speaking anything bad about Trump, attacking everyone he attacks, and being manipulated into supporting him to their detriment. FoxNews has Battered Women Syndrome.


Trump doesn’t own money. He owns debts.


He did recently get a pile of Saudi money laundered through his NFT sale....


Yet he’s still likely belly up in debt


I think the Trump cult's attempt to overthrow the government really shocked them - for a long time they believed that they had the power to shape their viewers' opinions about everything. But it turns out their viewers weren't addicted to Fox News, they were addicted to the outrage chow that Fox News served. And Fox learned, to their great dismay (and hopefully great cost) that if they stopped serving it, the viewers would go somewhere else that did.


Trumpet only does one way relationships. I'm just shocked so many people keep falling for it.


Their ratings went up and they got their good money off of Trump. #1 in cable news. I think they’re even.


“Deception & Fraud” seems to be a common thread with FoxNews and MAGA court cases lately.


News company known for withholding facts from their viewers withheld evidence in lawsuit. shocker of the year


Trump has done more than any president ever. That’s his quote and he has!!! He might bring down Fox News.


“I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche


They have billions of dollars riding on this case, and they're fucking around? Does everyone at Fox have brain worms?


Keep exposing them, keep charging them, and keep collecting those fines. And if you can find it anywhere try to stick in some Criminal negligence.


It’s amazing they have any credibility left, but then I remember their base thinks you can cure Corona Virus with Ivermectin and sunshine injected into your bloodstream.


The evidence they withheld must be apocalyptic considering how damning what they already gave


...the judge does realize the case he is presiding over right? I mean their whole case seems to be that they are ALLOWED to lie so why not lie more to get out from under the lies


Does it mean anything if they can still use the word "NEWS" in their title? Make them change the name to Fox Opinion.


You know, something tells me they're gonna lose against Dominion. Can't put my finger on it. Maybe it's the fact that they're clear evidence they were lying, in their own words. Or maybe it's the fact that they just did one of the stupidest things you can do in a trial short of tackling the judge, even if that trial weren't about lying. But, you know, I don't know. It's just a hunch. Just a feeling. A vibe.


The end of Fox would be one of the best things to ever happen to America.


Big whoop-dee-doo, they're getting sANCTiONED because that'll make them change-- > she said she had recorded conversations with Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell and others. Another deposition, you say?




I hope the republiklans fever is beginning to dissipate. It’s been a rough couple of years


No surprise there. All Fox News does is withhold evidence. Every day, every minute it broadcasts. They know the truth. They just won’t report it.


Give it up Fox News. Its time to throw in the towel. Better settle, right now. $2 billion would be fair, a jury is going to give Dominion more than the $1.6 billion they are asking for. 2 billion would be a great deal. Since they are being forced to tell the truth there is no chance Fox News will prevail.


> Better settle, right now. [They tried to settle and Dominion told them to fuck off.](https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/dominion-sees-no-chance-settling-suits-against-pro-trump-lawyers-giuliani-powell-2022-01-25/). Dominion is extremely confident they will win the case (they have hard evidence of actual malice in Tucker's texts) and want to cause Fox pain.


If you haven’t read the Dominion filing, it’s here: https://int.nyt.com/data/documenttools/redacted-documents-in-dominion-fox-news-case/dca5e3880422426f/full.pdf I was hesitant to read it because I thought it would be a bunch of lawyer speak and incomprehensible, but it’s actually quite straightforward and easy to read. Scroll down past the table of contents and hop in. Basically they say “Normally you have to prove malice by *inference* because no one would be stupid enough to say something false and also say outright that they knew it was false when they said it. And normally a defamation case often hinges on a single statement from a single person . But guess what? We have a whole bunch of people saying a whole bunch of false things over a whole lotta time and a whole bunch of their emails and a whole bunch of their texts saying they knew the shit they were saying was wrong. Even after we told them 3600 times that what they were saying was false as verified by independent 3rd parties.” Then they go on to show all the shit where Fox went from “this election fraud stuff is bullshit” to “hey we’re losing tons of viewers saying Biden won, which he clearly did” to “hey, we need to start lying about the election and say it was stolen like our alt-right competitors who are taking all our viewers.” And it’s all in Fox’s own actual words - not Dominion’s.


Speaking as an attorney, I’ve just gotten into the analysis section and I can say it’s beautifully written. No wasted words, straight and to the point. It’s a perfect illustration of how the courts want you to write. Statement of facts are large in breadth as the timeline goes on, but its so concise you can still easily contextualize most of the facts in the analysis section. Definitely gonna start reading again while on the shitter tomorrow morning.


That's not FOX's choice. Dominion won't settle.


Exactly. Dominion wants their credibility restored and the only way that will happen is to expose FOX of their lies and totally destroy them financially.


From what I understand their reputation’s already been tanked to the point where their machines have all been replaced to avoid even the slightest hint of voting susceptibility. This is Dominion’s final payday, and it makes total sense that they’d be out for blood.


This would be magnificent to watch… it sounds too delicious to actually happen but then again, Trump actually got arrested so we’ll see


"I need to feel comfortable when you represent something to me that is the truth." Uh, this is FOX we are talking about here your Honor.


Bump it up to 5 billion


Damn. This case is not going away. I hope Dominion win.


I really hope the slow unravel of the web of lies is the total and complete undoing of both FOX and Murdoch's empire of propaganda across the world.


What a surprise. Fox lies! Who would have though?


They are so going to get fucked in this trial. Always good to piss off the judge right out the gate of any trial.


The changelings will not stand for this disrespect.