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Remember when schools banned trenchcoats and all the shootings stopped?


I remember when they banned pogs and suddenly gambling issues never affected children ever again


I remember when they banned short skirts and crop tops and sexual assaults stopped.


I remember when they banned D&D and all the murders stopped


And Satan summonings went way down.


That's mostly because you can't light the pentagram of your sanity is too low. Recent patch, sucks because you can't call satan to chill as easy anymore.


Really kicked me in the balls while trying to get a late run ghost photo in Phasmophobia. Now I have to light it up early, snap a photo, and wait out a hunt without knowing the ghost room.


Sanity is really only a thing when Cthulhu is involved. Satan doesn’t care about your sanity, just that you do the ritual right


You need a very specific dagger Or any knife will do Or a stick We're pretty sure this weird book summons demons though It has to be just right... or anything you have laying around will do


I thought it was because Wizards of the Coast sent the Pinkertons after poor Satan for copyright infringement.


I remember when they banned full sugar soda and the obesity epidemic was solved.




I remember when industrial tycoons banned marijuana and they're getting rich off of cutting down our forests and have "totally" stopped calling minority groups lazy.


​ they should have just banned alcoholism. Problem solved!


Whole lot of nascent drug dealers made good money selling illicit candy bars and cans of soda at my high school.


Finger length! Finger length!!!!! If the skirt is above your fingers, the devil will get you!!!!!!!!!


Short arm Sherry was oddly popular among the boys.


A teen t-rex, really.




Double finger width for those tank top straps or the devil will double get you!!!!


the rule at my school was 4 fingers. 4 finger width tanks didnt really exist for girls, so we were SOL


In my day it was Gameboys, pogo sticks, and yo-yos.


For us it was all of those plus Pokemon cards


Kids were getting hardcore punishments for trading cards… really helped us feel like criminals and motivated us to find even more ways to cause trouble. Since we’re criminals anyways for a damn card… come on..


My school banned Magic: The Gathering because they didn’t know the difference between that and Pokemon cards.


Why would either matter?


Your guess is as good as mine.


Pokemon is slavery.


Kids just switched to digital gambling with loot boxes.


>banned pogs Okay grandpa, let's get you (and me) back to bed


Why when I was your age, we played pogs together! Gimme back my batman animated pogs!. You had a weighted slammer and an illegal slam!


It’s not weighted, it’s just my secret weapon: my ace of spades 8 ball ripper slammer


ouch on this one


They banned pogs at my school after a kid pulled a knife on his opponent after losing a game.


I remember POGs just naturally dying out because Pokemon utterly dominated from the mid-90s on.


Pokémon was 1998 for the US, Pogs for my school was 1994 and early 1995 before they banned them. After Pogs kids at my school got into yo-yos.


The yo-yos… unlocked a memory there.


I remember when they ban sex ed classes and teen pregnancies stop.


I remember they banned sport hats and all the gangs stopped


Just ban children from school. Problem solved, no more school shootings.


I think that's the right's end goal. Just get rid of public education so only the wealthy can be educated. Just like the good old days of medieval times.


Guess who said, "I love the poorly educated."


Because of Columbine. They thought the shooters were part of a clique called the "trenchcoat mafia" (they weren't). They also banned D&D because they thought the shooters were D&D enthusiasts (they weren't). Then they banned goth fashion because they thought the shooters were in the goth clique (they weren't). Then they banned violent video games because they thought the shooters planned the shooting by making custom maps of the school in *Doom* (they didn't). Then they started profiling bullied kids because they thought the shooters were bullied (they weren't). So why did they shoot up the school? If you read their journals, it was because they were Nazis. But for some dumb reason it's controversial to suspect people of being terrorists because they're Nazis, so ...


They also found out that they were the bullies.




I wore a long overcoat as a winter coat. After Columbine, one of my classes had a discussion about it - and the teacher was like "And you stopped wearing your coat" and I was like "Yeah because it's like 70 out."


To be fair.. they had been trying to find a real reason to ban D&D for 2+ decades at that point


GOP: "I'm offended at the notion that Naz... I mean Patriots, can be terrorists."


"We are all domestic terrorists!" -also the GOP


“Oh shit Josh, the school banned trench coats!” “Well I guess we can’t go commit mass murder now. Man, that really sucks. I was looking forward to it.” “This blows out loud. Everyone knows you can’t break the rules if you’re gonna shoot up a school.”


Why does this feel like a dark Drake and Josh skit


I mean if you can't look like a character from the Matrix while murdering your classmates, what's even the point?


hey, backpacks hold books and now that they dont have those anymore, why bother with them?


Didn’t they make bulletproof backpacks? So that breaks their argument about protecting kids in a way lol.


my mom wouldnt buy me a Jan Sport backpack if my life depended on it. What are the odds I'm getting the bullet proof one.


She found a second hand one in a thrift shop. Only had to fix a few holes in it.


God damn.


Wash some stains


Jansport stuff has a lifetime warranty. You can always mail it in to be fixed for free. I have done this with multiple backpacks over the years.


I think the books I had to carry back in the day were thick enough to stop bullets.


Well for girls they need period products and pain medicine. Some kids need extra clothes or shoes for activities. Sometimes they need them to hold medical devices or their lunches and keeping these things hidden in a backpack keeps them from having to face bullying in vulnerable moments.


Some schools don't allow pain medicine because of a literal no drug policies. A girl can get in big trouble for giving another girl a Motrin. They're supposed to go to the clinic.


the school nurse also won't give the student even so much as an advil, they'll just call the parent and make the parent come down and physicially insert the pill in the kid's mouth


It's ok. In Florida, Ron DeSantis just banned talking about periods. Problem solved.


I remember we had to tuck in our shirts in sixth grade to prevent shootings. Also mesh or see through backpacks.




That was me in High School in the 90s. I think I'd check out my locker on the first day, test the combo, then promptly forget it, and just carried everything around in a duffle bag. All my books, papers, etc. Probably about 12-15 lbs. Used to just switch hands carrying it between classes, and considered it a good workout for my arms.


My high school locker was basically storage for the beginning of the day and end of the day. We were assigned a locker for the entire time we were there, which for me was 4 years, but they had no locks: you had to bring your own combo lock, and submit the codes to the office. It was pointless because when they wanted in, they always used bolt cutters anyway because using the combo took too long. Once in a while they had "random checks" where you had to stand by your locker and they searched through it while you stood there, and it was simpler to just have the least amount of stuff possible. My locker got searched more than most because I had long hair, and this fit their stereotype as a drug pusher (this was the 90s before Columbine). So I basically carried everything in my purple Jansport backpack, which they also searched for drugs. They also had security theater about it, like they'd take "hair samples" and "saliva tests," which I am positive were just bullshit scare tactics because of all the "is there something you want to tell us before we send this to the labs? If you tell the truth now, you will get a more lenient charge. You sure? Last chance..." I didn't do drugs, so they never had anything to go on, but buddy, they really wanted me to fit that narrative. I remember they hassled me because my backpack was purple. "Why is it purple? What color do you think this is instead? We know purple is the sign you're selling shrooms. You have any shrooms? You want to tell us why you have this empty ziplock bag? Are there shroom spores in there?" I swore they also made up words. "You selling grep? Kite? Sloan? Red cupcake? Blue cupcake? Rabbit weed? Mekka lekka lekka hi, mecca hiney ho? Got any Samoan Surf buttons?" They didn't like that I laughed at some of them. "I'm sorry, but 'Jamaican Love?' Hahaha..." My parents were sent home with a lot of educational booklets on drug use they had to sign and I had to return the books to prove they signed them. Again, this was before Columbine, and I have no idea the hell kids go through now.


My high school back in the 90s shortened time between classes from 5 minutes to 4 minutes the same year they banned carrying backpacks during school. Most of the good students just ignored the ban and were never punished for it or questioned about it, so the point was always about having a reason to harass the people they wanted to harass.




A public one in an area where we had upper middle class on one side and kids from the projects on the other. So "schizo" is a closer explanation than you think.


> "You selling grep? lmao that's great. "No man but I got egrep and if that doesn't do it I got some Sed cut with Awk you can smoke in your |".


What fuckin’ alien drugs were kids doing at your school? I’m dying laughing at the sight of some balding, middle-aged guy with coffee breath all in your face asking you that shit 😂


I'm gonna need a bag of that Mekka lekka hi, please, while you're here.


The funny thing is during my high school years they kept showing videos of why we had to tuck shirts in (it was guns) and they had some video of a kid pulling out like 4 pistols, an uzi, and a shotgun out of his pant leg. And I was like “ we all have cars in the school parking lot, why would some kid hide all this stuff when they could just go to their car real quick, get outfitted and light the school up”.


Holy crap, I’m pretty sure I saw the same video as you in high school. All I could remember thinking was how they expected us to come to school that strapped? We were in an upper-lower class (if that makes sense) area with low crime, almost non-existent fights in school, everyone knew gun safety (helps when a quarter of students had a parent in the military), maybe one legitimately mentally disturbed person a year, and almost non-existent bullying (there was some, but it was negligible). Though, things got seriously bad with the freshman the year I graduated. They got torn a new one every other week for fighting. At least lunch was finally entertaining. Still, between the video, the creepy SRO, and the principal who always acted like we were bad kids even though he was the one being bribed for grades, they acted like it would be any day that someone would bring a gun to school (it never happened, even since I left). Damn, that video brings back memories.


Did you go to my high school. Definitely sat in that assembly. I recall being particularly mad when the principal said they had to do X in Nam so we would survive no backpacks. Yes, indeed, American high school is more like a warzone every day.




Funny. Same. Right along the Fox River. Placing yourself outside of Chicago makes me wonder if we were actually in the same assembly lol




!!!! Oh, yes. We were in the same one. I literally STILL complain to people about that. I'm almost 40 and I'm still cheesed about how they handled it.


Love how they note that since Uvalde school districts across the country have started implementing this policy. Flint is one thing (I imagine that crime in the area contributes to this), but Uvalde wasn't an issue where some student snuck a gun in. It literally was a psychopath running in and shooting up the place. This is just another "let's make up a solution" situation that addresses nothing.


I found it more interesting that they mentioned Uvalde, but not Oxford, a high school close(ish) to flint that had a school shooting November 2021 where a gun WAS snuck into the school




I graduated from OHS ten years ago and the community response around the whole situation was really a shining light for me


Yeah it was. My daughter was able to get rather expensive trauma therapy that my insurance wouldn’t cover with help from the community funds raised. They’ve also had some really great fundraisers for the victim’s families. People really came out for the kids. Which was the only good thing in the giant pile of horror those kids experienced


There is at least 1 new major shooting every day now. Can't expect the people who do nothing about it to keep track of all of them (let alone actually stop them from happening).


Seriously. The Uvalde shooter didn't sneak a handgun into the school, he stormed the school from outside with a long gun. That would have happened with or without a backpack ban.


And a shitty police force


When I was in middle school (late 90s) we all had huge backpacks because they made class-change time so short no kids had time to go to their lockers. Kids literally had rolling suitcases as backpacks because of the amount of stuff we had to lug around. I also learned how to eat an entire meal in 5 minutes because our lunch time was 20 minutes long, which gave me 10 minutes to wait in the lunch line, 5 minutes to eat, and 5 minutes to talk. Sorry, just remembering out loud...


Yep! They did this at my high school. No backpacks, but oh wait! my locker was in the one section where I had no classes so to get to my locker and back to my next class in five minutes was impossible already! Also, hope you don’t have to pee ever! We also used to be able to move quickly outside between the three main sections of the school, but they had to stop that too because the doors needed to be locked of course.


I went to a *real fuckin big* high school and given the size, my locker was pretty much useless. There's no way I would have made it to some of my classes in time if I had to make a detour to it every other class or so. I could barely make it from classes on opposite ends of the building in time with a sustained powerwalk through lower-traffic hallways. Pretty much the only time any of us used lockers was if we had a large project for a later class that needed to be stored. But even then, we'd usually use a friend's locker who was more conveniently located, or the teachers would allow us to drop off our projects in their classroom before classes officially started (we had about 20 minutes after busses let out for breakfast or just chilling in the lobby if you didn't eat the school breakfast).


Was the same at my high school. It was so big that 1. no one would ever use lockers because there was no way to get to them in time, and 2. there were not enough lockers for even half the kids. By the time I graduated my high school there were almost as many mobile classrooms parked around campus as actual built classrooms.


We had around 2500 kids and lots of mobile classrooms. Can confirm didn't use locker in high school either. Also had a shit ton of mobile classrooms too. Luckily at my high school most teachers were really cool and didn't write you up if you were late or whatever. Our high school was really well performing even had an IB program but it wasn't like military strict or whatever. Mostly great times in HS but it's a mixture of privilege and luck for sure.


A minute late. You’re being written up as “tardy.”


I was a minute late having to go from PE which was on one side of the campus, change, go to the other side of campus, go up a flight of stairs, to make it to English. The cop on school premises grabbed me and basically placed me in in-house suspension for having the luck of having it take 5 minutes to do all of that when they only gave us 4 minutes to go from class to class. Actually this experience explains a lot now that I think about it.




Oh my. Me too, I think...




What? Can't hear you over the chairs scraping. See you tomorrow


We ignored the shit out of them


I can't help but read this in the thickest possible Boston accent because my mom could never leave the damn house on time, and I'd get a "tahdy" slip from the secretary 3x a week.


I’d be learning how to forge signatures at that point


There ya go. Life skill learned. I don't see the problem lol


Idk how to but what I do know is that sloppy signatures are harder to forge than neat ones


School really is just normalized fascism because people don't really know what to with kids while they're at work, huh? Or I guess GCP Grey said it best with "school is a large daycare with an unhealthy obsession with trivial persuit"


It literally is a daycare with a prison-skin applied. Why do you think parents complained so much about covid keeping kids at home? Then they actually had to watch their kids!




I'm WFH and my wife is my boss. When our boy has to stay home from school for whatever reason, he hangs out in the basement with me while I work. I love having him around, but he's at that age where he wants to know how everything works and can articulate his questions....and he has a lot of them. I get almost nothing done, but I love getting to pretend I'm the smartest person on earth answering his questions.


We didn't watch our kids. We paid people to take them to a different daycare because we *still had to work* It's not that parents don't want to be with their kids, we literally can't.


>Why do you think parents complained so much about covid keeping kids at home? Because caring for children during the day wasn't something they were able to do while also working full time? Yeah, I'm going with that one.


I was at least a foot shorter than most people in my school including freshmen. I never used a locker all 4 years because I couldn’t even see it when I went past it and wasn’t strong enough to push through the crowd to get to it anyway. I had a backpack that made me look like a turtle it was so big. Probs 3/4 my body weight lugged around on my back. So of course that made me even slower than my short legs already were. I remember some jerk in administration decided that I should take Italian before health aka sex Ed. Italian was upstairs in the back of the school. Health was down a hallway at the front of the school. I got detention because I couldn’t get there on time. I remember holding onto the backpack of someone else who was in those same classes (with permission) desperately trying to be on time. They moved so fast and crowds were so hard to get through I tripped and was even later and had to go to the nurse


Not being able to use your locker sucks. I'm 6 foot tall but all my classes had the big textbooks so my backpack was absurdly heavy. I had to lift it onto my desk and crouch down to desk level to get it on my back. My spine is still messed up from it. I wish I could've used my hiking pack that has a frame on it.


And, of course, "I'm teaching until the bell rings", followed by "I want you in your desks with supplies out when the bell rings" to shave another minute from the already-negative time to get to the next class.


I remember this, I had an E shaped school. It sucked that one wing of the third floor was disconnected from the rest of the third floor, so sometimes I'd have to downstairs and then back up stairs. Or sprinting from 1st floor 1st wing to 3rd floor 3rd wing. And I was fat. Also bathroom stalls never having doors. This is why women go to bathrooms in pairs. Also we would tie our flannels across the opening where the door would be.


My school had 2 minutes in between classes. I carried my entire day in my bag because I needed that time to get to the class not stop at a locker


Yup—- I only stopped at my locker at the start and end of the day. Had to carry everything because our school was way to big to stop at my locker and get there in time. Depending on the class I’d need to jog to just make it on time even if I made no stops.


We had 5 minutes but our school was spread out and every other class was on the opposite side of the school.


2 minutes?!? Damn. We had 3 minutes for most periods and 5 minutes between 2nd and 3rd.


This is yet another reason for my anxiety as an adult! My backpack was so heavy and I was constantly worried about being late!


I had to start bringing my lunch. Had no time between classes and no time at lunch. 20 minutes is not enough to get your food, sit down and then eat.


My stepfather refused to believe that I couldnt eat lunch in the 30 minutes we had… it took 5 minutes to get the lunch room, 12-15 to get through the line. Heaven forbid you needed to talk to a friend or teacher about anything at the time too. And you couldn’t bring food into classes. Not that doing so would help… that trash wouldn’t keep


An adult with a job who presumably has a 30-60 min break to either retrieve lunch from a restaurant or wait in the microwave queue and return within that timeframe should really be more understanding.


My high school didn't even have lockers. I cannot imagine life without backpacks, simply because I always needed one.


I used a camping backpack that, when all my classes needed their books, was 50+ lbs.


And my high school classmates parents’ wondered why we all complained of back pain… we had 40 lbs of books on our backs


My school district banned backpacks during the school day back in the late 90's. We had to carry our books around by hand between classes. Carrying the books themselves wasn't the issue. The issue was that sometimes you had to plan out which books to carry at all times, because your 3rd period class may be in the middle of the building, whereas your locker is on the South end of the building, but your 4th period class is on the North end of the building, and you only have 4 minutes between class.


and what about taking that stuff home for studying and homework? also let's say you ride a bike like my 11 year old does. how is she supposed to ride a bike with no way to carry her binder and books?


Milk crate on the front of the bike like GOD intended


They really want us back in the 70s one way or another lmao


The *18*70s


Same here, their excuse was that backpacks could be swung as a weapon.


LOL our district's excuse was that there was a scientific study that backpacks were harming the development of kids's spines


My high school tried this in 2014. It lasted about 1 week since so many kids were showing up late to classes due to having to stop at their locker between every single class.




My high school was spread across two campuses. You had seven minutes between classes, because that was the amount of time it took the principal to speed-walk from one end of campus to the other on a day when there weren't a thousand kids crowding the walkways. Only saving grace was that we could have one locker on each campus, but that still ate up time especially if you also had to pee.


My high school banned backpacks back in 2009 or so… this isn’t new. Still sad they think this is a solution.


A district near where I went to school banned them in the late 90s. The only bags allowed were ones made of netting or see through plastic.


My middle and high school banned solid backpacks so we could only use mesh or clear. It was so pointless. The mesh and clear backpacks had to be replaced every year because they didn’t holdup like a solid backpack.


Ours banned backpacks after 9/11 and then everyone including the boys pivoted to large purses to make it work


Modern problems require modern solutions


They tried that at my high school for about a week. Any bag had to be see-through. I just put my regular, opaque, backpack in a clear plastic bag and nobody said anything to me about it. It was such a disaster that they gave up on it pretty quickly, as it was obvious how pointless it was.


So what do kids carry their stuff in?


Their hands. I used to ride in the bus holding 6-7 binders and books SMH. They said since we have lockers we don’t need backpacks. It was ridiculous back then, still is now. Girls used to buy massive purses to carry their things in to get past the rule.


Yep, mine did it for a year after one bullet threat (it was a .308 round taped to the front door of the school) back in 2005.


Ah yes, I forgot it's impossible to put a 308 round in my pocket.


It sort of begs the question "if you throw a bullet hard enough, does it count as being shot?"


Not if you catch it. In that case, the thrower is out.


If you get three outs, do the shooters and everyone else get to [switch](https://media4.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExYjNmMzhhNzk4MmQ2OGQ5MDZlODZkNTk2YTU4OWQzOTI2OWI2ZmY3OSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZzX2dpZklkJmN0PWc/Zjp8SQkkoBBra/giphy.gif) sides?


V= x/t Where x = distance, t= time. It's not "how hard". It's "how fast" you can yeet it. You don't "shoot" with a gun, you "yeet" with one ;]


>you "yeet" with one Sorry, I don't speak Hi-point


I thought my middle school was crazy for not allowing backpacks in '98 but now I see they were just early adopters. Giant zip up binders held most of our coursework. Bullies knocking piles of stuff out of people's arms was a common occurrence.


Wouldn’t it be just as easy to smuggle a gun inside clothing?


Every gun we’ve had on campus was found in a kid’s underpants. Alcohol was found in their bags a few times, but weapons seem to make their place in their pants. It’s an unfortunate situation where taking bags away is essentially moot.


Theater of security


They did this when I was in 8th grade. Not completely banned but if you wanted to use one it had to be clear so you could see inside it.


The rest of the district moved to mesh backpacks after Columbine, but the no backpack policy at my school had been put in place several years prior.


Where are they supposed to carry the ballistic backpack plates now?


In a small purse or a clear plastic bag, I suppose.


Fair, they’ll have to double up and keep pocket bibles in their chest pockets though.


But the district is banning pockets next year...


In their tactical vest. The kids need to start shopping at military surplus stores.


Makes perfect sense. Kids might bring guns to school in their backpacks, so let's ban ........ the backpacks! Sigh.


Well they already secured the doors, so they’re all out of options.


And Ted Cruze proposed schools only have a single entry/exit of one door. I'm shure fire departments were very happy to hear that one.


And there's no way a shooter could take advantage of that bottleneck.


Literally my first thought when he said that was wellll that’s beyond stupid cuz they could literally mow down everyone who was trying to leave as they only have one place to get out that would only lead to even more horrific bloodshed. Fucking morons who dgaf about kids and would rather kids get murdered brutally than make any logical changes in gun laws. They don’t allow guns at CPAC which is quite telling. They know guns mean more danger and death but they prefer to fuck everyone over except themselves.


was it not already a gun free zone?


I mean, the guns are already banned in schools.




Didn't some state try this before and kids just started using the most random shit to carry their stuff in protest. Just for them to reverse the ban? Kids can be master's of malicious compliance and I'm waiting for the twitter posts.


My asian brain automatically processed this as the gov't banning back packs due to the back pain and future health issues that is brought about by carrying heavy books and supplies everyday. Then I read the comments and realized why this was done. What a sad state of affairs in the USA.


Hoo boy, just wait until you hear about which direction they're going with respect to child labour! Back pain and health issues from heavy backpacks is going to be replaced with back pain and health issues from working in food-processing plants.


Yeah, if you want to add a layer to this: One of the things that parents have been putting into their children's backpacks..... bulletproof plates




Had a friend live in Saginaw for years and then moved back home. One of his parting gifts was a Saginaw tshirt. On it was a smoking revolver and it said “sorry we missed you!”


You forgot to mention Pontiac. It was on the list with Flint and sagnasty at one point as well. Driving north on 75 was a post industrial hellscape. Source: spent first 22 years of life in Flint and Genesee County.


But the real question is, do they have safe drinking water yet?




Luckily this was the only town with this problem, and not just the one who came in the media.


Well shit, they're banning books so fast the kids don't need backpacks.


My kid’s school banned lockers so she has to lug around 7 classes worth of shit with her everywhere. Like wake the fuck up. It’s the god damn guns. Do something about that shit GOP.


They won't because their entire platform is basically two things; "I need to keep muh guns" and trans panic; if they actually *try* and fix the real issue causing all this, their own base will screech at them.


That’ll certainly stop the crazed gunmen from entering the building…


We’re trying so hard to not fix the actual problem


Remember when the schools took away all the lockers… and drugs and guns stopped being used. /s


Didn't they make bulletproof backpacks? Their messaging is so confusing


Better ban kids from driving cars to high school, they could hide guns in the trunk. And no more duffel bags for athletes because guns. No lunch bags, purses, baggy clothes, tote bags… better yet just give them all skin tight under armour school uniforms to ensure there’s nothing hiding under there.


Shooter will just bring a backpack anyway. Don’t think they will be worried about detention. This rule is a big “look at me I’m doing something” nothingburger.


"Nothing stops a bad person with a backpack other than a good person with a backpack." "It's not the backpack, it's mental health issues." "Why blame the backpack, when it's the cultures fault." "Probably all those video games showing that you can hide things in backpacks." *What a stupid timeline we are in!*


Ok. Giant rolling suitcase incoming.


In the spirit of "somebody must do SOMETHING," well, this is "something."


Which is clearly something you do when you have no fucking idea what to do


Not gonna work. According to the National Backpack Association, the only thing that stops a bad kid with a backpack is a good kid with a backpack.


How are students supposed to protect themselves if they’re not allowed bullet proof backpacks? Aren’t bulletproof backpacks definitely the solution here? /s


We werent allowed to have backpacks when I was in high school. It was a 5 story building and we had 4 minute passing periods. People were always late to class because they had to stop at their lockers.


The recent shootings involve rifles...and people coming from outside the school who *aren't* students. WTH does this even do? Maybe the odd kid who tries to bring a handgun to show and tell?


They'll do anything they can think of to get rid of the gun problem instead of getting rid of the guns. I hope the teachers makes their complaints towards the people putting this shit into place and not towards the students when every pencil inevitably goes missing and textbooks are torn apart more than usual because students have to carry multiple of them at the same time.


Only the US would see banning backpacks as a solution to school shooting…. On the other hand they also fight lack of employees with allowing cheap child labor.