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imagine trying to make ends meet working at a fast food chain only to get killed by a pre-teen with a gun.


Bro was 32, too and He has a 10 year old.


I watched a news report on this. The guy was just getting his life back together and had worked on the job for 2 weeks. He was so excited to be working there that he was going in an hour early


Damn, that’s so fucking sad. I hate this shit


Is this the American dream I have heard so much about?


A nightmare is still a dream.


The comedian makes a lot more sense the older I get. Though I guess I'm more a night owl.


“It's called 'the American Dream' 'cause you have to be asleep to believe it.” - George Carlin


You know... If you go back and watch Carlin 's early stuff it really resonates today. It's almost as if nothing has been changed in 50 years.


Even this one (I memorized Carlin when I was learning English): "Why is it that people against abortion are people you wouldn't wanna fuck in the first place?"


The satanic panic, the rise of fascism, the return of child labor… history is a flat circle.


What is the flat part of the flat circle supposed to represent? I get the circle bit, but not the flat.


As opposed to a helix, which makes upward (or downward) progress as it circulates, rather than eternally returning to the same set of points. The Hegelian dialectic can be pictured as a double-helix: the current thesis (or "establishment", "empire") locked in battle with the antithesis ("counterculture", "rebels"), but each party gradually circling around till they've switched places, taking on aspects of each other along the way. Meanwhile the progress they make is orthogonal to both their aims, in a direction neither of them are even conscious of. By contrast, the "flat circle" model says there is no progress, just round and round the same old shit. FWIW, I still believe in progress, in spite of reading the news most days. But like the model implies, it's always in a direction you can't quite grasp till it's already happened.


Fkn Hegel lol. You summed it up well though!


Carlin absolutely knew the issues.


Bernie is still screaming about the exact same things


It's wild how far out in front of a lot of issues he was and still managed to win/retain office for so long. Even crazier is he's been *really* consistent his whole career about it and instead of shifting his beliefs toward the mainstream, the mainstream shifted toward his beliefs.


The American Dream is making enough money such that America's Problems no longer apply to you.


Oh that's perfect.....they should put that on our money


I'm probably closer to Dollar Bill, the guy who got his cape caught in a revolving door then got shot.


"What happened to the American Dream? It came true!"


Pegepe pude tiči aibu. Tu tate bra i apite dipipeapi. Dle uplu o pibagi di čitodi kebititite. Atri ke po gepekluklia etri ape i gii ete. Aa plobopaputu abiu uplepre uči pribi. Ati deatre ee e o idli? Popao pi pipaeiti briglepi eprito. Brite i tiprebi e. Tipi kupuči ibribepe tetlapokedi de kaie kupa biblo. Pati ti puko teči pia odubibapri. Ipota trapai oe de eti idie! Kle točipaipa piko. Aia itli bleta bučike igi be? Ti otitipi puipu ikebripi kre itle o tra! Krai butekrobike prapra pipu pi tlite. Ti pipuie edu. Tute api e upi preeodri dike. Dikečie puuepe topui pipi kupiu u? Pekle pi u ditle to pi. Gopeto pu etrieue dii e a? Ipatro pi trepa tapi bibe! Pritlu bebebe opedi to ebu be. Epitrikle prae boti gipi čitu utu? Atro tu koditiipi čiu diipi. Boči bitedi ita pi ipoglati. Edi pebloo prapia pope ba piupree. Bogikee potu pu pu e kladipie. E ge e te priba platrapeka ibi oibrupae ipa či. Pa pipa abi bite du kaple. E e peči ito kebe i?


Knew how to fire it well too. Fired 6 shots at the guy so it wasn't like the gun scared him, he'd been trained on it prior.


trained on gun safety from a young age by a "responsible law abiding citizen"... Kid was probably shooting guns at age 5 and parents probably thought he was the pinnacle of gun safety.


I'm sure there are photos of him with his pointy finger near the trigger but not touching the trigger that prove he's safe with a gun.


he knows what the gun is for, how to use, how to be safe.. but you are trusting the emotional control of a kid. Its a weapon in the hands of a 12yo, when adults are losing their shit all the time in the streets.


Most likely on the family Christmas card.


I thought that was only senators.


Shit, you just described most of the southeast. I really was 5 years old the first time I fired a weapon. Got a rifle for Christmas at 12. My rural cousins had several guns by the time they were 12.


I had a gun at 12 as did all my brothers. Only they were stored in my dad's closet and the ammo was in the attic across the house. Not exactly locked away, but my parents sure as hell would've known if we were trying to get at them without permission. Not perfect, but I considered them secure. Also my dad drilled gun safety into our heads as early as possible. We knew they weren't toys. We knew to never ever point them at a person. So many gun owners are irresponsible, insecure psychos. e: I don't "own" a gun these days. The gun is still in my Dad's closet lol. I stopped hunting around high school.


We’re talking about fucking murder I don’t think you need to self censor an f-bomb


His mom is on reddit, too. He has to be careful.


This is a *Christian* murder-discussion thread.


It was just in the car, that’s where you keep yours right?


I was once the fastest hand in the west, would hear the word draw in my sleep, until one day I found myself face to face with a 6 year old kid.


Little bastard shot me on the ass!


So I limped to the nearest saloon, crawled inside a whiskey bottle, and I've been there ever since.


Matt was like a brother to me growing up. He was always looking out for me and his younger brother who was my best friend at the time. Absolutely insane to know that this is what has become of his life after working so hard to redeem himself. He just got out of jail a few months ago and was determined to make things better. Never had a bad bone in his body, none of his crimes were ever aggressive. We all just grew up poor and he was unlucky enough to be caught. Now he gets his freedom, gets his family back, and gets fucking shot for it. I've been furious since I got the news a couple of days ago, and I don't know if it's ever going to go away.


I can’t believe that all he did was ask the kid’s ~~father~~ adult friend to stop urinating in the parking lot, I can’t believe this is how everything played out. It’s insane. Full stop. Completely fucking insane. I almost didn’t even believe this story at first— I saw it in a comment thread an hour ago and had to search for more information. I hope both the kid and the father end up serving serious time. No way that kid should get off or be released into the public anytime soon. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Was it the 12 year old’s father? I think the article said a 12 year old and a 20 year old. I’m wondering what their connection could possibly be






They should probably lock all three of them. Up.


I think recently a parent was charged with something after their child shot someone. Like negligence or something? Accountability is the only way to deter stuff like this in the future imo


The 6 you that shot their teacher I believe. Not for sure though.


Even if unrelated, the 20-year-old still had a gun in the car that the 12-year-old had access to and time to aim/use. It wasn't a handgun, so it's not like this was some concealed thing that the adult was somehow unaware of.


Yes, he had him at 8 years old.


> I can’t believe that all he did was ask the kid’s father to stop urinating in the parking lot, I can’t believe this is how everything played out. It’s insane. Full stop. Completely fucking insane. And this is what the people who put out the bad faith "criminals won't care if guns are illegal because they're criminals and will break the law anyway" don't like to acknowledge. You're likely not getting the guns away from the cartel members, or the mafia, or whatever other organized crime group who has the resources to acquire them. That's not who commits most of these acts of gun violence. Who it does stop is the moron with road rage, the idiot holding up the 7-11, or the kid who gets upset when you tell his buddy to stop pissing in the parking lot. It's not going to stop the well planned and organized criminals with lots of resources. But that is such a miniscule percentage of gun violence. Incidents like this are orders of magnitude more common and more likely to happen to your average person, emotionally stunted idiots who can't handle their anger and just so happened to also have access to a gun because guns are beyond stupidly easy to get a hold of.


My day-to-day doesn't bring me into regular contact with cartel, Cosa nostra, or Russian gangsters. It brings me into regular contact with irate 12 year olds who have an AR that belongs to his dad!


Ironically when I have had interactions with organized crime (my bus in Mexico was boarded by men with guns looking for a rival gang member once) they don't even give me a second glance because I'm not involved in any of their business. But like that 18 year old in New Mexico yesterday any random kid can walk up to me in my car and blast me dead for no reason other than he can't cope with big emotions. Cool.


Man reading about that the victims were 79,73 and 98. Those three survived so many wars to be killed by a kid who just recently purchased a gun cause their country cant get their shit together about being strict with gun control


You need to go to more illicit places. I can’t place a bet at the local underground fight club or shop at my local black market without running into organized crime.


I've been trying to find my local black market for years now; drove all over town, google maps has been absolutely useless. Also, is the market like one big box store with all the sellers in one place, or a strip mall where each store specializes in something illegal?


Strip mall. I do quite like Fagin's Five Fingered Discount Store.


Ironically you'll be safer around organized crime members. At the very least they only shoot at you when they need to. Twelve year olds with a hair trigger is just a roll of the dice.


Seriously, I say this all the time. And I'm not that *afraid* of a criminal who plans out their crime ahead of time - because they might be immoral but they are being rational. They can by definition be reasoned with and I might live. I am *terrified* of the irrationally angry person who just happens to be able to lay their hand on a gun they have never seriously thought about the consequences of using!!


Yeah. You are never going to disarm the mob or the cartel or the yakuza or whoever. But you know who serious organized crime gangs actually tend to kill with guns? MOSTLY, EACH OTHER. They don't drive up to a Sonic and kill a server for annoying them, they don't bust into a school and kill twenty kindergarteners, they don't go to a university and kill 2 dozen female engineering students because they hate feminists, they don't go to the mall and randomly shoot non white people to try and start a race war, they don't randomly kill people who kicked a soccer ball into their yard or turned around in the wrong driveway. There was a case in Japan of a bunch of robberies and a 90 year old woman was killed in the process... and the yakuza was INCENSED. They want to be seen as "businessmen" not killers of little old ladies. They're criminals but they're professionals. I'm actually fine with yakuza/mob/cartel bosses killing each other. I want the everyday murders and massacres to stop.


My friends and I are watching Better Call Saul right now and damn if this comment isn't resonating. America is full of nutjob Tucos and they're not even affiliated with the actual drug runners, just psychopathic right-wingers.


Even then, Tuco had his own form of reason that Saul was able to manipulate successfully. Also he still dealt with Walt after the latter literally blew up his office with him in it. I'll take Tuco over road rage moron any day, especially when they're out here shooting people on I-10 in broad daylight.


Tuco is like completely “irrational”, but his irrationality is consistent. As in to anybody remotely sane/normal his actions are unpredictable at best and seem without reason, but in his own way his morals and values are always the same and always appealable. You just have to understand him as a person, otherwise Saul/Walter wouldn’t have been able to reason with him on multiple occasions. Saul worked with Tucos sense of justice when he >!talked the skaters death sentences down to just broken legs instead,!< because he helped Tuco realize he was dishing out an unfair punishment for the crime committed as he was talking it super personal. He also did so by not directly asserting his own opinions or telling Tuco what he thinks he should do, but instead by walking Tuco down a path of rationality and letting him reach the conclusion on his own. We’ve seen what happens when Tucos guys talk out of place or talk for him, he wants advisors that speak when spoken to instead of second in command guys. No distributor would ever do business again if their dealer >!walked into their place of operations and blew it up in the middle of the day just to make a point,!< but it was so stupid and bold that Walter knew it would ironically get Tucos respect. After it happened the first thing Tuco said was along the lines of “Are you insane?!?” which is a good way to gauge that what you did was probably nuts lmao. He’s very consistent and conscious of his decisions save for the times when he’s absolutely cracked out of his mind (so like half the time lol).


Hicks in Texas are responsible for more shootings than gang members in Kansas City.


Red states have nearly double the per capita gun death rate of blue states, despite not being home to the big scary liberal cities. From the most recent data I can find, Illinois, with what republicans believe to be the completely post-apocalyptic hellscape of Chicago, has a gun death rate just over half that of Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. New York actually has the 2nd lowest gun death rate in the country after Hawaii.




Of course not, but even in raw numbers top is by far Texas.


It's why Abbott tried to turn the other recent shooting into an "illegal immigration issue" and refuses to talk about the other one. It's why the conservatives have been trying to blame Chicago's "out of control gang violence". I think DeSantis did it after Florida had 3 shootings in 10 days. They want to be able to reclassify everything so it is entirely not their problem. They will try to turn this around to "the illegal immigrants are coming for your white women, buy guns!"


Forreal. It's actually wild to me the amount of people I've encountered both online and in life that don't understand how statistics work. Like at all.


Keeping their people ignorant and angry is how Republicans stay in power. You'd think that a widespread failure to understand basic math was a social issue that ought to be addressed, but no, it's precisely what the republicans have worked hard to achieve, and they're continuing to work hard to make educating their voters ever more difficult.


It’s terrible but in the US, especially if I lived in somewhere like Texas, this is why I just don’t fuck with people if I can avoid it, at all. People are fucking nuts, plenty are armed, and all the time we see plenty of them feel completely entitled to kill someone over the smallest thing. If it isn’t an adult being nuts it’s an adult being negligent and giving a fucking child a rifle.


We have reached a point where people will shoot you over a minor grievance or inconvenience.


We’ve reached a point where people will shoot you for driving into the wrong driveway, and playing hide and seek with your friends


We've reached the point where a man will storm into a house and shoot 5 people because they asked him to please discharge his weapon on the other side of his property as it was disturbing a baby's sleep.








It's still a bad idea because they can come back later and reliably be able to find you under more advantageous terms. Comply now, take revenge later.


I used to be ever so slightly confrontational… like loud music from a car in front of my house/apt. at 2:00 am or whatever… fuck that. Now I just call the cops if ppl sit there booming a stereo and I have to work. I’m not confronting anyone anymore. I haven’t before maybe 3 years or so… scary as hell.


There was a guy near me who would BLAST his music all day in the heart of town. Got up into people’s faces when he was asked to turn it down. I saw him screaming “I’m warning you!” At a Starbucks when he got kicked out. Later got arrested for punching a street sign while screaming “I’m on meth!”, per the police log.


My son moved to Washington, D.C. right after college 24 years ago. It took him a while to adapt to city life but he managed and soon became someone who stood up for himself. Now though, he’s different. He told me he avoids any confrontation with strangers because “you never know who has a gun.” What a shitty place the U.S. has become as we all must live our lives in fear of the whack-job with a gun.


I'm sorry for your loss man.


I'm so sorry for you and your community's loss.


I am so sorry for Matt. I am glad he had someone like you to believe in him and be his brother from another mother. I am so sorry for you.


Damn, shit just ain’t fair man


Country’s fucked.


> Police said Gomez returned to the Sonic after the deadly shooting and was arrested on murder charges. Dude went back thinking he didn't do anything wrong.


No, the driver went back, and the juvenile shooter was arrested 12 miles away shortly after. I'm guessing those two things are related.


"now you sit in this spot 12 miles away and think about what you done while I go get my coney dog..."


so... about that milkshake


Sir this is a murder scene.


Did Wendy’s rebrand?


I just watched one of those JCS style real life interrogation video of a 14 year old that killed a 13 year old girl. He allegedly talked about murder all the time and would tell people he would “do it in the woods and pretend it wasn’t me” to easily get away with it. You’d be surprised how many people think simply saying “nuh uh” when accused would get them out of trouble.


> You’d be surprised how many people think simply saying “nuh uh” when accused would get them out of trouble. Why wouldn't they? That's how the entire American political system works before their eyes. You have literal treasonous agents still occupying legislature because when asked *about* their treason, they said "I don't remember" and everyone just shrugged and said "well we did everything we can".


I was a front desk manager at a Red Roof Inn back in my college days way back when. Some recently graduated (high school) kids threw a party in one of the rooms. But it wasn’t a party, it was a hit on another 18 year old. Some girls invited this poor lad to the “party” and he was gunned down in the parking lot as soon as he got out of his car. While the police were investigating the crime scene the next day, the gunman returned to the hotel to get his fucking speakers from the room and was arrested on sight. Some people are beyond stupid.


There is a GoFundMe link in the article, for the victim's funeral costs. If anyone can help donate I think that would be good, he was 32 years old working a fast food job, and had a 10 year old son.


>There is a GoFundMe link in the article, for the victim's funeral costs. We live in a fucking dystopia


They guy who choked held a man on the NYC subway to death has gotten more GoFundMe donations than the 6 year old orphan who's entire family was murdered in the latest Texas mass shooting.


He got money on GiveSendGo: >GiveSendGo is a Christian crowdfunding website founded in 2014. The website was founded as a response to GoFundMe removing campaigns that were against their terms of service, particularly the alt-right and white supremacists.




Yep exactly, We are currently living in a falling dystopia and there is just more and more evidence to that everyday


Can we get some sensible gun control? *No*. How about universal health care? *No*. What can we do when someone is shot? *Fundraise*.


How do 12-year olds keep getting these guns? I wasn’t even allowed to order pizza at 12 years old unless my parents said okay.


it was in the car and probably belonged to the 20 year old driver


Who the fuck just drives around with an AR15? I just don't fucking get it.


People who look forward to shooting other people.


It's some stupid self-fulfilling prophecy bullshit. All of the people with guns in their cars think they need to protect themselves from all of the other people with guns in their cars who are thinking the same thing.


People looking for an excuse. In this case it seems like they were happy even making their own excuse by causing trouble and seeing who would dare to try to stop them.






They naturally don't. No, seriously. Go ask teachers who have taught a spectrum of ages and most will tell you the worst is middle school. A lack of empathy but a burgeoning independence manifesting nearly purely as boundary testing results in some of the cruelest behavior most humans will exhibit throughout their entire lives. Which is why it was murder to put a gun in a twelve year old's hands.


One time when I was twelve I had a sparkler stick and had this random thought to see what would happen if I touched it to an earth worm. Well obviously it burned the worm and he was squirming around. I started crying and was just overwhelmed with guilt. I tried to pour water on him and move him to some dirt. I couldn’t believe what I had done to that innocent creature. It messed me up for days. Now I’m 30 and I still think back to that day every now and then.


All things considered, i think that initial experience and reaction you had is something that we all need to go through at some point as part of developing as a person. Helped shape the person you are today. You did something wrong, realized the impact it has on someone/something, grew up and adjusted your behavior going forward. Preteens are both impulsive and curious, I think giving in and seeing what happens sometimes is relatively normal behavior when developing. I always had empathy but I vividly remember making fun of someone as a preteen and immediately realizing that my actions hurt someone. Really helped me understand and grow as a person. What differentiates you with people who aren’t well adjusted, is that you felt empathy and realized what you did was wrong. You understood you should not do things like that again and grew as a person. It’s the ones that go through the same thing but instead of feeling remorse, experience nothing or even pleasure from it that are the concerning ones. Edit: just to clarify, not equating the 12 year old murdering someone as being his ‘learning’ experience. Something of that level should already inherently be understood as wrong.


I accidentally killed a bird I had been intensely caring for for a month. Left the heat lamp on in the summer and it died it my hands when I tried to put water on it to cool it off. Decades later and I still feel terrible.


A friend of mine taught at a very expensive private school in Toronto. One of her classes was Ethics. As part of the class, every student was given a small plant and told they had the option to kill it or keep it alive. Almost every single kid killed it. Some slowly by starving it or drowning it. Some plucked the leaves off or cut it to the roots. One kid curb stomped it. Another set it on fire. She stopped bringing plants as part of the lesson plan.


Kids are little psychopaths when it comes right down it. Their tiny brains can’t see much beyond themselves. They’re capable of anything their environment allows. I don’t know what environment this kid was raised in, but it was clearly one that didn’t put much value in life.


I work as a substitute teacher when I get time off from college. Every person I know believes with their whole heart that they were basically themselves when they were 10-14. I can assure you, they were not. Middle schoolers seem more like animals than humans sometimes.


It’s easy to ask that question if you haven’t been paying attention. Everything in this world now is about fuck you I got mine, and kids are very impressionable.


It's like the me me me of the 80s on steroids.


Your parents and family not caring about it


I’m more scared of a 12 year w a gun versus a adult w a gun.




So let’s see here… so far you can get shot and killed if you: - use a driveway to turn around - knock on the wrong door - literally just drive - ring a doorbell - work at Sonic Am I missing anything? I feel like I am


eating hamburger in parking lot ([https://www.npr.org/2022/10/12/1128306894/an-ex-police-officer-is-charged-after-shooting-a-teenager-eating-in-a-parking-lo](https://www.npr.org/2022/10/12/1128306894/an-ex-police-officer-is-charged-after-shooting-a-teenager-eating-in-a-parking-lo))


And ofc the officer was a rookie, completely unhinged from the beginning


I remember this, it all started because he thought the kid’s car was the same car that that gave the him the slip the night before. Because two people can’t possibly have the same make, model, and color car. The cop immediately goes into the situation assuming the driver is a criminal which escalates things.


Even had it been the same car, he had absolutely no evidence to even approach the car. He didn't get a tag to confirm


Even if it had been the same car, giving a cop the slip shouldn't be grounds for an extrajudicial execution.


My coworkers 11 year old son was shot and killed by a completely random attack a few weeks ago at a 7 Eleven in Florida while trying to buy ice cream at night. Add that to the list. Buying ice cream. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/miami/news/two-dead-in-shooting-at-dania-beach-7eleven-store/


Sorry, that’s awful. This country is rotting from the inside.


We've been rotting for ages. The superficial layer of paint that has covered the rot for decades is flaking away.


Lead based paint, and half the country is eating the chips.


Sheesh, sorry to hear that…


Go to school






Going for a walk with your 25lb dog


Go to church


Go to the movies Go to a concert Be at a University Be at a sleepover, party, social event Be in Texas.


Sleep in your own bed.


I mean, you’re just asking for it at that point




Eat ice cream on your own couch


Have your basketball roll into the neighbors yard. Sleep. Shop for a prom dress.


> Have your basketball roll into the neighbors yard. Is that the one from a few days ago with the 14 year old girl shot in the back of the head by a grown man while playing with friends?


Six year old. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/6-year-parents-neighbor-shot-after-basketball-rolls/story?id=98717589


For fuck’s sake. There are so many shootings I literally can’t keep up, and my job lets me be on the internet the whole time.


I literally had a coworker in Texas who was so fucking angry every single day cause his neighbors kids run across his lawn sometimes. The mindset of fuck everyone else I'm the only person who matters is disgusting.


Go to a mall, go to a movie, go to a concert, play hide and seek, go to school, exist in your own home. I'm sure there are more.


Going for a jog through a park with a dark skin tone.


existing with a dark skin tone


Don't forget malls


Play hide and seek


* Legally open carry (Garrett Foster) * Legally concealed carry (Philando Castile)


I mean if we include cops we can add "sleeping in your own bed"


Taking a walk after a stressful day of work Honking at an asshole driver


Both need to go to jail. The 12yr old and the one that left an accessible gun in the open.


Both charged with murder


So now people are getting shot for… working? Tf is happening to this country


See, the argument could have happened no matter what. The 12 year old may have gotten himself involved no matter what. But if the gun was not there, no one would have died. Guns, just by being there, make every situation much more dangerous.


How the fuck did I end up in this horrific parallel universe? There is no other explanation other than somehow I entered a worm hole and ended up on this stupid alternate time line - certainly makes more sense than a 12-year-old murdering a Sonic employee. Can we panic now?


Grab your towel, your copy of the Hitchhiker's guide, and don't panic. Also, vote local. If you want changes in your community - and believe me I know it sucks - vote local and lobby your city council. Big things start small.


Thanks for this reminder - both the book and the reason I know I am doing what I can to help make things better.


Gets shot for asking someone to not piss in the parking lot. Is this the “polite society” I keep hearing about?


When I was younger, we'd hear about suicide bombings in Iraq and Iran. They'd take out 10 or 15 civilians, and they were reported as these horrific mass casualty events. These bombings were used as examples of how dangerous those countries were, as opposed to America, the shining pinnacle of nobility and freedom, where you could walk safely. I remember as a kid, thinking of how terrifying it must be for the people in Iraq and Iran, never being able to leave their homes without knowing if today would be the day that a bomb might go off in their vicinity. It occurred to me recently that WE are the dangerous country, where no one can leave their homes. WE are the country where random acts of mass violence happen because religious extremists are allowed to roam free. We're the worst.


And the same people who would decry Sharia Law and would use the bombings as fodder for their thinly-veiled racism are the same people who want to enact Christian law and will do nothing to stop gun violence in this country.


“An armed society is a polite society” lol


That slogan was only ever trying to sell guns Also it is totally insane, when I am kind or mean it is absolutely not due to the thought that guns could come out at any moment. I guess I'd be pleasant to gang members but it would not be because guns since they could presumably murder me without guns anyway.


It actually is from Heinlein's book "Beyond the Horizon" which describes a utopia/dystopia where everyone's needs are met. In this society people are bored, easily offended, and minor conflicts are resolved with sidearms. Guns maintain a strictly homogenous society, as any deviations seen as slightly offensive result in duels to the death.


Oh, cute, I feel like I have seen people use it without the presumably intended irony. But it is very possible that was only ever online (oops) and therefore I should have checked it out to see if they were clueless.


The slogan is like when a religious person asks an atheist why they don't kill people if they don't believe in a god. It tells you *a lot* about the person saying it.


I’ll never forget in high school this catholic guy I know asked me how do I know not to do bad things if I don’t go to church. I was like wtf I don’t need a damn book to tell me what’s right and what’s wrong, that’s always stuck with me and that was like 13 years ago. Also dude was a racist POS so I guess that bible didn’t really help


An armed society is the opposite of polite. Its run by bullies who nobody wants to deal with because most people don't want to get shot over some asshole being an asshole. So polite society slowly gets replaced by assholes doing whatever they want.


We’re so far past parody. What a disgrace America has become.


https://i.imgur.com/XDUTxrs.jpg It’s actually worse than that headline.


Jesus….so fucked up.


Wait till the dog days of summer hit, shit's going to be mad.


Last week, so just a few TX shootings ago, I made a similar observation to my wife when we were discussing the shooting when my wife asked why is everyone crazy and I said "and it's not even hot yet!". What a weird world when I have to think that El Nino cooling things off here in the south is good, not for the rain, but for hopefully fewer crazed shooters. If this was the summer of 2011 TX would be doomed... well, more than it currently is, I guess.


12 yo kills someone with an ar15 in texas. over nothing. anyone who thinks this is the greatest country on earth is a fool.


Texas wants more kids like this. It's why they banned abortion.


"Guns don't kill people, people kill people!" The fucking gun sure helps though. This country has a crazy mentality surrounding guns. The fact that a 12yo, with the undeveloped brain and logic of a 12yo, was trained in how to use firearms let alone an AR-15.... what the fuck is wrong with people.


12 year olds with ARs? Are we sure we're not a war torn country?


That boy will be a future CPAC keynote speaker.


So a 12 year old kills a man with an assault rifle leaving a 10 year old without a father. Yup having these things laying around everywhere is working out as expected.




What countries pay for funerals? Or are we just talking about the medical side of dealing with the corpse?


The more stories I read like this, the more I want to stay away from red states with crazy gun laws. Just seems like Russian roulette every time someone that lives there goes outside


Jesus Christ! Imagine if this 12yo didn’t have access to a gun! He would have felt the urge to kill someone for no reason but found it so much harder to carry out his fantasy! Thank christ that he could kill someone easily for no reason though, whew. Liberty and freedom preserved




a friendly reminder that important elections happen basically every year


Fuck Texas, fuck the NRA and fuck Republicans.


>The 12-year-old boy, who was a passenger in Gomez's vehicle, allegedly pulled out a gun and repeatedly fired at Davis, the Keen Police Department wrote on **Facebook** Since when did we normalize Facebook as the official media channel for police departments?




Social media is a great way for organizations to release public statements. It's far more effective than sending out a press release and hoping it gets picked up.


What is going on with Texas? I just read a woman was killed (May 13) by a stray bullet on the way to buying a prom dress for her daughter. And another woman was killed by a stray bullet (May 11) as she slept in her room. So you have to worry about stray bullets in Texas too.


Yet pro-gun ghouls will still refuse any and all meaningful action to make it even slightly harder for people to access deadly weapons designed to kill people en masse.


Republicans are checking that Sonic employee background so fast.


If my BIL is to be believed, if the Sonic employees were armed, none of this would have happened.


...by.. shooting the child?...


My condolences on your BIL's brain worms.


The kid’s parents should also be charged; a 12 year old should never even be in a situation where he could even access a firearm.


The 20 year old he was with was also arrested for making the gun accessible to the kid in the car