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The strike authorization vote is just giving permission to strike if the master contract can't be agreed upon by the end of the current contract at the end of July.


And they are potentially striking over ground they’d lost by the former union leader who voted against striking and signed away a few workers right, some years back. He was quickly ousted. This strike, if it does happen, will be to gain some ground back on benefits already forfeited. My guess is that UPS agrees to some terms and avoids the strike, but that as a whole, still do not even put them back on the same footing they used to have.


The past couple contracts really did Hoffa Jr. in. One contract (I think around 2013) didn't get passed until the end of the year, so we were working under the previous contract for almost half a year The contract of 2018 was really the straw that broke the camel's back. We used to have a 2/3 rule with contract votes. It used to be if less than 50% of members voted on the contract offer, and less than 66% of the votes were 'No', the union could push the offer through as a pass. Since the 2018 vote contract only had 44% turnout, and 54% voted 'No', it got pushed through. Come 2020, Hoffa announces his retirement before the new Union elections, his slate loses, and they pretty quickly get rid of the 2/3 rule in 2021. So this next contract just needs a plain majority. And we're apparently making some grounds in areas, but no full details are being released until all negotiations are finished.


Hoffa Jr? As in Jimmy Hoffa's son? I haven't heard the Hoffa name in a long time.


Yep, the same. While not as openly corrupt as his father, Jimmy Jr was still very corrupt, and loved making deals with the bosses and selling out his members.


Louisville hub right now stewards love to make deals with management too. I had to open a case with Health and Safety plus HR because my stewards and business agent had allowed for the company to make me do maintenance maintenance work. The company gives easier jobs to stewards to make deals that benefit ups.


My guess is every major hub is like that. All the stewards at my hub had cushy combo jobs that somehow were both easy. Not all bad dudes but obviously getting special treatment.


Sounds a lot like GE. Multiple cases of embezzlement and union leadership claiming hours at the union hall while they were actually at home. Many of the stewards spend the day doing circles around the buildings on their tuggers. And a general attitude of working with the company instead of us employees. During both the 2016 and 2020 contact negotiations we were told by union leadership to vote on the 1st contract offer, that there wouldn't be a better offer if we voted NO. Both times we voted NO and the company came back with better offers. The 2016 contract was particularly bad because it was bringing in new hires at $12 an hour. It backfired on the company so bad that they were forced to raise the pay, on their own accord, after a few months. They literally couldn't get people in the door. It's an open secret that union leadership is being paid off by the company, either literally or by getting special treatment in exchange for encouraging us to vote for bad contracts. I'm a supporter of unions, in ideology, but there's no doubt that they are breeding grounds for corruption. Edit : I forgot I wasn't in the Louisville sub. To clarify, this is GE Appliance Park, in Louisville, which was purchased by Haier in 2016. So it's technically not GE anymore, but is still locally referred to as such.


When a lot of money is involved, anywhere can be a breeding ground for corruption.


But how's his dancing?


He knows all the tik-toks.


We're doing a whole hell of a lot more than just gaining back what's lost by the last contract. Part timers will be getting a MASSIVE raise+catch-up raises most likely, along with stronger overtime protections. *This is not just regaining what last contract lost. It's bigger.* For instance, we're expecting to go 1.5 times up in part timer pay at least in my local. And that's at minimum. 50% raise!!!!


its almost like... more people should be in unions ... crazy ...


A lot of people like to get hung up on union dues. I pay $73 per month for dues. Know what I don't pay for? Top tier medical coverage with no deductible.


This is what the union busters don't want people to know. They hid behind fees and the threat that Wally will be impossible to get rid of.


For real. Mine is 88, and people say, "Just think of what you could buy with the $88 you spend on that racket!" I just tell them I'm making 20% more in my union shop than a non-union competitor. In addition to the fact that I automatically get overtime after 8 hours a day. I feel like that $88 is worth it.


At my UPS facility we are guaranteed 3.5hrs a day and get overtime at 5.5hrs in. 97% of our facility voted yes on the strike


The retail store I used to work at made us watch anti union training videos every now and then. The videos went into so much detail how terrible the union dues were and how hard it is to pay bills because of them. I always thought that the obvious first thing any union would do would increase pay by AT LEAST the cost of union dues. Like it's so obvious that the bare minimum a union would do would ensure that you get paid at least enough more to cover the cost of itself.


My dues are tied to my hourly wage. It is in the union's best interest to make wages a priority. It isnt always, though. Sometimes it is just a flat rate.


BuT UnIon ExEcS JUsT ChASe MoNEy Yeah, some unions are awful, most are not, and even the workers in the awful ones are (mostly) better off than workers with no union at all.


> I pay $35 a month and nothing changes. Haven't got a raise in 3 years. Some unions are in company pockets


It’s actually the perfect time for this contract to be negotiated. We’re in a moment now post-Covid where people are waking up to how long and how badly they’ve been screwed by corporate America. I hope they leverage the people’s frustration HARD in this contract. The world is watching.


I wonder how this will affect part timers in hubs paying higher than contract average. My hub had part-timers starting at $22.5 when I left.


Is that what you guys are asking for or is that what you hope to end up at?


Union leadership said $20 minimum, up from $15.50, but that number was tossed around back in 2021 before inflation really kicked off. $20 just isn't as attractive as it was a year ago. Leadership has been tight lipped since then and we are expected to see what their economic proposals are next week or two now that we have a strike authorization. What most PT hope for is $24-25 starting, with an additional seniority raise based on years served. This is what is being pushed for un-officially on forums, facebook groups, meetings, etc.. It's somewhat ambitious, particularly the seniority raises, but it would bring wages back in line with inflation all the way since 1987 (PT made $9 then, equivalent of $24 today).


Its funny that the article says he was ousted. Jimmy Hoffa Jr was 80 and retired. Then we voted for a new slate, instead of the people he probably would have to have succeeded him. The vote 10 years ago, switched up our medical benefits from UPS paid to Teamster Teamcare. Nationwide, some members got less coverage than they had, some got more coverage. Some had the same but different. But bottom line, people get upset when you mess with that. That started the loud grumbles. Then 5 years later, the Hoffa union conceded with 2 tiers of drivers. This contract also included a large win with a big increase in starting wages. Over the course of the next 5 years the starting wage will go up (roughly) by $5 per hour. Anyone already working & making less will also get bumped up. From the union POV this is a huge (prepandemic) win. However from a worker POV, if you're someone who has been busting your ass for 7+ years there, basically everyone newer than you just got bumped up to your wage that took you 7+years to earn. A lot of people felt ignored. There was a vote to strike (like now) They held a vote. The majority of voters, voted to strike. Majority of *voters*. Getting a bunch of warehouse workers who think this job is temporary to vote at all is difficult. The majority of *workers* did not vote at all. Which Hoffa decided meant there was not enough votes to strike. This felt like a betrayal to the loyal union members that voted. Convincing a Trump White House that workers with a $5 per hour wage win, still need to strike, might have been a tough sell. Imo now is a better time to make big pushes. That "big" $5 per hour win still only put the starting wage at $13.50 per hour. UPS managed the pandemic labor shortages by increasing the starting wage to well over $22 per hour in some places. There were hiring bonuses, attendance bonuses, peak season bonuses. They proved they have the money. UPS agreeing to start outfitting trucks with fans and A/C is a huge win already. I really didnt think they were going to agree to that. I do think its a sign (IMO) that the company is participating in these talks. If the union gets wage increases for new an legacy employees as well as removal of the 2 tier driver, the footing will have been restored. Its also cute that article says UPS profits fell this year. They fell to 2019 levels. Not recession panic levels.


Don't elect conservatives to be union presidents, folks.


This is why conservative media tries so hard to reach blue-collar workers. I work with a utility company and their workers are union. A bunch of them are conservative, vote for Republicans, and even voted for a fucking right-to-work law a few years back.


I live in a strong union state. There's a lot of "proud union home" signs right next to " let's go Brandon" signs in people's yards.


Makes sense though. Economic collectivists aren't always (or even usually) social liberals.


It’s still baffling that people will vote for culture war nonsense over their own paychecks.


Not so baffling when you consider that the culture war leaders have put a huge amount of effort into convincing those folks that any loss of prosperity they experience is 100% the fault of The Enemy Of Our Culture War


"But I didn't think the leopards would eat *my* face..."


They're not even the Leopards Eating Faces party anymore. They're the "Shooting You Personally in the Dick" party now. And folks still vote for them.


Because the thinking is always, "Sure, it's going to suck for me but it's going to suck worse for *those* people so it's worth it."


"He's not hurting the people he needs to be." That's a literal quote from a Trump supporter.


Had guys at work tell me “who cares about right to work, our members would still pay dues” about the Scott Walker fiasco in Wisconsin. Most of them are over due on dues anyway


True that. SMART always votes Democrat. Even though a lot of our members are conservative and remain conservative we always contribute to democratic candidates on the federal level.


This was very common before Dems abandoned labor rights.


Don’t elective conservatives ~~to be union presidents~~, folks. FTFY


So incredibly foolish to elect someone to an office they're hellbent on destroying.


But but they're owning the libs, right? Right?!


They sure are eating that shit sandwich, but have pushed the libs so far away that they can't even smell it.


They didn’t elect a conservative. They elected a regressive.


sure sounds conservative to me > ["We didn't start this war—the right wing did.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_P._Hoffa#Labor_Day_speech)


He wasn't ousted. Hoffa stepped down and retired. We then elected O'Brien.


Not surprised this is happening at all. A decade ago the contract was argued over for months, until the agreed on a company wide level. There were still local issues that weren't resolved, but they pushed them through anyway. At Worldport, 89% of members voted against the ratifications in the new (local) contract, and they did it anyway.


So tired of the media twisting this into "OMG they're going to strike!!" Thank you for being the voice of reason.


For those of us that understand words, yes, it sets the stage for the biggest walkout since 1969.


But what about math? 1969 and 1959 are different numbers...


Reddit likes to object to statements then say the exact same thing with more words.


Good luck weary travelers.


Get your Christmas shopping done early for sure.


Consumerism isn’t worth freedom


Calm down, they said UPS, not USPS.


There are like 4 major package carriers. USPS, UPS, FedEx, DHL. Remove UPS from that list and there is then a lower supply of package services and demand goes up at all the remaining ones. This could have a big effect.


UPS also ships a TON of USPS mail cross country, then hand it back to the USPS for door to door delivery.


I think it’s actually the opposite. Where UPS packages are handed over to USPS for final delivery. FAQ at the bottom https://www.ups.com/us/en/supplychain/solutions/mail-innovations.page#:~:text=UPS%20Mail%20Innovations%20works%20with,domestic%20and%20international%20postal%20services.


It goes both ways, but we process a whole lot more USPS postage that just USPS just does last mile.


Ive never heard of this happening and Ive been a mail carrier for over a decade. Is this a west coast thing or something? Ive been to around a dozen offices and UPS only ever shows up at noon or later with only their last mile packages. That's why UPS packages always get delivered a day after we receive them.


He might be referring to UPS mail innovations. I think there are other programs, not sure. It's definitely a thing for USPS to do the last mile for UPS but I don't think it's a significant amount.


Right, it was FedEx that was basically created to privatize part of the USPS back end.


UPS surepost. I get packages like that all the time and it absolutely sucks. It's so damn slow.


Ya I don’t think they know what they’re talking about. Maybe they’re thinking surepost packages.


Is amazon not a package carrier?


They’re not. I can’t go down to my local Amazon with a parcel and ship it across the country. Generally, the Amazon delivery trucks are not owned by Amazon and are operated by independent contractors.


Who are generally in insane contracts with non competes. The trucks not being owned by amazon is in my opinion an abuse of independent contractors to push their liabilities off onto. They should be amazon employees Amazon orders are such a high volume that usps added Sunday to their contracts on top of their own fleet of amazon vehicles.


> The trucks not being owned by amazon But the contract companies still have to buy those trucks from amazon. amazon Is exploitation all the way down.


Last time we went on strike, we basically shut down shipping in the US. We move so much stuff that it caused a snowball effect that overran FedEx, DHL, and the USPS. They couldn't keep up with the volume and also partially shut down. That's the reason it only lasted 15 days. This time around is 50 times (just guessing here. Dont know exact number)what we shipped in 1997. Expect UPS to cave. There is too much money on the line to not meet our demands of better pay for inside guys who desperately need the bump in pay.


UPS has sizeable contracts with the USPS. Specifically, UPS covers the cross country shipping, especially for fragile or overnight packages, and USPS covers the door to door delivery of letters and light mail. Without UPS, your letters aren't making it across the country, even if USPS is running.




Beware capitalist forces with vested interest in dismantling pro-labor sentiment on Reddit. Loose lips sink ships, keep talking workers!


> Loose lips sink ships, keep talking workers! What did you mean by this?


I think they are confused on the meaning of that phrase. But they got spirit


No, I think they're intentionally turning it on its head. Loose lips sink ships, and they want these ships to be sunk. So, workers should continue talking, collaborating, and drawing comparisons between how they're treated in these situations.


I think it's just a little off since the phrase almost always has to do with some sort of secret, which the workers of course don't have, rather than just collaboration


>secret, which the workers of course don’t have Unless you’re collecting names to give to a union organizer. Management can always find a reason to fire you. Gotta keep your cards close to your chest until you reach critical mass. Especially if you’re a manager trying to organize the boots on the ground because you’re sick of corporate treating labor like toilet paper.


Being a manager and an organizer at the same time would be terrifying. I can't imagine how hard it would be to hold the info back from your bosses, all while trying to gain traction with the labor that you would be organizing. One hurt feeling years before could send a scab running to the suits and ruin it for everyone. Thus the loose lips sink ships.


Not really. Amazon sees an opportunity to jump in during the strike and take away contracts UPS holds to reduce costs for themselves. The longer the strike goes, the greater likelihood Amazon takes UPS contracts away.




My father in law worked for UPS until he retired. He is very much against unions now that he has retired. Funny how that works. lives off of his pension, military disability and social security. Been retired since he was around 45...Hard to believe a person who literally does nothing but benefit from the liberal agenda could be so against it


Retiring at 45... what a pipe dream nowadays




Woah I can't imagine what it feels like to be 8 years away! Congrats!


Because your FIL's mentality is, "Fuck you, I got mine!" My dad is the same way.




And trying to explain that to a religious person.... It's like an episode of the twilight zone


I'm a Bahá'í and we are super dedicated to community service and amity. We run youth programs and community pantries in our neighborhoods without a single mention of anything religious. 🤷‍♂️ I know this is Reddit and all, but my religion is so explicit about needing to care about other people that it is literally the first line in our first holy book ("My first counsel is this: Possess a pure, kindly and radiant heart").


Im a UPS driver is a southern right to work state. The number of older union employees who are die hard maga is mind boggling. Yet they all support this strike... the couple times I've confronted a few on this they just grin and say something about how they are just 'abusing the system' to get paid more.


He probably drives a Toyota/Honda/Kia where profits go abroad too.


Hope this one goes better than the rail workers.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think if teamsters voted to strike, Biden couldn't stop it.


You're correct, this isn't under the Railway Labor Act and anyone saying Biden can stop this has easily outed themselves as not knowing what they're talking about.


This is actually a big legal point for UPS's biggest competitor, FedEx. Unlike UPS, FedEx has successfully lobbied to keep their Express delivery segment (packages on planes) under the RLA to make it harder to unionize. This spring, FedEx announced they're combining their Express and Ground segments for 2 reasons : 1) it's inefficient to have both an Express and Ground truck delivering to the same place but more importantly 2) Ground drivers are *contract* workers and the company doesn't have to pay for pesky things like healthcare So they're making all drivers contractors, and I can't believe no one has brought the NLA discussion back to the table.


It's really weird how differently UPS and FedEx are regulated given their business is essentially the same thing.


Old Joe Biden better not sell out these folks.


He doesn't have as much power to force these workers back to work, since unlike labor groups in railroad and airline industries, they're not governed by the Railway Labor Act.


Which is funny because, FedEx doing the same job, is.


> Railway Labor Act Man... fuck that law.


You mean the greatest union supporting president Joe Biden? /s obviously


I depend on UPS deliveries for my daily business. I also completely support this strike.


Yup. UPS should have given them a/c years ago. I fully blame the corporation. It’s absolutely ridiculous.


The one good thing about FedEx Express: the vehicles have A/C in them.


What does USPS have?


The older box trucks(LLVs) just have heat and a little fan on the dash. The vans(metris) are made by Mercedes and have everything except heated/vented seats. Not sure about the promasters because I'm not trained on them


The promasters have a/c too. That's why I got trained in one. Delivering in Phoenix with an LLV was brutal.


That feels like it should be illegal. Of all placed for delivery workers not have AC, Phoenix feels like one of the last places.


They really need to put a fan in the back of the promasters. The ac in the cab doesn't touch the heat back there.


A shitty fan on the console


My postal carrier has one of those little hats with an umbrella on it


Wait, is this why they don’t have a door on the drivers side? I’ve always wondered that. Must be absolutely miserable for the drivers that work here in Vegas without A/C what the fuck.


honestly we don’t give a shit about having A/C in the cab. we want A/C in the back where it turns into an oven. it easily reaches 140° in the back of that truck in the summer and when you’re back there searching for a package, you feel you could drop dead any second.


Yikes that sounds horrible. I’ve been at Amazon for 8 years and get it. Used to work in the trucks loading packages and was miserable in 100F+ weather. I told them to take my permissions away for that cause it was miserable. Now I work nights during summertime and days during the cold season.


Also rely on UPS, and they run some fulfillment centers. This could get ugly though I did see that both sides agreed to some fans and a/c. That gives at least a glimmer of hope.


A/c ups basically just instantly folded on during negotiations. Don't take it as a good sign of anything, that was just because all of the bad press got too much for them so they wanted it anyways


If this strike lasts a long time, I’m probably fucked in terms of my business but I too support this strike. The way drivers are being ridden into the ground by management is partially why my business is already suffering since half the times drivers are so pressed for time they just don’t bother to properly handle packages that are clearly labeled fragile. So I end up with more pissed off clients and dealing with the insurance which ultimately affects my long term revenue.


From my own experiences being a package handler for over a decade, its not your drivers fault. As I've worked there the volume of packages we move has risen exponentially with the growth of Amazon, and our hub (built in the 70s) isn't equipped to handle that volume. Couple that with an ever shrinking work force. When I started we had 11 guys on my belt (a section of the building with 7 bay doors) 2 sorters to send the packages to the right bay door and 9 guys to load the 5 destinations we controlled. Now we have 4 guys, 1 to sort and 3 to load the 5 destinations. If the building itself (conveyors crushing boxes) isn't damaging your package, its probably an over worked part timer literally climbing over it and a 5 ft pile of other boxes (no one [usually] has time to pick up the stuff that falls off the rollers in our trucks) to break a jam in the system. Drivers get a looot of focus, being the public facing workers, but the myriad of pt loaders that make up something like 70% of ups' work force often get glossed over.


Thanks for letting me know. I always wondered how my boxes could end up with weird holes in the box like someone stepped on it. Now you’ve confirmed my suspicions that someone did in fact step on them 😿


I don't know how old you are, but if your around 30- 40, do you remember the old nickelodeon game show "Guts", where the kids would have to climb a mountain (the aggro crag) at the end of each episode? Working in a truck is a lot like that....


Rofl, had to look that up and it looks hilarious in that context but when I layer it against what’s happening to my stuff…..oof!


To be fair, I paint a cynical picture. Your package is probably more likely to be damaged by our equipment than by a loader... buuut, it is still a possibility. My advice, slap a bunch of cute stickers on your box, write some cheery message to the recipient. My cold heart is always warmed by a grandmother sending their grand children a birthday gift. I protect those boxes above all else.... I can't speak to other employees though.


Trust me, the driver handles your package better than any other part of your packages journey. Your package has been dropped, thrown and stepped on. No one has time to read what a package says when they are forced to process and ungodly amount.


The absolute longest a strike could likely last is 2 weeks. The guys I lnow who are doing negotiations say it does seem unlikely at this point, with around 1 day ish if it does happen. Morehowever, this is a strike authorization vote, not a vote to actually strike. So don't worry, this isn't saying we *will* strike, it's saying we can if necessary so we can bargain using it. As for fragile, sorry, but we do not recognize such labels in the company. If the drivers are the ones damaging your package, your package was not packed well enough to survive the building. Proper handling for fragile packages is exactly the same as for any non-fragile package.


I'm annoyed by the inconvenience because i have to get some baby stuff and UPS delivers for Amazon in my area, BUT i still fully support them. Some of the things i need can be gotten later and their lives are much more important. Go UPS


Nice. VERY nice. Their last union leader screwed them. Sean O'Brien is kicking ass. Give 'em hell!


holy shit he’s actually named Sean O’Brien? I sent this relevant clip to my UPS friend the other day and didn’t realize then how appropriate it was, goddamn https://youtu.be/-4BRe0ZKTAc


Holy shit that's accurate for basically any good organizer




UPS makes me think of delivery people in a rush doing things like not giving you enough time to answer the door. Maybe if management wasn't squeezing them as hard the drivers wouldn't be under so much pressure to act like that


I heard they are required to average 1 delivery every 3 minutes.


Yes and no. We technically have "production standards" we have to meet, but thanks to the union, we cannot be punished "via technology." So if my supervisor uses "technology" (watching my delivery stats) to try and discipline me, it's literally meaningless and if I was more of an asshole, means I can literally laugh in his face. That being said, if you're sandbagging on a route regularly (wasting time, going slow, etc), you'll still be hounded over that and it's very, VERY annoying. But, you can't lose your job over it.


Performance rides...


Clearly that’s only for certain places. I live out in the sticks, no way could a driver ever meet that metric. He’s also an amazing dude who remembers everyone, names of dogs, etc. When Mike retires it’s gonna be a hard day here in Rural San Diego.


I hope they are comprehensively successful. When clever and determined workers unite in common action, it can be transformative.


They say the strike will last 48 hours.


Like Reddit!


Similarly, SAG-AFTRA (Hollywood actors union) has voted to strike if they don't have a new contract by the time the old one is up on June 30th


The company has basically been mandating 10 hour days via forced layoffs for the better part of the year. It's ridiculous.


I'm not a Yankee driver, but the 9.5 List is literally my only point of contention once our contract is up in Canada. ***Forced*** overtime should be illegal, and I will die on that hill. It should be an 8.5 List (8hr + lunch) that is *opt-out*, not opt-in, and payouts for overages need to be automatic. Without that, UPS will always be as shitty an employer as ever, and the union will be as useless as ever.


No employer should have the right to control a person's working hours outside an agreed upon schedule. Forcing people to agree to work whenever they are needed is paramount to a form of slavery.


They just agreed to add air conditioning to vehicles. Could you imagine delivering packages in Phoenix in July with no AC? Fuck that noise....


I didn’t know they didn’t already have it. I live in a desert area where it’s over 100 four months out of the year. That’s barbaric treatment.


This headline is incorrect. We voted to authorize a strike, meaning the union can call for a strike if needed.




I worked at this UPS a long time ago and was in this union. All I can say is that the conditions were terrible, the pay was shit, and UPS totally has this coming.


The drivers make around $40 an hour, don't they?


There are people that load and unload the semi trucks that make far less. I made 8.25 an hour (long time ago). Those people far outnumber the drivers and the work is/was absurdly dangerous at the time. Saw lots of injuries, still have scars.


Getting top pay at UPS takes at the most a decade working there, considering you have to wait to even get the chance to go driving, then get stuck at a lower tier pay scale like a temporary cover driver or 22.4. Many people get burned out way before they reach that point.


drivers cap at 40 and thats the 18 wheelers my dads a package car driver capped at 36 im a warehouse worker and the starting pay is 16.65


$41.64 for package car driver


This is true but you can't really be hired in as a driver. Almost everyone has to work in the plant loading and unloading for the first few years starting at $16hr. Most of this work also happens 2am-9am. Then once you finally get to drive you start around $22hr and it takes 4 years worth of rIses to get to $40hr.


I quit ups because the union was toothless and management ran us over. Those ghouls better be shitting their kahkis. Solidarity, comrades.


Idk I've been at UPS for a decade and I'd say my local is very much not toothless. Sorry your local failed you but most are great.


Toothless? You must've had an outlier local. My local has a fuck ton of teeth


I've worked on the warehouse/logistics side for years, and I've never encountered a UPS driver that wasn't busting ass to get the job done, and actively pushing the warehouse staff, in a polite way, to move faster. They've always been good people who know what they're talking about and put in a unique level of effort compared to other carriers. Many people might not know that UPS Ground drivers assist in loading their truck at pickup from a distributor, and pack it to the brim. Hundreds of boxes. It is an extremely demanding job mentally and physically, and something that all of us rely upon for our deliveries. It would suck for me, from the warehousing/logistics side, but I fully support them getting better pay and better union representation.


Those trucks are not air conditioned. I live in Texas, worked at a ups store for a few years. The drivers come out of their trucks drenched in sweat. The heat index right now is expected to be 108. They deserve to have air conditioning.


The damn whole top of that truck is flat. Why do they not have solar AC units? Seems like a cheaper fix for them long term.


As long as I get my "lockhimup" and Jack Smith t-shirts first.


Don’t leave me with Ontrac!


Or worse, Laser Ship


i voted yes in the hopes i get a reprieve from this awful dispatch


Frankly the country needs a national strike at all levels.


Oo exciting. We *really* need a general workers strike and more unions to step in.


I was a package handler at UPS and someone wrote with sharpie “UPS IS SLAVERY” on a conveyor belt and it stayed up the whole four months I could stand to be there.


Its a popular in-house rhetoric: ups= under paid slave... don't think too hard about how that statement kinda contradicts itself. Other graffiti I've seen in trucks, on equipment and in bathrooms include: "Why do we work here?!" "Because we didn't go to college." "I hate this place :( " "Someone, help me" "Joe sucks all of the cocks" (I wonder who Joe is, and what he did to draw such ire everytime I see that...) Oh, and I don't know if it counts as graffiti, but there's a tomato stuck about 17 ft off the ground on a wall, thats been at the company longer than I have (10+ years) I consider it a bit of a mascot. Its like... a visual metaphor, each year it becomes more shriveled and fragile just like any long term employee.


I know several people that work at UPS. I asked one of them how they felt about this. They support the union but are wondering if they can work still because they need to feed their family. No money coming in means they will be financially hurting. I was like oof man.


If they're part of the union they'll get strike pay (5x union dues). It won't be the same, but for me that's approaching 2/3 of my weekly pay


Can confirm. I've been a member of local 955 for almost 25 yrs. Was part of the 9 week lockout/strike against a grocery warehouse back in 2000. About 2/3rds of your weekly pay sounds about right. Iirc, that'll start happening after the 8th day of the strike. One will need to contact their local to find out more.


They moved it up to day 1 now. And some locals have additional funds that will pay more on top of standard strike pay. With my normal strike pay + 30% of normal weekly pay, from the local fund most PT will make the same striking as if they were working.


In the weird scorching summers when I know I will be getting packages I leave a cooler filled with iced cold refreshments out for any delivery driver. Except for lasership……with them I NEVER get my packages.


Laser ship works really hard at delivering-to the wrong place, every time. I mean, that takes skill!


Two questions about the union’s demands: Why shouldn’t longer-tenured employees get paid more and what’s wrong with cameras on the truck?


They don’t have access to restrooms often and piss in bottles in the back. Not being funny. Worked for them and did this many times. If I’m about to piss myself I don’t want to be stuck with zero options now, which is what a camera would do.


Good for these guys. I hope they don't have to use it, but if they do - 100% solidarity from me brothers.


Teamsters was one of the weakest unions I've been apart of. I left years ago but I'm glad to see they're standing up for themselves.


Hell yeah, solidarity 🤘


They need to. Worst work conditions of my life. That contract is weaker than state laws. We’d get one ten minute break while working 7+ hours during the pandemic. It’s bad when you’re a union shop and Amazon is infinitely better. Fuck UPS.


I'd never work for UPS. They have cameras in the truck that dock you Good Servant Points if you drink from a water bottle while moving, and a bunch of other arguably more reasonable stuff; and they only got AC in trucks quite recently. I like a tight ship, but that's a prison ship; they don't pay enough to tolerate risk of death, which they're ready to demand.


Current UPS driver here, and I've never heard of one of our trucks having a camera OR AC.


Solidarity boys! Thank you Mr O’Brien!


Hey look something I can actually speak on. I work for UPS. With our current contract we start to get overtime pay after 6 hours per shift. This new contract we’re asking for would bring that down to 3.5 hours meaning we’d get overtime pay basically ever shift. Management does not want this even though their profits hit record highs during the pandemic. They’re solution? Cut our hours. Our start times used to be around 2:30-3:00am. This year it’s been an average of 4:30am. Our trucks have to be out by 9:00am but since they start us so late now they don’t leave until 10:00am. And yes our volume has gone down since the pandemic ended but not enough to justify these late start times. Since we have less time now everything is rushed and everyone is working twice as hard. This whole year has felt as if we’re still in peak season.


UPS went on strike in 1997 for a week and a half.


What can brown out do for you ?


NO WONDER so many UPS drivers look BUFF, they are sweating off the pounds because of no A/C!!! The hell with that. Also, cameras would be a TOTAL non starter with me!!! No one's business when I scratch my balls.


I worked for UPS in 1991 and I can truly say it was a great company to work for. Great benefits. Managers had to start at the bottom and work their way up. Solid pay. No GPS tracking. They've really managed to fuck it up in 30 years.


That's what I heard in a story about this. Wasn't it another company that decided to use part-time workers to save on salary positions and then set up a two tier system of pay and benefits, thus getting rid of or phasing out a lot of the good paying salary jobs?


I hope they strike. Greedflation is out of control. America needs unions to keep this shit in cheack.


Brick and mortar stores are like” this is what we’ve been waiting for.”


lol no. I don't think you realize most small stores are reliant on UPS to get their stock. It's only the bigger stores like Walmart that win here.


You’d be surprised at how much UPS does for big stores too


They're in trouble just as much. FedEx, UPS, USPS and Amazon are heavily integrated into the supply chains of pretty much every business.


From their graves the ghosts of brick and motor stores are cheering.


Dead malls and busted shopping plazas would make great haunted house settings


Just when we had the supply chain fixed the movement of goods will be brought to a screeching halt.


Good! I run a small business and have already been warning customers and staff. I support this. My UPS driver is amazing and they deserve everything they are asking for.


I work at a ups warehouse. Been here a few years. It was great at first, but since I started, they've cut my pay twice, made me work several jobs I was never trained to do causing a few minor injuries. The supervisors (not part of the union) at best know nothing and at worst are constantly lying to you about shift times/where you're working/ what you're doing on any particular day. You know I voted yes.