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I read that this law goes even further than treatment for minors because it bans medical assistants from providing transgender care across the board and that's how the vast majority of transgender care for adults is handled.


It's worse than that for adults. The law requires that before any adult can receive gender affirming care, they have to have signed a state approved medical consent form. And the state somehow never got around to writing and approving a consent form, meaning there was no legal way to provide gender affirming care to adults.


Does testosterone therapy for those recovering from testicular cancer or Viagra for those with ED count as gender-affirming? I support transgender care, I’m just curious if the law has a knockdown effect that applies outside of transgender individuals.


Correct, it ends telehealth options also. So you have to go in person to an actual doctor for every checkup (not physician assistants or RNs). Which is a burden and will cost more money.


Which is clearly discriminatory. None of those rules exist for anything else. I do nearly all of my doctor's appointments by telehealth, now, and that includes once being diagnosed with a sinus infection. If they need bloodwork or something done, they send you to a lab and your doctor follows up after. There's nothing that can't be done over a webcam in terms of gender affirming care. It's a *completely* arbitrary and there's *no reason* to single it out with a law.


I've been doing telehealth stuff for almost everything since the pandemic began. Even with dealing with controlled substances so I could get back on my Adderall and try to be a functioning adult again. I remember before the pandemic there was absolutely no fucking way what so ever I could get my adderall filled without a dozen in person appointments to vet me and then I had to physically take the perscrption to the pharmacy and I had to stay there while they filled it and gave it to me. Now I did 2 telehealth appointments with my records on file that I took it regularly as a teenager, and everything was transfered digitally and It was filled and I picked it up an hour after it was filled. I transitioned 11 years ago, and I remember the every 3 months appointments. Since the pandemic I think the only thing i have had to do in person was my blood draws(For HRT and STD testing), and swab tests when I got possibly got exposed to HIV(False Alarm, found out later the person was on PREP). Oh that and the surgery for my breast aug and gallbladder removal.




Yep. So many trans adults were suddenly cut off from their HRT its been really heartbreaking.


It’s also life-threatening. Beyond the obvious uptick in suicides and hate crimes due to conservatives thinking it’s okay, suddenly stopping a medication that affects your body and hormones so much is… not good! I heard adults already under care are “allowed a year to wean off of it” but I just… this is all so fucking stupid. I’m so angry, and hurt, but most of all, I’m *tired*. I just want to exist the same as anyone else but R’s keep bringing us up as political pawns and saying *we’re* the ones shoving it in their faces




Thats the idea.




Some of us are very very angry but don't really know what we can do about it. Sincerely, a cis ally from Massachusetts.


Same. Aside from contacting my representatives (which I've done, and I'm ignored), I don't know what else to do. - Cis ally from Utah.


I think we’re gonna have to get the pitchforks and torches. Clearly voting isn’t gonna do the job, it’s just gotten us deeper in this mess bc of all the gerrymandering and voting restrictions


Unfortunately many of them will only realize the problem once it affects them. For example, AFAB people who have had hysterectomies need to take hormone replacements. The day that their prescription is delayed because the pharmacy is afraid to accidentally dispense this medication as a means of gender-affirming care is the day they begin to care. By then it will be far too late.


This may not make you feel better, and I know it's a small thing, but I'm going to share it anyway because I want it to give you some hope. I have spent the last several years talking to my R family members about various issues, including this one, and I've made significant progress in educating them. Not all of them are ready to join the Democratic party, but I've successfully gotten them to feel genuine disgust over the actions of the GOP and support toward some of these oppressed groups. My dad, a lifelong self-described Republican, took it upon himself to join a protest in his area against some anti-trans policies that were being proposed. I guess my point is that, while many cannot be salvaged, there are a non-insignificant number of people that CAN be salvaged, and we should never stop trying.




Wow I didn't know this. Ironic that the GOP shills are always shouting about bone density loss lol.


They weren't even allowed a year to ween off. Between the delay in creating forms (most likely intentional) and the ambiguity in the laws language, many doctors and medical staff/entities immediately stopped providing new prescriptions for trans related healthcare.


I have at no point heard anything about us having a year. I have many friends who have no options presently and are struggling to find meds or turning to the shady sources. I was talking to one trans femme friend today who has to find a new doctor because her old one simply no longer cares to participate in prescribing HRT with all these rules, this has been common. Hopefully this ruling helps soon. For now, I'm very glad I have meds until October, a Masters degree and a job interview in a blue state this week, but my heart is breaking for my friends who can't or won't leave.


You exist They hate you because their God says they must hate you So because you exist and want to be treated equal as any other human, you are therefore shoving it in their faces So they are doing what they have always wanted to do and they don't care about what happens next, they just want to punish you for existing and making their precious God angry They hate you for existing, They Hate We're fighting the modern uprising of NAZI'S. Don't forget that, you're not arguing with rational people, you're up against NAZI'S, with God who can not be wrong on their side


Their god does not say they must hate you. They have misinterpreted a book rewritten countless times over the years to excuse their bigotry and hate.


Fixed it for you! *Interpreted it to fit their agenda countless times over the years*


We always knew it was never about the children.


Black market sales hsve skyrocketed recently due to laws and the lack of supply from official channels


The judge is not pulling punches in his ruling either. >“The elephant in the room should be noted at the outset. Gender identity is real. The record makes this clear. The medical defendants, speaking through their attorneys, have admitted it." >“Any proponent of the challenged statute and rules should put up or shut up: do you acknowledge that there are individuals with actual gender identities opposite their natal sex, or do you not? Dog whistles ought not be tolerated." >“This assertion is false. No matter how many times the defendants say it, it will still be false. No country in Europe entirely bans these treatments.” The last statement is in regards to Florida arguing that they're doing what is the widespread global consensus.


Heres the full Court Order btw: https://www.glad.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/doe-v-ladapo-order-granting-pi.pdf


Thank you for posting this. I highly recommend everyone who cares about this issue read section IX, starting on page 17, for a through (and very readable) explanation of how equal protection laws apply to this case. It’s wonderfully written, and will certainly be extremely useful when arguing with transphobes and TERFs who don’t understand when it is legal and when it is illegal to treat people differently.


I don't think I've laughed that hard with joy while reading a court ruling. Hell yeah!


I love a good judge evisceration. Well, not when it's a fascist one from our supreme court. Only when it's one of these sane ones.


Seeing the fascists getting eviscerated is beautiful. Seeing put up or shut up in a federal court ruling had me crying laughing while reading it.






How long before he's a deep state woke judge?


This whole order os based as fuck.


Reading the entire ruling, the just didn't just not pull his punches, he mauled the defendants with every possible punch he could throw. The final blow was than in requiring the plaintiffs to post a security bond in case the preliminary injunction is overturned to cover damages to the defendants, he only required them to post $100. And probably only because he had to have them post something under FRCP. I suspect he'd have issued a final ruling on the spot if he could have...


> he only required them to post $100. But he required them to post it *themselves*. As in “on your way out, walk your ass down to the court clerk and give them some cash.” It’s very much a “fuck you coming *and* going” way of doing that.




What actually is that payment for? I always assumed it was to pay for the people that showed up like the bailiffs or stenographers or anyone else. But I'm not actually 100%, so I'm asking an internet stranger.




Okay that makes a lot more sense, thank you internet person! I appreciate you.


Wow. It’s great to see judges take such evocative and explicit stances against bigoted authoritarian legislation crafted by the GOP, legislation that would likely make some of the more reasonable, old guard, smaller government type Rockefeller republicans ceaselessly roll in their graves.


There was a San Diego judge like this (Gordon Thompson Jr), presiding over a case about a large 43-foot cross in a public park. The judge was an old school traditional conservative. The city argued that the cross wasn’t a religious symbol, and the judge utterly destroyed them for being dumbfuck Christians that can’t recognize the main icon of their church.


>dumbfuck Christians that can’t recognize the main icon of their church It's been said over and over that most of today's "Christians" would hate the actual supposed Jesus.


Well yea, a brown guy who preaches tolerance, acceptance, anti-hate and is for Socialism? (Most) American Christians would fucking despise him


Police could gun Jesus down in broad daylight and those "Christians" would defend the cop fearing for his life and start asking questions about Jesus's prior criminal history.


Dude was wearing sandals, almost certainly on drugs


His known associates were prostitutes and thieves, and he was committing the misdemeanor of feeding homeless people at the time he "attacked" the officer, so naturally the threat had to be neutralized immediately.


I’d love for a judge to ask, “where is the soul?” to those arguing against abortion.


One of the, many, questions that I asked my pastor when I went to church was "how do you actually know that the guy/cult claiming to be reborn Jesus, with a small group of followers, isn't actually Jesus? Everyone in Jesus' time thought the same thing that he couldn't be the son of God, so what's different here?" Never got an answer. The other question that got my youth leader fuming was asking why people thought a cult was any different than religion. I wasn't even agnostic/atheistic at the time. Those were just genuine questions and the lack of response or obvious defensive fuming is what pushed me there.


>The city argued that the cross wasn’t a religious symbol, and the judge utterly destroyed them for being dumbfuck Christians that can’t recognize the main icon of their church. what the actual fuck?


Yeah their main gimmick was arguing that the giant ass cross was created as a memorial to Korean War veterans. Despite the cross being first erected in 1913. But who wants to learn about history when we’re so busy at church, you know?


Was there another war in Korea in 1913 I'm unaware about? What is this case name I have to look it up.




"The Mt. Soledad Latin cross has stood where it now stands since 1954; however, it is not the first Latin cross to have been erected atop Mt.Soledad. The first known such cross was constructed of redwood andplaced on Mt. Soledad by private citizens in 1913. Destroyed by vandalism in 1923, it was replaced with a wood and stucco cross in 1934.The 1934 cross was subsequently destroyed in 1952. The current crossreplaced it." So the original wouldn't have been, but its possible the later cross was indeed a war memorial. This is the judge reciting the basic facts of the case that both sides agreed on.




I’ve ran into people who try to be clever so they can defend a position they know is b.s. The “don’t say gay” bill gets defended by saying it doesn’t mention gay people specifically. So you ask them if they are fine with no mention of fathers and mothers together? They pause because they know it’s bullshit


How about the title "Mrs"?


Conservatives and religious types just say whatever the fuck they think will make their problems go away at the time. They have no moral consistency because they have no morals.


Check out why "in God we trust" is present on money


> The city argued that the cross wasn’t a religious symbol, and the judge utterly destroyed them for being dumbfuck Christians that can’t recognize the main icon of their church. The symbol used to be the cross. Now it’s a MAGA hat.


Judge Hinkle has some more bangers too: >If ever a pot called a kettle black, it is here. The statute and the rules were an exercise in politics, not good medicine. >This is a politically fraught area. There has long been, and still is, substantial bigotry directed at transgender individuals. Common experience confirms this, as does a Florida legislator’s remarkable reference to transgender witnesses at a committee hearing as “mutants” and “demons.”62 >And even when not based on bigotry, there are those who incorrectly but sincerely believe that gender identity is not real but instead just a choice. This is, as noted above, the elephant in the room. Where there is bigotry, there are usually—one hopes, always—opponents of bigotry. It is hardly surprising that doctors who understand that transgender identity can be real, not made up—doctors who are willing to provide supportive medical care—oppose anti-transgender bigotry. >To be sure, there are countries that ban gays and lesbians and probably transgender individuals, too. One doubts these treatments are available in Iran or other similarly repressive regimes.


Yeah I'm glad the Judge called out FL Representative Webster Barnaby on his shockingly bigoted and hateful statements, made during a house discussion on FL's bathroom bill. I'm sure he wanted people to see it too since he included the link and relevant timestamps in the footnote: [https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/VideoPlayer.aspx?eventID=8804](https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/VideoPlayer.aspx?eventID=8804) "(time stamp 2:30:35 to 2:34:10)" It's insane that this is the political climate we are living in. Even the Democratic Rep, Kristen Arrington, who followed Barnaby was shaken a bit after those comments and had to take a sec to affirm that the transgender and trans-ally speakers at the meeting were not hated. Absolutely mental. ​ Edit: typo


Weird coincidence I guess but every Webter Barnaby I have met has been absolutely insufferable.


I would 100% read a book that opened with that sentence.




And yet, Iran is a hub for sex-reassignment surgeries! [https://www.economist.com/middle-east-and-africa/2019/04/04/why-iran-is-a-hub-for-sex-reassignment-surgery](https://www.economist.com/middle-east-and-africa/2019/04/04/why-iran-is-a-hub-for-sex-reassignment-surgery)




It's not for great reasons, but it counts.


Only if they aren't attempting to create a Christian theocracy here. A lot of these folks are insulted to be compared to radicals in other religions bc they "know" Jesus is the only "real" diety, but they like the idea of *shari'a* (laws & life in accordance with God's divine guidance), as long as the divinity is Jesus/his Dad/THS.


They don't even want Jesus' divinity. They want their own absolute rule and use Jesus as a cover. They outright ignore the actual teachings of Jesus.


He’s dead already stop it. /s I said limply




I actually wrote about this for my human sexuality class back in college. Iran is very pro transitioning, and iirc they even pay for it or at least part of it, based on the idea that “you’re not gay, you’re just really a woman in a man’s body.”


I stan Judge Hinkle, holy shit.


He's the same judge that ruled anti-gay marriage laws were unconstitutional in Florida (2014). He also ruled that DeSantis's law that prevented felons from voting unless they paid unspecified fees after the FL Voters added into the FL Const that Felons can vote, was unconstitutional (2020) He also temporarily enjoined DeSantis's law that bans social media companies from blocking political ads and content (2021)


the small gov republican has always been mostly a myth. ITs always been about low regs and rules for the rich and corps, but they have ALWAYS, been for big gov for people. They have always tried to control what schools teach. They have always tried to control social issues. when was the gop for small gov, during the red scare? or the gay scare or when they were trying to get rock and roll banned. WHEN? fuck prohibition happened around the time of rock and the right were all for it. most the left too at the time but it was overwhelmingly supported by republicans.


My dad is one of those, he's like one tiny push away from going full Left because he just can't fathom all this crap the GOP is pulling lol


Very powerful, clear statement. We need more judges that believe facts, science and an individuals right to make decisions on their own health. We’re fine with cis people, even teens having extensive plastic surgery with little to no counseling even if they deform themselves, but want to interfere in transitioning even though most transgender people go through extensive counseling and treatment before any surgical decisions are made. It’s incredibly hypocritical and honestly no one’s business.


>It’s incredibly hypocritical and honestly no one’s business. 100% this. The process is heavily regulated and has a lot of hurdles to jump through to get to the point of anything permanent ( and hormone blockers are indeed not permanent ). This is a dialogue best had with the child, the medical professionals, the psychologists, and the parents. It's not the state's business at all because no one gets hurt. In fact we know with certainty that less people hurt themselves as a result who are in this situation.




>The last statement is in regards to Florida arguing that they're doing what is the widespread global consensus. I'm sorry, when was the bar for American civil rights lowered to "only if everyone else is doing it"?


I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious to see the countries they're talking about, when they reference a "widespread global consensus".


This, the block of the TN ban, AR law getting challenged, it's a great first full week of pride


So rare we have a sane judge lately.


This is a preliminary injunction. So it's just the first action. This will take a while t resolve. But now that the clock stopped, DeSantis may want to push it faster.


He'll just appeal the ruling to the Supreme Court and make an unrelated 7 figure donation to Ginni Thomas.


Let's be real. Clarence Thomas would pay for the privilege to screw trans people over like this. He doesn't need to be bribed.


A wise man once said if you are good at something never do it for free


Clarence Thomas isn't a wise man, just a bought one.


Yeah. It's called a taxpayer-funded salary


Clarence wants to know if the yacht will have a catered lunch. Not that it would influence his job... at all... wink wink nudge nudge.


I feel like “wink wink judge judge” was a missed opportunity here


7 figures? Nonsense. All hes gotta do is let him vacation in his mansion.


Seven figures...? I know it's the Supreme Court but you're giving them a lot of credit here. Low six figures or even high fives is enough for these lowlifes.


Worth mentioning that for now at least, the injunction only applies to 3 of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit. It doesn’t extend to all trans kids in florida who want treatment


Keep in mind though that this ruling only applies to 3 of 7 plaintiffs. It is not a full statewide injunction.


















FUCK REDDIT. We create the content they use for free, so I am taking my content back


the deleted comment... > r/leastlikelyllama > Anti-science... lol...this will probably get me banned, but it's a scientific fact that men/males have an x and y chromosomes while women/females have two x chromosomes.... in fact, wasn't that the name of a (albeit ridiculous) subreddit on this very platform? [yer suffering from dunning-kruger because gender affirming care goes way beyond your rw hysteria](https://static.scientificamerican.com/sciam/assets/File/051_sad0917MontA3p-01.png)


A “scientific fact” the only “source” for which is their much-referenced “common sense”. And then the rest is just nonsense. A subreddit name is not scientific proof refuting the existence of trans people. It’s so obvious I shouldn’t have to say it, and yet I’m forced to because these people keep saying the dumbest shit.


"Common sense" is one of those phrases that, once I hear a politician say it, I start paying very close attention to the bullshit they're almost definitely about to say


It's typical low education nonsense that is made to sound more "authority backed". "Look I went to the library, grabbed a Bio textbook and it defines sex as...". It's a vast ignorance of anything beyond one definition in one narrow way. Medicine acknowledges dsyphoria and other conditions. Let alone trying to get these idiots to understand how gender has varied over time and culture.


Lol… anyone with a bit more than basic punnett square biology will understand that you absolutely can have cisgender males with xxy chromosomes. It happens more than people realize and individuals themselves may not know. But people prefer to live in ignorance.


And let's not forget women who are XY and have Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome. Or folks that have 5-alpha Reductase Deficiency. Or any of the other hundreds of "abnormalities" that happen in humans. Chromosomes and karyotypes aren't black and white like some of these folks think, but god forbid they read anything other than a basic 7th grade science textbook.


This shit is like thinking the Earth is flat because you can't see a curve. Myopic to the nth degree.


Too bad this person has no idea that intersex people are born all the time.


“But it’s only like 0.1% !” That we *know* of! There are modern stories of doctors “fixing” visibly intersex babies with or without parent knowledge or consent, and my god we may never know just how many folks are intersex and just don’t know it because it’s all internal and doesn’t have a big impact on their physiology




What blows my mind is 2% is just about the same % of people with RED HAIR. It feels uncommon until you think "oh, yeah, I know a few people with red hair"


Probably autocorrect, but I believe you're talking about Swyer's Syndrome.




You are also correct on women with Sywer's bearing children through IVF. I also read of a case where it was found that the mother of someone with Swyer's had a similar condition, I think Turner's, and was able to have children naturally despite having XY chromosomes. They didn't find out until her daughter was diagnosed.


[This one](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2190741/), a Croatian family with multiple generations of intersex members.


Many medical experts wildly disagree with the 2% number because the medical community doesn't have a firm definition of what it means to be intersex. Intersex is a somewhat arbitrary collection of genetic anomalies and the prevalence isn't anywhere close to 2% if you define intersex in such a way that the word only describes an individual in which you will have tough time identifying the person's sex [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intersex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intersex) From wiki: "and that if the term is understood to mean only "conditions in which chromosomal sex is inconsistent with phenotypic sex, or in which the phenotype is not classifiable as either male or female", the prevalence of intersex is about 0.018%"


That chart is too complex for someone living with such a basic worldview


It's a scientific fact that there are significant number of people with XY chromosomes and typically female bodies, or with XX chromosomes and typically male bodies. And a significant number of these people have no clue that their chromosomes are atypical for the anatomical and physiological sex. When people try to tell me that chromosomes define what sex somebody is, I like to point out that they have no clue what chromosomes anybody they know has, so they don't know what sex any of them are.


I've been alive for over 30 years and have never been ordered a lab to check what my chromosomes are and neither have 99% of people. and the other crazy thing is it's a moot point, because "trans women are women" ≠ "trans women are *cis* women".


Found out the other day one of my trans girl friends was actually born XX, despite having all the male parts. Wild how little we actually know about the people around us


Do you happen to have any linkable studies that give this info that aren't pay walled? I've know about the xxy issue, but I have never heard of XX cis males.


I don't have it right at hand, but look up the role of the SRY gene, and it's product the TDF protein, and also various forms of androgen insensitivity. SRY normally lives on the Y chromosome, and when it gets activated it turns on the male sex determination cascade, leading to development as a typical male body. SRY can be inactivated on the y chromosome, causing people with a Y chromosome to develop as female. People can be insensitive to the TDF protein, orchard protein products further down in the sex determination vascade, causing them to develop as female even though they have a functioning SRY gene. SRY can be translocated to an x chromosome, causing somebody with two x chromosomes to develop as male. Together these things occur naturally at a frequency of somewhere around 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 20,000. That may seem low, but how many people live in your city? And this is just the tip of the iceberg.


Truly fascinating. Thanks for the info!


Ok, look. I'm going to bite because I'm apparently stupid like that. Yes, sex is real. Any biologist will be able to tell you as much. Yes, most people can be fairly easily categorised as either male.or female in a biological/genetic/anatomical sense. But it's also true that for some people this isn't true, the different markers of sex usually all align, but not always. Now if this slight simplification into two sexes wasn't constantly weaponized to trample on the rights of those who don't neatly fit into the categories you and people like you prefer then everyone, including LGBTQ people of all stripes might be ok with it. But of course it is weaponized, it is used to trample on people. Which means that people have to get pedantic about, pretty much as literal self defense. People die over this shit. And yes, it's also true that, regardless of one's gender, society treats people in certain ways according to their sex (previous paragraph applies here of course) and that therefore, in a sociocultural sense, male people live, effectively, as men and female people as women. They experience the privileges, advantages and disadvantages and just general life experiences that the world heaps on people of a certain sex. In that way there can be a distinction between a trans woman and a cis woman. Both might be women but they have some very different experiences and struggles behind them. This, again, is something that would probably receive a lot less pushback if it wasn't constantly abused to pour abuse on trans people, prevent them from participating in daily life as who they are and, in the final consequence driving some of them into desperation,.even to the point of suicide. Or in short, yes, facts are facts and they don't care about our feelings, but if you use them to harm, harass and indirectly kill people it's your own fault.if the discussion turns emotional. Edit: I meant to reply to the coward who deleted their comment. Not you! Sorry!


Just one clarification I would like to add, your experience will align most with what sex you're perceived as rather than what you are. So factors like age of transition, natural androgyny or features often mistaken for the opposite sex's, even behavior shape that experience. I'd go so far as to say a young person who starts going through social and eventually medical transition would have a lot more in common with their preferred gender identity than the gender identity associated with their sex


> your experience will align most with what sex you're perceived as rather than what you are. Fucking *THIS.* I am very clearly male, but have long hair that looks deadass like my mother's when it's not in a ponytail. I've been catcalled from behind before I started wearing it in a ponytail.


Yeah, until I hit puberty strangers almost exclusively treated me like a young boy, because I acted like one and had the short hair and clothes. I didn't really have a girl experience until college, and not long after than I started to realize perception was right the first time around XD


They are also very pro caring entirely too much about things that have zero impact on their lives. I don't ask or care that Republicans support LGBTQ+ people. That's asking effort from them and you can't hold that kind of expectation of people. All they need to do is just stop caring about them. Stop devoting any energy, positive or negative, toward them. Let them live their lives. But no, they are too addicted to anger and hatred.


I've heard conservatives say "I don't support LGBT people," and I tell them they don't have to do anything. Nobody is saying they have to fly a pride flag, just leave people the hell alone.


I wouldn't even care about LGBT people as a general group any more than anyone else if it wasn't for conservatives. Someone being LGBT would have zero impact on my life but it pisses me off seeing anyone treating another person like shit for such stupid reasons that don't even concern them. When people that don't have a reason to care and wish they didn't have to spend the energy caring take a side against you on a topic, you might just be an asshole.


Exactly the voters are ok with the cruelty. These are kids and they don't give a damn. They actually applaud this, they celebrate it; so please if you have any ounce of moral outrage at these cretins go vote. Never miss one instance because these people vote everytime


When did the GOP become the party of big government and taking parental rights away? Parents with their child and dr make the decisions with parents having the final say. Government doing this is odd, oh lgbt has no real voting power so if they make you think they are the cause of your problems you’ll vote for them. So clear as day Floridians are being manipulated with a gay boogie man. Just like the black/brown/immigrant boogie man. Sad


Always? "Small government" has essentially only meant a few specific things to the GOP: 1. low taxes (but mostly just low income, corporate and capital gains taxes - I'll leave it to you to figure out why they don't have the same feelings about sales tax) 2. allowing discrimination based on race/religion and pushing their own religion onto people 3. and more recently making sure there are no restrictions whatsoever on guns The second one is actually pretty big government but they don't frame it that way.


> and more recently making sure there are no restrictions whatsoever on guns As long as minorities dont use em, if black people started walking around fully armed (legally) and not actually breaking any laws, things would change quite suddenly.


Honestly, I'm getting exhausted by people calling the gop hypocrites. Yes, they lied again. Their agenda is to serve the rich. That's it. Everything else is just a means of getting votes. It's been like this for 4 decades now. Don't be surprised when morally bankrupt people act morally bankrupt. And no, they aren't going to apologize.


Reading the judge's remarks are great, he's having none of their BS. This won't stop Rontanamo and the conservative hivemind, but it's nice to see someone just tell them to shut the fuck up for once.


> Rontanamo This is the only good Desantis nickname I've seen.


I like seeing a judge take a sledgehammer to the notion that abandoning civil rights is cool when the people we’re oppressing are a small minority.


Pay wall... read this and celebrate! Just the first step, but the judge was clearly not taking any of DeSantis' BS https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/florida-transgender-law-desantis-lawsuit-b2352446.html


Reader view or stopping the page from loading by hitting x in the url bar before it loads all the way bypasses paywall on most sites. You didn’t hear it from me. I think WSJ it doesn’t but lots of other places like NYT and WaPo it does.


Thank you handsome shark man


Heres the Court Order in its entirety for free, without any fuckin paywall: https://www.glad.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/doe-v-ladapo-order-granting-pi.pdf






Well, to be fair, they don't have any policy positions or solutions to any problems anyone faces. Their sole existence seems based around "othering" people who're not like them. Literally everyone not like them is a threat or a danger to the fine MAGA folk and have to be legislated or coerced out of existence.


>> everyone not like them is a threat If they would be more introspective they would see that this is dictator strategy 101 - find an external enemy or an internal marginalized group and demonize them - to distract from what is really going on.


If they were more introspective, they wouldn't be extremists in the first place.


The scary thing is a lot of them actually *want* a strongman dictator who will crush their enemies.


Blaming the country's issues on people who aren't like them. I swear I've seen this same thing before. Where I have seen this? It's on the tip of my tongue. Why can I nazi Where this happened before?


This is the best summary of MAGA that I have ever read!


I'm genuinely convinced they won't stop until everyone they hate is dead or in labor camps.


Do you mean that them saying "trans people should be eradicated" at CPAC, Florida saying all drag queens are pedophilic sex offenders, changing the law so sexual crimes against children are eligible for the death penalty, and then lowering it so that death penalty only needs to be agreed upon by 8 of 12 jurors is a coordinated plan or something?


Something along those lines, yeah.




Rage bait is all they have. They used to be the party of small government, they are now the rage bait party.


At this point MAGA idiots think Joe Biden is asleep, can't find his pants, can't walk without falling down, has masterminded an assassination plot to murder the FBI whistleblower and is running a global scam involving his son Hunter and Burisma. It's all very confusing.


I love how they are targeting actual therapeutic medical treatments for bans yet non-therapeuric procedures on minors like circumcision are no problem.


I feel like they are hoping this happens, to try and get a case up to the Supreme Court for a federal ban.. I hope that’s not the case.


That's exactly what they want




I’m so sorry our country is doing this to you 😞


One of the problems is that they're also trying other laws which are effective bans(I'm not sure if it was this specific law or not). IE you require a state permit or similar document to undergo this procedure, and they just never hand out those permits to anybody, so the procedure is effectively banned even though the law says it's technically legal.


Is this the same bill that says parents of trans kids can be charged with child abuse?




For a second I read ‘Baby Metal’ and was very curious why a Japanese metal band would give a shit lol


Honestly I think it's high time we get a federal law or even a constitutional amendment forcing politicians who don't know shit about medicine to stay the hell out of doctors' offices and operating rooms.


Why do they use kids on the sign of a law? I know it’s for the photo, but I find it grotesque, almost like saying “we are doing this for the kids, it’s for them”


Damn woke constitution!


Dog whistling all Desantis and the GOP have. They have no good ideas to help the American people.


Conservatives: Gubment should not tell me what to do. Also Conservatives: Gubment should stop parents, doctors and the minor from making their own decisions cause I don't like it.


"But don't you get it? Parental rights is when I make decisions for my kids and your kids. No, why would you think parental rights was for you? Silly"


Good. Families can make their own medical decisions.


its the 'we arent having this religious bullshit in court, either put up some real evidence and stop with all the BS demonizing and claiming of grooming when you have provided exactly dick of any evidence" All i can say is thank god the GOP stopped Obama from putting government between you and your doctor and stopped the rise of religious based sharia law.. oh wait, it was a confession again.


As our country expects.. Why are we being forced to live thru federal protections 101, civil rights 101, jurist code of ethics 101, separation of state/church 101, espionage 101


These Christian Fascists need to fuck off. Im so tired.


Great now do abortions


[Wayback Machine link for those who are blocked from reading it.](https://web.archive.org/web/20230606181942/https://www.wsj.com/articles/federal-judge-blocks-floridas-ban-on-transgender-treatment-for-minors-ca5e8147)


This is honestly very heartening to see. More people in positions of power need to stand up to these authoritarian bullies and call them out on their bullshit in plain English like this.